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Political Discussion

Thought we needed one...

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Poll: PoliticalAffiliation (53 member(s) have cast votes)


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#1 Shotty Master

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Posted 18 May 2005 - 05:34 AM

Well, in the topic about the shirt, someone said we needed another political debate forum. Well, here it is. The poll is just for my personal info i needed for school anyway.

I think il start this off: subj.: gun control

I personally dont feel gun control is needed. Gun control = steady hands.
Also, it is thought that guns are bad because they kill people. Honestly, ive never seen a gun jump up and shoot somebody. You never hear about someone filing a lawsuit against a GUN, do you? in my humble opinion, People kill People. Maybe we need people control?

Please respond.

Edited by Shotty_Master, 18 May 2005 - 05:36 AM.

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#2 southpaw



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Posted 18 May 2005 - 07:25 AM

While guns don't actually kill people, guns help people to kill people.
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#3 Bad Karma

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Posted 18 May 2005 - 12:49 PM

How about we DON'T start another political topic? :rolleyes:

This is a nerf forum. Most of us aren't even old enough to vote. We don't matter yet.

The ones who ARE old enough. Get frusterated with the younger ones because they don't know what the hell they are talking about.

That is my 2cents.

~Da BK~
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Da BK 02: well...I just wanted to tell you...since your going to be dieing...I 've always hated you...and I mean that
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#4 merlinski



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Posted 18 May 2005 - 01:08 PM

If you don't want to discuss politics don't view the topic, that simple.

The main reason I wanted a political discussion was to let self-righteous republicans (aka. One Man Clan) try and back up calling all liberals "dipshits".

Re: Gun Control:

My views on this are more moderate but I'll play devil's advocate here. Of course you've never seen a gun kill someone by itself. I've never seen a nuclear weapon jump off a table and detonate itself over a city. Does that mean that it's harmless and that anyone should be able to own one? Of course not. A gun has a very distinct and very obvious purpose, the injuring or taking of human life. Don't say "it's purpose is hunting" because I doubt that the pistols gun-control opponents try to defend are being used against deer. The correct and proper use of a gun is inherently destructive and dangerous, hence a gun is inherently destructive and dangerous. Yeah, there is range shooting. But what do you aim at when you fire at a range? A paper target in the shape of a person. And don't bother trying to fall back on "you have the right to shoot it at a range". If that's all you want, then have all guns locked up at firing ranges and only accessible inside the building. The basic argument that it boils down to is government paternalism and rights, etc. And the classic test for determining when a government has the right to step in and tell a person that they cannot own a product or take part in an activity is when that activity or product is inherently violent and/or damaging to society. The only societal purpose of a gun is to kill or injure, hence removal of the right to own one is justified.

Edited by merlinski, 18 May 2005 - 02:16 PM.

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#5 Bad Karma

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Posted 18 May 2005 - 01:28 PM

See, this is why there are groups like the G00ns. Who go around and ruin forums because they believe that they are conrtolled by 14 year old lebrial boys with no lifes and an agenda. In the instence I'm going to haft to agree with thim.

If the reason you made this topic was to bash people. Your going to get a rude awakening. Grow up, you don't like a comment someone made. Take it up with them. Don't make it everyone elses problem.

Edited by Bad_Karma, 18 May 2005 - 01:28 PM.

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Da BK 02: well...I just wanted to tell you...since your going to be dieing...I 've always hated you...and I mean that
TheTalio: Fuck you...I still love you

#6 One Man Clan

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Posted 18 May 2005 - 01:41 PM

Merlinski, you're a dipshit. I'M NOT A REPUBLICAN, where did I ever say I was?

Edited by One Man Clan, 18 May 2005 - 01:41 PM.

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I hate you.

#7 merlinski



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Posted 18 May 2005 - 02:04 PM

Merlinski, you're a dipshit. I'M NOT A REPUBLICAN, where did I ever say I was?

Umm, here:

However, I see it as a double joke cause most of use here minus Evil and a few other dipshits are republicans.

So you either called all non-republicans dipshits, or you suck at writing.

Oh, and BK. I'm not making this someone else's problem. In fact, I didn't even make the topic - I only made a comment about a desire for a political thread, and someone else who happened to also have an interest in the topic created it. In fact, it seems like you're the only one with a problem with this thread, and last time I checked, there wasn't a forum rule that made it compulsory to check every topic (tho it appears that you think there is). So once again, if you don't like it I suggest you stop reading and posting in this topic.

Edited by merlinski, 18 May 2005 - 02:17 PM.

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#8 Viper



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Posted 18 May 2005 - 04:13 PM

Canada has a simliar gun ownership percentage as the US, yet we have far more firearm deaths and murders all together. 1st weapon of choice is the pistol, 2nd the knife, and then the next type of gun is 10th, the shotgun. While guns help people kill people it has more to do with our social welfare system that is backwards for a postindutrial power and our gung-ho war on drugs that creates turf wars between rival drug distributers. If knives are number 2 and including just them alone account for more murders than entire nations like Japan and France's murder rate it proves that available guns aren't the problem.

