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Scope Mod!

A detachable scope for all N-Strike guns

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#1 Sixo



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 02:30 PM

Okay, so this is a mod for a scope that can be clipped onto the top of all n-strike guns using that little raised track that they have.

While taking apart my crossfire, I noticed that the small green clip on top of the gun fell right out of the slider upon unscrewing it.

Posted Image

The color clashes horribly with the gun, it looks stupid, and its useless unless I get one of the big dart tag guns...and even then clipping them together is kinda stupid. So I was going to dispose of it. But then I also noticed that it clicks perfectly into the N-Strike tracks on the guns.

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So I decided to make a scope, using that as the base so it could be detachable. For the lenses, I took one of those little "pocket explorer" things that little kids have (I dug mine up from an old toybox).

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It's kind of a 5-in-1 type thing with a compass and a mirror and shit like that. You can probably find it at any toy or hobby store. But at any rate, I pulled off the two opposing lenses that you would look through to use the thing as a pair of binoculars.

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Now, I used 1/2" PVC for the scope itself, but I actually found that the walls were a bit thick and, in the end, narrowed my scope of view when looking through it. So, you may want to use something with narrower walls or a larger size piece of PVC pipe. Anyway, because of the size of pipe that I was using, the small lens was the perfect size to be attached. As such, I did not need to alter it, but I needed to pop the bigger lens out of its plastic frame and file it down to make it small enough to fit nicely when attached to the other end of the pipe. Here's my filed-down lens:

Posted Image

Okay, nobody post please. Need to start a new post.

Edited by Sixo, 28 February 2006 - 03:03 PM.

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#2 Sixo



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 02:42 PM

After that, Just hot glue the two lenses on either end of the pipe. Then, add a layer of electrical tape wrapping around the tube, starting from one end to the the other. Make sure that you're taping around the lenses, too so they have added support.

Posted Image

Next, take the green clip thing and take out the two screws. A small, thin green piece will come off. Take two pieces of electrical tape and stick it to it in such a way that when you screw it back on, the sticky side of the tape is facing up. Make the tape pieces moderately long, because they will be wrapped around the scope. This is what it should look like, after being screwed back on and right before I started adding hot glue to the thin green piece:

Posted Image

So after that applying hot glue to the parts of the green thing that the scope will be touching, put the scope on it. After the glue sets, take the pieces of tape and pull them up and over the scope and stick them on so it helps hold it in place. This is what the whole piece, both scope and newly attached clip, should look like when you're done.

Posted Image

Voila! You now have a scope that you can attach to any N-Strike gun, including NFs, Mavs, and FF. Here's a shot of it on my double barreled NF (Thanks Thirst).

Posted Image


Edited by Sixo, 28 February 2006 - 03:08 PM.

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#3 Sixo



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 02:44 PM

Oh, my. None of my pictures came up. People can reply now, please, and explain to me what I did wrong and how I can fix it so you can see the pics haha

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#4 Rip32



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 02:45 PM

Man, thats a great write up and mod. After reading it I realy want to see the pictures but they wont work for me. Are you using photobucket, imageshack, or something else to host your pictures?

Edit: I like using photobucket. All you have to do is make an account, log in, and send your pics there on your account. Then you copy and past the bottom url that says "img." Hope that helped.

Edited by Rip32, 28 February 2006 - 02:47 PM.

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#5 Sixo



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 02:47 PM

photobucket it is. Give me a couple of minutes and I'll try to re-do the pics so you guys can see them. Stupid webshots.

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#6 Death


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Posted 28 February 2006 - 02:55 PM

Well, the first thing you did wrong was attempt to attach a scope to a Nerf gun.

Don't get me wrong-- mods utilizing the Rail system on the N-Strike guns are a good idea. However, there is no reason on the face of this good Earth for a Nerf gun to have a scope, let alone magnification optics.

Like I said, your idea started in a good place-- a good use for the Rails-- but try applying that to something which would actually be of use in a war.
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#7 Sixo



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 03:09 PM

There we go. Looks like the images work now. Thanks for the help Rip, and sorry bout the mess-ups/wait everybody.

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#8 Rip32



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 03:12 PM

Wow, I have to say that is a very detailed and good writeup. I think your the first person to have done that. I like your idea and all, but I agree with Death. All in all it was a very clever and well done mod, and accesory for the N- Strikes.

But Maybe the scope might not be useful for a nf, but it might possibly be effective,for the longshot. If it can get good ranges.

