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#26 Talio


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Posted 11 February 2005 - 01:48 PM

Bup bup bup....shut the fuck up.

It's retarded to argue about this whether it's you think it's a valid point or not. For one thing I used the word perhaps many times. No one claiming it's true, it's just pointing out an ironic fact that when the word was changed, the situation was not dealt with properly.

And on the point of calling you an asshole, and using the term shut the fuck up, well...This is the internet retard, whats the point if your not going to slander others with rude remarks?

Your arguing the use of a word, like you always do. Stop wasting your time and fucking up a perfectly good thread and go join a debate team or something, it will be more rewarding and you won't look like such an idiot posting three page papers about politics on a board meant for the promotion of toy modification.

So with that said, shut the fuck up, asshole.


PS. Take the T in Tramatic and shove it up your ass. Have a nice day.

Edited by Talio, 11 February 2005 - 01:53 PM.

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#27 JSkater



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Posted 11 February 2005 - 09:45 PM

And on the point of calling you an asshole, and using the term shut the fuck up, well...This is the internet retard, whats the point if your not going to slander others with rude remarks?

And to think, you're an admin at NHQ.. *hangs head in disgust*

Edited by JSkater, 11 February 2005 - 09:45 PM.

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#28 ompa



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Posted 11 February 2005 - 10:00 PM

Talio, I'm sorry.

But you look like a complete idiot arguing with Merlinski, with your insults directly at him while he's just attacking your point. He was just talking about a possible mis-conception, no need to beat the living shit out of the guy.

And, I'm on the debate team.

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Posted 11 February 2005 - 10:19 PM

Im gonna go have some gummy worms and then unload the dishwasher...I suggest ya'll do the same, but knowing Talio, thats not even an argument...

I take no such sides, but Talio was talking about stereotypes and how people are so pissy and the like, when Merlinski tries to further prove a point with different definitions, and then there were some arguments about defenitions, and that about sums it up.

Anyways, so yeah, we live in a pretty sensitive, pissy world, and from what I make of it, we're like this because we're trying to please someone else...


Seriously, Im eating gummy worms.
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#30 Talio


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Posted 12 February 2005 - 12:20 AM

J, really, if you want the job it's yours, untill then, try to grasp sarcasm and satire.

Oompa, don't say your sorry, and then insult me. Just be a man and say what you mean. I attack Merlinski cause he'll argue anything, even satirical thoughts meant to merely twist the mind for no apparent reason. For god sakes I was explaining a point made by George Carlin. He's a comedian! So rather then coming at me tellling me how flawed my logic is, take a step back and think about what your argueing. This would be a good time to practice choosing your battles wisely. My problem with Merlinski is that I made a mistake, never admitted not to, and then clung onto it like shit on velcro. Then accused me of using a term wrong again, which was flat out untrue. Not to mention I stay firm on the fact that I think it's fucking (yes, fucking) stupid to write up posts that are pages long to post them on a Nerf chat board, which Merlinski is notorious for. I told him to shut the fuck up because A. He's not going to pull that shit on me, and B. I don't want to see him hijack a perfectly good thread for some stupid half assed comment I made, that wasn't even an original thought. Thanks to the rest of you, and him, you've still managed to fuck it up royally. Good job.

Thirst makes a good point here, whinning. Just shut the fuck up people! It was all a joke. The idea of euphamizing the term shell shock is supposed to be quirky and sarcastic thought, not something you base a holy crusade on. Jesus, you guys call me an idiot, yet your letting something paraphrased from a comedy routine ruin a thread. Honestly, to quote Maddox, how do you people manage not to choke on your own spit?

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#31 ompa



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Posted 12 February 2005 - 12:28 AM

I wasn't exactly sure of your source, I was unaware of the comedic value of it. In short, I didn't know Carlin was a comedian. I apologize because I still respect you, I just failed to see what was going on this time.

However, now that I understand the Carlin post, your actions make more sense.


Edited by ompa, 12 February 2005 - 12:28 AM.

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#32 TheHaze



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Posted 12 February 2005 - 01:13 AM

Talio, you lost. Let it go. Bite the bullet and just end this stupid argument. I don't even know what it is about anymore.
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#33 NerfMonkey



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Posted 12 February 2005 - 12:26 PM

Hey, I choke on my own spit! :cry:
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#34 merlinski



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Posted 12 February 2005 - 05:48 PM

J, really, if you want the job it's yours, untill then, try to grasp sarcasm and satire.