A common argument against assault weapons, which account for like .00005% of gun crimes altoghter is that the only purpose is to kill people. Its not true at all, these are essentially toys, not like nerf toys but like Corvette's and Mustangs and firecrackers. It is an innate desire to blow things up, jsut face it, we've hunting creatures, why do we shoot darts at people? By the way no ones ever been killed by a full automatic since 1929 when a cop shot his wife, although that has been the focus of gun control for years , although keeping pistols, like the .22 handgun which is preffered is kept out of the loop becuase its somehow weak. Even if criminals did use full auto weapons, I'd feel far safer than if they had a semi-auto. Has anyone here even shot an AK-47 full auto? Do you have any idea how hard it is to hit someone at just about any distance?

Edited by Viper, 18 May 2005 - 04:21 PM.

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Posted 18 May 2005 - 04:18 PM

No more knives of any kind! Try cutting a steak with a spoon.

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#10 Shotty Master

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Posted 18 May 2005 - 04:28 PM

Bad Karma: I did not intend for this to bash people, I made it so people could have mature discussions about their political veiws. I perfectly understand that most of us arent able to vote, therefor our beleifs dont count, however, if someone was to make a good point and change someone elses veiws, then it is worth while, because it opens everyones eyes.

Gun control: and i quote from the Constitution of the United States of America

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

The way i interpret that is that congress SHALL NOT INFRINGE ( last phrase) our right of the people to keep and bear arms ( middle phrase)

As for calling liberals dipshits, I find slandering a group of people (stereotyping) to be not only uncalledfor, but also immiture and discraceful to what ever political party you belong to in the eyes of others who also stereotype.

Edit, heres the bill of rights for all to see:http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/facts/funddocs/billeng.htm

Edited by Shotty_Master, 18 May 2005 - 04:30 PM.

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#11 Beaver Vortex

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Posted 18 May 2005 - 04:37 PM

If that's the way you see it. But the only reason we have the right to bear arms is to have a "well regulated militia" for the "security of the free state." Gee, I would feel all the more secure if absolutely anyone could pick up and gun and use it to kill anyone they saw. We have guns to protect the security, but at some point guns are not helping our security, so much as violently destroying it.
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#12 Crankymonky


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Posted 18 May 2005 - 05:08 PM

The way I see it is something like is:

Amend the constitution, fuck the 2nd ammendment. Right, so anyone who uses the second ammendment as good reasoning just lost their third leg.

Maybe it's a little drastic, but what I'm saying is we should not base our decisions off a document that is meant to be changed.

Or, if you don't like that reasoning...

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Are you part of the militia? Okay then, please return your firearm. Maybe we should lock all of the guns up until the government is restricting our basic freedoms...oh right, Bush is already doing that. And, yes, we have the right to overthrow the government when they repress us.

Crank', making sane supporters of real politik insane since 2006...or 1988.

Edited by crankymonky, 18 May 2005 - 05:10 PM.

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#13 Jakethesnake



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Posted 18 May 2005 - 05:12 PM

Look at it this way: To the people that make guns dangerous, I.E. criminals thieves, terrorists, or whoever, you think that making guns illegal is going to stop them from shooting people? They will obtain guns if it is legal or not, simply making a law isn't going to stop them. By making guns illegal, then you are just denying the responsible people who wouldn't harm others the right to carry them. In my opinion, the facts just don't add up. Oh and I would just like to add, that this is a "discussion", let's keep it that way, these are only peoples opinions, respect them, and they will respect you.
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Posted 18 May 2005 - 05:22 PM

To quote somebody: "Guns don't kill people, ammunition does."
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#15 Spaztic 75

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Posted 18 May 2005 - 05:47 PM

Sigh, I know I'm going to regret this. While the right to bear arms is a dangerous law a lot of this is commen sense and responcibility. I hear a lot of things about video games planting ideas of violence in kids heads that leads them to go on a shooting rampage. Parents are quick to jump on this as an excuse for bad parenting. You see they're too lazy to moniter their kids activities or even sit down with them and explain to them that this kind of thing isn't real and you should never under any surcomstances do it in real life. To somewhat regretibally quote my aunt, "In my day we knew how to check if a gun was loaded, we knew it was real and we knew we should never use it on people." This is why regular visits to a psychiatrist are benificial even if you don't have a history of mental problems. They can help spot early signs that someone might attack another.
Guns are a dangerous thing they can take a life, but so can a rope, or a fork. There are so many dangerous things out there to protect us from them would be insane. The reason guns are the subject of discussion is they are acknowledged as a weopon.
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#16 One Man Clan

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Posted 18 May 2005 - 06:13 PM

wow, totally didnt catch that till now, there should be a BIG N-O-T in there, thanks for pointing it out, merlinski.

