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Eye Protection

Is it really necessary

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Poll: Do you use eye protection? (68 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you consider eye protection necessary?

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#1 Grenado



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Posted 28 September 2006 - 06:45 PM

I'm new to nerfing, and I thought this would be a good topic to get advice on.
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#2 Cthulhu



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Posted 28 September 2006 - 06:54 PM

Eye-wear is essential to me not only does it protect your eyes but playing war games like "secret agent" at your favorite location in a trench coat and Ray Bans is totally awesome. Not to mention wearing welding goggles while firing large guns like the N-strike Rocket. Eye protection can also help to identify/disguise team members, but then again if you like being shot in the eye then more power to ya.

By the way who voted no?

Edited by Cthulhu, 28 September 2006 - 07:20 PM.

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QUOTE(WratH @ Sep 5 2006, 02:45 PM) View Post

Whats with you idiots and all these ancient god names? Call it FuckingPecan or something.

Mmmmmm.... Pie

#3 AssassinNF



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Posted 28 September 2006 - 07:18 PM

Hell Yes it's important!! Getting shot in the eye with a velcrow tipped tag dart from a moded BBB from 1 foot away SUCKS. I couldn't see out of my right eye for 2 hours.

If that had been a stefan, I would have lost an eye.

Eyewear = Good
No Eyewear = Stupid

Any questions? :D
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Probably dead by now, or something.

#4 z80



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Posted 28 September 2006 - 07:27 PM

Yeah, always wear eye protection. My friend had to get a small surgury and had to leave school for a week cause of one incident at our first game.
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#5 pat 1st Lt

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Posted 28 September 2006 - 07:56 PM

A required read for anyone who plays any projectile-based sport.

It may be a paintball website, but the exact same rules apply to Nerf. And if you don't read the entire article (At least most of it), you are a bad person. Eye related injuries are no laughing matter at all. Not in any sport.

Now, we Nerfers are generally of the oppinion that 'if you can't take the pain, leave!'. Well, I don't care how tough you are: those big round squishy things in your face can still pop. Now, a shot to the chest? Yes, it will hurt and maybe welt or bruise, but it will go away soon enough. However, a shot to the eye? You're going to be out of it for way more than a couple seconds. And by way more, I mean possibly for life.

Eye protection is [b]no laughing matter.[b] It is mandatory at every war I've been to. And if I ever go to a war where it is optional, or discouraged, I may just 'forcibly suggest' that they wear eye protection (Via a combination of Duct Tape and Staples if necessary).

I have no idea who voted 'No' in this poll, but if they do without offering an explanation such as 'We only use stock guns' then may God have mercy on their souls. More specifically their eyes. [/rant]

Anyway, I use some Oakley goggles than my father gave me after he came back from deployment. They're comfortable, breathable, and tinted just enough to be useful on bright summer days, but not so dark that they can't be used at twilight. If you don't have any fancy goggles or paintball masks, you can always just go to wherever you buy PVC and they should have some kind of eye protection is stock.

Overall, eye protection is not only essential in Nerf and other such games, but in all aspects of life. People don't realize how much they use their eyes until they stop working...

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QUOTE(euphemism) View Post
QUOTE(Pat) View Post

It gave the site a sort of 'homy' feeling.

Did you know that "m" can sometimes look like "rn" when read quickly?

#6 euphemism



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Posted 28 September 2006 - 08:12 PM

I said no mainly because I wear glasses anyway and I consider myself quite good at dodging and have never been shot near the eye because if I see it coming I can at least turn my head in time.
The exception would be point-blank shots but 1. when do you let someone get that close in a war and 2. they have got to be a dick to shoot you in the face at that point.

Also I just noticed the quoting of me in your profile, Pat. I read it and thought it was great then I was like "Who said that again?" and I looked and saw it was me.

EDIT: I know my stance is likely to draw criticism but I have a point. And I still encourage eye protection for others, I just don't consider it an absolute necessity.

Edited by euphemism, 28 September 2006 - 08:15 PM.

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#7 pat 1st Lt

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Posted 28 September 2006 - 08:20 PM

Well, it was exceptionally funny. I had to read through it about three times before I finally got it and realized "Wow... it really does like 'r n'..."

