the behemoth
get your stock longshot
also you have to have at least one and half feet of cpvc a deploy (ar removed of course)lsfg barreling and glue lots of it on to the mod first completly gut the longshot of everything (including the bolt) but leave the trigger and catch
now to the plunger take the bolt sled off if you didnt already then take the barrel completly out of the plunger you see that black piece yeah take the barrel comletly out of that and put the cpvc in then fill the gap with hot glue then put it back in the plunger remember that lsfg barreling glue it on to the cpvc so that the cpvc is sticking out a little it add the springs you want i did ls,nf,and a recon spring in there now use a saw or dremil on the longshot all the way to the back of the clip holder this is where the deploy will go then screw the longshot back together and pull out some liquid nails adhesive for the caulc gun and were going to glue the deploy on but first rip off the back stock of the deploy and then its ready to glue on it should look like this after its finished and painted
this takes any dart and gets great ranges
longshot 100ft
deploy 50ft
first writeup so tell me how i did
some random hobo
Member Since 11 Sep 2011Offline Last Active Mar 15 2012 03:16 PM