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#51 Death


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Posted 19 July 2005 - 02:53 PM

death, Ive heard of your clan, you guys have been around for quite some time correct? I remember some time ago ther was a website in existence that had semi fictional nerf war stories and the title conatined the word horseman, is that you guys?

Holy crap-inna-hat, somebody remembers the Chronicles of the Horsemen? I had a few iterations of that site-- the one you are remembering is probably the one featured here, on the Internet Wayback Machine. Either that, or perhaps you mean the issues of the Chronicles that Hal hosted for me on NerfOnline (also available thanks to Archive.org)

In any event, I wasn't criticizing your means of having fun. Just saying that, in my experience, the draw of Nerf is in its removal from combat realism. As anyone who's Nerfed with me before can attest, I love to run, jump, dive, flip, tumble, and otherwise do things which would get me killed in Real Life Combat. That is to say, I Nerf like an action film. That's just the way I prefer to play the game.
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Let a man never stir on his road a step
without his weapons of war;
for unsure is the knowing when need shall arise
of a spear on the way without.  --Hávamál 38

#52 MFRnync



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Posted 19 July 2005 - 04:07 PM

Yup chronicles of the horsemen lol, that was some cool stuff.
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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#53 One Man Clan

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Posted 19 July 2005 - 04:46 PM

I'm gonna break away from the majority here and back up MFR here. He did come in to this site, NOT being arrogant, so that's already a plus to me. The 2 members thing is a little shaky, and the fact that he has no physical pictures does strike me as odd. I thought one would at least take a clan picture.

HOWEVER, he's not claiming to have found a new blaster in a store, knowing it was wrong, and has come to defend himself, so ease off his back, and let him nerf. Milsim or otherwise, who cares as long as its nerf? This has become a woodsball vs. speedball arguement, on top of a rather interesting web of something.....
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I hate you.

#54 MFRnync



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Posted 19 July 2005 - 05:14 PM

One man clan, thanks so much for the show of support. Let me just assure you though the specialist and myself are two different people.
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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#55 Bad Karma

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Posted 19 July 2005 - 06:23 PM

Fuck you CX, I was not trying to seduce him!  I'm not into that stuff.

Hey, now that's my job bitch!

Anyways, Welcome. Have a nice stay. And don't eat the food. Don't piss anyone off....well anyone of any importance at least....
But I think it's too late for that.
~Da BK~

Edited by Bad_Karma, 19 July 2005 - 06:38 PM.

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Da BK 02: well...I just wanted to tell you...since your going to be dieing...I 've always hated you...and I mean that
TheTalio: Fuck you...I still love you

#56 leftnut



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Posted 19 July 2005 - 07:45 PM

Alright time do defend myself, first things first. I am in high school but I am only sixteen and in the loveley state of New York you need to be seventeen to have your license.

Um as me being some one living in NY state, I would like to say thats not how I know it. I am 16 and have my permit and at 16 and a half I will have my junior liscense, then at 18 full liscense unless you take drivers ed. Maybe its different in the seperate counties, oh and which one do you live in any way? I live in westchester.

Edited by leftnut, 19 July 2005 - 07:47 PM.

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"You are obviously a megalomaniacal insecure little boy stroking your faltering ego with your own hairy palm in order to prove your suedo-alpha male status..."
-BadAssReptileFarmer to Talio

#57 merlinski



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Posted 20 July 2005 - 12:43 AM

Alright time do defend myself, first things first. I am in high school but I am only sixteen and in the loveley state of New York you need to be seventeen to have your license.

Um as me being some one living in NY state, I would like to say thats not how I know it. I am 16 and have my permit and at 16 and a half I will have my junior liscense, then at 18 full liscense unless you take drivers ed. Maybe its different in the seperate counties, oh and which one do you live in any way? I live in westchester.

It's not done by county, the law applies for all of New York. At 16 you can get your permit, at 16.5 you can get your junior license, which lets you drive except between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. You get your full license at 18 automatically, or at 17 automatically if you have taken drivers ed.
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#58 VACC


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Posted 20 July 2005 - 01:07 AM

Yup chronicles of the horsemen lol, that was some cool stuff.

