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New Slogan For NH - Poll


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Poll: New Slogan For NH - Poll (94 member(s) have cast votes)

New Slogan For NH - Poll

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#51 cxwq



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Posted 04 September 2003 - 10:16 PM

First, I won't presume to speak for others.

The reason I frequently challenge people who use the word ``gay'' as a generic insult is because it perpetuates a negative view towards homosexuality in an under-the-radar sort of way. Using the word in this context, and then dismissing it as completely unrelated to homosexuality is in my opinion rather naive.

On the other hand, if people want to talk about homosexuality in the context of religion, politics, health, or merely an abstract discussion on that topic, I am down with that. I have had many fantastic discussions and debates on the subject.

Edit: And I have NO idea which SICK individual here changed Famine's avatar to a picture of an ass. But I am going to go right now to find the real killers... er, avatar changers.
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#52 Famine



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Posted 04 September 2003 - 11:50 PM

See Haze, that's why your gay friends are gay, not because they're homosexual, but because they bitch about people using gay in a negative fashion. And from the impression I'm getting here, you too are gay. You hate the kids in your school who call their homework gay? Can you get any more overly-sensitive and anal retentive? Then again, if the only people who'd hang out with me at school were a bunch of uptight, hissy, fags, I'd keep my cornhole pretty tight too. Can't blame ya there.

I get what CX is saying about it being an almost subtle but guiltless way to demean an alternate lifestyle. But fuck, people call me an asshole, jerk, geek, nerd, prep, or criminal and I don't really take offense to any of it even though they are all derogatory terms.

I lost my train of thought. Fuck Haze, he's a douche. So is that Rawry guy who started this shit. It's intolerant people like you who make this world an ugly one to live in.
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of Mag-7
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East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#53 rawray7



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Posted 05 September 2003 - 12:20 AM

I lost my train of thought.  Fuck Haze, he's a douche.  So is that Rawry guy who started this shit.  It's intolerant people like you who make this world an ugly one to live in.

i'll take that, i think i am perfectly deserving of the term douche in this case. my intolerant behavior towards alexthebeast's comment was definately more out of anger at alexthebeast than a hippy attempt to make the world stop calling each other names.

so there's a lesson for you kids, when you think some guy on the forums is a douche, you shouldn't call him on his racial slur; you'll just end up inciting a riot on the forums, and in the end you'll be the douche that he is.
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#54 Famine



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Posted 05 September 2003 - 01:03 AM

I dont have any problem with ethnic stuff, or even religous stuff. I am atheist even. I just dont like it when people use gay as a deragatory term. It pisses me off when I hear people in the hallway at my high school say stuff like how their math home is so gay. How does that make any sense? Is math homework homosexual?

So... you're perfectly fine with slurs like nigger, spic, bean picker, towel head, dune coon, gouk, cracker, jungle bunny, dot head, kike, jeus freak, retard, bitch, hick, guido, mick, or hethen. But you're NOT ok with Gay. Wow. If only we all could demonstrate the same level of moral enlightenment and intellect that you do.

Oh, and for clarity, yes Rawry is a douche, but I don't consider him intolerant. He was just pointing out that being a "G" isn't neccessarily determined by your ethnicity. He's still a douche though. But not a hipocritical one.
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of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
East Coast Nerf 2008: Day of Regret.
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#55 One Man Clan

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Posted 05 September 2003 - 07:57 AM

Famine you forgot some of my favorites:

Sand Nigger, Porch Monkey, Wet Back, Honkey, WOP, Camel Jockey, Chink, Charlie, Jap,and a personal fave Spear Chucker.
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#56 Langley


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Posted 05 September 2003 - 01:20 PM

And Kraut. Can't forget those crazy germens.
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#57 leftnut



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Posted 05 September 2003 - 04:10 PM

Am I a Kraut? I am half german. Some teachers think I am asain before they see me because they think my last name is Marchinka and my brothers friends call him chinka and all his friends are asian.
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#58 serpent sniper

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Posted 05 September 2003 - 05:52 PM

Nah, you're not a Kraut, just a Kaizer...also w00t for half-germans (myself being one).
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#59 LDM



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Posted 07 September 2003 - 01:44 PM

Fucking Rednecks...

Dude, as people have said before, 'gay' was not intended for homosexuality, it was for Redneck Stupid Fuckers. Er, ish.

I'm not calling your friends homosexual or rednecks, or even stupid, I'm just saying.

Take it easy.
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#60 Blaster



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Posted 15 February 2004 - 07:57 PM

Well, I know this topic is months old and i'll probably get flamed for this but which slogan won?

EDIT: Ah shit I'm sorry, i didn't see the "view results" thing. my apologies for yet again reviviing an old topic.

Edited by Blaster, 15 February 2004 - 07:58 PM.

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#61 IronRhino



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Posted 15 February 2004 - 10:56 PM

Well, I know this topic is months old and i'll probably get flamed for this but which slogan won?

EDIT: Ah shit I'm sorry, i didn't see the "view results" thing. my apologies for yet again reviviing an old topic.

Oh my fucking god.
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#62 Jangadance



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Posted 15 February 2004 - 11:01 PM

Well, at least this is an opportunity for me to remind you children that there will be a new shirt design for sale very soon. Start looking for loose change in the couch or selling your bodies on the streets.
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#63 vuko44



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Posted 16 February 2004 - 10:14 AM

I think ima gonna hve to sell my body to afford a couch first.
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