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Double Barrel Nf Writeup


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Posted 06 April 2005 - 04:02 PM

I had this for awhile, found it floating around, so here you go.

Double Barrel NiteFinder Mod

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This is the NiteFinder, its a good secondary, and there is a lot you can do with it. For $6, it's a must. This mod show you how to mod your NiteFinder to be double barreled. While it must have both barrels loaded to fire, it still gets 50-60 feet, and its damn intimidating to be shot at by a pistol tht shoots two shots eh? I made this mod because I thought it would be fun, but the gun itself turned out quite useful.
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This is one of the air restrictors that you must keep, you can throw out the top one.
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Cut two peices of 17/32 vinal tubing, about 1-2 inches each.
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Take the air restrictor that you kept, and file, dremel, or cut it so its much wider, like this. The 2 peices of vinal you cut must fit in here, though leave as little room on the sides as possible, it makes your life easier.
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Glue the two peices of vinal in the air restrictor...Load on the goop, and make sure its aritght. When this dries, just glue two brass/cpvc
barrels over it. You will find that its quite secure, no reinforcement is needed if you really goop it up.
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A nifty trick Ninjz invented, wrap 3 layers of electrical tape around the plunger head. Despite any rumors you hear, it is in no way bad
for the gun, and makes it more air efficient. You will get better ranges doing this. An alternate way to do this is to get a sla fo small sized inner tube, and put it in the space where the o-ring goes, with the o-ring over it. I foun it to work even better than electrical tape, but its a matter of finding a small sized inner tube.
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Close your gun all up, and you should have one beast of a gun.
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Its intimidating to have such a small gun with two barrels. Its even more intimdating to know it performs. Its pretty accurate too, the velocity is as good as ever. I hope you enjoy!

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#2 fastkill



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Posted 06 April 2005 - 04:52 PM

Nice writeup
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#3 J cobbers

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Posted 06 April 2005 - 05:00 PM

What is that covering the end of the gun before the barrels? It looks like some kind of rubber.
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#4 flamebo388



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Posted 06 April 2005 - 05:07 PM

Looks like a bike inner tube to me. Nice write up.
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#5 NerfMonkey



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Posted 06 April 2005 - 05:27 PM

There are so many writeups for the NF out there, but yours is the only double-barrel one I know of. Nice job, Thirst. Very original! Does it fit in your pocket easily? Looks very concealable. Very cool.
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#6 SwitchbladeatJM



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Posted 06 April 2005 - 06:18 PM

That's freakin' awesome :w00t: . I'll have to try that sometime, but I would like to know if you need something to push the darts down into the barrel. Nice work though.
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#7 Sqiggs89



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Posted 06 April 2005 - 06:29 PM

I agree with Swithblade, Thats awesome! The way you painted it looks cool too.
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#8 Langley


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Posted 06 April 2005 - 06:49 PM

I guess it looks cool, but I just don't see the point. It reduces the range you'd get on an ordinary brass-modded NF, eats up more ammo, and the barrels are one on top of the other, so you're not even increasing your chances of hitting your target. The four barreled titan wasn't a bad idea, but this doesn't make any sense to me. Are there any games you play where the number of darts that hit you makes a difference?

Edited by Langley, 06 April 2005 - 06:51 PM.

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#9 Crankymonky


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Posted 06 April 2005 - 07:25 PM

Langley, surely not East coast rules? No, of course not. Langley, didn't you see this gun? It doesn't really reduce range by more than 5 feet.

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Posted 06 April 2005 - 07:26 PM

The darts dont stay 1 on top of another, so it just increases the chance you have of hitting them, just to fire some pot shots to make them back up. It still goes 50 feet easily at good velocity.
Yeah, thats bike inner tube.

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#11 Langley


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Posted 06 April 2005 - 07:33 PM

I don't recall you using it at whichever DCNO I was at. In any case, you've got twice the area through which air can escape. If the gun really only get's 5' less than a brass modded nightfinder, then there must be some other factor involved that makes the double barrel gun perform better, or maybe there's something wrong with your single barreled nightfinder(s).

But lets say I'm wrong and I'm not thinking about the physics of it correctly, and it really does only get 5' less range for no other reason than the extra barrel. That's still a 5' difference, and one more dart lost, and for what advantage? I get that the cons aren't that bad, but what are the pros?

Edit after reading thirsts post:

The darts dont stay 1 on top of another, so it just increases the chance you have of hitting them, just to fire some pot shots to make them back up.

