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Clan Directory

Let's get them listed

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#1 Anothernoob



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Posted 04 April 2006 - 11:35 AM

Alright, so I was perusing the net the other day looking for a clan website I made about 5 years ago when I found this neat little site. Clan Directory Its really old and probably most of those clans don't exist anymore but it gave me an idea. Let's start a clan directory on NerfHaven! So, If you're in a clan post it up. Things like clan name, number of members, location, and contact info should be put up, kinda like on the website. This directory would help with war planning and aid in communication between clans.
Alright, get posting!

As suggested, here is a list of clans posted as of April 12, 2006.
In no particular order....

KAF (Kickass Assult Force)
Location: Midwest Michigan
Members: 4
NIC Rep: General Primevil

Location: Westchester, NY
Members: 26
NIC Rep: z80

Black Knights
Location: Glendora, CA
Members: 15
NIC Rep: Falcon

Ghost Recon Nerf
Location: Syracuse, NY
Members: 5
NIC Rep: Maverick Master

DNS (Dead Nerfer's Society)
Location: New York, NY
Members: 4
NIC Rep: crackshot

Wick's "Legion of Nerfers"
Location: Rochester, NY
Members: 7
NIC Rep: Wick817

Location: North Georgia
Members: +7
NIC Rep: Agent X10

CFM (Canadian Foam Militia)
Location: Mississauga, Toronto
Members: 5
NIC Rep: Black Wrath

Team Stealth
Location: New Jersey
Members: 3
NIC Rep: lilsniper

Demons of Razgriz
Location: TBA
Members: 4
NIC Rep: AssassinNF

Location: TBA
Members: 3
NIC Rep: NerfMonkey

Greek Assassin's Clan
Location: Queens, NY
Members: 6
NIC Rep: Greek Assassin

Merry Mafia
Location: Duluth, MN
Members: 5
NIC Rep: LordoftheRing434

Lutinet Cole's Clan
Location: Las Cruces (Down south...?)
Members: 7
NIC Rep: He was banned but he's on NerfHQ as General Cole. He can spell General.

Ridgewood Militia (A.K.A. Crescent Forest Militia)
Location: Ridgewood, NJ
Members: 10
NIC Rep: Duxburian

Team Chicago
Location: ...Chicago
Members: 16
NIC Rep: Murakumo32

Jabs' Clan
Location: New Haven, CT
Members: 15
NIC Rep: Jabs

Unreliable (formerly Creatures of Nerf)
Location: Kansas
Members: 6
NIC Rep: Spaztic_75

The Nerfing Ninjas of Doom
Location: TBA
Members: 3
NIC Rep: nerfgunner

N.A.R.F. (Nerfing Alliance of Radical Foam)
Location: Corona, CA
Members: 14
NIC Rep: baghead

If I missed anyone or misspelled/Butchered anyone's name or information, please let me know. PM me about it. In the meantime keep 'em coming!

Edited by Anothernoob, 12 April 2006 - 10:20 PM.

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#2 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 04 April 2006 - 12:27 PM

Meh, why not...

I'm GP, General/Leader/Founder of the KAF. "Fear the man with one gun, for he probably knows how to use it" probably best describes me. I am in charge of Covert Operations and Reasearch and Development. After it gets made by me, if it's for the whole clan Mr. M looks over it. He might joind NH forums...anyway, if he can't break it through normal use (or by just merely touching it), then we call it indestructable. The third member (who is on these boards) just takes care of stuff such as transportation, training, etc. The fourth (and newest) member has nothing to do with clan activities for the time being.

We are now four strong in Nerf. KAF stands for Kick-ass Assault Force, just so you know. No, I didn't come up with that name. It does cover us nicely since the three original Nerfers are quite skilled with our weapons and tactics. That and one of us is becoming a police officer by the end of the year...he's a member of this site, by the way, with the username garyworden. He has yet to post, yet joined back in '04.

A brief history of the KAF:
Technically, it started in 1997 when two friends and a brother started Nerfing. After a few years (2000), I discovered modification. I was the first to modify my blasters, which now has spread to include everyone in the year 2004. In December of 2005, I discovered clans on internet games. Two non-Nerfing friends and I had a fireteam on BF2 which had an incident occur rather often. One of times this occured, when we were using a Hummer (I drove, since no one else could even come close to my m4d sk!11z), we literally pwned everyone on a map. Someone called us the fireteam which was kickin-ass like crazy. So, I decided to create the Kick-Ass Fireteam. After a week, the name was changed to Kick-ass Assault Force (after much deliberation) since it spread to the weekend warriors which I Nerfed with since the beginning. This was in February of 2006. Now, in April of 2006, we have concluded that the KAF has three branches: Airsoft (6 strong), Nerf (4 strong), and Computer Gaming (8 strong). Whenever I refer to KAF on a Nerf site, it usually means the Nerf branch. If it were an airsoft site, well, you get the picture. I currently am the only member to span all three of the branches. Otherwise, the three other Nerfers have both Nerf and Airsoft covered. The gamers are, well, gamers...

