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Sjnno 06!

The war thread

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#1 NinjZ



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Posted 24 March 2006 - 04:15 PM

South Jersey Ninja Nerf Outing 2006

Date - Saturday, June 3rd
Time - 10:30 am sharp ( I will be there at 10:00am )
Where - Chestnut Branch Park, 545 Main st. Mantua NJ 08051

10:30 - Meet up in parking lot. We will then walk back to the staging/playing area, load up, review the rules, split up into teams and play untill lunch.
12:30 - break for lunch.
1:30 - Continue play.
4:00 - War ends.

I will make my cellphone number available to those who PM me for it. Please tell me if you plan on arriving late as getting back to the feild might be a little tricky.

Lunch - 5 Minutes from the park are various fast food places and a super WAWA ( food and gas ! ). If you are not driving yourself, I would suggest packing a lunch (I will be so I can stay at the park at all times).

What to bring - Blasters, back up blasters, extra blasters ( You never know what might happen ). Lots of ammo. Make plenty of ammo for yourself. I will NOT be bringing extra ammo for others to use. I know OMC usually brings extra blasters and ammo for people to use/buy but you are better off supplying yourself. Don't be a mooch. Lunch money or a packed lunch ( bring plenty of water as it will be warm out and you will be running around ).

EYE PROTECTION!!!!!!!!!!!! - If you are under the age of 18 you MUST wear some form of eye protection. It doesnt need to be a full seal but enough to keep a dart form going into your eye. It doesnt take much force to turn your eye into goo.

What NOT to bring - Blasters that fire over 150' will NOT be permited. Homemades will be allowed on a case to case situation. Tank expansions are allowed as-long-as it's not going to kill someone...Leave your noob canons at home. If you are not sure if your blaster will be leagal or not, make sure you bring extra ones to use incase.

Bathrooms - I'm not sure if the bathrooms there will be open or not, so try to do #2 before you come. #1s will be ok since there are plenty of woods close by but lets try to refrein from doing so. If for some reaon, it is imperative someone HAS to do #2 the only place you can go is at the fast food places down the road.

Game play - The only two game modes we will probably play are team slayer and team CTF ( one flag ). Please feel free to suggest any other type you want to play:

Team slayer - We will split into two teams ( proably change the teams up every round or so ). Each team will start on opposite ends of the feild and go at it untill only one team is left. We will be using the 3/15 rule for this. The 3/15 rule means 3 lives, 15 seconds. When you are hit, anywhere on your person, you are "out". When you are hit, you count to 15 as you walk back to your teams starting position. When those 15 seonds are up, you yell "IN!" and you may continue play. When you have done this 3 times, your 3 lives are up and you are eliminated from the game. ELIMINATED PEOPLE MOVE IMMEDIATELY TO THE STAGING AREA. We do this so people still in game do not get confused about who is in or out.

One flag CTF - Again we will split into two teams and start at opposite sides of the feild. ONE flag will be placed in the center between both teams. The object of the game is to retreave the flag and return it to your teams starting position. We will probably use a small box to represent each teams starting position where the flag will need to be placed. IF YOU ARE HOLDING THE FLAG AND GET HIT YOU MUST DROP THE FLAG IMMEDIATELY. The flag is then obviously free game. The 3/15 rule will also probably apply here aswell. We may change that depending on how the game play works out to make things more fair.

The feild:
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The trees are spaced far enough where you dont need an uber rifle so dont be scared if your blaster isnt shooting hot. 50'-70' will be fine. There are some spots with large gaps/opening where longer ranged blasters could be of use. We will probably do a stefan line or two ( big line spead out across the feild to look for darts ).

Edited by NinjZ, 24 March 2006 - 04:56 PM.

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#2 NerfMonkey



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Posted 24 March 2006 - 04:50 PM

If I could make a suggestion, BRING EYE PROTECTION. It's obvious but a few times at the last DCNO I forgot to wear my safety glasses completely about three rounds, but I was lucky and didn't get it in the face. Those Crossfire glasses can stand a shot from 90'+ guns at point blank range without so much as a scratch, so they're good if they fit you.

