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#26 LiKnSmAkScOmIn



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Posted 05 January 2005 - 08:50 PM

Thanks for those links, Rusty. That forum design sounds different than usual, but sounds like it could work well.
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#27 last man standin

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Posted 05 January 2005 - 08:55 PM

This is actually starting to sound like a very good idea! Will certain members start out with more mod points than others, who may be not as valuable to the society, or does evereyone start out with the same number?
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#28 Fuse



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Posted 05 January 2005 - 09:01 PM

Im an old NO member, and while it had it's share of idiots, most of those were paintballers trying to get their jollies off while they were still lodged firmly in their pelvis, and my memories from there are almost all a plesant group of folks sharing ideas and a few laughs. Most of the posts I read here have little point and aren't entertaining. Mostly they are a waste of bandwidth. Truth be told, I don't check 80% of the topics here once I've read the initial post, if then.

Hopefully, once karma is in place and idiots are dealt with, the Haven will be able to bond together a bit more. At least, thats my hope.

I think the idea is that we can test karma with people the admins are already (somewhat) familiar with to make sure its working properly. Its dumb to try to calibrate a new device using an unknown variable.

Oh, and LastMan, cx said in the second post linked above that users will start with 50 points on a 1-100 scale, though of course by now he may have changed his mind.

Edited by >Fuse<, 05 January 2005 - 09:10 PM.

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#29 Half Newb Half Nerfer

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Posted 05 January 2005 - 09:52 PM

I'm very tired and futiged right now, so the qaulity of this post will most likely be low.

This all sounds very good, so far.

I think that it would be good if we kept the registration box closed. Forever (or until we only have a few members left). The bonding idea sounds pretty cool.

Now with the scouting thingy, two or three "scouters" would be pretty good.

Once again, sorry for the low qaulity, just trying to get my ideas in.
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#30 Langley


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Posted 05 January 2005 - 11:28 PM

I'm very tired and futiged right now, so the qaulity of this post will most likely be low...

This is a perfect example of why we need to tighten up our border patrol. Who starts a post like that?
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#31 rawray7



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Posted 05 January 2005 - 11:50 PM

I'm very tired and futiged right now, so the qaulity of this post will most likely be low...

This is a perfect example of why we need to tighten up our border patrol. Who starts a post like that?

only a dirty immigrant.

Get your half-nerf ass out of our country you dirty crossbreed. solicit your services over on the newb side of the border...and stop trying to steal our jobs.

In full support of the admins via Langley's statement, border patrol is necessary. I'm throwing on a cowboy hat and heading down t' san diego to cetch me some n00bs. C'mon y'all.
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#32 Alexthebeast



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 12:28 AM

Wow, I might have a reason to start posting again.
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<Fooz> In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penisses, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship.

#33 AirApache



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 12:33 AM

I may not have that many, but that's because it kind of bugs me when people respond to posts with "I agree” or spend two posts bashing some new guy. Simple solution, no new guys. I'm no god of nerf, but the stupidity here sometimes is incredible.

This would be one reason why I've stopped posting for a while. I hate when people respond to the same thread with the same answer or whatnot (are you REALLY sure maxshot is the best gun from Lanard? Because I don't think I know yet...) and I try not to be a hypocrite. I hate when people post just to add to their post count. I can think of about 5 people right off the bat who do that.

Back ON topic, Cx, I gotchya, and now you've reversed my position 180 degrees. I'd rather NerfHaven be an elitist society then, and have all the newbs go through NHQ and other forums, and if we notice their potential, then they may have a spot at NH.

This is all.

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#34 Vintage



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 01:19 AM

Cxwq, I look forward to this next stage in your site. Hope you will get to relax more after the new system is put in motion.

To all the others here, it's tough to design a karma system, register new users and monitor the board at once. I think it's great that Vacc is stepping up to the plate to help Cx out here.

We don't need scouting because it's not up to us to find the right guys for this forum. The right guys should come to us. The new karma system should effectively root out the wrong ones.

Good luck on your code-writing, Cxwq.

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#35 N3maN



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 05:30 AM

I think it is best to work together with other forums like NHQ, they deal with the noobs, and their mods reccomend additions to the NH clientel. This system would work best if all possible forum mods work together to make the entire nerf community a better place. Keep NH for the bet of the best, and select the best from other forums for promotion to the NH forums.
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#36 Jangadance



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 11:53 AM

Yeah, we'll be sure to drop Vacc a line if one of Nerf HQ's members seems like he's ready to move on to the "Big Leagues". Right. If anyone wants to feel like an elitist asshole they can, but I for one will not take part in any that crap.

