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Member Since 25 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 18 2016 12:49 AM

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In Topic: Project StingRay modding log

14 October 2016 - 05:16 PM

it's for the sake of running my esc's near 100% throttle, as that actually keeps heat down compared to low throttle.

additionally, the kv rating of the motors is what dfetermined my battery choice, and the smaller inrunner motors were chosen such that i would not have to replicate and match flywheel balances for modded flywheels fitted over outrunner motors. the motors themselves have plenty of torque and the extra torque of outrunners was not neccesary. in addition, there's the fabrication of a custom FWC pair that would hold outrunners which i did not wish to do.


each application is different. my 9000kv motors spin at around 32k rpm for the first stage and 64k rpm on their final stage. additionally the servo i use is a HV servo, and 7.2v is the highest voltage it is rated for to provide good torque and speed of actuation.


i designed and calculated around the overall match of the sysem's components servo, which led to the motor/ESC/servo/battery selections

In Topic: Project StingRay modding log

08 October 2016 - 11:00 PM

Apologies in advance for the double post.


I have an update to this project that is fairly major.

after noise issues and flywheel burning/grip issues, I've decided to swap over to worker wheels and a brushless setup. feed issues as well meant that I settled on a telescoping brass dart guide that will keep the two FWC's aligned properly. with all the trimming i have had to do on the FWC's, a few spacers have let me slightly cant the flywheels in both cages. The battery voltage has come down to 7.2 instead of the 3s that was installed initially due to the brushless motors' kv ratings. This reduces voltage regulation circuits and makes the overall circuit much more compact.


List of things I must finish:
- clearance boxes in the other half of the shell to clear the motors

- ammo counting program (possibly will run on a separate arduino nano from the main arduino due to memory constraints)



In Topic: Modding a RapidStrike, Battery/Motor Help

06 October 2016 - 04:31 AM

Apparently the artifact flywheels are difficult to tune and adjust due to the very malleable consistency of the material they are made of. best of luck. i'd recommend getting high torque magnets on the pusher motor so that motor braking is quicker and snappier. flywheel motors look like they'll be fine how you've planned this out.

any end goals for this blaster or is it more of a "i'm building it just cuz i can"?

In Topic: Modding a Modulus, suggestions on motor and lipo?

26 September 2016 - 07:13 AM

nope. rhinos aren't gonna be quieter especially since you're gonna be running at a higher voltage.

but if you wanna go cheap and your'e confident you can open up and reassemble a motor, i usggest buying some good carbon brushes and neodymium magnets for the stock motors. the can and armature aren't bad by much of a stretch, it's just the metal brushes and weak magnets that make them rev slowly and have current-handling issues.

brushes: http://www.kenonhobb...cs_p_43261.html

magnets: http://www.kenonhobb...et_p_43237.html

In Topic: Custom Motor Cage

26 September 2016 - 07:08 AM

I have some code that might be useful, depending on how you make the blaster. of course it'll need modification to work for you.


though its behavior still separates flywheel trigger and actual trigger into two stages and programming-locks firing into the condition that the flywheel switch is being pushed.


these arduino code files are from my stingrayven project.