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Most Over/under-rated Guns

What do you think?

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#1 1313



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Posted 11 May 2005 - 09:07 PM

I was wondering what you guys think are the most over-rated and under-rated nerf guns, as to shine some light on some maybe deserving guns. The most over-rated gun in my opinion is the Night Finder. Yes I know many of you live by that thing as I do carry one as a last resort kind of thing, but I just feel its over rated ( dont flame me on my opinion). For the most under-rated gun I think its easily the Splirfire, I love that thing I mean two 100' semi-automatic shots, and a fairly fast reload. So what do you guys think?
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#2 Nerforbust



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Posted 11 May 2005 - 09:18 PM

Under-rated:Arrow Strike
Over-rated:Crossbow, LNL.
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#3 CustomSnake202



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Posted 11 May 2005 - 09:24 PM

In my opinion the nitefinder is not overrated, it's a damn fine gun. It's hella cheap, powerful and accurate unmodded, even more powerful and accurate modded. It deserves all its holy praise. And the splitfire really isn't underrated, its just a hard to find, discontinued gun. I always wanted one of those, but still no dice.

I think that the new sm 350 is a very good gun that a bunch of people won't give a chance. I modded it with cpvc and got 45'-50' flat, and I only paid five dollars for it. As for overrated, I can't think of anything.
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#4 Starbuck



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Posted 11 May 2005 - 09:48 PM

Overated: Lock N' Load. There are some many damn spring guns out there with the same basic internals. It's just the LnL that gets the praise and big bucks.

Underrated: The Razorbeast. For nearly a decade, the poor Razorbeast has been the scum of the Nerfing world and rediculed so harshly. I have found it to be one of the best weapons I have in my arsenal once I tweaked around with it and added a few things. The Razorbeast deserves better. :lol:
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#5 AirApache



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Posted 11 May 2005 - 10:16 PM

Ok, hang on hang on. The LnL is just kick ass because of it's pimp-ness. But yes...it is overrated, but it doesn't mean I don't want one.

I have to say that I'm surprised people don't wig out over airtech 3000s (even though it IS semi popular) because I've always felt that they were just awesome.
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#6 Uncle Hammer

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Posted 11 May 2005 - 10:39 PM

Most definetiley the crossbow and lnl with out a doubt. TTG'S get about the same range as lnl's and max shots are right on par with x-bows. Honestly if your paying 25 dollars for a little pistol, and 50 for an xbow thats 75 dollars on two plastic nerf guns. In my opinion its not worth that much.
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#7 cxwq



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Posted 12 May 2005 - 02:05 AM

Overrated: LnL, definitely. The list of spring pistols that are at least equivalent is long. The NF and SSII are easily superior and considerably less expensive.

Underrated: I'm going to stick with the EaB here, 3 years running. It gets a lot better press since I did the mod writeup but is still overlooked by most. You can get them for < $10 on ebay on a regular basis and it mods into a hella accurate super-pistol.

Underrated Runner-up: at3k. Trooper Badass Weapon of Doom™.
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#8 Oddball



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Posted 12 May 2005 - 04:00 AM

The SM5K. People don't make that big a fuss about them, even they get ranges that few or no other guns can match- aside from the crossbow and titan. The SM5K just seems like a more practical choice.
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#9 Half Newb Half Nerfer

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Posted 12 May 2005 - 07:06 AM

I'm just going to stick with guns that I actualy own here.

Over-rated: Powerclip. Sure, they shoot pretty far, but they don't have very good reload time.
Under-rated: Sneak Shot. Veggie Boy 3000 has modded/intergrated his into a foam weapon of doom. And I think others (including myself) could do the same.
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#10 Death


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Posted 12 May 2005 - 08:05 AM

I'm gonna skip over the "Over-rated" portion, as I don't really think of any weapon as being really over-rated.

However, the Manta Ray is by far the most "under-rated" weapon I've come across. Sure, it's got about as much range as a thrown anvil, and sure it's less accurate than a blind man with a Bow n' Arrow, but it's not meant to be an offensive weapon. Personally, I don't even FIRE my Manta Ray in a war, anymore (couldn't if I wanted to, seein' as both plungers busted on me). The Manta Ray is useful in that it is the one and only weapon in the world of Nerf which has been specifically designed as a shield. In our games, if a dart that was going to hit you gets blocked by your weapon, it still counts as a hit. The SOLE exception to this is the Manta Ray, as that was its intended purpose.