Point is, NHQ and NH do things differently, fine. I can totally understand if NH feels it has enough ingredients in the mix right now, NHQ doesn't use the same recipe though. As an open forum, I hope it's a public melting-pot of opinions, questions, and ideas... I personally think it's a bad idea to close the forum registration, even temporarily, because that's not the way an open community should work. Think of all the recent members that have made so many more contributions than the guys who have been here since square 1.

Nerf Haven is a great place, the kind of thing you shouldn't prevent people from being a part of. The fact remains that it isn't self-sustaining and even if we love the current member base it won't be around for long. And, the next person to find NH shouldn't be barred from experiencing it just because he found the forums after this ban was placed.

I check "The Haven" once or twice daily, and it would be saddening to me to see activity diminish simply because the veterans were getting sick of seeing new members post.
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#37 cxwq



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 11:57 AM

I think it is best to work together with other forums like NHQ, they deal with the noobs, and their mods reccomend additions to the NH clientel. This system would work best if all possible forum mods work together to make the entire nerf community a better place. Keep NH for the bet of the best, and select the best from other forums for promotion to the NH forums.

I don't think the other forums would like that so much, to be honest.

We don't need scouts, we don't need recruitment, all I'm worried about is running this site the way we (me and Vacc) want it run. If people don't like it here, they can go elsewhere. If people don't fit in here, I will kick them out. It's really simple.

For however long it takes to finish coding Karma, I honestly don't care that we're not getting new members. I want to test the new code in a fishbowl rather than the ocean. Keep in mind that it's a fucking big fishbowl... even with deletions and pruning we have over a thousand goddamn members.

Edit: Janga, you slipped in ahead of me. This isn't a policy decision about how NH is going to be long term, this is a way to cope with a really big change in the way the forum functions. Honestly, I don't like closing the forums - I just need to focus on coding for a while and it's a lot easier if things are a little more static around here.

If the next great person to join the Nerf community comes and finds the door locked, they'll head over to NHQ and probably be perfectly happy there. Whenever I'm done here, they will have the option of joining both forums just like 80% or more of our members have already done.

Edit Edit: I just read even more posts up there where people suggest some kind of scouting system. Let me be perfectly clear on one very important thing: I do not and will never care what sort of members other Nerf forums cater to. If you're a fucking Nerf God and you want to exist solely at that other NH (what was it called again?) then that's your damn choice. I am not in the business of recruitment, I am in the business of making sure that people can find us and I am in the business of keeping the morons out. That is all.
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#38 VACC


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Posted 06 January 2005 - 12:58 PM

Fuse is 100% correct. This is not a permanent thing. User registration will reopen on a regular basis as soon as we feel we've given the karma system a good live run through. This thing is going to be hard enough to get up and running without the x factor of 50 new untested user quantities thrown into the mix. Besides, if they are really the superstars you guys are afraid we might be missing out on, they can always write me a little essay to gain access. Let's just hope they don't write the wrong thing.

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#39 cooldood31



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 03:33 PM

This sounds interesting. I think it's a good idea, but it will be fun to watch what goes on here in the next little while. I think that this will be good for the forum, after watching the number of trolls and others that have come through here degrading it dureing the short while I've been a member. The world of nerf must constantly change and adapt. Looking forward to seeing if, and hoping this is, a change for the better.
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#40 last man standin

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Posted 06 January 2005 - 03:35 PM

We should definately get rid of the idiots, but having only a few members would totally suck. The "bonding thing" can still happen with lots of members when the idiots are gone, registrations are closed, and we can all get to know each other.would you rather be talking to two guys, or a hundred whom you know? also, if there were only a few members, all the rejected guys would either quit nerf or flock to NHQ, and then THAT would be the best nerf site, probably, because more members= more forums, mods, and basically more everything. I think only those morons, trolls, and other idiots should be forced to leave, but only scouted people should be allowed to join from now on, or untill karma is finished, at least.

Edited by last_man_standin_, 06 January 2005 - 03:37 PM.

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#41 Sinfil



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 04:12 PM

We should definately get rid of the idiots, but having only a few members would totally suck.

