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Member Since 12 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 26 2015 02:07 AM

Topics I've Started


19 February 2012 - 10:24 PM

First post here, thought I might make it interesting:
A bunch of months back, I tried to build my first homemade nerf gun. It was awful. Had a massive 2" shell, was over 2 ft long, and the trigger worked only after hours of prayer and peaceful meditation on the good fortune of each shot.
Anyways, last week, I was doodling in class and found a MUCH better way to construct it, simply by making a few components share a tube instead of sitting a tube inside a tube inside a tube (long story).

The current build looks like a Sten gun of WW2, and I hope to keep that motif cos I like the way it looks right now.
Here is how it will look when all is fit inside of it:
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As you can see, it's fairly compact, only about a foot long at the moment, though I plan to add a cheap stock for coolness.
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Here are the internals laid out as they would be at rest. It is compatible with the N-strike clip (saves time and money for meeeee), cos that fits nicely over the brass slide. Spring is from an old Big Bad Bow. The mechanism works by pushing back both the front wall of the plunger tube and the plunger itself with the handle protruding from the bolt, the plunger locks on the trigger, the bolt slides back forwards, and then it is fired.
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Here is the bolt/plunger wall. The handle is to be screwed into the side such that it'll look roughly like this. It needs to stick forwards as otherwise the slot to accommodate it would extend into the plunger tube, causing a fairly bad leak.

The end of the gun ends in a female threaded coupling for 1/2" PVC, so I am free to experiment with different barrel lengths or attachments.

Hope it works, I'll post more news when it comes, yah?