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Member Since 21 Oct 2004
Offline Last Active Oct 29 2004 02:33 PM

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In Topic: Please Help My Rf20

24 October 2004 - 06:14 AM

Ok, my turret isnt in the wrong spot, and the rubber bands didnt work at turning the turret. should i put the black casing on? will that make the difference? i took about 3 rubber bands off, and ihave 3 left. Is this enough to make it shoot farther? Please help

In Topic: Please Help My Rf20

22 October 2004 - 10:16 PM

I might have put the turret in the wrong slots, cause my friend said he had to pull the turret back pretty hard to set it in their right, and then it worked. I will do that later. But i dont think the mod worked. I put in a dart where the air comes out and pumped it up all the way, and it just made a long squeeak sound. I think i should take some rubber bands off, cause i have 5 that are tightly looped around the middle. I also pumped it only half way and shot, but it didnt shoot much farther than before. I dont think the mods helped at all. Has anyone done these mods and seen significant improvement? Any suggestions


In Topic: Please Help My Rf20

22 October 2004 - 07:21 PM

Lol, thanx for all those posts but i need some more help. First thing, i took out the air restrictors and threw em out. Second thing, I put 2 rubber bands on the air bladder, and just kept looping them around till they were tight. I put one near the end black thing, and the other i put closer to the front. After a couple tries i got it all back together. First thing, it doesnt shoot any farther. Second thing, it doesnt spin anymore. Sometimes it spins once and then doesnt spin anymore. other times it doesnt even spin. Whats wrong? Do i have to do that rubber band thing?

In Topic: Please Help My Rf20

21 October 2004 - 09:35 PM

Thanx again for your reply. By the answer "No" do you mean its a waste of time for me to take them out, or they wont screw up my gun.

Whats the differnece between sonic micros and the purple tipped ones i have now, and where do i get them?

Also, Screwdriver sizes?

Rubber band Placement? Type of bands? thank you

Please respond

In Topic: Please Help My Rf20

21 October 2004 - 08:26 PM

Ok, so i rubber band the bladder in which spots? and what type of rubber bands?

I filled one of my darts with glue, and since i cant shoot them cause i cant take out the screws on the gun, i just did a throw test and i doubled the distance. Thank you for your post.

What size screwdrivers do i need?

Will i double my range my messing with the bladder/cutting out the air restrictors? Will it harm my gun?