And, this is a great site. I mean just imagine: a warm summer's morning, the smell of lavender in the air, hot oil having been just rubbed all over my body, logging onto Nerf Haven and reading the latest thread...The Goddess of Love herself would swoon. Simply orgasmic.

Back on topic: eye wear is good no matter what. Even if you can dodge well, lets say that while you're dodging a shot, someone that you didn't see to your left side fires. You turn, not not seeing him or his dart and are hit square in the eye. It can happen. 'Skill' is no excuse.

Read that link I posted. This may be a Nerf forum, but I think anyone who's ever played a gun-based game has to read 1-I's medical folder at least once in their life.

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QUOTE(euphemism) View Post
QUOTE(Pat) View Post

It gave the site a sort of 'homy' feeling.

Did you know that "m" can sometimes look like "rn" when read quickly?

#8 NerfMonkey



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Posted 28 September 2006 - 08:33 PM

I don't see how one could die from being shot in the eye with a paintball, unless it blew up your eye and got in your brain...gross.

So yeah, sorry to be an ass, but you're a complete fucking moron for even starting this thread. I have had personal experience with eye injuries and they are scary. I don't mean getting shot in the eye, I mean seeing someone you care about go through it. I've been shot in the eye with stock micros from way back before my friends and I knew about the NIC and modding and Stefans and all that stuff, and even that was painful and screwed up my vision for a while.

Eye injuries are scary. It's been said by others but please use eye protection. EVERY TIME. It can not be emphasized enough.

A few years ago I was playing paintball, 2 v. 2, at a friend's house. A friend had his mask off while people were shooting. He wasn't shot, but I yelled at him and told him to get the mask on. My "friends" just laughed at me for being worried about it.

Two of these three people are no longer my friends and I wouldn't doubt that they smoke weed.

Oh, Pat, what the fuck are you talking about? Lavender? Oil? What?

Edited by NerfMonkey, 28 September 2006 - 08:37 PM.

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#9 Grenado



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Posted 28 September 2006 - 08:35 PM

Buddy, first off, please no swearing. It just makes you seem like an idiot, and parents do see over your shoulder. Second, I am new to nerfing, and I have seen videos both with and without eye protection. I just want to know what's best is all.
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#10 NerfMonkey



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Posted 28 September 2006 - 08:45 PM

If you don't know what's best when you're talking about a game involving projectiles fired out of powerful guns that could damage your eyes, there's something wrong with you. I don't care if you've been Nerfing for a week or a year, if you're using modded guns (this is an assumption mind you, stock guns are still dangerous to eyes but not on the same level as Stefans), you should realize that eye protection is essential.

I don't care if you dislike swearing, or if your parents dislike it. I am not an idiot, I tend to swear to get my point across, and in most of that post it was necessary. Believe it or not, people do use "bad words" when trying to help you sometimes. I was bitching at you to help you. If you are in fact using Stefans and posted this thread asking whether or not you have to use eyewear, you needed to be bitched at. Sorry, but it's true.
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SexD Warves

#11 bigbob



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Posted 28 September 2006 - 10:04 PM

I really don't post here often, but I thought this was be important to save a fellow nerfer of their eye. In my last nerf war I was hit in the safety goggles 4 times in 2.5 hours. I'm not kidding. I would be blind in both eyes if it were not for my trusty safety goggles. In conclusion, wear them. Or die.
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#12 Cthulhu



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Posted 28 September 2006 - 11:33 PM

Has anyone else realized that all of the dart tag guns come with stylish goggles? I was wondering if these fit adults (people with big heads). Also to me this is a message from Corporate America that says, "You are stupid for not wearing eye protection we gave you!!!! Ha just try and sue us for being stupid, wait a minute how old are you?" King of like the warning on chainsaws that reads do not attempt to stop the moving chain with hands or genital.
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QUOTE(WratH @ Sep 5 2006, 02:45 PM) View Post

Whats with you idiots and all these ancient god names? Call it FuckingPecan or something.

