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Next-gen Console E3 Pics

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#51 rusty



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Posted 21 May 2005 - 01:23 PM

That's because your watching the Killzone 2 trailer. The helghast (killzone enemies) are suppost to be detailless black shadows, it's part of the atmosphere of the game. Also, the trailer only showed basic grunts, the faces of commanders aren't hidden by the space nazi gas masks, and therefore will be alot more detailed.

I watched that trailer. For awhile there, it blew me away. Then something occured to me: There was absolutely no actual gameplay in that trailer. I then had a good laugh. Maybe I am just insane, but in my experience if a game dosen't show gameplay in it's trailer, the game it'self isn't going to be that pretty.

The debate rages on about the Kllzone 2 trailer.
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#52 Chessler



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Posted 21 May 2005 - 04:37 PM

From my exclusive log-on info on Nintendo's Press Site. Don't try to go there yourself - you need a password. :wink:


Gotta love google ^_^
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#53 SnIpErX125



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Posted 22 May 2005 - 05:10 PM

That's pretty tight.
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#54 Nerforbust



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Posted 22 May 2005 - 06:04 PM

Nerforbust - ever heard of SSX?

Well... Yeah, Thats why I love Nintendo, games like that rock

Edited by Nerforbust, 22 May 2005 - 06:04 PM.

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#55 AirApache



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Posted 22 May 2005 - 09:25 PM

I don't remember who it was that was complaining something about the fact that only violent games sell?

Good call Sherlock. It MIGHT have something to do with the fact that killing things has been a source of entertainment for thousands of years? Ever heard of the Colosseum? Yeah...

And Halo is the only thing that made XBox popular? You bet. And it sure as hell worked, didn't it? What are you trying to say? That XBox was able to sell the most played video game? Quite an argument you got goin' there.

All I can say is Xbox 360 is going to be f'n sweet.
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#56 okto



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Posted 22 May 2005 - 10:15 PM

Interesting that Sony and Nintendo went slot-load, and MS stayed tray, especially since 360 looks like it wants to be set up vertically as its normal mode (and we all know how Xboxen like to be turned sideways or upside down).
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#57 merlinski



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Posted 22 May 2005 - 10:22 PM

Nerforbust - ever heard of SSX?

Well... Yeah, Thats why I love Nintendo, games like that rock

My point was that there are plenty of awesome games like that for systems other than Nintendo.
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Posted 23 May 2005 - 08:06 AM

Nintendo games apeal to all age groups. It's got the classics, games for younger people, its usually always cheaper. Now you can download all previous games? My money would be on this getting the most sales, howeve I'm not sure when it comes out; hoefully not long after xbox360.

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#59 Warlock



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Posted 23 May 2005 - 01:40 PM


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#60 NerfLad78



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Posted 29 May 2005 - 12:49 PM

My Input:


PS3: Grill+PS2 (sorry I had to)


I wonder if the XB360 will still have a hard drive? I really don't think so since it's got memory card slots.
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#61 Beaver Vortex

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Posted 29 May 2005 - 01:32 PM

I wonder if the XB360 will still have a hard drive? I really don't think so since it's got memory card slots.

Xbox had a hard drive, and it could use memory cards. Maybe they are just not on the controllers anymore.
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#62 CustomSnake202



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Posted 29 May 2005 - 02:24 PM

Of course it will have a hard drive, a 20 gigger that's removable. Xbox has an eight gigger.
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#63 badger


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Posted 29 May 2005 - 03:20 PM

In my opinion, I think the PS3 will come out on top. The PS2 had a good assortment of games, especially RPG games. Sure, it had alot of sports, but so did the XBox. In fact, the major sports titles were sold on all 3 platforms. As for exclusive titles, so what if Sony has none. It did phenomenally well without them. The Final Fantasy games and Kingdom Hearts were hugely successful on the PS2. The XBox only sold because of Halo, and that is a fact. I worked for Best Buy when all 3 systems came out and nearly everyone bought the XBox because of Halo. They didn't care about any other games. PS2 sold because of the selection of games and that it was backwards-compatible.

Now the only thing to wait for is which system will have a major glitch or hardware issue first. The GameCube didn't have any as far as I knew. The PS2 made the same mistake it did from the old PS1 format, the power supply was too close to the laser assemnly and caused it to overheat, but that was repaired pretty quickly. It also had a problem reading certain discs, but once again was taken care of pretty fast. The XBox, on the other hand, had 2 flaws that made it a guarantee that I wouldn't buy one. First, the controller was made too large. Granted, my hands are qute large and could use the original controller quite easily, but I also played games with my nephews and cousins, and they're alot younger than me. So what did MS do? They released a smaller controller that you had to buy seperately!!! Way to go in robbing the consumer of more money!!!

But the best flaw from the XBox was that it, in defiance of your gaming skills (some sarcasm here), would burst into flames!!! That is pretty impressive.


