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Nerf Movie

My New Project

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#26 GunnedDown



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Posted 14 April 2003 - 11:18 PM

Great, I'm glad you like it. Glad you're tweaking it too, it's your movie, after all.

I just hope Spoon knows how to get all those camera angles I described...heh.

Holy shit, that sounds freaking awesome!

Maybe for the part before they kill the guy, the camera moves to one of those climactic sillhouette scenes, where you see the man's shadow on the wall of him lying on the ground, and the "bad guys" all around him. Then, one of the bad guys steps forward, and the good guy is lying on his back, looking up, in one of those "starting to crawl up and backwards' positions". Then, the bad guy draws a gun, and points it at his head and pulls the trigger. This way, it will look like he was shot in the head in the silhouette, but, you could just shoot to the side. All the time, the man is screaming something like, "Please! No! Please don't kill me! I'll join you! (and as he draws the gun) NOO! *BANG*...". Silhouette scenes are cool, dramatic, and, just, neato.

I'm not sure if you guys understood my dual LnL scene, and I don't understand why you said "mutilation".
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#27 Groove


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Posted 15 April 2003 - 10:16 AM

Dammit, why is it that whenever I read "pasadena" my brain automatically decides that pasadena instead should be pomona. Seriously, this isn't the first time this has happened....

The camera angles and how to get them are the jobs of the director and the cinematographer, respectively. The writer simply writes what can be seen and heard onscreen, but stays away from directing the camera. Not that it really matters in a project like this, but just for clarification.....

Ah, thanks for the clarification. I saw it in my head, I had no other real way of describing it other than showing the camera angles and how it ties in with the actions of the characters...sorry! I'm not trying to take over the movie or anything, I'm just trying to help out. Hope I didn't come off like that...
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#28 SSWB



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Posted 15 April 2003 - 10:49 AM

My friends and I once tried to make a nerf movie...which failed horribly. Because I have nothing better to do, I'll give you some warnings based on that disaster:

1. Beware complicated plots. Filming will always take way longer than you expect. If your script (if you plan to use one) is way long as mine was, you won't finish it in a day because a lot of the time, you have to do a particular shot over and over and over...and over until it looks perfect. We spent at least two, maybe three hours filming a battle that took only 5 seconds realtime.

2. Beware dialogue. I mean it's good. I use it all the time when I write, but when all your "actors" can't act worth shit (as was my case; not that it's bad they can't act, it's just not their area), you put a camera on them, and they start behaving all stupid and unnatural.

3. Beware equipment. Technology can be really be a fucking nuisance. We had two cameras: both ran out of batteries prematurely because their owners didn't check. Just make sure your gear is in order, that's all.

4. Beware humans. They can be really uncooperative sometimes. At least one or two guys in my group were. Some will just never listen and will go do their own thing, or even worse take over the whole operation (his reasoning being that I was only the writer and he was the director). Keeping order somehow without being a tyrant is the only solution I can think of.

Well, I sure hope your movie doesn't go as mine went. Good luck.
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Souvent femme varie,
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#29 wtrent10



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Posted 15 April 2003 - 04:28 PM

or, when he's running down the alleyway the bad guys shoot him, and he (even harder/you'd need a wire team to shoot this) he jumps and runs on the wall dodging the bullets, untill he's killed like the way groove said. also if tha'd be too hard to shoot, you could have him grab a fire escape ladder (like the ones that are on the side's of buildings) and he flips up. then the ladder falls down and that happens instead of tripping. then the sceen(sp) goes on how groove described it from there.
"This movie is the cause for all mental retardation. every kid I see walking down the street slamming their hand against their chest and yelling some incoherent sound I'm gonna point at them and yell, 'NO!!!!!!!! YOU WATCHED SKY CAPTAIN!!!!'"


#30 Ash



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Posted 15 April 2003 - 04:48 PM

So far, Spoon's idea of Nerf becoming the next spectator sport is the only movie idea that doesn't sound absolutely rediculous.
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#31 wtrent10



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Posted 15 April 2003 - 06:48 PM

also, I am quite good at fighting with a stick. may be useful during a fight sequence.
"This movie is the cause for all mental retardation. every kid I see walking down the street slamming their hand against their chest and yelling some incoherent sound I'm gonna point at them and yell, 'NO!!!!!!!! YOU WATCHED SKY CAPTAIN!!!!'"


