Posted 07 June 2006 - 11:14 PM
Yesterday, I was playing around with some friends at my place. We decide to take out the blasters and waste time.
It got semi-intense as I jumped between to guys, pulled 2 NFs from the holsters, and shot.
I got both of them (about 30 ft distance for both guy) without looking or aiming.
Has anyone else ever used a gun long enough to just shoot? This was totally instinctive, and i still nailed both of them.
The path is clearer now...
100% Nerf, for 100% pwnage.
Nerf is a neutral weapons dealer. Anyone coughing up the dough can get armed.
and they're made of Foam... which makes them very Nerfy...
Posted 08 June 2006 - 12:13 AM
In urban Play, Mis-direction is key.
Make your enemy think you went one way, then shoot them from the other.
One shot I got A little cocky and turned a corner with all four of Seijin's NFs and Pilz's 4k pointed at my ass, somehow I managed to dodge all the shots, and high tailed it out of there.
This is where it gets "shaiolin Nerf":
Mid run I leap a easily 4-foot high bar, clearing it by a matter of inches, and run on to keep fighting.
I still have no idea how the hell I didn't get myself seriously injured doing that...
for refrence, Here's a decent pic of the area: I was in the lower part, where Falcon is standing.
Don't call it a comeback, I never left.
Posted 08 June 2006 - 01:36 AM
As for me, I get this a lot. At my friend's house, there's a flight of stairs I like to jump down with a hallway at the bottom. As I was passing by the stairs once, I saw shadows on both sides of the hall. Seizing the moment I silently lept down 8 stairs and, landing gracefully on the balls of my feet, capped their asses with dual Splitfires. The next thing you heard were a few howls of pain and utter anguish of defeat, and my malevolent laughter.
Those spur-of-the-moment things are pretty fun, not gonna lie. The adrenaline gets pumping and then you get the urge for more. Damnit, I want to Nerf now...
"I bluff it. I don't throw my weight around and say I know what I'm doing." ~ Mick Jagger
Posted 08 June 2006 - 12:51 PM
A favorite adrenaline-enhansed moment from my experiences comes from a low-key, 2 on 2 Nerf War at an elementary school's playground. Out of ammo and faced by both fully-loaded enemies, I took off sprinting, all the while they chased closely behind, making sure I wouldn't get away.
Miracously, either by lucky dodging or poor aiming, I evaded every single one of thier shots...funny thing is, I couldn't see the darts or where they were coming from; my back was turned (a stupid decision, yes). Something was telling me when and how to duck and shift, but then again...maybe I'm just a fortunate bastard.
I topped off the narrow escape by rolling under a plastic bridge and into saftely, leaving my opponents straggling behind, in total wonder and awe. And the only thing they said is: "How in the hell did you do that?"
Anyways, to further add to the discussion, I believe that it's nearly impossible to beat a Nerfer who is "tripping" on the spur of the moment, no matter how crappy his equipment is.
User ability>Blaster quality
Posted 08 June 2006 - 02:47 PM
This was at MANIAC 2. Some kids had stock guns, others had modded ones. Somehow, I didn't spot two kids on my right - One with a DTG and the other with a mav. I thought I was completely owned when I saw them. The guy with the DTG fired, and I, without even thinking, threw myself backwards so that my back was arched. The shot went right under me, I hit the ground on my neck/shoulders area but didn't feel a thing and got the hell out. Everyone just kinda stopped and went "whoa...". It was sick.
And at MANIAC 3 OMC did this amazing slide. He had an X-bow and NF, and he's on the move to get this one guy out. He runs up to him, then drops to the ground and slides a good 6 feet, and fires twice. It was so fast that I thought he teleported. It was nuts.
Yeah, good times.
Posted 08 June 2006 - 04:25 PM
(Incident 1)
So, I have this chair, see:
Usually the first thing to happen during a battle is that chair gets pushed into that hallway to the right. Of course, it didn't have a towel and the boards weren't around. So, the chair is in the hallway for cover.
Straight down that hall is a bathroom, in this case the location of my opponent.
Straight across from him, over the chair, is the kitchen. I lean out from around the kitchen, he shoots but I duck in time and... he has to reload. I (my nerfing conscious, moreover) run the ten steps to the chair, take two steps up it -- keeping balance somehow so it doesn't tip backwards -- and dive over it face-first (Neo-style?) with dual NFs. He forgot to close the bathroom door, and... both shots hit him square in the chest.
"How in the hell did you do that?"