Okay, I'll grant you it gives a slight increase in the chance you'll hit someone, but the tradeoff doesn't seem to compensate for the loss of darts and range. The spread on the darts can't be more than two or three feet at max range unless you intentionally cocked one of the barrels to the side.

The darts dont stay 1 on top of another, so it just increases the chance you have of hitting them, just to fire some pot shots to make them back up. It still goes 50 feet easily at good velocity.

Range is directly proportional to velocity. The only thing which effects the relation between range and velocity is dart drag, which varies from dart to dart, not gun to gun.

Edited by Langley, 06 April 2005 - 07:57 PM.

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Posted 06 April 2005 - 07:45 PM

For the majority of any 1 gun used my me, I have used dual pistols more than any other gun. I use single barrel pistols, and I prefer regular pistols over it. However, I have seen people use it well, and I know people have seen it get near regular NF ranges. While I myself dont use it often, I have seen people use it well, and whether the 2nd dart has a better chance of hitting you or not, the recieving end doesnt want to take the chance. I see what you mean Langly, but it's just preference, really.
-Cover fire/pot shots
-More chance of hitting
-Intimidation factor
-Similar velocity to single barrel NF
-To shoot noly one dart you have to jam the other barrel with finger
-extra dart lost
-5 to 10 feet lost

Range is directly proportional to velocity. The only thing which effects the relation between range and velocity is dart drag, which varies from dart to dart, not gun to gun.

I dont understand what point your trying to get across, that it has bad velocity?


Edited by THIRST, 06 April 2005 - 07:47 PM.

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#13 Langley


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Posted 06 April 2005 - 07:57 PM

Okay, I buy everything except the intimidation part. The only gun I hesitate for is Hersh's crossbow 1500 integration, but that's because he damn near blew hole through my head with it last week. I've still got the bruise from it.

I dont understand what point your trying to get across

I'm just saying that a gun can't "[go] 50 feet easily at good velocity". It either has a given velocity or it doesn't. The range is whatever distance your darts go at that velocity

Edited by Langley, 06 April 2005 - 08:01 PM.

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#14 AirApache



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Posted 06 April 2005 - 09:50 PM

I think what he's getting at is that the dart drag hasn't kicked in too much by 50 feet, because the velocity out of the gun was high enough.

Langley, don't forget that our puny 4 inch brass mods for the NF don't use all the air in the plunger effectively so it's not like double barreling it will cause each of the darts to go half the distance.

Yeah I was wondering about single shooting it...if you had the time or it meant that much to you, you could work on throwing in a tiny valve so you could either make it similar to a Secret Shot, or just so that you could turn it for both to fire at once. Interesting mod though.

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#15 Jin Kazama

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Posted 07 April 2005 - 11:54 AM

Pretty awesome mod Thirst. A little wierd looking to me but overall it looks like a nice sidearm.
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#16 validus



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Posted 08 May 2005 - 05:49 PM

Doesn't look half bad, although like some others on this thread i must agree it seems rather useless. But hey, inginuity leads to ideas that we can all find a use for and someone out there prolly has one for this.

Not a bad write-up.
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#17 yourmomsanerfer



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Posted 20 February 2006 - 10:08 AM

Yeah, this is really sweet. quick question though.
Does your stefans (assuming you use stefans) drop right into the vinyl tubing?
And, could you plug either barrel up, like with rag, and still be able to just use one, like if you were running out of ammo? would doing so add range?

ok sorry such a late post, and full apologies on all questions, thank you
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#18 Spider-Waffle



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Posted 20 February 2006 - 10:43 AM

Now do the mod where you put NF with the handle chopped off under that and have it double barreled too. Make two sets of these and you have 8 barrels for assulting with :lol:
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#19 Langley


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Posted 20 February 2006 - 01:05 PM

Spider-Waffle Posted on Feb 20 2006, 11:43 AM
yourmomsanerfer Posted on Feb 20 2006, 11:08 AM
validus Posted on May 8 2005, 06:49 PM

Try not to dig up old threads unless you're the thread starter or you have something really important to add. If you have a question for the Origonal Poster, Private Message them.
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#20 Nerfster12345



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Posted 21 February 2006 - 06:12 PM

I saw this on NHQ.Nice i an thinking about doing that now. nice job
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#21 Spartan064



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Posted 25 April 2006 - 01:53 PM

hmm... but if we made the sunnuvabitch a breech loader you could easily plug the second hole and would be a lot easier to reload... but alas, vynll tubing.
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