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Foldable Sniper Stand Idea

how to make a foldable sniper stand

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#1 last man standin

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Posted 09 December 2004 - 08:47 PM

I recently had an idea for a foldable stand for all your long-range loser weapons, and it works pretty well.since my arsenal is rather pitiful, i just use it for my blast bazooka, but when i get an x-bow i will try it with that, too.its pretty simple, and im sorry i dont have pictures but you probably wont need them. At most music stores, you can buy foldable stands for sheet music.Prices vary, but if you get a cheap one like me, it wont cost any more than 12$.first, slide off the part that you put the sheet music on.then use some sort of sharp saw to chop off about an inch at the top so you have a hollow opening at both ends. it may be hard to do this since many are metal, but there are saws that will do it effortlessly as wood.next, find a two...maybe two and a half foot long wooden dowelwith a diameter just a little smaller then the hole at the top of the stand.slide the dowell in as much as you can, and there should be about six inches of it sticking out.sizes of the stands, too, will vary so use your common sense to find a dowell of apropriate length.next, take a drill with a drill bit the same size as the hole on the top of the stand anddrill a hole in the bottom of the handle, or maybe twords the middle, just dont go all the way through.get a crappy belt, glue it onto two places of the stand and wah-lah! put the dowell in the hole of your gun to attach it, and you can store it on your back with the strap!

(note:only use if you will be mostly losing, as it can be hard to run at top speed with on your back, and could possibly make you slow or cumbersome.)
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Black Masks & Gasoline

#2 ompa



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Posted 09 December 2004 - 08:54 PM

My apologies beforehand for doing this; losing in nerf is an extremely controversial topic, one best not to be started here.

Anyways, the problem with the stand is that it makes you extremely immobile. Now the problem with that is, and I think most nerfers will agree with me, that nerf is a game of mobility. Something that hinders your movement too much will probably be detrimental to your performance in a nerf war.

However, for just accuracy tests, I think that's a great idea, as I have a foldable music stand at my house,

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#3 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 09 December 2004 - 09:24 PM

I think it beats the (rather expensive) alternative of using a sling stud and Harris-type folding bipod. I prefer shooting sticks, 'cause they're easier to carry than a music stand. Unfortunately the folding kind of sticks run about $40-60, depending on the size.

losers? My team doesn't have losers. Only the semi-PC term of "designated marksmen," of which I am one of them as the rest of my team is good for "don't fire 'til you see the whites of their eyes" combat. Generally I just use a low branch on a tree, or use popular hunting tactics designed for shooting off-hand for rests.
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"Fear the man with one gun, for he probably knows how to use it."

#4 last man standin

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Posted 09 December 2004 - 09:34 PM

thanks ompa, i thought it would slow you down, and i even posted it, so i dont recomend general's "dont shoot till you see the whites of their eyes" combat style for this.it is meant for losers who try to stay hiden throughout the war, and for fort wars. but at the price it does beat sticks.
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Black Masks & Gasoline

#5 ompa



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Posted 09 December 2004 - 09:40 PM

I'm well aware that you posted it, you just didn't state the problem with being immobile. Trust me, I read peoples' posts all the way through.

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#6 last man standin

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Posted 09 December 2004 - 09:44 PM

hahah...I believe you!it is kind of a cool mod and easy to make, and you could always ditch it in a hidden area and come back to it.
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Black Masks & Gasoline

#7 Bad Karma

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Posted 09 December 2004 - 11:58 PM

My apologies beforehand for doing this; losing in nerf is an extremely controversial topic, one best not to be started here.


Yeah, it is....Just don't go there....
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Da BK 02: well...I just wanted to tell you...since your going to be dieing...I 've always hated you...and I mean that
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#8 Fuse



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Posted 10 December 2004 - 12:43 AM

Cool idea, but do you really need a stand when shooting in Nerf? A good stance should suit you just fine because even the farthest shooting guns wont be giving you the kind of range where a stand is really needed.
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#9 AirApache



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Posted 10 December 2004 - 03:04 AM

My good stance consists of moving around. It helps because when you move, people need to actually move their gun to try to shoot you. (Just thought I'd clarify).
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Indiana '11

#10 okto



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Posted 10 December 2004 - 03:09 AM

Hooray for bipods.

Kids...losing is when you shoot accurately from a concealed position. If you shoot from behind a tree, you're losing. losing is part of Nerf.
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#11 AirApache



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Posted 10 December 2004 - 03:15 AM

losing - intr.v. sniped, snip-ing, snipes

1. To shoot individuals from a concealed place
2. To shoot at detached men of an enemy's forcees, esp. when not in action -- often with at.

So, you are partially correct. But if all losing means that I shoot someone from a concealed place, does me hiding in a car at night shooting a guy who walks ten feet away bring an image of losing to your mind? No. The definition of losing may say just from a concealed place, but in today's society, if you play halo, you don't 'eat shit' anybody with a rocket launcher no matter how concealed you were. They might be surprised...but it ain't a eat shit.

Nerfers don't eat shit. There is a difference between the element of surprise, and losing someone. Join airsoft or the military.
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Indiana '11

#12 okto



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Posted 10 December 2004 - 03:22 AM

So, Halo speak defines the English language? Point out to me where in that dictionary def it mentions distance. Concealed shooting is losing. The impression you get does not change the meaning of the word a whit. Your argument is all over the place.

I have no desire to join the military; my country is not in danger of invasion, and I got all the regimented discipline I wanted (and more) at military school. As for airsoft...*chuckle* I think we all know about airsoft.
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#13 AirApache



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Posted 10 December 2004 - 03:28 AM

No, what do we know about airsoft? Enlighten me.