Do NOT fucking encourage him. I don't really give too much of a shit about your true identity, but as a horsemen I do NOT wanna see the chronicles dragged back out into the open. Half-dozen FARs or not, the above is certainly an offense I will put you under for.

~Captain Popetacious~
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#59 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 20 July 2005 - 02:28 AM

Why are you picking on him? It's not like he's making extreme claims.

Yes, the no-pics and double account is odd, so what. If you guys had just believed him and not questioned him, he would have just been around not doing anything. What does he have to gain from that. He isn't being annoying, offending, etc. spammers are, so he's not spamming. So what then?

Oh, and an ip is a unique signature, if you will, that every computer has. Thus, if you sign up on your computer, somebody can tell it was your computer, and no two ip addresses/ computer signatures are the same in the entire internet. If your friend signs up on his computer, the ip would be different from yours. Which it's not...

And only the mods and admins can see your IP... on this board... I think...
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QUOTE(Arcanis @ Apr 8 2005, 05:02 PM)
When I insert a dick, nothing happens.

Call me NSF
N erf
S pecial
F orces

#60 MFRnync



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Posted 20 July 2005 - 07:49 AM

Well as my buddy the specialist said we are in drivers ed this summer. Your junior licencse can be attained if your permit is older than six months however it only permits you to drive to drivers ed or a legitamite employer. Once again the reason our IP adresses may have been the same the first time he posted is because I logged on from his house at one point to see replies on this topic. Vacc many apolagies for dragging up the horseman, didnt mean to offend anyone. Leftnut, sorry but Id perfer not to disclose the county I live in. :(

Edited by MFRnync, 20 July 2005 - 08:01 AM.

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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#61 leftnut



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Posted 20 July 2005 - 09:46 AM

Well as my buddy the specialist said we are in drivers ed this summer. Your junior licencse can be attained if your permit is older than six months however it only permits you to drive to drivers ed or a legitamite employer. Once again the reason our IP adresses may have been the same the first time he posted is because I logged on from his house at one point to see replies on this topic. Vacc many apolagies for dragging up the horseman, didnt mean to offend anyone. Leftnut, sorry but Id perfer not to disclose the county I live in. :(

No thats the restricted junior liscense which is if you take your road test early. Can't say the county because we will some how find out where you live from that and hunt you down and unleash Talio on you?
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"You are obviously a megalomaniacal insecure little boy stroking your faltering ego with your own hairy palm in order to prove your suedo-alpha male status..."
-BadAssReptileFarmer to Talio

#62 VACC


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Posted 20 July 2005 - 12:15 PM

Vacc many apolagies for dragging up the horseman, didnt mean to offend anyone.

It was a joke, but seriously, that shit is embarassing.
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#63 MFRnync



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Posted 20 July 2005 - 12:17 PM

lol, just a personal choice I guess, and im telling you no matter what the junior licencse only allows you to drive to work and drivers ed. The restricted one offers no more privleges than your permit. Aask you local drivers ed teacher or go to the DMV's website for clarification.
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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#64 merlinski



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Posted 20 July 2005 - 01:44 PM

Yeah, sorry but that's bullshit.


Limited Junior License (limited class DJ) is only to school or work.
Junior License (class DJ) is anywhere without supervision between 5 a.m. and 9 p.m.
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#65 MFRnync



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Posted 20 July 2005 - 02:10 PM

Ok sir, read the one for Long Island, scroll down on the page and read the restrictions for using a juniors license in Nassau and suffolk counties, Jerk.

Edited by MFRnync, 20 July 2005 - 02:13 PM.

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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#66 Talio


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Posted 20 July 2005 - 03:13 PM

How can this possibly still be going on? Dude, you want to know how to make everyone shut up? STOP DEFENDING YOURSELF! It makes you look more guility. Just knock it off man! This thread should have curled up into a little ball and died quite some time ago. Jesus guys!
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New posts on my blog, check it out. - Click on the ad too, cause I get money per click. Give back to the Admin team for once!

#67 Death


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Posted 20 July 2005 - 03:34 PM

Vacc many apolagies for dragging up the horseman, didnt mean to offend anyone.

