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Bcno Review

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#1 tailbone



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Posted 14 July 2007 - 07:48 PM

All in all i have to say this was a pretty good war. Except for someone spraining their ankle during it.

Overall favorite parts of this war:

The 2 pistol rounds Vacc, Famine and me vs McFlurry's crew of 8 or nine kids. Lost the first round, but totally rocked the second.

Vacc's sons

Siege wars turned out to be the shit

The sounds of the siege war, veterans on offense vs. mcflurry's group on d. "ow, ow, ow , ow, ahhhh."

Good job guys, looking forward to nerfing with you in the future
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#2 FLNerfGunner



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Posted 14 July 2007 - 08:07 PM

Hey hey hey you guys didn't destroy us that bad. I got you and got an amazingly lucky shot on Vacc. I just jumped and turned and shot blindly and shot Vacc in the shoulder.

Famine chased me for a loooong time but shot me in the forehead.

Vacc's sons was funny stuff. He was like "they're starting to freak me out." We then all made him kick his "sons" off the playground so they wouldnt get shot. They came up to me to give me darts and i was like thanks but watch out. I then got shot in the chest by Mcflurry.

It was a good field for how many attended.

And Matt you gave me a nice welt on my ribs during the siege war.

And that certain someone was still owning after. I have to get a BBB Spring for my longshot.

Zach's XXL was pretty good except for the reloading time.

Edited by FLNerfGunner, 14 July 2007 - 08:46 PM.

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#3 PvtMcFlurry



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Posted 14 July 2007 - 08:57 PM

Ah. What a wonderful day that was. My all time favorite moment of the war:

-During the last seige round I was standing at the top of the playground and cried out "Watch me shoot Famine" and all the way across the battlefield I fire and hit Famine the moment he spawns.

And some other moments and things that come to mind:

-When "Dragon" (Wouldn't tell us his name) chased me around firing a longshot with no darts and then I finally realized and turn around and tapped him.

-My Monster XXL Bazooka, with coupler mod.

-Getting to meet Vacc and Famine in person.

-Getting my ass kicked by Vacc and Famine in person.

-Pissing off OMC with the fact that I'd rather order free samples from Visipak then buy PETG from him.

-OMC getting shot in the tit screaming "Ow right in the tit! I hate getting shot there!"

-Vacc's sons of course.

-Vacc picking up my friend Jack and did some sort of wrestling move with him on his shoulders after Jack had shot him in the face.

-Dark Shrimp hitting me in the foot while I was in the middle of full out sprinting and trying to jump over a dart.

-Dodging as many darts as I possibly could and falling down on my ass.

A freakin' awesome day.

Hope to make it to Apoc.


Edited by Pvt.McFlurry, 14 July 2007 - 09:04 PM.

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QUOTE(Cannonball @ Oct 26 2007, 11:47 PM) View Post

I'm anxiously awaiting the hasbro over throw.

One Man Clan, or One Man Company?

Crossbow Mod.

#4 FLNerfGunner



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Posted 14 July 2007 - 09:00 PM

Vacc picking up Jack was pretty funny too.

Oh and killing Matt and Vacc in the same round made my day :)

Edited by FLNerfGunner, 14 July 2007 - 09:06 PM.

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#5 keef



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Posted 14 July 2007 - 10:10 PM

The 2 pistol rounds Vacc, Famine and me vs McFlurry's crew of 8 or nine kids. Lost the first round, but totally rocked the second.

The last pistol round I got you, OMC, Ted, Famine, AND Vacc at least once. I was using Dux's Mega NF.

Cool stuff

read above^
Vacc and Famine giving free stocks
Vacc, Famine, and OMC.
Siege on Offense
Pizza. Period.

Stupid crap

Shot in the nuts
Always noobs vs vets
little russian kids messing with everyones shit
All of my guns broke
Siege on Defense

Coming home with broken guns and playing Halo 2?: PRICELESS

Edited by keef, 14 July 2007 - 10:11 PM.

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Timothy M-Lick <3



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Posted 15 July 2007 - 01:20 AM

No one can prove that they are my biological sons, and if anyone comes forth with DNA evidence they will meet with a mysterious moose related death. Mysterious I tell you, your loved ones will never get any fucking closure.
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Posted 15 July 2007 - 01:41 PM

I enjoyed the war and my favorite moments were:

-When i got a nice fade away headshot on Tailbone.

-McFlurrys big ass gun

-Getting shot by 3 crossbows at one time in both tits.