Anyone who knows Evil, clearly knew that was a mistake anyway. I have never met such a proud card carrying GOP supporting douchebag who i want to kiss with tongues more than Evil.

So let me rectify this once and for all:

Democrats = dipshits no more
Republicans = always meant to be and always will be dipshits

Enough already.

Edited by One Man Clan, 18 May 2005 - 06:20 PM.

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I hate you.

#17 MattPaintballer



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Posted 18 May 2005 - 06:21 PM

gun control

I personally dont feel gun control is needed. Gun control = steady hands.
Also, it is thought that guns are bad because they kill people. Honestly, ive never seen a gun jump up and shoot somebody. You never hear about someone filing a lawsuit against a GUN, do you? in my humble opinion, People kill People. Maybe we need people control?

I hate dumbasses who state the obvious on this subject.

When you were a kid, and you did something bad, you went to time-out or your toys were taken away. THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN.

We have proof that most humans cannot handle guns. Look at all the murders with guns, all the shootings. People die almost every day in this city, and there's always an article about a shooting. I read it all the time. "16 year old kills ex-boyfriend" and crap like that.

I for one think guns need a time-out. We have so much proof that most humans can't handle them, so they need to be banned.

If you own a gun and use it wisely and don't kill people, good for you. I'm sorry other dumbasses ruined it for you, but that's life. Deal with it.
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"I think politicians are much more irritating than hippies."
Your member account at NerfHaven has been temporarily suspended because I don't like you."
If ignorance is bliss, our president must be ecstatic.

#18 AirApache



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Posted 18 May 2005 - 08:08 PM

I think the whole political system is a joke, with the parties and all. I realize that you need parties in order for it to happen, but still, honestly, if you actually analyze the situations in most cases you have to take ideas from both parties to come up with a good solution. Well, I guess that's why there's such thing as co-opting.
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Indiana '11

#19 Uncle Hammer

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Posted 18 May 2005 - 08:19 PM

Can we all just SHUT THE FUCK UP! This topic is useless. All it is , is a bunch of bitching back and forth about democrats view on stuff and republicans view on stuff. This isn't really the type of shit we need on a nerf forum( like da bk said) Half or more than half us can't even vote so why argue if you aren't even of age yet to decide who runs the country.
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Don't mess with Texas cuz its bigger than France, bitch..
QUOTE (Talio)
Catagory 5 hurricanes are the mighty dick of God.  You don't mess with that!  You don't mess with Gods dick!

#20 Bad Karma

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Posted 18 May 2005 - 08:21 PM


I'm not going to say a word.
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Da BK 02: well...I just wanted to tell you...since your going to be dieing...I 've always hated you...and I mean that
TheTalio: Fuck you...I still love you

#21 AirApache



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Posted 18 May 2005 - 08:24 PM

Slightly off topic, (but seeing as this is in an off topic forum anyway) although you're right in that this is a nerf forum, some of us DO need to start watching us the political scene here because we'll be old enough to vote in the 2008 election.

But...thank you UH for reinforcing the point that Bush has nothing to do with nerf.
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Indiana '11

#22 Uncle Hammer

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Posted 18 May 2005 - 08:34 PM

Thats three years away, I could decide who I wanted to vote for with once glance away or simple adds played across the tv. I don't need a debative topic that is three years under due. This could be a good topic had it been election time. But thats three year away.
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Don't mess with Texas cuz its bigger than France, bitch..
QUOTE (Talio)
Catagory 5 hurricanes are the mighty dick of God.  You don't mess with that!  You don't mess with Gods dick!

#23 Crankymonky


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Posted 18 May 2005 - 08:43 PM

Uncle Hammer, regarding your last post.

I regret to inform the American public that:

Politics do exist outside of elections.
You CAN influence them by writing, emailing, bitching, protesting.
So...why can't a political debate exist outside of election time?

Oh right, it can.

And Evil is the nicest proud card-carrying republican I've met. Well, maybe not. But he's a damn good republican. Right Commie?

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#24 Pineapple


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Posted 18 May 2005 - 08:58 PM

We want to just quickly send a nice friendly message
To uh, fraternal order of police in philadelphia.

Here's something nice and friendly,

See friends, this is why the voting age is 18. Sometimes I think it should be hiked up to 21. To discuss mature topics, start off on the right foot. Present yourselves as capable of having a mature discussion seriously.

Grumble and debate to your hearts content. Those who are voting age have decided, and your turn will come when you are of age. It's good for you all to be informed, however, so keep up the work (not all of it is good, hence "keep up the work", minus "good".)

By the time many of you reach voting age, these candidates will pretty much be gone.

Or dead.

Or have a talk show.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#25 Uncle Hammer

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Posted 18 May 2005 - 09:08 PM

Thats a song btw, I mean nothing by it. I just like it.
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Don't mess with Texas cuz its bigger than France, bitch..
QUOTE (Talio)
Catagory 5 hurricanes are the mighty dick of God.  You don't mess with that!  You don't mess with Gods dick!

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