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Member Since 25 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2007 02:19 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Lilith, The Nerf Crossbow

12 December 2007 - 03:54 PM

I've had some trouble using my dremel to create slots for breeches in my brass/PVC. I wasn't sure if the higher RPM from the dremel would crack/destroy the material. Did you use a router table or some other kind of setup? Good job on the X-bow all together.

In Topic: Modification and Paintjob Pictures

12 December 2007 - 03:49 PM

Posted Image

The first mod I'd ever done about a year ago. It gets around 90 feet but I don't want to incite any arguements about range so 80+ feet. Replaced the spring, brand new o-rings, strengthened plunger rod and plunger head, 9/16" brass barrel for my stefans, and its cut down (obviously).

bull shit. dont claim absurd ranges that you can not prove.

Actually, I modded that gun a while ago and was a member of this forum, until I left it for some time and had to create a new account. And I didn't want to start controversy in the first place. If you want to have another NF range arguement talk to me in PM's and I'll try and get a video taken. FYI this was my second mod, I should have said first succesful, but I ended up scrapping the old blue NF to get at its spring and use some of its parts to strengthen this one, and I'll post another picture to stay on topic. I tried to avoid this in the first place, its what convinced me to leave the forums last time. Just because this is my first/second post it leads people to believe I have no actual skill or ability with tools or "skill" with nerf guns. As I said, if you want to continue with this Kid Flash PM me.

Posted Image

My NF that doesn't get 80+ feet because this is my first post and I must have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, or let alone succesfully mod a gun.

In Topic: Any Texas Nerfers Out There?

09 December 2007 - 07:09 PM

I'm from Houston, but I'm not a huge fan of wars, just like modding and making homemades. :P

In Topic: Modification and Paintjob Pictures

08 December 2007 - 09:36 PM

Posted Image

The first mod I'd ever done about a year ago. It gets around 90 feet but I don't want to incite any arguements about range so 80+ feet. Replaced the spring, brand new o-rings, strengthened plunger rod and plunger head, 9/16" brass barrel for my stefans, and its cut down (obviously).