Well, we're in Midwest Michigan (hence we are hosting MidMI) and like to war at least once a week amongst ourselves in the sumer. Winter is our off seaseon, which is then when we switch over to other combat sports to keep our skills up. After MidMI is over with, we may be broadening to be an interstate clan *hint hint*.

Edit: I left out a lot of information while includign too much the first time...

Edited by GeneralPrimevil, 04 April 2006 - 08:10 PM.

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"Fear the man with one gun, for he probably knows how to use it."

#3 z80



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Posted 04 April 2006 - 04:19 PM

I'm the "Ambassador" of my clan I guess. I'm one of the four "Team Leaders" so I've got some power. We're a group of friends in westchester started, what, two months ago? I forget. But we're getting better and buidling up our arsenal. We have about 26 members at last count, and we just got two new members, so we're fairly big. We usually have weekly wars and on vacations we have them more. We are mostly in the 14-15 range with one 13 year old and one 10 year old (At least he listens to the leaders. :ph34r:) Our clan name is "Nightshift" and you can contact me thoguh PM's or email me at Snowwhizii@gmail.com. That's about it.

Edited by z80, 04 April 2006 - 04:21 PM.

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#4 Falcon


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Posted 04 April 2006 - 04:40 PM

The Black Knights are situated in lovely Glendora, CA, the location of YANO, CAFF, and this year's Armageddon. So we're right in the middle of some of the best nerfing in the world.

We have 13 active members right now, and 16 members total.

Our active memberlist is as follows, in order of join date, from earliest to most recent:


The Black Knights have been in existence in the form of myself, pyro, and nightwing for about ten years or so. We were calling ourselves that since we were about 7-8 years old. And it stuck. Since 2004, we've grown into a prominent force in the nerfing community, going from three nerfing kids to a 13-members strong group of successful nerfers.

You can see us in the Fall CAFF 2005 video in the Nerfhaven gallery, as well as in the November YANO photo album, also in the gallery.

Visit our official clansite onThe Den of Foam, which is (very soon) going to be updated with new profile pictures.

We war as often as possible, and love every minute of it. Whether it is a small weekend clan skirmish, a larger war between ourselves and our rival clan, NARF, or Armageddon. If you're in the area, look us up!
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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#5 Maverick Master

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Posted 04 April 2006 - 05:24 PM

My clan is really small but we are Ghost Recon Nerf. There is 4 of us maybe 5 right now me and Chiptorrtaline are the founders and team leaders. I am the asshole of the team and for the most part the homemade maker. We got 2 others definite and one is just comming. We are located in Syracuse NY.
We love using stealth and military tactics to our advantage. Also we use the surroundings of the battle field. We like tactical based missions, why because its what we are best at. We make a lot of our quipment at home; vestest, scopes, current guns, holsters, and any thing else you could really think of.
I am interested and i'm sure the rest of the team would be interested. We are a young team but probably just as good as almost anybody here.( We've only lost 1 clan game)

Edited by Maverick Master, 04 April 2006 - 07:03 PM.

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Cpt. Brian Scott of UGNS


Alias Scoped loser (+)
(.)(.) :)

"In a sense, what I'm saying is that you shouldn't waste your time handling your balls. Go for the foamy rods instead."

#6 crackshot



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Posted 04 April 2006 - 05:57 PM

Clan: DNS (Dead Nerfer's Society)
Position: Founder, Modder, Tactician...you get the idea. We're all jacks of all trades.
History: Comprised of 4 long-time vets in New York: from the city through the Island. Started about 6 years ago. Focuses on small 2 on 2 outdoor and indoor skirmishes, as well as kicking ass when 3 times the number of neighborhood noobs decide they can beat us... <_< ...no. We also play LZ tag and CS: Source.
We enjoy studying military tactics and modifying/de-tactical-izing them for applications in NERF.
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#7 munson20



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Posted 04 April 2006 - 06:53 PM

If any of the leaders read this... We should really take this idea in so that we can make something like this!! If you are unsure, we should take a vote, and truly see how good of an idea this is. My clan dousnt have a name, but only has two other hardcore nerfers:

Munson20, Ristrictor-distructor, and HokieFan075
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In war, one death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic...

I know not what WWIII wil be fought with; however, WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones...

#8 wick817



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Posted 04 April 2006 - 07:10 PM

Well, My clan is not very large and i am the only real nerfer. I am the only one that mods the guns and hosts the wars. But that is about to change... . My clan consits of 6 members including me. We are located in Rochester N.Y. and we usaly always have wars every other weekend mostly indoor but i am setting up a new feild. We dont have a name yet but you can PM me about any war info or anything else. But a clan name for us could be legion of nerfers. <_<
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This is funny
My freind: You cant hit from there
Me:Yes i can... BANG(from my singled AT2K)
My friend:OOOWWWWW My arm.