Edit: No problem Sixo

Edited by Rip32, 28 February 2006 - 03:14 PM.

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#9 Sixo



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 03:18 PM

Thank you Rip! Also, thanks for the pointers, both of you. Perhaps I'll try something else with that rail system in the future. Seems like something that can really be utilized well. I'll see what I can do. I'm out for now-

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#10 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 28 February 2006 - 03:22 PM

Well, the first thing you did wrong was attempt to attach a scope to a Nerf gun.

there is no reason on the face of this good Earth for a Nerf gun to have a scope, let alone magnification optics.

I would have to disagree. In a game of assassin when it is night time and you will be shooting grey darts at people, you will need all the help you can get to confirm the kill.

As for the N-strike line, the Titan is definitly worthy of a scope. I have never been able to find a dart fired from my Titan on an angle. A scope will help alot. You could just saw off the existing scope and add a real working one in its place.

Good work on utilizing the rails! Keep these ideas coming!

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 28 February 2006 - 03:23 PM.

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#11 Rip32



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 03:29 PM

Oh yea, I forgot about the Titan! That would be a excelent gun to use it on. If I ever get a titan, and crossfire I will definetley try this mod.
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#12 Death


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Posted 28 February 2006 - 04:24 PM

I would have to disagree. In a game of assassin when it is night time and you will be shooting grey darts at people, you will need all the help you can get to confirm the kill.

As for the N-strike line, the Titan is definitly worthy of a scope. I have never been able to find a dart fired from my Titan on an angle. A scope will help alot. You could just saw off the existing scope and add a real working one in its place.

Firstly, unless you're shelling out the cash for Night Vision, no amount of optics are going to help you find darkly colored darts in low-light.

Secondly, no Nerf gun-- Titan inclusive-- needs a scope. It does absolutely nothing for you. It's a crutch.

Nerf darts are too inconsistent. Differences in the pits of foam, curvature of the dart, balance of the weight, wind speeds and directions, humidity, barometric pressure, and a number of other factors all affect the accuracy of a dart. Each of these can change from shot to shot. As such, any form of optical aiming system on any Nerf gun will be inadequate in terms of predicting an accurate shot.

Additionally, magnification optics are highly unnecessary. Combine the aforementioned accuracy concerns with the fact that no Nerf gun has the necessary range for a magnified field of vision, and you realize that you have some lovely eye-candy on your weapon which underperforms in comparison to a simple shoulder-and-fire method.

Edited by Death, 28 February 2006 - 04:26 PM.

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#13 z80



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 05:06 PM

I completely disagree. This allows you to watch the enenmy's location while having a weapon ready. I think another good use for the rails is to build in a SSPB, so you can make snap-on integrations.
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#14 nerfer34



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 05:18 PM

Guys a scope does nothing!(Even a paintball or airsoft gun shouldn't have a scope (which obviously fires further than a Nerf gun). These types of guns are too inacurate plus a poece of plastic won't help you out. A scope should only be used for appearance.

Nice find on the rail!
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#15 No-iD



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 06:25 PM

Guys a scope does nothing!(Even a paintball or airsoft gun shouldn't have a scope (which obviously fires further than a Nerf gun). These types of guns are too inacurate plus a poece of plastic won't help you out. A scope should only be used for appearance.

I agree with nerfer on this one. I'm soon going to be putting a scope on my BBB, not for the purpose of performance, but just because its gonna look badass.

*EDIT*: You might also want to size down your pictures a bit, they are too big.

- No-iD -

Edited by No-iD, 28 February 2006 - 06:25 PM.

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#16 Sixo



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 06:41 PM

Well No-iD, I never did say that it had to actually be used as a sight...whether it's for looks or actual magnification, a scope is a scope and that is what I provided this mod for. What people use it for is up to them. And yeah, sorry about the pictures, that was my bad. Didn't realize they'd be so huge, I'll shrink them down next time.


*EDIT* You said it yourself, you're doing a scope for your BBB because it'll look badass. Perhaps people will want that same badass look for their N-Strike guns.

Edited by Sixo, 28 February 2006 - 06:42 PM.

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#17 No-iD



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 06:45 PM

*EDIT* You said it yourself, you're doing a scope for your BBB because it'll look badass. Perhaps people will want that same badass look for their N-Strike guns.

^That is very true.^ It does look pretty cool on your NF, I also liked how you made it out of a little kids compass combo... Very nice

- No-iD -
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Posted 28 February 2006 - 07:30 PM

I really hate that, it was a stolen idea and counterproductive to society.