And no, Halo was an example. Ask anybody from military personel to civilians to draw a pic of someone losing, and they will include distance, pal.

Dictionary.com. I was aware that that was a valid source?

The comment to join the military wasn't literal, or maybe you needed me to clarify. And military doesn't only protect against invasion. I wonder...do we have troops, perhaps, somewhere ELSE in the world right now?

Aesthetically modding your nerf guns to look like losers is very cool, but its practicality is basically zero unless you invent a new dart that goes 500 feet, and then you've taken the fun out of nerf.

My argument is in one place: losing does not equal nerf. Shut the hell up unless you have a better argument that what 'losing' literally means in one definition.
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Indiana '11

#14 Fuse



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Posted 10 December 2004 - 04:53 AM

Guys, can it. We dont need another loser debate here. Ignore the termanology for just once and assume you arent better than everyone.
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#15 Black Wrath

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Posted 10 December 2004 - 07:38 AM

I could've sworn that the word AirApache was looking for was "sharpshooter". If you want to define "picking off" someone from a distance, your term is sharpshooter.

I truely hope you both lay off eachother, you two look like school girls fighting over what kind of manicure they got.
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

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#16 Bad Karma

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Posted 10 December 2004 - 08:41 AM

I truely hope you both lay off eachother, you two look like school girls fighting over what kind of manicure they got.

Hey! I resent that!

Edited by Bad_Karma, 10 December 2004 - 08:42 AM.

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Da BK 02: well...I just wanted to tell you...since your going to be dieing...I 've always hated you...and I mean that
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#17 Ender



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Posted 10 December 2004 - 09:13 AM

Sorry about that, I can vouch that it is hard at times to remember that there are women who do nerf and I for one have made that mistake as well a time or two.

And as for the argument, who bloody cares. What is the point in arguing over semantics nothing will be resolved from this other than a bunch of people getting pissed. Do we not have fun nerfing? Then who cares about the terminology, I shoot you and you shoot me if one of us hits each other that person is hit you can call it qwert for all I care.
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#18 Techno-Dann



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Posted 10 December 2004 - 12:20 PM

if you play halo, you don't 'eat shit' anybody with a rocket launcher no matter how concealed you were. They might be surprised...but it ain't a eat shit.

Aww... come on. You should have seen me on the new Blood Gulch. I dropped a guy halfway down the valley with a rocket. :nugget: I got pwned anyway, but it was fun.

To get back to the topic, I think it's a great idea, and very well done, but not very practical for my style of nerfing. I think that the least accurate part of a nerf gun shooting is the dart and how it flies, rather than how steady the gun is. If you're dealing with real rifles, a bipod makes sense, but I really don't think I would use one while nerfing enough to justify the expense.

So... It's a great idea, it's excellently done, but I'm going to have to say "sorry, not for me, thanks."
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#19 last man standin

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Posted 10 December 2004 - 03:23 PM

[quote name='AirApache' date='Dec 10 2004, 12:15 AM'] losing - intr.v. sniped, snip-ing, snipes

1. To shoot individuals from a concealed place
2. To shoot at detached men of an enemy's forcees, esp. when not in action -- often with at.

So, you are partially correct. But if all losing means that I shoot someone from a concealed place, does me hiding in a car at night shooting a guy who walks ten feet away bring an image of losing to your mind? No. The definition of losing may say just from a concealed place, but in today's society, if you play halo, you don't 'eat shit' anybody with a rocket launcher no matter how concealed you were. They might be surprised...but it ain't a eat shit.

Nerfers don't eat shit. There is a difference between the element of surprise, and losing someone. Join airsoft or the military. [/quote]
[QUOTE] losing DOES come into play in nerfing, and keeping the gun steady DOES help your accuracy.
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Black Masks & Gasoline

#20 Half Newb Half Nerfer

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Posted 10 December 2004 - 03:29 PM


Anyways, if you want to eat shit, go play Airsoft.
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#21 last man standin

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Posted 10 December 2004 - 04:30 PM

I was sayin that holdin the gun steady Does affect your accuracy, and that losing certaily DOES play a part in nerf wars.Didn't you hear me?Why would I want to play airsoft if I wanted to eat shit?
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Black Masks & Gasoline

#22 Half Newb Half Nerfer

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Posted 10 December 2004 - 04:38 PM

Because theres no such thing as losing in Nerf.

Holding a gun steadily does not count as losing.
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#23 last man standin

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Posted 10 December 2004 - 04:45 PM

When did I say Holding a gun steady was losing?Never, thats when.Ask anone here, there is such thing as losing in nerf.Anyone except airpache, that is.I think he just hates me.anyway, you are incredibly stupid if you dont think there is losing in nerf, and if you still believe there is no such thing as losing, you should tak away the 1/2 nerfer part of your screenname, you are 100% a fucking newb, and I'd like to see your face as you are being sniped by someone with some common sense.
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Black Masks & Gasoline

#24 last man standin

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Posted 10 December 2004 - 05:31 PM

before you tyr this, i forgot to mention you might want to open up the gun and epoxy in a wood or plasit peice so the dowell doesnt screw up the internals, and instead rests on the piece.
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Black Masks & Gasoline

#25 ompa



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Posted 10 December 2004 - 05:38 PM

Ok, people, it's over. Last_man, unless YOU and ONLY YOU want to post pictures, no more posting in this topic regarding losing.

I truely hope you both lay off eachother, you two look like school girls fighting over what kind of manicure they got.

And Jackie immediately comes up in my mind, as well as Lauren, Taylor... God I hate my school.

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