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Admin Rampage

Strap yourselves in fuckers

17 replies to this topic

#1 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 22 October 2006 - 10:35 PM

Most of you have noticed that I've been almost nonexistent the past two months. Let's be honest; junior year in Electrical Engineering is rough. I'm knee deep in the proverbial shit on good days.

As a result of my absence and the legitimate absences of the other admins, this place has gone down the shitter from my standards. Therefore, I am going to just start handing out suspensions like they are candy on Halloween. If you don't want this fate, I would suggest reading the following links and praying to whatever diety that you wish.

Code of Conduct
Uncle Piney's Advice
Webmaster's Advice

Normally, I'd be a nice guy and give a 24 hour grace period, but that's just not happening. Consider this effective before you even read this. I hope you've been following the rules or that you can edit all of your idiotic posts before I see them.

The List:
Victim 1
Victim 2
Victim 3
Victim 4
Victim 5
Victim 6

Important: If you have not read the recent topic on unacceptable Private Messages, please view the topic for victim 6. Thanks.
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Shindig of the Lawn Chair Mafia

<a href="http://www.albinobla.../flash/posting" target="_blank">Posting and You</a>

#2 Pineapple


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Posted 22 October 2006 - 10:59 PM

New Members,

You've had your chance.

I count to three.

Shindig doesn't give a rat's ass anymore.

Act dumb, be dumb, and consider yourself marked out.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#3 LordoftheRing434



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Posted 23 October 2006 - 02:11 AM

I'm glad to see the sword is drawn.

I've been fairly absent because of the business of college, but I was disappointed to see the idiots here when I checked back in.

To the purge, I raise a glass.
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And when he gets to Heaven, to St. Peter he will tell, "One more soldier reporting sir, I've served my time in hell."

"I bluff it. I don't throw my weight around and say I know what I'm doing." ~ Mick Jagger

#4 badger


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Posted 23 October 2006 - 08:02 AM

I was wondering what had happened to you Shinny. Everyday I was on the boards, all I saw was Piney trying to defend NH's sanity from the multitudes of new members that forgot how to read and write. I'm glad to have you back in the fold.
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As Carbon once said,

"The moment you can no longer see the fun in running around like a little child is the moment you begin to die."

Roses are FF0000
Violets are 0000FF


#5 Megamannt92



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Posted 23 October 2006 - 05:36 PM

Cool. Stick to your guns.
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Muaha! We aint' no Geocity anymore. Join here! The Foam Universe!

#6 TheVeg



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Posted 23 October 2006 - 07:11 PM

I was hoping you'd be back soon, because sometimes Piney is just too nice. It's n00b season, and the forums could use some cleaning up. Half the topics have been useless junk, its been pretty annoying.
I better get back to work on my homework, Longshot, Ttg cpvc writeup, and Xxl bazooka mod. You will be seeing those in the coming month or two...

Those dorks will finally get what they deserve. There are no firearms restrictions in open n00b season, so have fun!

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Vegetarians into Nerf results in n00bs being shot with carrots.

Captain KLM, founder, modder and dartsmith of the Michigan Nerf Mafia.

#7 Substance Abuse

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Posted 23 October 2006 - 07:35 PM

Normally, I'd be a nice guy and give a 24 hour grace period, but that's just not happening. Consider this effective before you even read this. I hope you've been following the rules or that you can edit all of your idiotic posts before I see them.

There are only so many idiot posts that one can put up with. I think that you are enforcing the rules in a great way and that you should keep handing out suspensions for people that say. "y0 D4Wg I g0tZ Da H0tT3$T Gf T0d4y"
QUOTE(Brass @ Jul 6 2007, 10:30 PM) View Post

QUOTE(keef @ Jul 6 2007, 09:29 PM) View Post

Yeah, I'm in the same case as Substance Abuse...
Brass, ask your mother.

She said your dad owes her three dollars.

#8 hokiefan0705



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Posted 23 October 2006 - 08:16 PM

Damn, it was nice around here with out you. Just kidding, but I am glad to see you back. Big game agaist Clemson Thursday.
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Cubs in 2012

#9 One Man Clan

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Posted 23 October 2006 - 09:00 PM

I'd just like to say...

If you ever need to clean house, you know where you can find me.
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I hate you.

#10 Pineapple


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Posted 24 October 2006 - 11:51 AM

Most of you have noticed that I've been almost nonexistent the past two months...

...as a result of my absence and the legitimate absences of the other admins, this place has gone down the shitter from my standards.

It took me a good couple of days to ruminate and ponder that statement.

I would like to publicly apologize to the legitimate, intentional users of NerfHaven for tolerating the condition of the board for, especially the last two months. For the most part, I had been responsible for most of the board administration, and fitting to my personality, I was quite tolerant of what was being posted on the boards, passing it off as "youthful exhuberance". As a result, many of you had to endure multiple threads about basically similar things, and members posting things because "we take things too seriously here".

I had considered tendering my resignation to cxwq, being that I wouldn't be able to meet some of the standards of NH any longer as an administrator.

But I owe the regular members of NH, much much more. A clean discussion board is what draws more members here, and it's my duty to cull out the ones who are not contributing to the boards in a manner that reflects the standards of excellence that most members before 2004 had enjoyed.

Many of the newer members have shown themselves to be worthy and productive to the forum. Many more have not. I've taken it upon myself to use my discretion to insure that I don't allow the forum to fall behind again. There are four other forums that will gladly cater to those who want to talk about hypothetical theories and don't want to use proper forum etiquette, such as captializing sentence beginnings and not using AIM speak.

Normally, I'd be a nice guy and give a 24 hour grace period, but that's just not happening. Consider this effective before you even read this. I hope you've been following the rules or that you can edit all of your idiotic posts before I see them.

