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Your Pope Died.

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#51 NerfMonkey



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Posted 02 April 2005 - 06:58 PM

Yes, the Pope died just today, the second of April. He was able to speak in twenty-eight different languages fluantly, including Japanese and English. Rest in peace.
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#52 merlinski



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Posted 02 April 2005 - 08:47 PM

Everyone who has said this is right. He was a wonderful, great guy who stayed with us so long. I think the average serving time of a pope is 6.3 years. Around that time most die from exhaustion from their amazingly hard, 24-7 job.

Actually I believe the average was that short because for a while the Pope was a highly sought after political position and there were lots of, uhh, untimely deaths. But bottom line, John Paul II had an awesome run.
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#53 Ash



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Posted 02 April 2005 - 09:09 PM

Great? I'm not so sure. Learned? Yes. Fit for the job? yes. But great?

Like someone mentioned: No gays allowed in the catholic church, no gay marriages... in fact, in the eyes of the church (and therefore the pope) all gays are evil sinners who deserve to burn in hell. Also, no women allowed in the clergy. No women allowed to become priests.

Sure, these are Roman Catholic ideals so to speak, but why uphold them in this day and age? Especially not letting women into the clergy. I'm not saying the pope was a bad man, I just don't see why he was great exactly. He did what his job was. He was the pope, there were certain things expected of him. He had to be a good man. I'm not so sure I would give a man the label of "great" just because he was pretty much the leader of a faith... especially since that particular faith/relegion is one that is so close-minded, hypocritical, and greedy. I'm not so sure this makes a man great. I'm gonna say he was probably a pretty decent guy, but just because he headed up some self-righteous relegion doesn't really make him "great".

I could honestly go on all day about how much I hate catholocism, but I won't.
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#54 CTA then and now

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Posted 02 April 2005 - 09:17 PM

Hey, I'm not catholic at all(well of course all ... "versions" should I call them? of christianity are derived from the catholic faith) I'm methodist. I'm just saying away from a leader of a faith and everything else he was a good/great whatever guy.
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#55 Davis



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Posted 02 April 2005 - 09:28 PM

especially since that particular faith/relegion is one that is so close-minded, hypocritical, and greedy.

I'm assuming your'e Jewish?

Disclaimer: This post was a retort to a stereotypical comment, and was back in fact stereotypical. Davis waives all responsibility, and doesn't give a crap, if you were offended by this post.
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#56 AirApache



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Posted 02 April 2005 - 09:33 PM

Actually I'm rather, shall we say, unhappy, with the Christian faith this era. Being one myself I look around in disgust at "denominations" and wonder why Christians have to seperate themselves. So why the Catholics, methodists, and so on? Maybe we should be "Christians" instead.

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#57 Ash



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Posted 02 April 2005 - 09:38 PM

Actually I'm rather, shall we say, unhappy, with the Christian faith this era. Being one myself I look around in disgust at "denominations" and wonder why Christians have to seperate themselves. So why the Catholics, methodists, and so on? Maybe we should be "Christians" instead.


Ha! tell that to the catholic church. lol

'm assuming your'e Jewish?

Disclaimer: This post was a retort to a stereotypical comment, and was back in fact stereotypical. Davis waives all responsibility, and doesn't give a crap, if you were offended by this post.

I'm Agnostic, actually. I was dedicated as a Unitarian when I was young, but that's the closest I've ever had to a relegion.

I understand that it was not a serious inquiry, and I understand the point you are trying to make. Perhaps you should examine it a little better. I wouldn't so much call it a stereotypical comment, so much as a truth. Ok, so that's a bit harsh. Let me try again. It's not so much a stereotypical comment as it is my opinion which I have come to after trying to understand several relegions/faiths in the world. This is not some asshole kid trying to sound like their parents and regurgitating everything he/she hears them say. I understand quite a bit about several relegions/faiths out there and as far as I'm concerned, Catholocism is one of the most recockulous. Christianity I do not hold a grudge against. Just thought I should make that clear.

Edited by Ash, 02 April 2005 - 09:42 PM.

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Name's Ash, Housewares

#58 Famine



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Posted 03 April 2005 - 06:12 PM

The Pope has just died. Rest in Peace John Paul II; you were truly a great man.

