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Member Since 17 May 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 08 2014 02:22 PM

Topics I've Started

Screwed up delete!

03 August 2011 - 03:21 AM

Double post. Using my iPhone and accidentally screwed up. Please delete.

Washington Warfare 2

03 August 2011 - 03:18 AM

Were Back!!
Round 2 is about to begin!
We had a small adtendandce the last war, but hopefully we won't have rain this time. Anyway let's start planning. also, 4 out of the 6 Crazydays561 members will be there!!! So if you want to meet us, now and at this war is the time.
December 17th
We are also doing admission this time. $5 on paypal, or $10 at the event. This is to cover prizes we will be giving away.

Location: Magnolia park Park page (tells you how to get there)
If you look it up on google maps it is the second park from the bridge, facing Elliot bay.
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-I'm not going to names but we had a few cry baby's. I am allowing any age but u have to take the hit and be mature.
-The only guns restricted are pump plugged bbbb and bumb, titans firing darts. And any gun that shoots over 150 FLAT!!!
-Don't be an asshole, not one person but everyone decides the gametypes. I have to work on this as well but the first step is admitting your mistakes.
-Also I heard about some of the issues at effeninate 2.3. I wasn't there so I don't exactly know what happened, but I don't want that here!

Sorry I don't want to sound like a jerk but there was some confusion about this at the last war. (it was many's first too.)

I do gametypes where we decide at the war. That way everyone gets a say.

Wickbuddy (+1-2)

NFC (+1-2)



Washington Warfare (Western Washington Nerf War)

01 June 2011 - 10:31 PM


Hey, sorry I keep changing the forum, due to popular demand, I think it would be wiser to move the war to a new location. This is a park, were there will plenty of space for us and others, and has a place for us to meet. Magnolia Park.
Park details:
12.1 acres
trees, and green space
and picnic/meeting area (MEET HERE)

This will provide us with a proper space for a nerf war. I hope you enjoy this new location.
Magnolia Park, 3100 West Galer Street, Seattle, WA 98199

War Details:
Date: July 16th
Time: 10 am

What to Bring: Guns (I am not going to have many loaners, so yea), darts (label!!!), Money (to buy/sell), friends, eye protection (REQUIRED NO MATTER HOW OLD), lunch (we will not supply lunch), and your A game.

Don’t Bring: Harmful Guns (Titans, dangerous big blasts, overpowered air guns, etc.), Tack/push pin/whatever darts (NO DEATH DARTS as I call them. We are trying to keep nerf modding positive!), and a bad mood

Requirements (yes there are some): I don’t want you, or anyone else to be a jerk.
Also I want this war to be mature don’t be stupid.
Homemades are allowed but keep in mind NO HARMFUL GUNS! Let’s be smart guys.
Eye protection! I DON”T CARE HOW OLD YOU ARE, IT’S A MUST!!!
Swords must pass the hurtful test. We hit you with it as hard as we can.
Don't shoot at harmless pedestrians. Tantumbull knows what happens (FLASHBACK: stephan to the head then, ambulance, WEEEEEOOO WEEEO WEEEOOOO

Team deathmatch
Capture the flag
Zombies(meele allowed)
Unlimited (10-20 minutes of ∞ lives, no respawn, AWESOMENESS Meele allowed)
Free for all
(We can add/subtract game types)
360 No Scope

Hope you can Make it! :)

Wickbuddy (+1-3)
NerfMoentral (+1-3)


Guests (6)

Bradly (+1-2)
tuna the fish

Q:A (I'm an FNG so Q's get answered here!)
To dfp: Yes, I for one understand the hurtfulness of a unpadded sword to the balls.