If there isn't an insane amount of people, free-for-alls are also fun. I'd love to have some of those if there's time.
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#3 NinjZ



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Posted 24 March 2006 - 04:57 PM

Ooo, thanks for reminding me. I ment to put that but forgot. My original post has been edited. We can probably get a free for all in aswell. I'm sure we will want to change it up a bit.

Edited by NinjZ, 24 March 2006 - 04:58 PM.

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#4 NerfMonkey



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Posted 25 March 2006 - 01:27 PM

All right, I'm in. I'll still be in school till about June 10th so it means I'll have to leave Friday right after I get home and stay at a hotel, go to the war and then come back immediately after. I did the same thing at the winter DCNO.

Time to start the dart making! It would be nice to have more than fifty darts this time. :w00t:
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#5 Kuhlschrank



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Posted 25 March 2006 - 06:52 PM

I'll go, but can you just PM me directions from parkway southbound? I don't trust mapquest, because I have been led astray a few times, once in east bumblefuck VA.
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+Kuhlschrank+ of the ~Lawnchair Mafia~

#6 NinjZ



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Posted 25 March 2006 - 07:41 PM

I would, but I'm not very familiar with mantua at all myself. I take a sort of buttbackwards way there from my house myself. I'm fairly certain mpquest will work fine though.
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#7 NinjZ



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Posted 27 March 2006 - 05:28 PM

Slight bump and an update. Havent got many replys confirming attendence or not.

For sale at SJNNO:

RazorBeast - Little dusty but the blaster itself is in fine working order. Stickers are comming loose. The chain has seen better days and has some E-tape keeping a few parts of hte links together but it works as normal ( still jams/ comes off track like it always has ). $20

DefenderT3 - The arrow shooter is CPVC coupler breached and the pistol part is just a plain CPVC barrel. The orange peace is missing from the front of the pistol so its a little shakey while inside but does not hinder performance ( the arrow shooter cant be banded anyways since the catch is so weak ). $15

ArrowStorm - Totaly stock, decent condition. $15
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#8 Sqiggs89



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Posted 27 March 2006 - 06:24 PM

Still wondering if my mom will let me go with NerfMonkey, but I asked him to ask his mom to convince her. So I still am unaware of my situation at this moment.

Also, when do you need to know by? Just wondering.

Hope I can make this one or anything for that matter. Thanks.

Nerf on-ith
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#9 NinjZ



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Posted 27 March 2006 - 06:43 PM

Well we have plenty of time. I just would like to get an idea of numbers incase the attendance is going to be so low it's pointless.
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#10 Sqiggs89



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Posted 27 March 2006 - 07:13 PM

Okay thanks.

Sorry I could've just edited post, but I'm to lazy. But I'd also like to comment on the eyewear point, and I would also very much wear them as I was shot from like 30ft. with a nicely modded Maxshot and it hurt like a bitch. I'm okay and everything but it hurt, so wear them please.

It's also my birthday coming up and I was wishing to get a video camera for it. If I do, I'm planning on bringing it up (if I come) and try to do a little video. Or if I can manage just to borrow a camera from somebody and just use it instead. I think it will be cool to do a video for some of the East Side things.
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#11 NerfMonkey



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Posted 16 April 2006 - 08:58 PM

This isn't my thread, but how many people are we looking at here? If it's only four I may not go. Can somebody (NinjZ, if you know how many people plan on attending) give me a headcount up to now?
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#12 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 16 April 2006 - 09:48 PM

I'll do my best to get this war onto my calendar. No promises at the current time, I have no idea what the family calendar is at home.
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#13 NinjZ



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Posted 17 April 2006 - 01:07 AM

Well there will be atleast 5-8 of my own people attending ( thats including myself ). OMC should probably be able to attend and hopefully Talio. TIS is obviously interested in comming aslong as he doesnt have any other obligations. Kul and a few others have also shown some interest. We still have like 2.5 months untill this happens. I'm sure we will get a better idea as time draws closer.
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#14 Talio


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Posted 17 April 2006 - 11:53 AM