What I think was funnier is that it happened on the Howard Stern Show, on-the-air and then broadcast on E! television on the video recording of his show. Sure, MS made sure that all affected and possible threatened systems were taken care of, but still, that became one of the biggest factores in my deciding to not buy one.

Overall, some of you will probably say that I have no idea what I am talking about, and that is your opinion. I know I have been playing games since the Atari Pong system, alot longer than most of you, I am a beta-tester for Popcap.com, and I also, with the exception of the XBox, own nearly every system that has come out (I collect Nerf and video games), so I do consider that I have at least a good background to make this statement. When the new systems come out, I know I will purchase the PS3 and the Revolution, maybe even the 360, but only if it can prove itself to not suffer from similar problems that plagued the XBox or new ones they haven't come up with yet.

As for whomever made the comment about game trailers not showing gameplay...more than half of them that I have ever seen show little or no gameplay footage. Whether you see them on TV, at a convention, or online, the game developers and their advertising departments would rather entice you with the flashy imagery than the gameplay itself. Sometimes, they put out game ads BEFORE the game is even finished. Just like in the movie trailers where the show the kickass stunts and viviid special effects to get you to want to see the film, you soon find out that the film is as dull and boring as Bush. It's a basic concept in advertising.
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#64 JSkater



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Posted 29 May 2005 - 03:20 PM


Gameboy micro stuff...


Dude, it's the size of a pack of fucking gum!

I will eventually pick up all three of the systems. I'm no fanboy! :D
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#65 NerfLad78



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Posted 30 May 2005 - 08:52 AM

Wonder how much the Micro'll be...
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#66 JSkater



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Posted 30 May 2005 - 09:33 AM

Too much to start with.. More than likely the prices will go down though.
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#67 Spectre2689



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Posted 30 May 2005 - 05:04 PM

My 2 cents...

Looks...Yeah, the PS3 looks like a grill. But the Xbox 360 looks like a blender.

If anyone has ever seen pictures of the PS3 in black, it looks several times better. It will be released in any one of those three colours stock. Yeah, the controller sucks, but* we all know that third-party companies always release different designs for controllers and the such.

The Xbox 360, on the other hand, comes stock in that queer looking off-white colour. You need to buy coloured faceplates for it. Microsoft and money...we've seen this before, haven't we? The Xbox 360 has the potential to look nice, but they went and screwed it up. The only redeeming qualities of it are that the controller looks fairly decent and comfortable to hold.

The Revolution easily looks the best out of the three systems so far, but it's hard to tell since there's little media on it compared to the other two big names. I haven't even seen a controller for it yet, so I won't judge.

But looks aren't the only thing in a console, it needs to work too.

The PS3 has the clear advantage in its hardware, as showcased in videos and at E3. The Killzone movie is said to be actual gameplay by many sources, and it's believable...since when did you see cinematics like that in first-person? Lots of games have the ability to turn off HUDs and crosshairs, why not Killzone? And not once during that video did I see any sort of lag or choppiness. The PS3 also holds the most practicality, acting as a wireless-B/-G router, and using Bluetooth technology for up to 7 (yes, seven, not eight) controllers. *The PSP, if you have one, can also be used as a controller, much like the GBA and the GCN set up. The video is also impressive, being able to hook up to two screens side-by-side, with either a panoramic view, or split-screens for multiplayer.

The Xbox 360 definitely slacked in this department. All of the video tests I saw were choppy in areas of high action, or even tough lighting, especially Gears of War. For being a head-liner, you'd think that Microsoft would put more work into it. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, however, looked fairly good, and I didn't see nearly as much choppiness in it, even if some textures did look bland. All in all, Xbox 360 isn't doing too well right now, or so it seems, since Microsoft was using Apple G4s to showcase their games. Strange? About as strange as them using Linux servers. Two memory card slots (actually on the machine this time around) may prove useful if you want to move save games around. The one controller port (yeah, it's a controller port) may be interesting, seeing as both of the other consoles are completely wireless.

Again, there isn't much information about the Revolution. From the short clips that I've seen of Metroid and Legend of Zelda, it seems like the same tale as GCN/PS2/Xbox. For those who didn't notice, developers realized a little too late that they weren't using the GCNs full potential, and later games (SCII, Metroid 2) looked far superior to the other systems, however it was too little too late. They haven't made the same mistake this time, and the visuals look very impressive. I haven't seen the controller for it, so I can't judge how it looks or feels in your hands. In fact there's not a whole lot of insight to the Revolution right now that I can find. Maybe in the near future they'll release some more information, but knowing tight-lipped Nintendo, we may not see that for the next little while.

Those are my opinions on the consoles from what I saw live from E3, and what I've found on the internet. Maybe something completely unexpected will happen that will turn the tides of the console wars. But I must say that some people in this thread need to do some more thinking, and some more research, before they post. Fanboys are bad. Satan eats them.
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#68 LiKnSmAkScOmIn



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Posted 30 May 2005 - 07:49 PM

Yeah, the controller sucks


My god, how do you know it sucks? Have you felt it in your hands? People claimed that the xbox controller looked sexy but how did it preform when it went to the hands of the millions who bought an xbox for Halo?