#32 Groove


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Posted 15 April 2003 - 09:07 PM

also, I am quite good at fighting with a stick. may be useful during a fight sequence.

wtrent, do you even live near where they're planning to shoot the movie? It's going to be a little useless if you can fight with a stick or whatever and you're not even in the right state...

Oh, and fighting with a stick seems pretty damn stupid.
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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#33 VACC


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Posted 16 April 2003 - 12:42 AM

Ray: We should get together in person then sometime, Pomona isn't too far away from me, like 30 mins.

I wonder if a nerf drive by wouldn't come off as just stupid....

This is going completely in the other direction but what if the film revolved around Nerf becoming the nations next spectator sport craze. Improbable of course, but it would give a reason for everyone to be using nerf guns.

You would have to supply justification for any kind of importance to be placed on Nerf duels though. Despite the popularity of nerf in this context, without consequence of social or physical harm it would come accross as a sports movie, and I feel like that would be too normal to make any kind of sense. If you are going to go for any Nerf oriented plot you need to really hit on the absurdity to some extent. For instance, the idea might work if you established that all other violent activity is impossible in the setting of the film. This would lend the Nerf warfare the sense of an aggressive outlet. The irony of it might just add that edge you need. That's how I see it at least.

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#34 taita cakes

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Posted 16 April 2003 - 01:52 AM

wateva u do..... keep getting ideas.....no offence to others..... just find the PERFECT plot.... i still prefer the driveby with like 20 RAD team members (if you still remember elite RAD teams) hopping out of like a bidget rent a truck once the guards are taken out and storming the building... I also recommend braking a big glass door/window to enter but we all know the chances of that....

im a skip and the chances of me supplying equipment or acting (which i would love to do) are low. so all i ask is that for $5 someone mail me the end product on cd, or u post the full thing on the net with a small fee coz i can get ma friends wif broadband 2 download it for me.

i recommend pirating (did i just say that) a supreme video editing program off kazaa or warez however illegal it may be... even basic vid edits at school ma friends do cheap bullet time with.... (looks really lame)

newaz just keep looking alternate idea combining all together is:
* guy chased through alley way... sprinting his heart out
* purseurs start 2 drift back and slowly stop
* guy drops into alleyway and gets 10 secs into cell phone call someone mentioned and then you here "hello?....FRED/JACK/BOB?.... u there?" and it zooms out and the guys got a guy (hasbro schmuk) pointing a secret shot into his temple
* then u here dial tone and u see the other guy on the phone at home who turns to some guys and says lets roll and then the driveby thing happens
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#35 taita cakes

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Posted 16 April 2003 - 01:58 AM

hopping out of like a bidget rent a truck

hopping out of a BUDGET RENT A TRUCK soz about typo
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#36 cxwq



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Posted 16 April 2003 - 10:36 AM

Please edit your post instead of posting again.

Also avoid the AIM-style misspellings and abbreviations.
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#37 VACC


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Posted 16 April 2003 - 12:15 PM

Also avoid the AIM-style misspellings and abbreviations.

Which will in turn aid you in avoiding a foot up your ass........THEEE CIIIRCLE OF LIIIIFFEEE!!!!!

~end transmission~
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#38 rawray7



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Posted 16 April 2003 - 01:51 PM

okay...i've been working on it lately, and here's some of the things i've come up with:

number A. i think i am going to shy away from the nerfers against 'the man' type thing, because it is just ridiculous. the good/bad rivalry will be more like the rivalry in the movie hook. this allows for the same level of un-called-for violence, but without the suits and "manly" lines that will just turn lame.

number B. i kind of like VACC's idea about making other forms of violence impossible, and i came up with a great way to make it work. plastic. just about anything that can cause physical harm to people is metal. the movie could be based around somewhat of a futuristic world, not too far in the future (don't want to have to build sets for futuristic buildings). the premise could be something along the lines of: terrorism has gone off the charts (possible excuse: the U.S. has colonized the middle east.), and metal detectors have been installed everywhere. policemen have them, all buildings have them, they're everywhere. so, there are two rival nerf clans, they've each got bases (warehouses, garages, something like that), they've each got the technology connections (trying to hack each other, see where the other clan is going, etc.) so, the basis of the violence is that the older, eviler clan has found and captured a nerfing "prodigy" (played by either captain suave or toj or someone unsuspecting). at the start of the movie, a member of the good clan (i will make up names soon), is being hunted down by two members of the evil clan, because he found out about the capture of the prodigy. the good clan launches a massive assault on the bad guys base to retrieve the nerfer. most of the movie revolves around this battle scene. towards the end, the clans are in a bit of a stalemate, no team is really doing much better than the other, but the good team has penetrated into the heart of the base, and rescued the prodigy. with the help of the prodigy, the bad guys are mopped up easily, and all is good.