#9 Agent X10

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Posted 04 April 2006 - 07:35 PM

Our (North Georgia) clan is the LRC. We've been Nerfing for something like...four years? Something like that. My position is R&D Individual, or Expert, or Man, or whatever you want to say.

Members which you have probably seen on the forums at one time or another would include:

Nerfperson (clan leader)
Agent X10
Zelda Boy
Grammar Man
The Anarchy Department

...plus several which aren't on the forums. We along with the (Alabama) Random Encounter clan started the Southeastern Nerf Out (SENO). LRC's website is lrcnerfers.tk
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"I hear footsteps in the attic!"
"And foul oaths and curses!"
"Ill-bred mice!"

"I cut brass with my teeth. No, I use a dremel and a cutting wheel." --Ompa

#10 Black Wrath

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Posted 04 April 2006 - 08:05 PM

The CFM (Canadian Foam Militia) was formed in 2004 I guess. I'm the "leader" but no one really has gay ranks and seniority.

We're in Soutern Ontario, namely Mississauga and Toronto.


Black Wrath
1/1 Newbie

And various others without accounts.
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
Resident "Spawn of Talio"

#11 AssassinNF



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Posted 04 April 2006 - 08:24 PM

My friends and I have been Nerfing for a long time, but we just recently formed a clan called the Demons of Razgriz. So far, my clan has 4 members, (including me) and we'll have 6 soon. As far as I know, I'm the only active member of the NIC in my clan.
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Probably dead by now, or something.

#12 NerfMonkey



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Posted 04 April 2006 - 08:31 PM

Wrath, I thought it was the Crimson Foam Militia.

Not important.

The ESN, formed March of '05, made up of only:


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SexD Warves

#13 Greek Assassin

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Posted 04 April 2006 - 08:31 PM

I'm starting up a clan in Queens, New York. So far we only have 4 members, but we're expecting 2 more this week, and 4 more in the near future. Most of the guys have been nerfing on and off since 2000. Now were finally starting a serious clan. We might be holding a skirmish during spring break, but i dont know the date yet. We're all 14 and 15 years old.
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QUOTE (Arcanis @ Apr 9 2005, 12:02 AM)
When I insert a dick, nothing happens.

#14 Black Wrath

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Posted 04 April 2006 - 09:51 PM

Wrath, I thought it was the Crimson Foam Militia.

I think we threw that name around, but then realized that no one knew we were Canadian by the name, so we just changed that part of the abbreviation.

They're interchangable, really; I wouldn't mind either or.
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
Resident "Spawn of Talio"

#15 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 04 April 2006 - 09:52 PM

Well, My clan is not very large and i am the only real nerfer. I am the only one that mods the guns and hosts the wars.

Yea, that goes for me as well.

While I guess we don't really have an official name as Nerfers, I guess our name as friends will stand well:

- - The Nerd Squad - -
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" Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Mr. Creedy. Beneath this mask there is an idea...
...and ideas are bulletproof. "

#16 DX-Robert


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Posted 04 April 2006 - 10:15 PM

My clan [the Ridgewood Militia] is very unique in that we are a hybrid group. Basically, we switch back and forth between Nerf and Water wars. In fact, in theory we could have both types of wars on the same day. The only problem for us is that our Nerf wing was made pretty recently and we do not Nerf at the same level as we soak. Yet. You wouldn't guess that such a 2nd-rate seeming Nerf clan also happens to be one of the most successful water war teams in the US! So we are gradually building towards equal skill in both hobbies. We do have mods and homemades, and the crossover really shows in our tech. My homemades look like water balloon launchers only with a Nerf sized barrel.

Technically we are a clan of 28, but in reality only around 10 Nerf so far. Funny thing is we used to use the name CFM [Crescent Forest Militia]. :o :P

We also carry over some water war tactics for use in Nerf, tactics are something we rank highly in. But our Nerf battles tend to be more "casual" - no camo, night battles, digging in, fortifcations, radio communication, artillery, or any of the stuff that makes us the 2nd most hardcore water war team in the US and 1st in the Northeast.

Watch out when we do get in rhythm Nerf-wise! ;)
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United Nerf Ops - The premier northeast US nerf club serving the tristate area (NY, NJ, CT)
NYC Nerf Ops - Nerf in New York City itself
NJ Nerf Ops - Nerf in New Jersey
CT Nerf Ops - Nerf in Connecticut

LI Nerf Ops - Nerf on Long Island

UNO also has a Discord server:
Join UNO Discord Here


My other groups:
Nerf Thrifters - A group for posting thrifts and other second-hand finds

#17 murakumo32



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Posted 04 April 2006 - 11:33 PM

Team Chicago is located (if you can't figure it out, well... you're retarded). We just formed, but we've been nerfing for about a year. Team Chicago consists of 8 tightly knit people & 2 squads of 4 even tighter knit people each (for team games and such). That's Team Chicago in a nutshell.
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Nerfing, now fortified with vitamin C!
100% Nerf, for 100% pwnage.