Of course, the next time around he knew what I was doing, and he has killer aim (no pun intended), so he left a welt in the middle of my forehead. But it was pretty cool the first time around.
(Incident 2)
Don't ask me how, but over Memorial day weekend we got my mom out of the house. THEN we pulled an all-nighter, but the cool part it the all-nighting part of it was nerfing with the lights off. The only lights we used were those on our guns.
This time around, he was in the kitchen and I down the hall. I've got dual NF's again, but only one had a light. We both have our lights off - for stealth, obviously. Of course, I knew he started in the kitchen so unless he silently vaulted over the balcony (another story...), he was still there. My nerfing conscious takes over again. I flip on one my light and throw that NF into the kitchen, while simultaneously leaping through (?) the counter.
He's of course facing my light (thrown in from the other side), so I get a perfect silouette and plug him in the back with my remaining NF. I dunno how I made the leap and landed safely in the kitchen, but...
"How in the hell did you do that?"
(Incident 3)
I know three is pushing it a little, but... yea I don't care.
So we have this balcony.
Balcony (that's the lens being weird, it isn't really that dirty).
Now, I know you don't like Mavericks, but let me tell you it is possible to crank off at least 4 shots while flying over this balcony onto the couch (provided your mom isn't home, telling you not to) and not get hurt.
"How in the hell did you do that?"
- - -
And THAT is why I love indoor wars.
...and ideas are bulletproof. "
Posted 08 June 2006 - 05:58 PM
I was running from two brothers, each with RF20's. I had a Nitefinder (thank you Nero121) and a Maverick, both loaded and ready to fire. Now obviously ANYONE would know that its hard to fight solo with two sidearms against two others with RF20's, well I decided to test that theory. I happened to be running toward a stone fortress like-playground thing. Basically i jumped onto the wall, jumped off, and in mid-air managed to take out both, and landed cat-like.
Again I was running, from the enemy, this time with dual mavericks (by now you should have figured out that i'm a more of a "run in and kill everyone" kind of guy). I was being chased by one guy this time with a Firefly and a NF. There was a fence ahead of me so i decided to use it to my advantage. i jumped over the fence, and realized it was about a twenty foot drop. I landed on my back 2 inches from where my glasses had landed, from there i managed to make a surprise attack from an area that was originally unattainble, and took nerely a quarter of the enemy.
Posted 08 June 2006 - 06:10 PM
Posted 08 June 2006 - 06:39 PM
Yeah, the adrenaline rushes kick ass! I had a similar experience to bags.
This was at MANIAC 2. Some kids had stock guns, others had modded ones. Somehow, I didn't spot two kids on my right - One with a DTG and the other with a mav. I thought I was completely owned when I saw them. The guy with the DTG fired, and I, without even thinking, threw myself backwards so that my back was arched. The shot went right under me, I hit the ground on my neck/shoulders area but didn't feel a thing and got the hell out. Everyone just kinda stopped and went "whoa...". It was sick.
I remember that, it was a pretty awesome dodge. I don't have many particularly vivid dodge memories but I do remember one late night cemetary war where I dodged a full powerclip from about 6 feet away, not sure whether it was my skill level or the other guy's or luck, but it was still pretty awesome.
One nice "OHSHITRUN" moments involved me running down a very steep (estimating a very random 79 degrees) drop of about 20 feet with lots of big sharp type rocks on it and at the bottom and 3 guys with an sm5k and an rf20 and something else that I cannot remember at the top. I had a mav and everyone else on my team was down. Unsurprisingly I ended up losing but that part was pretty crazy.
Posted 08 June 2006 - 07:17 PM
I was haveing a 1 on 1 war with my freind he had a quaded at2k i had my sm5k. He chased me down after i shot and shot 3 of his dart all just missing my head then when he was about to shoot agien i droped on the ground and shot my sm5k. I hit him right in the middel of his forehead from 50 feet.
For God's sake learn to spell.
Posted 08 June 2006 - 07:43 PM
I was haveing a 1 on 1 war with my freind he had a quaded at2k i had my sm5k. He chased me down after i shot and shot 3 of his dart all just missing my head then when he was about to shoot agien i droped on the ground and shot my sm5k. I hit him right in the middel of his forehead from 50 feet.
For God's sake learn to spell.
I am sorry. I am takeing spelling classes because my spellings so bad no joke.
Edited by ogopogo, 08 June 2006 - 07:44 PM.
Posted 08 June 2006 - 08:18 PM
EDIT: Oh yeah, and just wanted to say, that no, honestly, Shadow is not exaggerating. It ACTUALLY WAS 20ft
Edited by Nero121, 08 June 2006 - 08:19 PM.