-Meeting new people

-Vacc's sons

-Surrendering and the having Vacc come up behind me and shot me with his LnL-manta ray integrated gun from 2 feet away when i surrendered.

-OMC's money Nitefinder.

-Ted throwing his crossbow 15 ft up in the air and getting shot to end the round.

-My friend jackshooting me in the sack from a foot away with a moded nite finder.

-Finding welts all overmy body the next morning.

-OCM falling over his own two feet and getting a swollen ankle the size of a tennis ball.

-When McFlurry shot ted in the face in siege.

-And the free darts from OMC.

-When McFlurry shot Famine all the way across the playing field a second after he respawned even better he had called the shot.

It was my first war and I had a hell of alot of fun I can't wait till the next one. :)
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#8 tailbone



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Posted 15 July 2007 - 04:58 PM

The last pistol round I got you, OMC, Ted, Famine, AND Vacc at least once. I was using Dux's Mega NF.

Yes but you must admit the three of us versus the 8 or nine of you and actually winning a round was pretty sweet.

I am not saying you guys stunk or anything like that because we all stated while we were there that you guys were pretty good.
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#9 keef



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Posted 15 July 2007 - 09:30 PM

I know, but I was I was shitless when I shot down like, 3-4 nerf legends :P
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#10 TED


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Posted 15 July 2007 - 09:40 PM

3-4? On the border line of including me in the Legend category? I'm member number 165 damn it!
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#11 Famine



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Posted 15 July 2007 - 09:47 PM

I know, but I was I was shitless when I shot down like, 3-4 nerf legends :P

What the fuck is going on here? Since when did it become a monumental achievement to score a hit on me? AND SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY I WAS A FIRST ROUND DRAFT PICK EVERY FUCKING ROUND!!

Anyways, I had a lot of fun on Saturday. Everyone there was really cool, that park is great for a 10 - 16 person war, and I was glad to see Vacc finally spend some time with his bastard offspring.

-The 3 vs. 8 Pistol Round, that was the stuff of fucking legend.
-Nailing Dux as he tried to swoop in on a grounded Parkway. No man gets left behind.
-Getting floored by a verbal assault from Dark Shrimp. I got pwn3d.
-Getting pegged by McFlurry. Did anyone else see that? McFlurry NAILED me.

-Being dissapointed again by my Longshot. I will give it one more chance before the Xbow returns.
-Not bringing any food or drink with me and having to mooch off of other's generosity.
-Doing something to piss off Tailbone in a previous life, I have never had someone gun for me with such vengeful determination before. I repent, whatever it was that I did, I repent.

A few pointers for McFlurry's group:
-Get a decent clan name.
-Learn to make your own darts and make sure they work in everyone's guns.
-Never, EVER, bring that Ultimator-thing to a war again.
-Otherwise keep doing what you're doing, by the end of the day you guys were about on par with half the Nerfers I've ever played with. When you were using our darts. Seriously, you're gonna have to learn how to make quality darts (those gold tip CDTD's weren't bad).
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of Mag-7
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East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#12 DX-Robert


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Posted 16 July 2007 - 12:09 PM

It was a fun war, though I still need a better gun. Even a well-modded LS can't match the speed of darts fired from a maxshot, crossbow, etc. Most of the stuff I shot was traveling slow enough to easily dodge.

Yes but you must admit the three of us versus the 8 or nine of you and actually winning a round was pretty sweet.

We could have taken the second round as well if they had listened to counters. When a flank is rushed, the opposite defending flank should wheel around and counter-rush immediately. The threatened flank should either all shift across your own line or break in the other direction and wheel around for a pincer. None of that happened. One problem was that too many people were intimidated. They gave you guys the initiative, and that was a mistake.

What went well:

-Having a kid surrender while I was still like 50ft away from him.

-Rushing straight through the opposing team without being hit.

-Hitting Mike from the limits of my range with a severely angled shot.

-Surviving a 4:20 round with all 4 lives remaining.

-Having kids abandon their positions simply by sprinting at them from a flank.

-Dodging a billion shots, especially in the beginning.

-Teaming up with Mike and scoring several hits from behind the same tree.

-Being chased by Mike while trying to change clips on the run, finally getting it in and shooting Mike.

-Having my still-injured right leg hold up well throughout the war.

What Sucked:

-Having my Longshot jam during a point blank duel with Vacc and hiding under a slide.

-Shooting several broken darts and having them spin out.