Alright, I need to call horseshit on all you guys who think a 4 man war isn't worth your pressious fucking time. By saying that, you show your true colors as a Nerfer. Some of the best and most Effeminate battles I've fought have been with three to five people. Ask Fred and Langley about the night wars in Langleys back yard. Ask them about the time I pulled off a perfect hit from a shadow into complete darkness. Talk about the prewar stuff we do the night before the pre party. Ask about those. Ask about the 4 - 6 man wars in DC. Realize that even in big wars, most of the meat and best action doesn't come until half your team is destroyed. Ask about the times Evil has taken on whole teams by himself. Ask about those and understand your obsessive need to have a huge war with tons of people is pretty much your self falating bullshit you see in movies. Yes, big wars are fun. Yes, they are different, but no they are not better or vice versa. You guys who haven't played regularly just don't get it. Nerf is Nerf. If you get a chance to shoot someone it's awesome. If you get a chance to meet a few people in the hobby you gain a better understanding. If you go and use the small wars to hone your skills, you will have a better time. Those small wars are where you show what your worth as a Nerfer. If you say none of that matters to you, well then I say you probably won't cut it with the better guys anyway and are probably better off in the backyard. Don't get me wrong, I don't see Nerf as a monumental thing. It's fun, it's a hobby, but truely there is an experience there you just don't get anywhere else. There is a rush and a feeling of pride. Sure it may mean nothing, but what truely has meaning. The only meaning there really is would be to just have fun. So get your heads out of your asses and stop thinking that a war with 4 people can't be your greatest fucking experience of your life. You may think that the best war would 40 people show. I say give me the Four Horsemen, Evil, Hersh, Langley, Fred and Groove, 10 people, which is generally small, and I'll give you the greatest fucking nerf war you've ever seen or ever will see. Give me 40 people, and you'll see a couple of Effeminate battles, but an Effeminate war is more my style.

I'll do what I can to be there, no problem and if only Hersh and one other person shows up, by god I'll have a great fucking time with a game I love. You can sit at home and type on the fucking message board.

Have a nice fucking day,

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#15 NerfMonkey



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Posted 17 April 2006 - 12:48 PM

Don't get me wrong, I had more fun at the January MD war than I've ever had in my life. I understand that small wars are fun, I had just as much fun playing with four people using stock guns in my friend's basement in forts made of blankets and coffee tables as I do in the back yard with four. This war is over five hours away. It's also on a weekend when I have school the following Monday. I'll be there even if it is small, if there are only four I will still show up. If you are there Talio I will for sure, and if there are others I want to meet, yes I'll come. But if my mom doesn't feel like taking me five and a half hours and getting in to the local hotel near midnight like the last time just so I can have fun with four people I've never met, I guess it's not going to happen.

My time isn't worth shit. If I'm not there I'll be sitting inside or playing in the back yard and climbing on trees. My time is less valuable than that of half the people here. It's just a long way to go for a few people. I'll be there, because I want to prove myself and show that I'm not that bad of a Nerfer, and I may bring a friend. I only said I might not be there because everyone seemed pretty disappointed at the winter war when nobody showed up the first day. It was still awesome, and I'd do it again, but this is an extra hour away. My time is not valuable, but my parents' time is. I just hope it's worth it.
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#16 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 17 April 2006 - 03:05 PM

I'll be there, because I want to prove myself and show that I'm not that bad of a Nerfer

I wouldn't worry too much about that. Beyond the possibility of not being able to catch me, you should have no problem owning this admin. That goes for your friend too.

If you don't believe me, ask around.
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#17 NinjZ



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Posted 17 April 2006 - 07:50 PM

If we can get 10 people to attend, I'd call it a success. Gathering 10 people for this war is going to be very easy. Remember, we already have alteast 4 playing ( my friends and myself ).

