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Member Since 17 Sep 2004
Offline Last Active Mar 04 2010 12:13 PM

Topics I've Started

Ls..very Odd

14 August 2006 - 04:02 PM

ok,both me and my brother have longshots now. he removed the ar and put a bbb spring in addition to the one in it already. i left the ar and replaced the original spring with a bbb, leaving out the original. he has had a lot of problems with his misfiring, not staying cocked, and has problems getting his clip in. mine has no such problems. it loads smooth, i only had one jam last war and that was due to me loading a stefen in to try it out.

now the ranges,
mine get's around 88-103 constant, the darts fly pretty well most of the time as well

his get's 75-94 most of the time and it's terribly inaccurate.

any one got an explaintion as to why the one with the ar works better?

thanks, shorty.

Bbb Broken In A New And Odd Way

17 May 2006 - 09:51 AM

ok this will sound odd, and it's is really hard to break one like this but my bbb case broke right before the rear trigger handgrip. the entire handgrip is detached. if anyone has any ideas on fixxing this i'm open to ideas. thanks and sorry if this is confusing.


Broken Guns Need Help!

14 October 2004 - 10:07 PM

My crossbows plunger broke and i'm trying to fix it. I tried to use super glue and 2-ton epoxy neither have worked so i need some new ideas. also the grip of my bbb broke off and i have no way to figure how to even start to fix it. so any ideas would be helpful. Thanks!