-Being shot from two directions at the same time during defense.

-Watching my side not execute proper counter-shifts again and again and again during the pistol rounds.

-Getting shot on the left flank and yelling at people to defend it, only to have nothing happen and Mike rush through with the flag.

-Having no support after sprinting to the flag.

-Giving up on team tactics altogether. :P

-Running out of energy during the later rounds and getting shot too often.

-Getting tapped by a kid so small that I couldn't see him coming.
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#13 One Man Clan

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Posted 16 July 2007 - 01:51 PM

Besides wrecking my ankle, this was an awesome war. Good size after having 2 large scale battles 2 wwekends in a row. The BC crew shows a lot of promise. I hope to see you guys at APOC (those who can make it).

My highlights include:

Being 2 ft away when McFlurry calls out "watch me shoot Famine," then looking and seeing a dart hit Famine like a split second later. MC-F is the fuckig Babe Ruth of nerfing. I've never seen anyone call a hit like that and get it.

Running through Ted's entire team to shoot him while he's screaming "Someone shoot Hersh" and trying to reload his gun.

Seeing Famine pull the ultimate save on Parkway. "We all go home or no one goes home." Thank you Sergeant Slaughter.

Doing well with Tailbone, him having busted ribs and me after my ankle situation.

Finally playing Siege after a long hiatus.

Meeting half the guys for freee Rita's ice after the war. (Picture of Ted with the Ice thing once I find my phone's data cable).

There weren't any really crappy moments other then me spraining my ankle very early in the day. The day started kind of slow, but when the horsemen showed up, things moved right along.

Good war everyone. New guys, keep it up. The "Vets" aren't some unhittable nerfing godlike machines.............except Vacc. You have got to learn to stand your ground. If I;m running at 3 of you with one gun, there's no way I can take you all out. There's no need to run the other direction. Other than that, you have a solid set of skills.

The upcoming MA war will be a good battle with a week off after that right before APOC.
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Posted 16 July 2007 - 09:33 PM

Replying to Famines pionters as a member from McFlurry's group, the team name we're leaning to is storm troppers for the win (SFTW), We found darts that work well with our guns so we can duplicate them , We will only use that big guns in nerf practices or ideas, and new sights in our home terf to host another great war.

Edited by KMILNZE, 16 July 2007 - 09:37 PM.

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#15 Mantis



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Posted 17 July 2007 - 07:28 AM

Good war everyone. New guys, keep it up. The "Vets" aren't some unhittable nerfing godlike machines.............except Vacc. You have got to learn to stand your ground. If I;m running at 3 of you with one gun, there's no way I can take you all out. There's no need to run the other direction. Other than that, you have a solid set of skills.

HEY! HEY! I'll thank you to NOT reveal our weaknesses.
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#16 keef



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Posted 17 July 2007 - 12:03 PM

Mantis, you went? And am I part of the McFlurry's group clan? <_<
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#17 Mantis



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Posted 17 July 2007 - 12:09 PM

Not at all. Next and last war I'll be at for the summer will be Apoc.
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#18 keef



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Posted 17 July 2007 - 12:13 PM

No Hershfest?
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#19 Mantis



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Posted 17 July 2007 - 01:25 PM

As much as I like (like) Hersh, I'm gonna have to sit that one out as well.

The world of college is calling yet again, and that's one spicy meatball.
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Posted 17 July 2007 - 07:49 PM

keef no offense but you are part of McFlurry's group and who is dark shrimp and mantis?
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#21 keef



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Posted 17 July 2007 - 10:13 PM

keef no offense but you are part of McFlurry's group and who is dark shrimp and mantis?

I'm not, I just didn't know because I came seperate and he brought all of them.
Dark Shrimp= Ted
Mantis= Long time Haven dude that I don't know
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#22 Mantis



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Posted 18 July 2007 - 07:24 AM

and who is mantis?

I'm the one responsible for that thing called the LCM (that was a household name before NerfHaven let 6000 members in). And without me and The Shindig laying the foundation of the clan, Evil Angel might have always considered it gay and stuck with paintball. Not to forget about how we roped Howard in, NHQ might never have been the same if it weren't for HowieLand.

A "thank you" is in order I believe. ;)
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Personal LCM Summer Tune-Up Stats:
Shots Fired: 2.1 x 10^4
Fun had: 97%

#23 VACC


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Posted 18 July 2007 - 08:40 PM

Are you fucking serious dude? Go do this in another thread.
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