Oompa, don't say your sorry, and then insult me.  Just be a man and say what you mean.  I attack Merlinski cause he'll argue anything, even satirical thoughts meant to merely twist the mind for no apparent reason.  For god sakes I was explaining a point made by George Carlin.  He's a comedian!  So rather then coming at me tellling me how flawed my logic is, take a step back and think about what your argueing.  This would be a good time to practice choosing your battles wisely.  My problem with Merlinski is that I made a mistake, never admitted not to, and then clung onto it like shit on velcro.  Then accused me of using a term wrong again, which was flat out untrue.  Not to mention I stay firm on the fact that I think it's fucking (yes, fucking) stupid to write up posts that are pages long to post them on a Nerf chat board, which Merlinski is notorious for.  I told him to shut the fuck up because A.  He's not going to pull that shit on me, and B.  I don't want to see him hijack a perfectly good thread for some stupid half assed comment I made, that wasn't even an original thought.  Thanks to the rest of you, and him, you've still managed to fuck it up royally.  Good job.

Thirst makes a good point here, whinning.  Just shut the fuck up people!  It was all a joke.  The idea of euphamizing the term shell shock is supposed to be quirky and sarcastic thought, not something you base a holy crusade on.  Jesus, you guys call me an idiot, yet your letting something paraphrased from a comedy routine ruin a thread.  Honestly, to quote Maddox, how do you people manage not to choke on your own spit?


1. You jump on people for taking your post seriously when you posted in a serious discussion
2. You get mad to the point of cussing just because I made a mistake with a definition, when you do the exact same thing
3. You seem to be pissed at me that I "accused you of using a term wrong" when all I did was in fact correct your usage
4. The entire reason this started was because you started cussing after I corrected you
5. If your entire point was meant as satire, you probably should have been funny instead of serious about the affects on Vietnam veterans. Satire tends to be funny.
6. Now you're bringing back things that I've done in previous debates as some kind of sophmorish attempt at, well, I guess it could be construed as insult.
7. So what if I've posted long things in the past? I like debating with people such as Evil, and if we're both having a long discussion about something how does that put me in the wrong?

I told him to shut the fuck up because A.  He's not going to pull that shit on me, and B.  I don't want to see him hijack a perfectly good thread for some stupid half assed comment I made, that wasn't even an original thought.  Thanks to the rest of you, and him, you've still managed to fuck it up royally.  Good job.

A. Pull what shit, write for more than 2 minutes in a post? Wow, that's a real doozy there, we better put a rule against that in the TOS.
B. The only comment I made that wasn't entirely relevant to your point was, quite simply, "traumatic not dramatic". The rest of the reply in question was completely on topic.

It's really simple. You made a mistake. I corrected it then talked about your point. You overreacted, and are now trying to cover it up with more cursing and "it was satire". Just give it a rest. If you happen to feel like dealing with my completely valid point that soldiers in WWII were just as fucked up as the ones in Vietnam, I'd be happy to continue the discussion.

And by the way, I'm on the Brown University Debate Team.

Edited by merlinski, 12 February 2005 - 05:51 PM.

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#35 JSkater



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Posted 12 February 2005 - 06:33 PM

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#36 Talio


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Posted 13 February 2005 - 12:34 AM

And your still argueing with a rediculous point in the first place, further proving that you need a fucking life.

This is my last post, cause this is easily the most stupid arguement that never really exsisted. Let me ask you a question, on that debate team do they tell you anything about choosing your battles? Retard.

I'd give you a one last shut the fuck up, but I know that your only reason your on the boards at all is to post these long winded arguements. Argueing over a comedy bit...for the love of god.


Edited by Talio, 13 February 2005 - 12:44 AM.

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#37 merlinski



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Posted 13 February 2005 - 07:35 PM

Let me ask you a question, on that debate team do they tell you anything about choosing your battles? Retard.

I guess my problem is that I don't see a forum thread on Nerf Haven as a battle.
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#38 Groove


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Posted 14 February 2005 - 02:19 PM

In defense of Tally, merlinski ~ all you really do around here is lurk, find a thread, and start arguing with people.

You nit pick, bitch and argue until it's no longer beating of a dead horse, it's more like necrophilia. Infact, considering 90% of your posts are in the off topic forum, (and the quick perusing of your posts reveals that this is more or less true for the most part) it's quite easy to see you're just looking for an argument.

Just some advice, ease off.
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#39 merlinski



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Posted 14 February 2005 - 03:22 PM

In defense of Tally, merlinski ~ all you really do around here is lurk, find a thread, and start arguing with people.