With a little bit of practice, you can become better and better at blocking shots with the Ray. For me, it has become second nature that, when someone fires at me, my shield hand moves up on its own to intercept the dart. Combine this with skilled dodging and mobility, and suddenly you become the hardest thing to hit on the field.
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#11 Devious



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Posted 12 May 2005 - 09:58 AM

Over Rated: Crossbow, Titan, LnL
Why? Xbows < Maxshots, they get schooled by the massive range & power
Titan < Everything, what good is a gun you have to pump a billion times & cant use in %90 of all wars?
LnL < NF's, it's just another spring pistol, just over glorified

Underrated: First Shot, Autogrip, EaB, BBB

Why? First Shot: properly modded, a first shot gets great range & accuracy
Autogrip: this gun ROCKS, plain and simple, no air restriction at all, properly modded with a good barrel it will get about 85'
EaB: This gun when modded is a holy bringer of foam death
BBB: Do you EVER hear about this gun? no, Xbows are the talk, not the amazing 3B, i bought both an xbow & a 3b at a yardsale, i paid $10 for the xbow & $1 (!) for the 3b, and i like it MUCH BETTER than the xbow, it has this sweet rifle look & feel with the ammo holders & bow parts off, it's a holy bringer of foam death, take the air restrictor out & put a barrel on it & go own something, you'll feel better about buying it

My 2 cents

Edited by Devious, 12 May 2005 - 10:03 AM.

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#12 MattPaintballer



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Posted 12 May 2005 - 02:38 PM

Underrated: Secret Shot 1. These things are so cool. When modified to shoot 3 shots out of the front barrel, they are so fun to use in pistol wars.

Overrated: Lock 'n' Load. There are better pistols out there. I've never heard of a Lock 'n' Load shooting 80 feet flat, but I've heard of Nite Finders that do.
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#13 Bishop



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Posted 12 May 2005 - 02:46 PM

Overrated: At2k - People say it matches the sm1500 but I see diffrently. I singled my at2k but still have my sm 4 barreled and when its 4 barrled some air ecapes befor the turret and its uncontrolable. My sm 1500 still outshoots my at2k by far and the at2k dosent allways get its normal shots off sometimes they just pop out and hit the ground a couple feet in front of me.

Underrated: SM250 - I know its a personal fettish but you cant beat a luger.

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#14 kickass jb

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Posted 12 May 2005 - 02:49 PM

I agree with Matt on the under-rated gun, DEFINITELY the SS1 (secret shot one). With so many easy possible mods you can do it it, including the tri-barrel I am currently doing to mine, it's a great overall gun. Love it for rushing. Second runner up is the EaB I have two of them and with the simple mods on them, they are one of the more preferable guns everyone at my wars want dibs on (I have about 90% of groups total gun count).

For the most over-rated gun I'd say the crossbow. Sure it's an awesome gun and with some practice can make you kill just about anybody in a war, but the thing is, practice with just about any gun can make you kill everyone in a war. And for 50 bucks, I'm pretty sure I choose to practice a little more with my AT3000 or my BBB (which I find more preferable to the x-bow anyway) and even my EaB. Second runner up for that is the LnL, it's a pistol...want distance, go for an NF, cheaper and easier to find. Want versatility, go for an SSII (sharpshooter 2), I don't what anyone says, SSII is a great all around gun.

Edited by kickass_jb, 12 May 2005 - 02:50 PM.

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My arsenal:

RF20, Rototrack, 3x AT3K, 4x AT2K,Big Salvo,SS1,SSII,
2x SSPB,SM 1500,Rangshot,2x EaB,2x Mav,2x NF,
eagle eye,2x BBB,2x SM3000, 2x Tek 6, PC

#15 Yazz



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Posted 12 May 2005 - 03:23 PM

Underrated: theAT4K. Personally I'm a fan of the whole AT family and i find the AT4k to be quite usefull at times.

Edited by Yazz, 12 May 2005 - 03:48 PM.

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#16 southpaw



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Posted 12 May 2005 - 03:26 PM

The Strongarm is under-rated. When single-barreled properly it can get 80ft.
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#17 duce



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Posted 12 May 2005 - 03:33 PM

Overrated is definately the crossbow/ lnl combo. The crossbow isn't that great, sure it's fun to shoot and looks cool but the preformance is easily matched yet people still worship it like a god. The lnl is a good pistol until some of the newer stuff that came along. The TTG can easily outshoot a lnl and the NF comes very close but people still pay upwards of 20$ for them.