NerfMonkey, I understand how the driving goes. About once a month I make a 2-7 hour drive with my team to MD/VA for large scale airsoft OPs. Infact, I just got home from one this weekend.
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#18 lilsniper



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Posted 19 April 2006 - 07:58 AM

Hey...add me to the head count list. I'm pretty sure I can come, and may be bringing 2-4 fellow nerfers. We have a clan called Team Stealth, This is not definite of course, but is very likely that I will be there. Its an hour and thirty minute drive, not too bad...so driving shouldn't be a problem. I will be bringing around 5 giant plastic containers filled to the top with guns for sale...very rare guns as well. Just like we were planning in the North NJ war, we can have a huge sale before/after the war. I will also, of course, have plenty of guns for people to use just for the war. And as of now, I have 2,000 stefans, however a huge local war is comming up so I may be using alot of that ammo there. However, whatever I don't use, I'll have some to give to anyone needing some extra ammo. Hope to see you guys there.

P.S. Will we be able to use nerf grenades? The ones we use are taita cakes aznac grenades (not sure if thats how you spell it). We have around 10 of them, and aren't too powerful at all, but may become very useful. Inside the grenade is just chopped up FBR. Let me know if we can use these. Thanks!

Edit: fixed some spelling/grammar

Edited by lilsniper, 19 April 2006 - 07:59 AM.

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#19 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 09:01 AM

P.S. Will we be able to use nerf grenades? The ones we use are taita cakes aznac grenades (not sure if thats how you spell it). We have around 10 of them, and aren't too powerful at all, but may become very useful. Inside the grenade is just chopped up FBR. Let me know if we can use these. Thanks!

I know it's not my war, but can I petition that we don't allow Nerf Grenades?
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Shindig of the Lawn Chair Mafia

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#20 Kuhlschrank



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Posted 19 April 2006 - 10:23 AM

P.S. Will we be able to use nerf grenades? The ones we use are taita cakes aznac grenades (not sure if thats how you spell it). We have around 10 of them, and aren't too powerful at all, but may become very useful. Inside the grenade is just chopped up FBR. Let me know if we can use these. Thanks!

I know it's not my war, but can I petition that we don't allow Nerf Grenades?

I think it might be interesting to try out for one round, I wouldn't suggest their use for the whole day, but i think if we tried using them for a battle or two, they could be interesting, maybe even fun. Like TIS, its not my war, but I'd say give 'em a shot.
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+Kuhlschrank+ of the ~Lawnchair Mafia~

#21 NinjZ



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Posted 19 April 2006 - 12:32 PM

You can bring them for show atleast, and we can probably allow them for a round just to see but I usually feel the same way TIS, Talio and others feel about NERF wars. If it doesnt have atleast NERF internals ( and fire foam ), it's not NERF. Buzzbee and Lanard are allowed though.

For wars outside, and more specificaly this playing area, the grenades will be next to useless.
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#22 lilsniper



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Posted 20 April 2006 - 09:09 AM

NinjZ, you are probably right...the nades are not the most helpful outside. Of course, you could work if you have a good arm, but it would be difficult. I will be bringing these nades for show, and you guys can decide to use them or not. If you want to see exactly what I'm using (i made them yesterday)...read this:


Go to the last post by myself, lilsniper. Anway, I'll let you guys know about my status of going to this war. I will update you if any other of my friends can go as well. Thanks.
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#23 Crankymonky


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Posted 21 April 2006 - 11:33 PM

Don't get me wrong, I had more fun at the January MD war than I've ever had in my life.

My time isn't worth shit. I just hope it's worth it.

January war...heh... There is a logical explanation for that, I'd be happy to tell you sometime.

By "Worth your time," I don't think Tally meant such a monetary based thing, he meant, will you enjoy it.

I still may or may not be able to make it. I don't have my exam schedule yet, but I believe I won't have an exam on Friday, and have one on Monday. Still need to make sure my parents wouldn't be using the car. I'll keep in contact with everyone about the war.
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#24 NinjZ



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Posted 03 May 2006 - 02:36 PM

SJNNO is in about a month! Start making stefans and getting ready.

Sound off.
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#25 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 23 May 2006 - 11:38 PM

If all goes according to plan, I will be carpooling with Kuhlscrank down there. If I can scrounge any LCM, I will.
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Shindig of the Lawn Chair Mafia

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