As promised:
A cornicopia of fun.
Nice to meet Ted, Austin, Hombre, Veggie, Navy 1,Navy 2, NerfMonky, and of course to see everyone again who I havn't seen in awhile...
-I tried to holster my splitfire in my pants and it went off right on the "danger zone". Owch.
-Running headfirst on around a corner to Dean beause I couldnt slow down fast enough--but I shot from a foot away so no taps haha.
-When using my magstrike 80% of the people that I tagged were from barrel taps--dont misunderstand me, its not skill, its how terrible the accuracy was.
-Finally finding a gun i feel comfy with--SS2--then buying one and modding it (thanks Hombre).
-Ompa's amazing clipfed homemade guns' ranges and accuracy--ompa was kicking ass
-i think Rambo actually tried to use the shotty titan for one round. He missed his one shot and then realized how disadvantaged he really was.
-when i was using my blastfire and i slipped on the wet grass head first and turned it into a "movie" slide...and then hit no one.
-Ted had a surplus of simply great reliable guns (thanks for lending me the ss2)
-Nerfmonky's awsome bigblast
-Rambo brought a huge amount of xyience
-The first time I touched the ss2 i got like 4 kills in a row when hersh proceeded to take vengeance with his amn nice crossbow
-groove complaining about his splitfire on his xbow...but got me out a craplot with the splitfire and i dont think any times with the crossbow itself haha.
-bernie actually thought i was halfway decent with the blastfire...geeze what a mistake using that gun was hahah.
-Ted, Austin, and someone else making some really close shots from the end of the gauntlet on the ramp to where a few of us were behind the corner. The reason I couldnt identify the third person was because I was too busy trying not to get tagged out as darts whistled inches from my face...nice
That was great guys...after wrestling season we are definatly setting up another.
-hombre and me teaming up...damn cool
-towards the end i went ninja and barrel tapped a bunch of people...then i snuck up on ted and missed ahahha
I know I forgot a bunch of great times/teamwork and stuff but damn everyone at this was was skilled and cool. After wrestling season I hope to see everyone again, and thanks to everyone for coming down. NerfMonky, I found your 12 inch brass/pvc nested barrel and your sports glasses, so dont worry.