Posted 08 June 2006 - 11:28 PM
There was a large hill in front of me about 40' high maybe, and a maze-like complex of buildings behind me, and OMC came out of the maze thing to my right about 30' away, and took a shot at me with his Crossbow. I leaned over backwards so I was at about a 45 degree angle to the ground with my head facing forward - this was all a reflex, I had no idea what I was doing - and the dart that otherwise would've capped me in the side of the head wizzed past my face and I swear I actually felt the air from it on my nose. I ended up dying later anyway but man, those few seconds were glorious.
It was the most badass thing ever to happen to me and probably always will be.
Posted 09 June 2006 - 01:03 AM
The garage door only opened so much and there was only enough space for one to go in at a time. I went in and at first all I could see was feet then legs and then the faces of people who weren't targets. They all sat there quiet So I knew our main target was there somewhere. I saw something move slightly in my periferal vision and my arm moved up and to the right fast and it seemed like the gun fired on its own. I heard "Ow!" and then the target rolled out of his elevated safe-haven weapon in hand. I had shot him in the back of the head.
I am still in awe over that night.
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.
Posted 09 June 2006 - 01:12 AM
I do remember one late night cemetary war
I've always thought this would be awesome (in fact I just mentioned it to a friend earlier), but it doesn't seem right to me. Sure it'd be cool to hide behind a headstone, but there's some lack of respect when you're standing over someone's peaceful remains bellowing with a plastic toy in your hands.
"I bluff it. I don't throw my weight around and say I know what I'm doing." ~ Mick Jagger
Posted 09 June 2006 - 05:51 AM
Posted 09 June 2006 - 06:27 PM
-BadAssReptileFarmer to Talio
Posted 09 June 2006 - 09:04 PM
Posted 09 June 2006 - 09:38 PM
Edited by Master Yogurt, 09 June 2006 - 09:39 PM.
You'll take my life but I'll take yours too
You'll fire your musket but I'll run you through
So when you're waiting for the next attack
You'd better stand there's no turning back. The Trooper
Posted 09 June 2006 - 11:11 PM
Edited by blinkycc13, 09 June 2006 - 11:14 PM.
This is called a screwdriver it is used to unscrew or screw in screws.
Posted 10 June 2006 - 12:56 PM
We played that any touch with a gun (even thrown guns) is a kill.
You can chuck your guns at your opponents? Seems like a great way to break your blasters/friends.
This may seem hypocritical, but I say we have less stories and more discussing!
Nerf reminds me of baseball, in which there are periods of standstill and brief moments of intense action that make the slower instances worthwhile. It's kind of like Lucky Charms brand sugar ceral, with the crazy and fun shootouts being the Marshmallow Hearts, Stars, Horeshoes, etc. and the oat clovers being strategizing and the other times where thought is essential.
What do you think?
Posted 10 June 2006 - 06:31 PM
It is a good description though.First off, in my opinion, that post was unnessicarily poetic. Good, but not needed.
I love that quote. Anyway, we dont throw anything but nitefinders and stuff, because they are cheap and not too easily broken. We also do not throw to hurt, only to touch. It, in my opinion, makes for a fun game.
Edited by blinkycc13, 10 June 2006 - 06:32 PM.
This is called a screwdriver it is used to unscrew or screw in screws.
Posted 11 June 2006 - 10:50 AM
Posted 11 June 2006 - 07:21 PM
Nerf reminds me of baseball, in which there are periods of standstill and brief moments of intense action that make the slower instances worthwhile. It's kind of like Lucky Charms brand sugar ceral, with the crazy and fun shootouts being the Marshmallow Hearts, Stars, Horeshoes, etc. and the oat clovers being strategizing and the other times where thought is essential.
What do you think?
I think you're not nerfing with the right people or in the right place, most of my nerfing history has been prety action packed except for maybe when Tone-dogg and I 1-0n-1 throwdown LBB style (it's kinda slow having a duel at 120+ feet). My theory is that you probably don't play with a ballenced group of nerfers, for example: if you have a large ammount of long-range single-shot weapons in play and that's it, you bet the action's going to be slow. It also can be a matter of location, if you don't have the right ballance of cover and empty space things get lame, not enough cover just leads to lots of people standing out of eachother's range, and too much cover keeps people from being shot at all.
I've said my 2 cents.
Don't call it a comeback, I never left.
Posted 11 June 2006 - 08:11 PM
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