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Member Since 15 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2008 01:26 PM

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In Topic: New Dart Guns At Tru

22 February 2008 - 01:15 PM

Those guns are fucking sweet, to bad you have to go to toys' r' us

In Topic: Firestorm Mods

22 February 2008 - 10:20 AM

If you put any other internals into the firestorm, that isn't,"modding" it. You are showing off what your Firestorm shell posesses. It is an integration. What I'm saying is, if you put a LS plunger tube in your Firestorm, it isn't a Firestorm, it's an LS.

This gun has a plastic disc that shoots forward, pushing a ring. What are you going to do, lay a stefan on it and watch it flop a few inches?

The gun is usually known for it's rareness, ROF, and accuracy. NOT for it's modding ability.

Thanks for you clarification, I didn't know semantics was so importants on this site, but then again I thought this was a community to celebrate creatvity not downing someones ideas and telling them that they are going to watch their gun shoot a stefan and flop a few inches. Their is tons of ideas on this place that I think are gay, but I don't berate people and tell them that they're idea is gay. But thanks for your comments they really helped me out.

In Topic: Firestorm Mods

22 February 2008 - 10:01 AM

If you are dead set on doing this mod, then like keef said, shut up and do it. But don't act all pussy hurt because other people don't see it as practical.

I have a job so i can't really just sit around all day and call people assholes and accuse them of acting "pussy hurt". Which by the way I have never heard that term used like that, I always that you need a subject such as "Does your pussy hurt?" I lost the ebay bid so I don't have one, but if anyone does have one I would love to buy it so I can be the asshole that got it to shoot darts while acting pussy hurt.

In Topic: Firestorm Mods

21 February 2008 - 01:02 PM

For shits and giggles you optimist!

I posted this to get some feedback on the gun. Thanks for all of the naysaying opinions, as for the extensive modification experience comment. Who do you think you guys are its not like this is a complicated hobby, it doesn't take a genius to modify a childrens toy, its not like your Leonardo. I jsut thought it would be fun to make one to shoot darts since no one else has. Thanks for the creativity.

In Topic: Firestorm Mods

20 February 2008 - 12:48 PM

Thanks for your input, I figured I would try to put a nite finder or longshot plunger assembly into the gun. Do you think that would work I haven't taken it apart yet but I'm excited about the spring your talking about. Not sure where to get spinfire rings from. Also I have no idea Bomberman is talking about

This shall be siggified!

I don't understand.