Here is an article that sums up his many accomplishments for those of you who were not aware of them. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3276587/

Replies in this topic that are not in good taste will result in this topic being closed. Feel free to tastefully make comments, but don't be a jerk about this. It's safe to say that some of you have been already, but I'm looking over those posts.

What the fuck is in good taste? Anyways, it should be intensely un-fascinating to see who replaces JP-Deuce. My bets are on either an old Italian dude or an old non-Italian dude. The non-Italian route worked out pretty well with The Deuce, maybe they'll keep it up.

The polok did alot to make sure that any possible successors are as conservative as he was so I don't see myself returning to the flock anytime soon. Unless they elect a Chinese cardinal to be Pope. A chinese Pope who knows kung-fu. That shit'd be hot! You don't wanna bow down and kiss his ring? Ka-Pow! Kick to the face. But I don't see that happening. Maybe next time.

Seriously though, this is an emotional time that should be equal part joy and equal part grief. Grief for the fact that TIS threatened to shut down a perfectly good thread. Joy because someone thought Ash was Jewish which is FUCKIN HILARIOUS! Oh, and because Sin City was sweet! The fact that the Pope died on the same weekend that a movie premiered which dEffeminatets a Bishop being brutally murdered for being a cannibal has to be some sort of a divine sign. A sign that the movie RULES!

And I think too many people have nailed the Terry Schiavo thing on the head already, the bitch shoulda died a long time ago. It's pretty obvious that fate, karma, god, whatever intended her to be very, very dead. But no, we kept her alive for 15 years and at the expense of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Fuck that. Listen to your Uncle Pineapple kids and get your living will written up. Only YOU can prevent ridiculous media circus'!

::Sigh:: I really wanted to work some nicer comments into this post but everytime I tried to think of something my girlfriend distracted me. Blame her for this heartless post! Please accept my most sincere apologies for any offense you may take in advance.

p.s. Before someone accuses me of being a Jew, I was baptized catholic but have my own firm set of moral and religious beliefs which do not exactly compliment those of the Holy Roman Empire.

p.p.s. Fuck Bush, he's still a shitty President.
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of Mag-7
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#59 Pineapple


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Posted 03 April 2005 - 07:17 PM

With all due respect Famine....

...I don't know why, but I found that post to be extremely funny, my stomach is still hurting.

...Chinese pope who knows kung-fu....^_^

It must be that I resigned myself to finish doing my taxes today, and I'm locked in my office...3 hours and still counting....ALMOST done.


p.s.; Actually, I kind of like Bush right now, if my 1040A reflects any opinion. $$!
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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#60 Ash



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Posted 03 April 2005 - 07:44 PM

A kung-fu pope would indeed kickass. God that would kick ass. Then he wouldn't need all those body guards anymroe because he would have the ability to kick all ass him self... that would rock.

Of course, the Catholic Church would never have it because not having body guards would actually save them money.
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Name's Ash, Housewares

#61 VACC


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Posted 04 April 2005 - 09:59 AM

I think if we could just somehow elect Arnold Pope then we could save some serious time and get this global solidarity thing going tout suite. The time for Captain Popetacious is at hand.

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#62 One Man Clan

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Posted 04 April 2005 - 10:23 AM

Something just sounds right about the "Popinator"
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#63 ompa



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Posted 04 April 2005 - 10:59 AM

Hell yeah. Asian pope would be the FUNNIEST thing I've seen in a long time- especially with that authentic asian accent.

Imagine the other scenario, Arnold as pope, toting around a large machine gun; screw the body guards, you have a pope with a big-ass machine gun and body armor!

Then again, VACC as pope would be... oh dear god...


Edited by ompa, 04 April 2005 - 10:59 AM.

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#64 Ash



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Posted 04 April 2005 - 06:13 PM

I think if we could just somehow elect Arnold Pope then we could save some serious time and get this global solidarity thing going tout suite. The time for Captain Popetacious is at hand.


Agreed. Arnold should definetly cease the position, he would be the salvation of the Catholic church... maybe they could have two popes... one would be a kung-fu pope and the other could be Arnold and they could enforce popeness throughout the world. That or they could just attack eachother all the time and try to take the pope position.. it would be an eternal struggle for popetaciousness...
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Name's Ash, Housewares

#65 VACC


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Posted 05 April 2005 - 12:38 AM

Have you seen Commando? I mean, I love kung-fu dude, but you can't kill what doesn't die. Fuck Keanu, Arny is the only matrix I'm afraid of....John Matrix.