Listen carefully. Some of your user accounts may no longer be usable, with or without public acknowledgement. It's like assassins. You won't know what hit you if you act up any longer.

If that doesn't clean things up around here, then I don't deserve to continue to co-administrate this forum.

  • 0
-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#11 Megamannt92



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Posted 24 October 2006 - 02:26 PM

"y0 D4Wg I g0tZ Da H0tT3$T Gf T0d4y"

I can't stand when people talk like that! :)

It makes more sence and is easier to write normal.
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Muaha! We aint' no Geocity anymore. Join here! The Foam Universe!

#12 Lancaster



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Posted 24 October 2006 - 04:11 PM

Is it just me, or has the "noob" to veteran post ratio gotten out of hand as of late? I've stopped checking NH regularly, but this may change my mind.
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#13 blinkycc13



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Posted 24 October 2006 - 07:30 PM

Is it just me, or has the "noob" to veteran post ratio gotten out of hand as of late? I've stopped checking NH regularly, but this may change my mind.

I have as well. That huge foam missile thread made me want to puke. I was going to post in the girlfriend thread asking why he told us this if he didn't have a picture (not that it was relevant), but I figured it wouldn't last long anyway.

Edited by blinkycc13, 24 October 2006 - 07:31 PM.

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QUOTE(Dark Shrimp @ Nov 10 2006, 11:06 PM) View Post

This is called a screwdriver it is used to unscrew or screw in screws.

#14 Omega



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Posted 24 October 2006 - 08:45 PM

When I read the subtitle to this topic,

Strap yourselves in fuckers

I nearly shit my pants. I alternated between pure, inexpressible joy, and rabid, unreasonable fear. Joy, because, even though I am very new, I was sickened by the number of people blatantly ignoring the CoC. When I first came here, I read the CoC straight away, and was thrilled to find a forum with standards. Hence my disappointment when I found the disobedience on the boards. So, this subtitle was a Godsend.

However, the fear sprung from the fact that I have not been here long enough to know precisely where the "border" is, so to speak. Consequently, I began to act like a gopher on the rifle range, fearing on pain of death to move or attract any sort of attention.

Now that I am just a little bit more established, I gathered the balls to post in this topic, and express my jubilation. Thank you, TIS and Uncle Piney, for obliterating the morons like Clearasil to pimples.

- The Big O
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My rule is that those wearing a thong are considered to be invisible to other players.

#15 pat 1st Lt

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Posted 24 October 2006 - 09:25 PM

I haven't been frequenting the boards as much as I usually do in this past month. I was going to try to chew out some people, but I thought better of it. "Better leave it to the admins" I thought. I'm glad to see the problem is being dealt with now.

I, for one, would rather see more of the public executions. It gets the point across to the masses much more effectivley than if some person who joined yesterday jsut stops posting. The notification is what I always felt kept new people in line. Maybe the admins have had different experiences there, but I always thought that the act of telling the person (And everyone else) what they did, and letting everyone see the penalty they had to pay was an effective deterent.

Hope you guys have a fun time cleaning up. And thank you, Piney, for not giving up. You were a bit soft from what I've seen, but I'm glad you're not going to leave. And thanks to all the admins in general. The last two months have opened my eyes greatly to the importance of having a good staff constantly contributing to the forum and keeping it clean.

I never realized how big a role the admins played in the keeping up of discussion. I would've thought that after a while, the community would become fairly self-regulating, with only occasional need for intervention. I obviously was wrong.

Again, a great big thanks to the admins for the job they've been doing. I never realized how much you guys contributed, content wise, to the forums.

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QUOTE(euphemism) View Post
QUOTE(Pat) View Post

It gave the site a sort of 'homy' feeling.

Did you know that "m" can sometimes look like "rn" when read quickly?

#16 Carbon



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Posted 25 October 2006 - 09:14 AM

I've been meaning to post since I read Piney's...

It's true that Piney's hammer has stayed pretty clean over the past few months. Speaking in broad generalities, Piney gives chances, but he also gives critical deconstructions of posts, pointing out flaws and problems. Other admins pull the trigger. I think that when the two admin styles are combined, the results are fantastic.

I guess what I'm saying is that while Piney isn't a triggerman, it's good that others are. His contributions help raise up the members who wouldn't benefit most from a swift execution, and brings up the entire posting level of the board. Those who don't take his advice contribute to all the blood on the floor.

Each admin has their particular style, and they work together to make the Haven what it is. Ompa doesn't ban much, either, but he does great work with keeping the board in line.

Thanks for your work, guys...and it's nice to see the floor a bit sticky again.
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Hello. I am Indigo of the Rainbow Clan. You Nerfed my father. Prepare to die.

#17 z80



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Posted 25 October 2006 - 06:51 PM

However, the fear sprung from the fact that I have not been here long enough to know precisely where the "border" is, so to speak. Consequently, I began to act like a gopher on the rifle range, fearing on pain of death to move or attract any sort of attention.

THe thing is, that's how most Noobs SHOULD act. Frankly, alot of people walk in like they know the place, and can do what they want. I personally never read the CoC when I joined, but I just told myself to keep my posts to the point and clean. No BS, no acting tough. Thats how noobs should be.
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#18 murakumo32



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Posted 28 October 2006 - 07:47 PM

...I, for one, would rather see more of the public executions....

Didn't they try that during the western expansion of America? If I recall correctly, people liked to watch public executions because they were "entertaining".


I sure find them entertaining, and to all those outlaws out there, I pray that you can convert, become a good member of the boards, and avoid this whole thing, but if not, I will be there when you are publically, "hanged".


Long run on sentence, eh?

Thank you administration, your contributions help improve the quality of the place I love second to only my home. That's understandable, right?
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