Underrated I'm going to agree with death. The manta ray does suck ass stock but when properly modified, it dominates. It has so much potential but it is still looked over. I plan on a full write up this summer so look for it.
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#18 Beaver Vortex

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Posted 12 May 2005 - 05:08 PM

I have to enter in a third vote for the Manta Ray as most underrated gun. I've had one of them for years, and basically used it as a shield/anti-charge weapon. About a month ago I decided that maybe I could try to integrate two single barrelled at2K's into it or something, but first I decided to try to mod it. Wasn't anything I could do on the insides aside from maybe stretching the spring which I don't do. But I cut a little tab into the cocker and rubber banded it, then wrapped four crayola's in duct tape and shoved them down the barrels. It now fires all four as far as my NF (Which, admittedly, dosen't fire as far as it COULD although it is rubber banded and brass barrelled) and I have ditched any integration ideas.

Over-rated? I'm not sure. I don't own any of the guns that are constantly praised and such (crossbow, lnl and so on) because I always try not to use guns everyone else is, and I'm not commenting on something I don't know all that well.
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#19 NerfMonkey



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Posted 12 May 2005 - 05:08 PM

I don't think the L'nL is that overrated anymore, now that people have seen the abundance of mods for the TTG and NF, which can outshoot an L'nL in most cases. I've never shot an L'nL, maybe it is the godly pistol most people make it out to be, but I have shot both an NF and a TTG, and they are awesome!


Overrated: AT2K. I own two, both singled, and they definitely rock, but they're not that amazing. With properly weighted Stefans, they're some of my best guns, but I guess they just don't fit my playing style. Maybe they're some people's favorite guns, just not mine.

Underrated: RF20. Not only because of its amazing firepower and pure rate of fire, but also because if you do an incredibly simple peg removal, the thing can shoot Stefans about thirty feet flat. I know this isn't the best range, but coupled with an NF or AT2K, you've got everything you need.

Also, the Triple Torch. Not so much because people shun it or assume it's not worth the money, but mostly because I think people just don't know about it. I've only seen a few mods for it, and I took the stock barrel assembly all off mine, replaced it with a Crayola barrel, jammed a Stefan down there and it shoots amazingly! It is one of the best pistols ever to grace my filthy little hands. If more people knew about it, it would be more appreciated. That thing was the workhorse of my arsenal for a while, before I started using the Rapid Fire and NF, and I just loved it.
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#20 ompa



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Posted 12 May 2005 - 05:41 PM

SS1 for underrated. It's definately my sidearm of choice; 3 shots that each go around 55-60? I have no complaints.

Overrated, I'm not so sure. I DO have a crossbow, but I've found it's incredibly accurate, and I still like the gun for it's durability and ease of modding. I also have owned 3 BBB's, I have 2 now. They all sucked. I've tried different mods on each, and I can't get any of them to shoot over 50 feet. Maybe it's just my bad luck.

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#21 Uncle Hammer

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Posted 12 May 2005 - 05:48 PM

God damn I'm stupid. I forgot my baby the triple torch. That thing shoots a good 70 ft flat maybe into the 80's with petg. It's a pretty fine peice of equipment.
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#22 fastkill



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Posted 12 May 2005 - 05:53 PM

Underated:Hornet do Ompas mod and theres a great semin auto gun. Its Wasy better than an AT3k

Overated:LnL why spend 15 bucks for a gun that you can get for 7(The Nite Finder)
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#23 foamsmith



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Posted 12 May 2005 - 06:50 PM

Alright, I don't think money in a factor.

Underrated: LnL. You know why? Because it's the only pistol (at least out of the SSII, SS, NF, AT1K, Sm 250, Sm 350, and Mav. I don't know about the TTG.) that features a unique cylinder tube that the plunger travels down. It's not a perfect cylinder so the plunger doesn't catch until about halfway on it's journey. The result? The plunger builds up sufficiently more momentum and the feel of firing it is one of a kind.

Overrated: SS2.
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#24 The Trouble

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Posted 12 May 2005 - 07:12 PM

I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and diss the LnL. A chimp could mod it to fire 60-80ft, and the handle is as comfortable as a cactus. I had to hacksaw off the freaking knuckle nubbin. Owners of the gun know what I'm talking about, I'm sure.

Under rated: Sawtooth. I LOVE that thing. People who complain of it jamming probably aren't using it right. Mine's going on 10 years without a serious miss-fire. I even bought 3 more (because I'm insane). Good range when modded, 5 shots off the bat (and more if you have extra clips). Yup. Sawtooth needs more love.
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#25 ompa



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Posted 12 May 2005 - 07:20 PM

AHH I forgot; the most underated gun of all: the Backlash. I get 70' out of mine, and THIRST will vouch for me.

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