Just to clear up a few things also:
-Killzone 2 was not in-game footage, this doesn't mean thats what it'll look like when it comes out however.
-The wireless controllers are 1 host and 7 guests, which is 8 people. Do you really think Sony is stupid enough to make an odd number so you can't have 4 player teams?

I buy whichever console has the best third-party developers. Even though I don't like sony, thats the reason i'm proud to own a PS2.
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#69 SwitchbladeatJM



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Posted 30 May 2005 - 08:28 PM

Kingdom Hearts were hugely successful on the PS2.

Really? :cry: The only person I've met that actually likes to play that game is my five year old cousin. I'm going to sell my copy on e-bay some time, but I only have the game because my dad got it for me for a Christmas present. Oh well some people just have horrible taste. the best two games I have for the PS2 are GTA San Andreas and Area 51. They both rock! :w00t:
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#70 MysticNinja



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Posted 30 May 2005 - 08:55 PM

Kingdom Hearts were hugely successful on the PS2.

Really? :cry: The only person I've met that actually likes to play that game is my five year old cousin. I'm going to sell my copy on e-bay some time, but I only have the game because my dad got it for me for a Christmas present. Oh well some people just have horrible taste. the best two games I have for the PS2 are GTA San Andreas and Area 51. They both rock! :w00t:

Kingdom hearts was a hugely popular game, and I’d have to say pretty good. In honesty if those are you two favorite PS2 games you haven’t looked far enough past the covers of the magazines at your local super market. I’d only assume that there was a sports illustrated swimsuit edition out at the same time kingdom heart came out that diverted your attention.
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#71 J cobbers

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Posted 30 May 2005 - 09:26 PM

Kingdom Hearts were hugely successful on the PS2.

Really? :cry: The only person I've met that actually likes to play that game is my five year old cousin. I'm going to sell my copy on e-bay some time, but I only have the game because my dad got it for me for a Christmas present. Oh well some people just have horrible taste. the best two games I have for the PS2 are GTA San Andreas and Area 51. They both rock! :w00t:

All my friends who've played it are college age and up and have absolutly loved Kingdom Hearts. I myself haven't played it beause I'm in the video dark ages with my dreamcast and PSX. I really hope all the new systems do well. I really like what I've heard about the PS3 and when I can afford to buy it, that'll be first on my list mostly for the RPG's and abilty to play games I already have for my PSX. After that the Revolution for all the clasic nintendo goodness, mmm Zelda and Castlevainia :-)

As for Halo 3, That's why I have friends, If I'm really only planning to play one game on it, and everyone who's any sort of gamer plans to have it anyway, why do I need to buy it? Well maybe once the price drops.
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#72 SwitchbladeatJM



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Posted 31 May 2005 - 08:38 PM

In honesty if those are you two favorite PS2 games you haven’t looked far enough past the covers of the magazines at your local super market.

Hey. If you guys don't agree with me then OK. That's just my opinion on the game. I knew that other people would like it I just don't like it. Have you even played Area 51? I bet you haven't becuase it's so new. And I seriously think that Area 51 is the best game that I own. Maybe you have some better games then I do. AS I said before that's just my two cents.

Edited by Switchblade@JM, 31 May 2005 - 08:39 PM.

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#73 MysticNinja



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Posted 31 May 2005 - 08:45 PM

In honesty if those are you two favorite PS2 games you haven’t looked far enough past the covers of the magazines at your local super market.

Hey. If you guys don't agree with me then OK. That's just my opinion on the game. I knew that other people would like it I just don't like it. Have you even played Area 51? I bet you haven't becuase it's so new. And I seriously think that Area 51 is the best game that I own. Maybe you have some better games then I do. AS I said before that's just my two cents.

Gotcha. I’ve played area 51, it’s not that great to me. It’s not really new, just remade. It needed better multiplayer. I wasn’t really trying to bash your opinion of whether it was good or not, just your perception kinda people that play it.

You have to understand, you can only buy so many nerf guns, and so many games like kingdom hearts before you start questioning certain things and might get a tad defensive.
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#74 Phantom



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Posted 02 June 2005 - 08:14 PM

Let me ask you a question: Would you buy the Xbox if halo didnt exist? The only reason Xbox is so popular is halo. I personally think the Nintendo Revolution will come out on top. I also think the slogan will be "Join the revolution". I have played the Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube and the Gamecube controller is the most comfortable in my opinion.

Gamecube has Mario. I don't know anyone who doesnt like Mario. If halo came out on Gamecube or PS2, Xbox wouldn't make any money. Nintendo has been around the longest. It's made the most systems and in my opinion, the other companies are just stealing what Nintendo created. I have every Nintendo system(I think), and none of them were bad. PS2 wasnt that great. Xbox made money because of halo, nothing else.
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#75 Shotty Master

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Posted 02 June 2005 - 09:04 PM

So what? you find what the people want and you exploit it. Simple concept. I personally thing the 360 will come out on top.
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