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Member Since 17 May 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 03 2023 11:22 PM

Topics I've Started

Houston Summer War 2016

11 June 2016 - 10:17 AM


Location: Humble City Park/Schott Park

8510 Will Clayton Drive Humble, TX 77396
Date/Time: Saturday, July 16th, 10:00 AM - Whenever

If you are coming off 59, park in the FIRST parking lot you get to (before the sign, even). We'll be over by the alpine trail in the nice, wooded area with lots of shade and cover. If you need better directions, PM me and I'll give you my number.

What to bring:
-Eye Protection (seriously, guys, let's not get hurt). If you have multiple pairs of safety glasses, please bring them along, just in case.
-Blasters: Primary, Secondary, Pistols, Etc.
-Loaners: If we get a group of newcomers, these will be very important.
-Stuff for trading. Work it out in this thread or just bring some choice items. Most of us have a decent collection, so bringing a bunch of crap will just wear you out.
-Bring your own hydration and lots of it. It's gonna be hot.
-Darts. Lots of them. There's practically no grass where we've been playing, but you will lose some.
-Good attitude, but that goes without saying.

What Not to Bring:
-Overly powerful blasters, like a singled Titan or whatnot.
-Crap darts. No exposed metal, please. I personally don't care if you're shooting slugs or domes or stock darts or what have you, but let's not go crazy.
-Camo/Black/Realistic blasters. Historically this hasn't been a problem.

Games played: Lots of free-for-all 3:15, some team/wingman games, the rest depends on attendance. If we get a decent size group, objective games will be played heavily.



+1 (from youtube)



Ganarndy + #



Neeko Paladin

6 from facebook event

Houston Area Christmas War CANCELLED

10 December 2015 - 08:28 AM



Location: Humble City Park/Schott Park
8510 Will Clayton Drive Humble, TX 77396
Date/Time: Saturday, December 26th, 10:00 AM - Whenever

If you are coming off 59, park in the FIRST parking lot you get to (before the sign, even). We'll be over by the alpine trail in the nice, wooded area with lots of shade and cover. If you need better directions, PM me and I'll give you my number.

What to bring:
-Eye Protection (seriously, guys, let's not get hurt). If you have multiple pairs of safety glasses, please bring them along, just in case.
-Blasters: Primary, Secondary, Pistols, Etc.
-Loaners: If we get a group of newcomers, these will be very important.
-Stuff for trading. Work it out in this thread or just bring some choice items. Most of us have a decent collection, so bringing a bunch of crap will just wear you out.
-Bring your own hydration.
-Darts. Lots of them. There's practically no grass where we've been playing, but you will lose some.
-Good attitude, but that goes without saying.

What Not to Bring:
-Overly powerful blasters, like a singled Titan or whatnot.
-Crap darts. No exposed metal, please. I personally don't care if you're shooting slugs or domes or stock darts or what have you, but let's not go crazy.
-Camo/Black/Realistic blasters. Historically this hasn't been a problem.

Games played: Lots of free-for-all 3:15, some team/wingman games, the rest depends on attendance. If we get a decent size group, objective games will be played heavily.
ilikefish58 +1

Houston Area Thanksgiving War Take 2

26 November 2015 - 11:53 AM

Hell with it.  On, Saturday, my wife and I will be out here around 1:00.  If no one shows up by 1:30, we'll probably shoot each other a few times and leave.




Location: Humble City Park/Schott Park
8510 Will Clayton Drive Humble, TX 77396
Date/Time: Saturday, November 28th, 1:00 PM - Whenever

If you are coming off 59, park in the FIRST parking lot you get to (before the sign, even). We'll be over by the alpine trail in the nice, wooded area with lots of shade and cover. If you need better directions, PM me and I'll give you my number.

What to bring:
-Eye Protection (seriously, guys, let's not get hurt). If you have multiple pairs of safety glasses, please bring them along, just in case.
-Blasters: Primary, Secondary, Etc.
-Loaners: If we get a group of newcomers, these will be very important.
-Stuff for trading. Work it out in this thread or just bring some choice items. Most of us have a decent collection, so bringing a bunch of crap will just wear you out.
-Bring your own hydration.
-Darts. Lots of them. There's practically no grass where we've been playing, but you will lose some.
-Good attitude, but that goes without saying.

What Not to Bring:
-Overly powerful blasters, like a singled Titan or whatnot.
-Crap darts. No exposed metal, please. I personally don't care if you're shooting slugs or domes or stock darts or what have you, but let's not go crazy.
-Camo/Black/Realistic blasters. Historically this hasn't been a problem.

Games played: Lots of free-for-all 3:15, some team/wingman games, the rest depends on attendance. If we get a decent size group, objective games will be played heavily.

Firestrike Rifle

19 February 2013 - 11:10 PM

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tools needed:
-Dremel with a cutting disc and sanding drum

-Nitefinder (yeah, its cheating. The Firestrike plunger head is a bit big for the PETG and I sort of already had the NF rifle parts done)
-Screws (with corresponding tap) I used 8/32.
-1" PETG. I get mine at PETCO in the aquarium section.
-1/2" cpvc coupler
-8732K13 3/8" square nylon bar. You'll only need a foot. I used about 9.5".