Haha, no worries there, bud. It's the god-awful Chronicles that Vacc is opposed to. And there's not much in this world which can motivate me to half-finish another set of them, so Vacc's got no reason to complain.
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Let a man never stir on his road a step
without his weapons of war;
for unsure is the knowing when need shall arise
of a spear on the way without.  --Hávamál 38

#68 cooldood31



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Posted 20 July 2005 - 05:08 PM

Wow. I guess this shows how little we trust people. What motive would this guy have to lie? Just cut him some slack and see how he does. He might prove to be a great asset (not quite the right word, but you get my drift) to nerf and nerfhaven, so why turn him away. Just because somethings are hard to believe, doesn't mean that they aren't true.

Edited by cooldood31, 20 July 2005 - 05:09 PM.

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#69 merlinski



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Posted 20 July 2005 - 06:21 PM

More than anything else, it's the fact that he's so defensive that's encouraging this. I'm sorry about the misunderstanding, I consider Long Island to be part of the city. If you just let this go, the thread will die and you'll have plenty of time to prove yourself.

Just because people have nothing to gain from lying doesn't mean that they don't still do it. Look at the fake firefly claims, etc.
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#70 cxwq



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Posted 20 July 2005 - 06:29 PM

For an example of what happens when nobody calls people out to prove their claims, take a look at the range claims on NHQ. It's NO '02 all over again. I know the NF and at2k are great guns, but I've seen people claim 100' and 130' flat, respectively, and get nothing but positive feedback. What kind of retarded bullshit is that?

On NH, we simply don't give a shit about nurturing people and turning them into assets to the community. They can put up or shut up, we don't care either way. Just so you know, I don't presume to speak for all our members since our membership is pretty much the entire NIC. I speak for the founders of this site and those who have been here for years.

The benevolency of a dictatorship is in the eye of the beholder.
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<meta name="cxwq" content="mostly water">

#71 cooldood31



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Posted 20 July 2005 - 07:10 PM

I am well aware that nurturing isn't done here, and turning this place into Nhq is the last thing i'd want. I'm just saying that some people should back up a bit and give him some time to come up with proof. If he doesn't, We'll all know that he's full of "retarded bullshit".
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#72 The Specialist

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Posted 20 July 2005 - 07:22 PM

Ok, but will people begin believing me that I am not MFRnync?
here is a picture of me, I think it will work, but I don't think there are any pics of my friend on the net
Posted Image
or if that doesn't work this should

Edited by The_Specialist, 20 July 2005 - 07:24 PM.

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#73 J cobbers

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Posted 20 July 2005 - 08:12 PM

Ok the Specialist has now shown that he can post images on the interweb. Now all he needs to do is show off those FAR's. Specialist, you can help your buddy a lot by posting a picture of them. I think that's a bigger sticking point than the milsim.
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Don't forget to eat your meat based vegetable substitute children.

#74 The Specialist

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Posted 20 July 2005 - 09:30 PM

I personally do not own a digi cam that pic was sitting on my comp because me and my cousin were messing around with it when he was visiting, but he lives upstate and I don't see him often
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#75 Pineapple


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Posted 20 July 2005 - 11:08 PM

Personally, I find nothing wrong with you or your interest in mil-sim Nerf, I want to get that straight. Like I said earlier, if you get a rush out of running around in camo and laying down the news, then more power to ya, and I'm all for ANYONE just getting out and Nerfing.

It's the six 'improved' FARs that you claim to have that bug me and anyone else who's attempting to build them. I have all my materials, a broken Dremel, other tools in my workshop, and a limited amount of time (with a 60 hour work schedule, a growing family, a full teaching and ministry schedule, and a guinea pig attempt at long-distance online learning [college level, o'course]. )

But rather than throw a bunch of excuses on the table, I'm just waiting until my opportunity to stick all the parts together and start troubleshooting the thing. Ask flamebo388; he built a fine replica with some variations, and he's still troubleshooting it after a couple months. Maybe you DO have superior constructing skills to have built SIX fully functioning FARs when most of us haven't even finished one yet. Not my call.

But it would definitely redeem your credibility to post a simple picture to make most of us eat our words. I'm surprised that you don't have pix of your team, even if they're in Airsoft gear...I'd want to show off just a bit if I had that much 'juice'.

Watching and waiting (with FAR pieces on my table),


EDIT; deleted some comments intended for another user.

Edited by Pineapple, 20 July 2005 - 11:09 PM.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

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