You nit pick, bitch and argue until it's no longer beating of a dead horse, it's more like necrophilia. Infact, considering 90% of your posts are in the off topic forum, (and the quick perusing of your posts reveals that this is more or less true for the most part) it's quite easy to see you're just looking for an argument.

Just some advice, ease off.

Both of you guys seem to be bitching about stuff that's months old. I don't deny that I post almost exclusively in Off-Topic (89%, the statistic is right on my info page), but the allegation that I just look for chances to disagree with people is complete bull. The topics I've posted in most recently here (other than this) have been about College, Weather, Computers, Audio, and one about Politics.

And if you're worrying about starting arguments, well just a quick look through this topic will give you a good picture of who's responsible for the transformation from conversation to flat out insults.

Bottom line is this. I really don't care if you disagree with how I use this forum. I'm the first one to admit that I haven't done pretty much anything with nerf in a very long time. But I use the Off-Topic forum the way it's meant to be used - posting intelligently about things outside nerf that interest me without resorting to personal attacks. If getting into an argument like this once every few months characterizes me as a necrophiliac in your eyes, I guess that's fine. I guess the most I can do is ask you to recognize the fact that it wasn't me who kept this topic from getting back on course.
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#40 ompa



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Posted 14 February 2005 - 05:10 PM

Alright guys, enough. At this point, I think if anyone posts in regards to Talio or Merlinski, it's just ridiculous. What's done is done, can we move on now? I don't think any of us want to hear any more of it- in fact, I'll even propose a new topic:

What types of cheese can you effectively shoot out of a nerf gun?

I say Cheddar. If anyone wonders why, I'll post my reasoning if questioned.

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#41 Groove


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Posted 14 February 2005 - 05:11 PM

I never said I disagreed with how or the manner in which you used the forum, and the time issue which you bring up is more or less irrelevant to my main point.

You can choose to keep on a' beating this ol' dead horse if you like, I'll be in the next room. And thank you for further proving my point.


Definitely oompa, it's gotta be Sharp Chedder or Smoked Gouda.

Edited by GrOOvE, 14 February 2005 - 05:13 PM.

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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#42 NerfMonkey



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Posted 14 February 2005 - 05:39 PM

Velveeta. It's thich and heavy, and you can cut it into almost perfect shapes.
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#43 merlinski



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Posted 14 February 2005 - 06:18 PM

Lindbergher (sp?) - I think it counts as chemical warfare.
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#44 cxwq



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Posted 14 February 2005 - 06:26 PM

From a pure performance perspective you have to go with a low-friction hard cheese like parmesan or romano. Problem with this is that the work required to make the cheese darts increases as the elasticity of the material decreases.

From a pure ROF perspective you have to go with Cheez Whiz sprayed directly into your RF20. If the complete lack of cheese in this option bothers you then feel free to shell out for the non-pressurized smokey cheddar in a squeeze tube.
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#45 ompa



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Posted 14 February 2005 - 06:32 PM

From a pure performance perspective you have to go with a low-friction hard cheese like parmesan or romano. Problem with this is that the work required to make the cheese darts increases as the elasticity of the material decreases.

From a pure ROF perspective you have to go with Cheez Whiz sprayed directly into your RF20. If the complete lack of cheese in this option bothers you then feel free to shell out for the non-pressurized smokey cheddar in a squeeze tube.

Elasticity problems could be stopped by using a coring device and frozen cheese however.

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#46 merlinski



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Posted 14 February 2005 - 06:40 PM

Elasticity problems could be stopped by using a coring device and frozen cheese however.


Or possibly a rigid skin like that found on the outside of some cheese wheels.
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#47 FIDO



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Posted 14 February 2005 - 06:49 PM

Man, I'm loving this topic. I'd go with Mozzarella cheese because I've got lots of it here.
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#48 NerfMonkey



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Posted 14 February 2005 - 07:16 PM

I take back what I said, Velveeta's too greasy to make projectiles out of. I even tried it, I stuck the straw of a Capri-Sun into a hunk of it and shot it. I agree with cxwq.
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#49 MattPaintballer



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Posted 14 February 2005 - 07:35 PM

I say whatever you think tastes the best shoots the best.

What is the best material for making a fort for a Nerf war?

I say a towel.
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#50 NerfMonkey



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Posted 14 February 2005 - 08:48 PM

Take a bunch of high-backed chairs and line them up in a row, then put a blanket over them. Leave some gaps for shooting.
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