Nerf is a neutral weapons dealer. Anyone coughing up the dough can get armed.


and they're made of Foam... which makes them very Nerfy...

#18 Anothernoob



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Posted 05 April 2006 - 01:18 AM

Seeing all these clans makes me miss my old one. Advice: Don't move, it messes everything up. For now I'm going commando... er, mercenary.

Water wars? Awesome. How do ya'll know you're 2nd in the nation, are there national competitions?
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#19 nerfgunner



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Posted 05 April 2006 - 05:00 PM

My clan doesn't have a name yet and most of the nerfers arent on NH but im trying to get them on. It only has 3 people in it. ;)

Edited by nerfgunner, 05 April 2006 - 05:01 PM.

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#20 DX-Robert


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Posted 05 April 2006 - 05:43 PM

Water wars? Awesome. How do ya'll know you're 2nd in the nation, are there national competitions?

An observation based on what other teams post about themselves and what guns they have. For all I know, there could be better teams with better tech out there somewhere, but they haven't appeared online. We've got a LONG way to go to reach the same level in Nerf, though. ;)
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United Nerf Ops - The premier northeast US nerf club serving the tristate area (NY, NJ, CT)
NYC Nerf Ops - Nerf in New York City itself
NJ Nerf Ops - Nerf in New Jersey
CT Nerf Ops - Nerf in Connecticut

LI Nerf Ops - Nerf on Long Island

UNO also has a Discord server:
Join UNO Discord Here


My other groups:
Nerf Thrifters - A group for posting thrifts and other second-hand finds

#21 murakumo32



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Posted 05 April 2006 - 11:03 PM

I took a look at the site and some clans caught my attention. Does anybody here belong to Delta Force or Machine Gun Brawlers in Chicago?
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Nerfing, now fortified with vitamin C!
100% Nerf, for 100% pwnage.


Nerf is a neutral weapons dealer. Anyone coughing up the dough can get armed.


and they're made of Foam... which makes them very Nerfy...

#22 Lutinent Cole

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Posted 06 April 2006 - 01:55 PM

Las Cruces (down south) we play in the local parks, some warehouses, and the pecan orchards. It consits of (I am the only one on the forums)-

Me (also General Cole on Nerf NQ)
Racer 8
La Garcia
and about 8 other guys (we don't keep track, you show up you play)
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Whats wrong with ya? Lets check you chart........ OH MY GOD!

#23 munson20



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Posted 06 April 2006 - 09:41 PM

I have a 3 person clan in Chicago! Were not known or anyhting like other clans, but we are clan. murakumo32, Where do you live in Chicago or near it? I live near Winnetka, Maybe we could have a match sometime?
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In war, one death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic...

I know not what WWIII wil be fought with; however, WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones...

#24 LordoftheRing434



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Posted 06 April 2006 - 09:42 PM

Located in beautiful Duluth, MN, you can find the former Merry Mafia.

We first gathered around Fall 2002, and we stuck around NerfOnline for a while before its demise. You may remember us:

Lil Rob (me)
James Hood
Friar Matthew
Big Josh
and i don't exactly remember our last member's forum name...we call him Smitty.

Currently, I am the only active member of our clan represented on the NIC. We have 4 newer members to the clan that recently picked up a Nerf gun in the last year or so. Still, we have never attended a large war (hopefully that will change with Farmageddon). We may consider hosting a war near Duluth too, before we leave for school (we're all seniors). I'll end up posting stuff in a while to dig up any interest.

So yeah, Nerf isn't what it used to be for our tight-knit group, but I'm trying my best to revive it. It's going to start again though.

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And when he gets to Heaven, to St. Peter he will tell, "One more soldier reporting sir, I've served my time in hell."

"I bluff it. I don't throw my weight around and say I know what I'm doing." ~ Mick Jagger

#25 Jabs



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Posted 06 April 2006 - 10:34 PM

My clan has been active in the New Haven, Ct area for almost 5 years and I joined almost 3 years ago. We don't really have a name, because we don't have time for that crap. We have had about 20 members tops, and around 15 attend wars regularly which are held sometimes twice a month(even in the cold Northeastern winters). Unfortunately, 90% of the clan are seniors and all of them, including me, will be going away this fall to college, effectively ending our reign over the Ct backwoods. I suppose there's always the opportunity to seed new clans at college, but we will still reunite for a few wars on every break we get, so keep on nerfing in a free world! -Jabs
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