- No-iD -

Are you seriously going to look through a useless and fake scope that isnt calibrated before you fire while your rushing at the other time?
Note: No-iD has the same avatar as me, so many people will glance at the avatar and think it is him

Edited by THIRST, 28 February 2006 - 07:31 PM.

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#19 DarkSide



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 07:30 PM

Guys a scope does nothing!(Even a paintball or airsoft gun shouldn't have a scope (which obviously fires further than a Nerf gun). These types of guns are too inacurate plus a poece of plastic won't help you out. A scope should only be used for appearance.

I disagree. Some airsoft $niper rifles reach distances of 200-300',
I'd call that worthy of a scope. And a fully modded titan can get
ranges of almost 200'.

Also, Sixo, could you post a pic looking through the scope?
I'd just like to know how much it magnifies.

Edited by DarkSide, 02 March 2006 - 05:26 PM.

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#20 No-iD



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 07:35 PM

I love how thirst is trying to start a fight for me in an online forum....real mature of you buddy

- No-iD -
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#21 NerfMonkey



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 07:43 PM

I've never tried using a scope and don't plan to. As Talio once said, this is a perfect thread for identifying who Nerfs and who talks about Nerf.

This isn't an attack on the starter of the thread, if you did it for cosmetics alone then good job, kind of reminds me of the "Ultimate NF" a while ago.

Angel, we get that you play in games of Nerf assassin, and that sometimes things like scopes can help you out, but 99% of us here play in wars among friends, during the day, and shoot from 40' or less. Stealth has NEVER played any part in a war I've been in; I understand Nerf assassins and Nerfing are two different things, but for everyone's purpose here who's argued against the use of scopes, they're totally useless.

But Maybe the scope might not be useful for a nf, but it might possibly be effective,for the longshot. If it can get good ranges.

No, it won't, not for any actual war, where you're actually Nerfing. Some people can utilize stealth in games and like to use scopes, but you know what I call them? Wusses.

I completely disagree. This allows you to watch the enenmy's location while having a weapon ready.

Please. Why would you want to watch someone in a Nerf war from such a distance that you need a freaking scope? Why not just play, that's what makes the game fun, not waiting and watching people from a distance with scopes and other things.

EDIT: No-ID, lighten up pal. Thirst was joking around, notice the note he put at the bottom of his text. It's called a sense of humor, get one.

Edited by NerfMonkey, 28 February 2006 - 07:44 PM.

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#22 Sixo



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 08:20 PM

I really hate that, it was a stolen idea and counterproductive to society.

What are you referring to? I don't mean this in a confrontational way, I'm just making sure you're not referring to anything I said, because I had no intentions of offending anyone with anything I did or said.

As for the rest of you, it was simply an idea to utilize the rail system. I get that most of you don't really dig the thought of a scope. That's totally cool and I'll try for something in the future that won't bother you guys so much.

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"Behind this mask, there is more than flesh. There is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."

#23 Sixo



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 08:27 PM

These are for Darkside.

Here's my lamp in the corner of the room:

Posted Image

Here's looking at it through the scope:

Posted Image

Unfortunately, because of the thick walls of the tubing that I mentioned, the view is not this light. My camera automatically lightened the picture up...looking through the scope like this at the lamp was actually much darker.
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#24 z80



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 09:22 PM

I completely disagree. This allows you to watch the enenmy's location while having a weapon ready.

Please. Why would you want to watch someone in a Nerf war from such a distance that you need a freaking scope? Why not just play, that's what makes the game fun, not waiting and watching people from a distance with scopes and other things.

I have used a pair of Binoculars before, so i don't get completely ganked when I storm the opponent's base. Maybe he should just call it a "Monocular" and some people would be quiet about how "nerf guns aren't that accurate!!!" Does it really matter? He likes the scope, it really doesnt add any negative effects, why not?
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#25 NerfMonkey



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Posted 28 February 2006 - 09:33 PM

Like I said, I wasn't attacking the creator of the mod, I think it's kickass. Read my post, dude. I was talking to you when I spoke about looking through scopes or binoculars. It was kind of why I quoted you.

Sixo, I like the mod, just because it looks nice. I've heard about people putting scopes on their guns but never really seen it. Looks really sexy, I just don't see the practical use of it but if it's for cosmetics, job well done.

Edited by NerfMonkey, 28 February 2006 - 09:35 PM.

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