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Broken Window!


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#1 trogdor65



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Posted 21 October 2006 - 01:11 PM

I just broke a window with my airtech 2000! My parents are so pissed! Call me a liar but this is the truth! I shot a steffan that was sort of falling apart. One of the layers on the window is shattered! The shattered pieces still are staying up but its still broken.

I'm not a liar! I'll get pictures up in a bit.

Edit: Pictures are up!
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So there's my proof I would have posted them earlier but I was at the gopher game. 10-9 :ph34r: Gophers won!

By the way my parents aren't going to kill me they are just saying no more shooting in the house. Whew!

Edited by trogdor65, 21 October 2006 - 09:16 PM.

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#2 nerfer34



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Posted 21 October 2006 - 01:18 PM

Obviously you are going to break a window with a gun shooting 100 feet with a hotglue tip on your dart.

You probably shouldn't shoot at your windows anymore.
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<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->God Damn it Groove, you stole my kill.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->-OMC

#3 Omega



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Posted 21 October 2006 - 01:18 PM

That's insane. What mod did you use for that? That's pretty cool, and I hope your mom and dad don't kill you. (At least, not before you tell me what mod you used...)
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#4 TheVeg



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Posted 21 October 2006 - 04:35 PM

With a busted Stefan, that totally makes sense. Whatever weight you were using was slammed into the window at an extremely high velocity. (the 2k probably has the highest velocity of all the guns) that's basically like taking the point of a Phillips screwdriver and slamming into the window. Think of those window puncher-things that are used in cars. That works on the same principle as your 2k window buster-a small point and a lot of pressure.

So yeah- don't shoot windows :angry:
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#5 Rambo


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Posted 21 October 2006 - 07:38 PM

Did the BB/weight actually come out of the stefan? That is the only case in which I could believe this happened. It is interesting though.

Veg - the Supermaxx 1500 is pretty much identical to the At2k, and there are a few more powerful guns in my opinion, but yeah, the At2k is very powerful - it actually shot OMC's glasses lens out at a war.

offtopic=I put my fist through a 3/4" mirror the other day./offtopic
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#6 DTReaper



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Posted 21 October 2006 - 09:23 PM

Honestly I would keep it the widow looks sweet. The patterns on it are cool. Plus you dont need a blind to keep people from seeing in.

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QUOTE(VACC @ Dec 5 2008, 12:09 AM) View Post

That's it. I'm done. I'm sorry there are breasts on the Internet.

#7 trogdor65



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Posted 21 October 2006 - 09:40 PM

Just to clarify some things.

DTReaper: I agree it does look kind of cool, my parents thought so too, we have to be careful not to bump it for the next few days when it gets replaced.

Rambo: The weight did come out of the stefan. I saw it before I shot and thought nothing of it. (Only a stupid 13 yr. old)

TheVeg: Yes it was a singled Airtech 2000. My mom said "It's a good thing you didn't shoot that at anyone."

Omega: Just your standard singled Airtech 2000.

Nerfer34: When I shot it I wasn't aiming at the window or anything, I was testing different barrels over a crayola on my airtech, and I was just shooting it from where I was. (which just happened to be on my stairs 15 ft. from my window.

Oh and I'm not dead...
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#8 Rambo


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Posted 21 October 2006 - 10:12 PM

Heh, that is what usually happens to a window/glass when it gets hit with something like a shard of a rock, BB, fishing weight, etc. at a high enough rate. My grandfather was mowing the lawn once and he hit a rock. It shot out of the mower and into the corner of his window making a similar "design". Looks like it's an expensive window, sorry.
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Posted 21 October 2006 - 11:08 PM

WOW!!! :o

By the way shouldn't this be in the offtopic section?
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QUOTE(Groove @ Apr 29 2007, 11:03 PM) View Post

Wise man always say, "Arguing on the internet is like winning the Special Olympics. Even if you win you're still retarded."

#10 Substance Abuse

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Posted 22 October 2006 - 07:58 AM

Holy Shit....That is one wicked shatter...

I got shot with Talio's AT2K and I drew blood. Shows how strong those bad boys are.
QUOTE(Brass @ Jul 6 2007, 10:30 PM) View Post

QUOTE(keef @ Jul 6 2007, 09:29 PM) View Post

Yeah, I'm in the same case as Substance Abuse...
Brass, ask your mother.

She said your dad owes her three dollars.

#11 Megamannt92



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Posted 22 October 2006 - 08:43 AM

My parents are always saying that i'm going to break a window.

Maybe i should listen now. :o

Edited by Megamannt92, 22 October 2006 - 08:43 AM.

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#12 PvtMcFlurry



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Posted 23 October 2006 - 02:37 PM

Haha. Thats the great. The same thing happened with me except not my window and I almost got sued. I was standing on my roof seeing as how I can get up there very easily. (I have substance for proof) So anyway I have a quaded at2k and I loaded it and shot at my neighbors house. They have a shitty house anyway. :P Anyway so I shot and it was windy out so the dart flew in a strange direction hit the window and it cracked on impact. Not as cool as a design as that though. But I thought to myself DAMN! thats a strong gun. Again be careful with this gun modified. :P
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QUOTE(Cannonball @ Oct 26 2007, 11:47 PM) View Post

I'm anxiously awaiting the hasbro over throw.

One Man Clan, or One Man Company?

Crossbow Mod.

#13 SG Pilot

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Posted 23 October 2006 - 06:46 PM

I got shot with Talio's AT2K and I drew blood. Shows how strong those bad boys are.