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Open up your firestrike. You'll see this.
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Lift up the LED light and lift the plungertube and the front pieces out of the shell. It'll all come out as one piece.
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So, uh, like I said, I already had the NF rifle parts built, so I don't have in progress pics of it, so hopefully I can explain it well enough. Its very straight forward.
Take apart your nitefinder. All you need is the plunger assembly. Take the plunger head off, take the screw out, and set it aside. Carefully drill and tap a hole in the center of one of the ends of your nylon rod. Enlarge the existing screw hole in the Nitefinder plunger head if necessary, then screw the NF plunger head onto the nylon rod. You can kinda see it here.
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Set that aside and go back to the firestrike assembly. Take the plunger rod and cut it at the back. Take care not to damage the catch.
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Take the catch off and don't lose it. Toss the rest. Now you need to decide how long you want your [k26]. Some people like to use full springs, but personally, I think that makes the PT a bit long, so I usually cut them down to somewhere around 7". That decision will affect how long your 1" PETG PT will be. Cut the PETG 1-2" longer than the spring. Wrap your 1/2" cpvc coupler in E-tape until it fits in the 1" PETG, surround it with goop, and insert it about halfway into the PETG. Take your drill and screw in three screws to hold the coupler in. They also act as a dart stop, should you vacuum load. Slip your [k26] onto the nylon rod, then drop the firestrike catch on top of that. Lube up your plunger head and gingerly insert it into the 1" PETG.
Now look at your firestrike shell. There are little nubs on each side. Sand them down. Also cut about half of the hole on the light off.
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Now align the nitefinder rifle plungertube assembly you've made into the shell. Close up the shell. You should probably screw it together. Now pull the nylon rod as far back as you can and mark the nylon rod with a sharpie right next to the shell. Open the shell back up and take out the plunger tube assembly. Take the plunger out of the tube and take the spring off the nylon rod. Put the rod back into the tube and align it back into the firestrike shell. Pull the nylon rod out to where the mark you made is right at the edge of the shell, where it was when the spring was at full compression. Mark where the catch is when the plunger rod is in this position and cut it out with a dremel. Note the shape from this picture.
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Now wrap your 1" PETG plunger tube with E-tape until it fits snug behind the screw port. Take the front piece from the firestrike and cut off the part that covers the light halfway where it sits on the screw ports like so.
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Fit it back into the shell beneath the plungertube. All you need now is a catch spring. I used one of these cut to size. You may need to shave the spring guide on the catch down a bit.
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Now close up the blaster. It is complete, but alas, it doesn't have a priming handle yet. Decide how close you want the priming handle. Make sure you push the plunger rod all the way forward when you measure. You can go two ways here. You can either screw on a tee or a piece of cpvc or you can cut off the back of the Nitefinder plunger rod and drill a hole and screw it into the back of the Nylon rod. Its a matter of preference - they're the same, performance wise.

And you should be done.
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Again, apologies for not having pics for a good writeup for the standard nitefinder rifle stuff, but its pretty easy, so yeah.

Now make yourself some speedloaders (I use 9.5" ones) and you have a great backup primary or loaner. Ranges are juuust over 100'. Standard NF rifle range in a smaller, newer package.


10 June 2012 - 05:45 PM

Date: July 22, 2012
Location: Hensel Park, 200 Nagle Street, College Station, Tx
Time: noon to dark

Definites (5+):

Maybes (2):

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Whats that? Two Texas summer wars? Say it ain't so! This will be a typical College Station war - expect mostly deathmatch, maybe a bit of CTF or other simple objective games. Not sure how many locals will make it but survey says that there are a few who might be willing to come out.

Lunch has not been planned out yet, although there are numerous nearby restaurants/fast food joints. The last two TANGOs, we've gone to CiCis afterwards, and you probably don't know, but at A&M, they say, "Once you do something twice, its a tradition." So if nothing else, bring like $7 for CiCis.

I think we're going to do away with "Pistol" rounds and just go with "Awful/Sub-par" rounds since that's what typically goes down anyway.

Obviously, no singled titans or anything stupid like that. If you wouldn't want to get shot by it, don't bring it.

Shields are allowed, though if you decide to use one, you'll be restricted to a melee weapon.

Most of the locals that come out have stock or very lightly modded blasters, though there will be a bunch of us with high powered stuff. Don't be afraid to come out with lower powered stuff.

Please try to bring decent darts. I've never had to ban any, but if your darts are poorly made/dangerous, they'll be spot-banned.

Eye protection will be mandatory for those under 18. Optional if you're older, but strongly recommended. Personally, I wear an iron-man mask as well so my face doesn't get destroyed by high powered stuff (I've taken a hit from a 150' shooting SNAP right between the eyes. Don't want to repeat that.)

Bring anything and everything you would even consider trading/selling. We'll probably be taking a lot of breaks, due to the heat, so we'll have some downtime to buy/trade/sell.

On that note, it is more than a month away, but I can promise you temperatures will be in the high 90s possibly breaking 100s. Bring a lot of fluids - water, gatorade, etc.

Hope to see y'all there.