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Prime Suspect

Member Since 22 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 02 2007 03:42 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Modification and Paintjob Pictures

30 October 2007 - 10:48 PM

So I have been doing mods now for all of 3 weeks, and I have finished several projects. I have done the standard AR removal and roulette mod on a few Mav's; replaced the barrel, removed the AR, and integrated a flashlight into a NF: and done the integration of a Longshot with its forward gun. Pics are limited but more will be coming as I finish paint jobs and such. Images are shown in the order I worked on them.

Maverick for my friend Saffron (paint will match her truck)
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NF with integrated flashlight lit up (the barrel is broken, I let my 3 yr old nephew play with it)
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Another view of the NF
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"Elizabeth", My longshot after modification
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Close up of integrated gun
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Cover for the second grip
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The Arsenal so far
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I am disappointed that i didn't get into this sooner, the new line of guns is pretty limited, but I just added another Longshot that I will be modifying to look like Vera from Firefly for my friend. After these pics were taken (last weekend) I chopped the ammo holders off the NF and primered it after filling the gaps that left. Anyone have a suggestion on the next set of guns I should invest in? I was thinking the Unity system or the 2 player Dart Tag Gun set, heck I might even go for a Magstrike of a RF20. PM me with ideas or if you live in the south texas area.

In Topic: How To Dual Wield Mavericks

25 October 2007 - 06:20 PM

I know that you shouldn't post on threads more than a month inactive, but I am pretty new, but the first thing I did with my Mav's was to use my pocket to catch the slide and cock it that way so that i could dual wield. You have to be wearing a shirt that isn't too long though so that it doesn't impede the slides catching your front pocket.