I thought nerf guns used soft darts, not hard hot glue rocks. :ph34r: B)

Trogdor, I fell very sorry for you. I hope the window can be fixed with no problem. In the future, though, don't fire stefans indoors. I would never since my parents would be just as pissed if they saw a little dent in a wall.
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QUOTE(VACC @ Oct 9 2009, 04:45 AM) View Post

I know, I HATE toy guns that are made for little kids!

#14 Rambo


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Posted 23 October 2006 - 06:49 PM

Heh, it doesn't much matter what kind of dart is in Talio's 2k. It will hurt.
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#15 meiser5



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Posted 23 October 2006 - 06:49 PM

Little dent in the wall... You think that is bad, try putting a full hole in your wall with a modded titan. The thing is huge. I will load a pic later... TO THE BAT CAVE>>>>

Meiser--- :ph34r:
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#16 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 24 October 2006 - 12:13 PM

Maybe I've been stuck in college too long, but trogdor65 you don't look 13 in that picture.

This is an example of why you fire your nerf guns outside and not at your house.
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#17 Omega



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Posted 24 October 2006 - 10:18 PM

Man, Meiser. What the heck did you use, like an Artemis Arms mountain rifle?

And just so all of you know, when I gather the courage to mod my Titan, I will make it into an AA MR, but I will also attach a bike pump. Hopefully I'll also have a brainstorm before then (or knowing me, just a brain drizzle) and make it barrel-swappable. I would add a shotgun attachment and a rocket barrel.

Just letting you all know so my claims that I thought of it won't be bogus when someone pulls it off before me.
I'll be punchin' holes in many things: windows, walls, government facilities, obnoxious/uppity kindergarteners...

Happy shall be the Big O when that day comes. Until then, I shall have to content myself with pictures of Meiser's wall and Trogdor's window.

I still think you should keep that window, and hang a sign outside it that says, "This was done by a NERF GUN. Watch your step, freaks. One false move and it's this to the nuts."

Better theft deterrent than any alarm.
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#18 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 24 October 2006 - 10:26 PM

Omega, watch the number of posts you are making in such a short period.
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Shindig of the Lawn Chair Mafia

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#19 trogdor65



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Posted 25 October 2006 - 04:37 PM

Maybe I've been stuck in college too long, but trogdor65 you don't look 13 in that picture.

Trust me I'm 13. I look older, that is a huge complement! Maybe I was trying to look solemn or something in that picture.

Sadly I joined this site when I was 12. :D My first post was one of the most annoying in the history of this site, some how I managed to quadruple post, anyway I think I only made 2 topics when I was 12.
I think I pretty much cleaned up my act since then.

My darts are foam tipped so I never expected it to break the window, or the wieght to come out. I'm just happy my parents forgave me since it was an accident.
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#20 nerfer34



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Posted 25 October 2006 - 05:19 PM

Maybe I've been stuck in college too long, but trogdor65 you don't look 13 in that picture.

Trust me I'm 13. I look older, that is a huge complement! Maybe I was trying to look solemn or something in that picture.

Sadly I joined this site when I was 12. :D My first post was one of the most annoying in the history of this site, some how I managed to quadruple post, anyway I think I only made 2 topics when I was 12.
I think I pretty much cleaned up my act since then.

My darts are foam tipped so I never expected it to break the window, or the wieght to come out. I'm just happy my parents forgave me since it was an accident.

Wow, your a little slow......

TIS is saying you look YOUNGER than 13.
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<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->God Damn it Groove, you stole my kill.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->-OMC

#21 hokiefan0705



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Posted 25 October 2006 - 05:51 PM

Trust me I'm 13. I look older, that is a huge complement! Maybe I was trying to look solemn or something in that picture.

That gave me a chuckle.
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#22 l337n3rf3r



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Posted 25 October 2006 - 08:30 PM

That's pretty crazy.

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#23 murakumo32



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Posted 26 October 2006 - 12:35 AM

Maybe I've been stuck in college too long, but trogdor65 you don't look 13 in that picture.

This is an example of why you fire your nerf guns outside and not at your house.

Not to go against your judgment, but he does look like a 13 year old to me. I volunteer at a local park house and I mostly help the basketball kids a lot. I've seen them all, pre-puberty, short ones, tall ones, 12 year olds with mustaches. He looks like a normal 13 year old.


Damn, i've put a dent into drywall a few (lots) times, but i've never hit a window and even scratched it. Either your glue tip is the shape of a fine point, or your foam became a barrel for your weight, and with a AT2K, that's a scary BB gun.
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#24 Vaega



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Posted 26 October 2006 - 02:49 PM

Hmm I have the same problem with the weight coming out of the dart. I used my recently modded lbb to shoot at a tissue box and the weights in at least 5 darts have come out one way or another. But I think it would be fine at longer distances.
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#25 Falcon


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Posted 26 October 2006 - 11:45 PM

Yeah...take it easy on those windows.

I must say, nice pattern, though.

2k's are incredibly powerful guns. Most nerf guns are, in fact more powerful than spring and electric (sometimes even gas) airsoft guns. That's how they shoot projectiles that are so many times larger and heavier than airsoft BB's. If you take an airsoft barrel and put it into a nerf gun (done this before with a NF, a SF, and a crossbow) it will outdo the range of an airsoft gun, no problem. My NF with an airsoft barrel outranged a bunch of pump-action clear berettas and a mini electric. My SF outranged my friend's Chicago Typewriter and some others. My crossbow outranged another's gas pistol.

So be careful with these nerf guns. They're "nerf guns" to all of us, but they're by no means toys anymore.
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