Alright, get posting!
As suggested, here is a list of clans posted as of April 12, 2006.
In no particular order....
KAF (Kickass Assult Force)
Location: Midwest Michigan
Members: 4
NIC Rep: General Primevil
Location: Westchester, NY
Members: 26
NIC Rep: z80
Black Knights
Location: Glendora, CA
Members: 15
NIC Rep: Falcon
Ghost Recon Nerf
Location: Syracuse, NY
Members: 5
NIC Rep: Maverick Master
DNS (Dead Nerfer's Society)
Location: New York, NY
Members: 4
NIC Rep: crackshot
Wick's "Legion of Nerfers"
Location: Rochester, NY
Members: 7
NIC Rep: Wick817
Location: North Georgia
Members: +7
NIC Rep: Agent X10
CFM (Canadian Foam Militia)
Location: Mississauga, Toronto
Members: 5
NIC Rep: Black Wrath
Team Stealth
Location: New Jersey
Members: 3
NIC Rep: lilsniper
Demons of Razgriz
Location: TBA
Members: 4
NIC Rep: AssassinNF
Location: TBA
Members: 3
NIC Rep: NerfMonkey
Greek Assassin's Clan
Location: Queens, NY
Members: 6
NIC Rep: Greek Assassin
Merry Mafia
Location: Duluth, MN
Members: 5
NIC Rep: LordoftheRing434
Lutinet Cole's Clan
Location: Las Cruces (Down south...?)
Members: 7
NIC Rep: He was banned but he's on NerfHQ as General Cole. He can spell General.
Ridgewood Militia (A.K.A. Crescent Forest Militia)
Location: Ridgewood, NJ
Members: 10
NIC Rep: Duxburian
Team Chicago
Location: ...Chicago
Members: 16
NIC Rep: Murakumo32
Jabs' Clan
Location: New Haven, CT
Members: 15
NIC Rep: Jabs
Unreliable (formerly Creatures of Nerf)
Location: Kansas
Members: 6
NIC Rep: Spaztic_75
The Nerfing Ninjas of Doom
Location: TBA
Members: 3
NIC Rep: nerfgunner
N.A.R.F. (Nerfing Alliance of Radical Foam)
Location: Corona, CA
Members: 14
NIC Rep: baghead
If I missed anyone or misspelled/Butchered anyone's name or information, please let me know. PM me about it. In the meantime keep 'em coming!
Edited by Anothernoob, 12 April 2006 - 10:20 PM.