Mmmmmm.... Pie

#13 six-five-two



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Posted 29 September 2006 - 12:23 AM

I actually don't really use eye protection in my nerf wars. It is quite safe because I have glasses, most of my guns arnt modded and I suck at shooting anyways. My friends though can shoot me in the eye from far away. Infact, during my last nerf war I think a dart got stuck to my glasses.
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#14 Falcon


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Posted 29 September 2006 - 01:45 AM

Nerfmonkey's absolutely right.

At Southern California wars (and most wars you go to anywhere) we REQUIRE you to wear eye protection.


Someone might be able to loan a pair, but don't count on it.

Almost every war I go to, I get hit in the goggles. At December YANO '05 Cxwq rounded a corner and shot me right in my goggles from 15' away. I'd be blind now; it ws directly over my left eye.

April YANO 2006, Cxwq again shot me in the goggles. This time he was about 30' away. I would've lost my other (right) eye to that one. No question.

It's not tha people try to aim for the head. Nobody really tries to aim for the head all that often. The Torso provides a much better target, and we don't care about headshots, because a hit is a hit is a hit. That being said, if he's not aiming for my head, why the heck do I keep getting hit there?

Because Nerf guns are UNPREDICTABLE! Sure, they're accurate to some degree. I can hit people at pretty excesive distances when only a few inches of their leg is sticking out from behind a tree. But it's a generalization of where my target is that I'm aiming for. I most likely won't be aiming for and hitting their kneecap. I'll aim for the part of their belt I can see and the dart will hit somewhere in that vertical plane on their leg or something. The dart isn't going to go exactly where you aim it because it's not a perfectly balanced, symmetrical projectile traveling at 1,000's of feet per second. Instead, even slight breezes can alter their paths, leaving your dodging skills to be washed down the drain. I consider myself to have a knack for dodging. But there's nothing that can react to someone popping around a corner and shooting from 10 feet away. Reaction time alone takes longer than the dart does to get to you, and I'm not even getting into the time it takes for you body to completely move out of the way.

Put simply; you're human. You can't dodge that well.
WEAR YOUR GOGGLES. It's NOT worth it to "look cool" without them.

I wear Smith and Wesson "Code 4" tinted and polarized wraparound shooting glasses.

Edited by Falcon, 29 September 2006 - 01:46 AM.

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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#15 AnyaSeijin



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Posted 06 October 2006 - 01:40 PM

Nerfmonkey's absolutely right.

At Southern California wars (and most wars you go to anywhere) we REQUIRE you to wear eye protection.


Someone might be able to loan a pair, but don't count on it.

Almost every war I go to, I get hit in the goggles. At December YANO '05 Cxwq rounded a corner and shot me right in my goggles from 15' away. I'd be blind now; it ws directly over my left eye.

April YANO 2006, Cxwq again shot me in the goggles. This time he was about 30' away. I would've lost my other (right) eye to that one. No question.

It's not tha people try to aim for the head. Nobody really tries to aim for the head all that often. The Torso provides a much better target, and we don't care about headshots, because a hit is a hit is a hit. That being said, if he's not aiming for my head, why the heck do I keep getting hit there?

Because Nerf guns are UNPREDICTABLE! Sure, they're accurate to some degree. I can hit people at pretty excesive distances when only a few inches of their leg is sticking out from behind a tree. But it's a generalization of where my target is that I'm aiming for. I most likely won't be aiming for and hitting their kneecap. I'll aim for the part of their belt I can see and the dart will hit somewhere in that vertical plane on their leg or something. The dart isn't going to go exactly where you aim it because it's not a perfectly balanced, symmetrical projectile traveling at 1,000's of feet per second. Instead, even slight breezes can alter their paths, leaving your dodging skills to be washed down the drain. I consider myself to have a knack for dodging. But there's nothing that can react to someone popping around a corner and shooting from 10 feet away. Reaction time alone takes longer than the dart does to get to you, and I'm not even getting into the time it takes for you body to completely move out of the way.

Put simply; you're human. You can't dodge that well.
WEAR YOUR GOGGLES. It's NOT worth it to "look cool" without them.