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#66 taita cakes

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Posted 05 April 2005 - 10:22 PM

Okay, I went to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival last night, made a night out of it by seeing a couple of shows, and they were all of course discussing the pope and such. Trust comedians to never leave a topical issue alone.

I'm going to mention this on the condition you don't all believe this is my opinion, and don't flame intensively. Chris Addison and Ross Noble both came across with roughly the same opinion. Quoted roughly, I can't remember exactly.

Sure, you all say, and I do agree, the Pope was a good man. He did some great things, and he was just, well, great. But, lord forgive, mind my language, he was a cunt. A downright cunt. His strict opposition to contraception and abortion in Africa was a key factor in the worsening of such problems as Starvation and AIDS. He did some really shit, stupid things, but he also did some really great things. Everyone just gets caught up in the emotion.

It's like the Queen Mum when she died. Everyone was all sad that such a kind hearted, normal woman had died, when she was an overt racist who had her own family committed because they were an inconvenience.

I mean, I don't exactly agree, because he was still a greatly respected man who did more good things than he did bad, but he still made some royal fuckups.

Oh, and by the way:
taitacakes: hold on, writing in pope thread on NH
taitacakes: *once i grab jumper
gamefreakisback: about how sexy I am?
taitacakes: yes
gamefreakisback: sweet, like how I'm sexier than the pope?
taitacakes: yes
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#67 VACC


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Posted 06 April 2005 - 11:39 AM

Comedians are worse than actors and musicians combined. Everone is entitled to their opinion and the airing of such oppinions regardless of how ignorant or inflamatory they are. However it is irrisponsible to the point of being criminal the way certain people use mediums lent to them for completely different reasons to sound off on issues which they tout themselves as experts on. Certain people are of the belief that because they are famous, or have access to a largely captive audience that they are automatically more intelligent than their audience and responsible for guiding their moral/politcal ideoligies. How is ambushing people, who've paid to hear your comedy routine, with your political views an admirable action? If you're going to work it into your comedy routine that's fine and dandy, I won't judge you based on my agreement with your views but on wheather or not you can make me laugh. However, if you're telling me that you as a comedian are so far advanced in the ways of morality and global awareness that you must deny me what I've paid you for and lecture me on your beliefs...well you can go fuck yourself. Mind you, I am not commenting here about my agreement or disagreement with his views. I mean, the pope seemed like a pretty boss in terms of global contribution, but I had no particular attatchement to the man or his office. I'm simply commenting on the atrohpy of society by way of righteous performers.
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#68 taita cakes

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Posted 06 April 2005 - 11:37 PM

Point entirely taken, but Chris Addison's show was entitled "Civilisation" and looked at the classing and way to set up a civilisation, and he mentioned that he had wanted to talk about the pope, but his ideas and scripts were brainstormed before his death.

I agree, we payed to see comedy, not have opinions crammed down our throat like a jock on prom night, but I honestly did not mind. People are entitled to their own opinions, and he only devoted the tiniest amounts of time to this.

Mind you, I don't know how much of it is true. I think the situations in Africa were barely effected by the Pope's decisions.
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#69 BeWeird



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Posted 07 April 2005 - 11:38 PM

A kung-fu pope...:D

Y'know what? They should totally have a Cardinalmania Steel Cage Wrestling Match to decide who gets to be the next pope. That would be hilarious...
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#70 AirApache



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Posted 08 April 2005 - 12:36 AM

Eww, British spelling.."Civilisation." *Shiver*.

And no a wrestling match between 70 year old men would totally not be interesting. And we're not electing a Mussolini or anything.
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#71 taita cakes

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Posted 08 April 2005 - 12:42 AM

Eww, British spelling.."Civilisation." *Shiver*.

Hey, you were founded by the Brits too! At least we didn't do everything to show them up... Changing road sides; Changing spelling.

Watched an interesting doco on that.

And yeah, at least you'd end with a stronger, longer living pope if they were to wrestle.
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#72 VACC


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Posted 08 April 2005 - 01:39 PM

Pssshh, then Kurt Angle would just be pope. You can cut right to the chase and hire the man now.

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