Take a look at my member number. I am the last person to join this forum before the karma system is implemented. This is not a "small number". It's in the thousands, for crying out loud. The karma system, once up, would see who the "real" members of nerfhaven are. No offense.
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#42 shtmlf



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 04:34 PM

I joined recently and sounds like in the nick of time. I have not contributed much since I'm trying to learn as much as I can. My friends and I have just gone nerf crazy and are trying to modify some of our guns. Let me tell you all, this is a great site and hope to, not only learn, but share if anything cool comes out of my workshop... thanks
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#43 cxwq



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 04:35 PM

We should definately get rid of the idiots, but having only a few members would totally suck.

Take a look at my member number. I am the last person to join this forum before the karma system is implemented. This is not a "small number". It's in the thousands, for crying out loud. The karma system, once up, would see who the "real" members of nerfhaven are. No offense.

If member number 1218 gets it, why can't half of the rest of you? Oh yeah, because you're the white noise that Karma is designed to slowly filter out.

Just *think* about what you're saying.

I've had people suggest that at the rate I suspend users, we'll soon have nobody left here. In two years I have indefinitely suspended precisely 18 users from the absolute bottom of the NH gene pool. We get that many new users in a typical week.

After we reopen registration I suspect we'll have a flood of unusually high quality new members who have joined the community while we were closed and are eager to participate in threads here as well as wherever they had already signed up.

If you are truly concerned about NH being great why don't you spend an hour thinking up an interesting and intelligent thread to post rather than pissing and moaning about how you want to be a NH scout.

Sinfil and shtmlf, welcome to NH. You'll both do just fine here.
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#44 Sinfil



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 05:12 PM

Thanks cxwq, i made it just in time. Karma's gonna be one mighty fine piece of code once done. Be careful of your bandwidth, though.
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#45 Groove


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Posted 06 January 2005 - 05:19 PM

You know, just the other day I was asking myself how you were going to work out the kinks of the Karma system, and cater to the needs of the board simultaneously...this way works out oh so much better. Rock on.

I know I'm not an admin of any kind, however - if VACC needs help with the torture process, I'd be more than willing to help. I'm sure even the strongest of men would break down after listening to Nickelback's "This Is How You Remind Me Of Someday" for seven hours straight...

Maybe in addition to writing a one page essay to VACC, they can recite the Code of Conduct to Ompa, and give me a foot massage. And Spoon could, I don't know - ask them to come back to his van for a quick lube job. Oh-ho-ho, man that sounded dirty.
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#46 cxwq



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 05:26 PM

Thanks cxwq, i made it just in time. Karma's gonna be one mighty fine piece of code once done. Be careful of your bandwidth, though.

If anything, it will reduce my bandwidth usage. Posters with very low Karma and posts with sufficient negative moderation will no longer flow from my server to most web browsers pointed at the site.

It will slightly increase the CPU usage of my database process but probably not to a level that the host would notice or care about.
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Posted 06 January 2005 - 05:43 PM

Im surprised how many people dont get what Cx is doing...Closing the forums is not a good thing, why should it be? Any "idiots" are all taken care of, no need to blow up the problem...and scouts? Hehe. They'll write an essay if they are such "elitest assholes".

Good luck Cx, hope the process goes smoothly for you, great job.

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#48 rusty



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 07:08 PM

I just realized that between now, and the initilization of karma NerfHaven is going to die.

Anyone smart enough to start an intelligent thread will probably wait until Karma starts so that they can get the karma points(?) from the thread.

So the only new threads that pop up will probably be chock full of hot spicy noobage.
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#49 cxwq



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 07:31 PM

Anyone smart enough to start an intelligent thread will probably wait until Karma starts so that they can get the karma points(?) from the thread.

Well, me and Vacc are going to manually 'seed' the process by giving out some mod points to the people who are being intelligent before Karma starts.
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#50 Fuse



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Posted 06 January 2005 - 09:25 PM

I just realized that between now, and the initilization of karma NerfHaven is going to die.

Anyone smart enough to start an intelligent thread will probably wait until Karma starts so that they can get the karma points(?) from the thread.

So the only new threads that pop up will probably be chock full of hot spicy noobage.

I personally dont know why that would happen. Anyone smart enough to make a post worth reading hopefully isnt in it for the points. This isnt EQ37. You dont post here so that you can level up or anything.

Who really gives a rats ass about Karma points? The whole system is designed so it works itself out. Personally I plan on ignoring my karma points unless I find myself in danger of admin action (which I really dont see happening). If you post for points, chances are your post isnt going to get you any + anyways.
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