I wear Smith and Wesson "Code 4" tinted and polarized wraparound shooting glasses.

Yeah, I had some friends 'just messin around', not even having a war mind you, and I got shot in the eye. They were aiming no where near my head, and they immediately were shocked, and scared that I was gonna kill them. It hurt like hell, I'm hoping it never happens again. I went to the hospital, they laughed, I was not a happy person that night. Hence why ALOT of us down here in SoCal wear glasses. Seriously, if you play this game, at any level at all, YOU WILL GET SHOT IN THE EYE! I shot Daniel in the eye the other day, AGAIN!

O, and please, don't wear GOGGLES. I'll laugh at you. Wear somthing semi-stylish, please, I feel bad when I shoot Falcon sometimes. Its just so sad.
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#16 CaptainSlug


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Posted 06 October 2006 - 02:12 PM

You can't replace your eyes. Eye protection is mandatory.
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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#17 mkg91 0

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Posted 06 October 2006 - 02:41 PM

If you dont wear googles for projectile sports then you desrve to have your eyes shout out of your head. I was shot 3 times in 5 minutes with stock micros and it hurt like hell fire. So wear glasses,googles,lennses, or anything you can waer over your eyes to prtect them. Also they werent on my eye they hit around my eye like eye lid just below the eye.

Edited by mkg91_0, 06 October 2006 - 02:42 PM.

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If quizes are quizicals then what are tests?

#18 Jin Kazama

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Posted 06 October 2006 - 04:53 PM

I would have to agree that eyewear is a must in virtually any war where modded guns or stefans are in use. With most stock guns I would say you don't have to but its still a good idea.
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#19 koolsteve



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Posted 09 October 2006 - 06:22 PM

Eyes weren't built to withstand metal pellets traveling at 100s' of feet per second. Or at least not that I know of.
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#20 Yakuza



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Posted 09 October 2006 - 07:46 PM

I have something to add to this:

I was over at my friend's house today and my friend shot himself in the eye, with his SNAP,
almost point blank with a screw stefan. A SCREW STEFAN!!!! He almost went blind and now he has to
stay in bed for a week. Now after seeing this, are Nerf clan dosent request wearing goggles, it demandsyou wear goggles, because I'm not going to want the parents of are 10 members sue me for their kid losing an eye or two. End rant *breathes deeply*

Now as for my friend, his SNAP had a shoddy clothespin trigger, and I think it released on accident when he was loading it. So yes, you should wear goggles.Cause if you dont, you might as well not play.

Edited by Yakuza, 09 October 2006 - 07:47 PM.

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QUOTE(Pineapple @ Oct 21 2006, 12:16 PM) View Post

When you really think about it, this forum is still pretty darn tootin' good. It's like any family; we have a mix of brains, 'tards, jocks, geeks, hos, burners, waistoids, dickheads.


#21 ItalionStallion



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Posted 09 October 2006 - 08:13 PM

And if you don't want to wear the goofy Nerf ones i can sell you offical tech shop glasses. They are hard plastic and have a really cool black design.
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#22 TED


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Posted 09 October 2006 - 08:19 PM

And if you don't want to wear the goofy Nerf ones i can sell you offical tech shop glasses. They are hard plastic and have a really cool black design.

Or one could just go to home depot or any auto parts store and buy them.
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Star Wars can go fuck itself.

#23 ItalionStallion



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Posted 09 October 2006 - 08:42 PM

Mine are better.
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#24 Rambo


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Posted 09 October 2006 - 09:38 PM

Eyes weren't built to withstand metal pellets traveling at 100s' of feet per second. Or at least not that I know of.

I could be wrong, but I don't think many if any Nerf guns shoot 100+ feet a second.

Also, the incident at BCNW, see thread, has lead me to believe that at any future wars, not only will I recommend eye ware, I will strongly protest anyone going into a round without it, and if I host a war, you won't be playing without it.
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#25 six-five-two



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Posted 09 October 2006 - 11:26 PM

I'll tell my friends to wear eye protection next nerf war I have... a week from now. I still don't think they will wear eye protection, but it will be their fault if they get hit in the eye.
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