number C: i've been toying with some more specific elements of the movie also:

first: blood vs. no blood. steve really wants blood, but i don't think i want to deal with blood caddies, exploding ketchup packets, etc. also, i plan on hosting the movie on this site (if cxwq wants to, and the server is fast enough), and i think that having blood would sort of deteriorate from exemplifying the fun of the sport. i am still wondering weather people should even be allowed to die in the movie, or whether they should just run away or something after being shot.

second: i have been toying with is giving toj a funny part in the movie. either: he should be on the good team, be steve's bitch, and only by the very end of the movie prove himself a worthy nerfer. or: he should be the prodigy nerfer.

third: i need ideas for the names of the clans, the names of individual people. i think a cool name for the good clan would be "dragon army", a reference to the book 'ender's game'. the clan atmosphere i am really trying to get at is somewhat like the armies in that book.

Number D: here is a basic skeleton structure of the people that i would like to have in each part, this is subject to multiple changes:

good team - me, steve, ted, toj, ska boy, mark, sam, and more hopefully
bad team - cxwq, spoon, jason, steph, matt, jordan, julie, cam, and mario
the nerfer in the first scene (see groove's idea) - ska boy or jon
prodigy nerfer - mason, ska boy, captain suave, or toj (leaning more towards captain suave or toj)

that is the end of my post.
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#39 Black Blade

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Posted 16 April 2003 - 01:56 PM

I think the clans should be called blodshot anmd hell bound. :D
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#40 Switchblade



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Posted 16 April 2003 - 02:50 PM

Ok...One thing you could do without a plot...Do a little improv of a Nerf war (run around, shoot each other) but do bad-ass moves (John Woo, Matrix kinda shit). Just film that, and make it a short film. Or film that, then add and film a plot later on. And with the plot, it would have to be corny/kitschy or no plot at all. If you try to make a serioius plot, I think it would just end up being stupid.

Oh yeah, and no blood.
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#41 rawray7



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Posted 16 April 2003 - 02:57 PM

I think the clans should be called blodshot anmd hell bound. :D

HA! i can just imagine the film:
"Sir, the Alpha Zoolo Squadron of Clan Hellbound at our niner"
"Long live clan Blodshot!"

um...i don't think i'll be using those names. sorry blackblade.
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#42 Batman



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Posted 16 April 2003 - 02:58 PM

Well, I suggest, before you decide parts, you should wait till next YANO. Watch everybody there, and see what they're like. Give'em parts that fit'em. And I suggest keeping the prodigy a secret till the movie is released (Obviously, not from those par taking in the movie.) That way, you build up the suspense with-in the Nerf community, cuz I mean, we all wanna know. And we'd all deffinetly watch it to find out. But I'm deffinetly in on this one. I'll be driving by then, and should have my own vehicle (Hurray!). I'll just need to know the timing of it all, so I can plan around it. Note, I wanna blow up something in the movie....sorry, but urges come...
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#43 rawray7



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Posted 16 April 2003 - 03:02 PM

dude, batman, you are definately on the good team. sorry, i forgot all about you. and if you supply the explosives, i'm sure we can find something for you to blow up. you can blow up the lock on the cell that the secret person is in, possibly.

okay, i may or may not keep the secret person a secret. i can't really keep who it is a secret until i know who it is, and who wants to be it.
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#44 wtrent10



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Posted 16 April 2003 - 03:31 PM

I think the yano idea is good, but what about those few who can't make it???? Where are the yano's held anyways???
"This movie is the cause for all mental retardation. every kid I see walking down the street slamming their hand against their chest and yelling some incoherent sound I'm gonna point at them and yell, 'NO!!!!!!!! YOU WATCHED SKY CAPTAIN!!!!'"


#45 cxwq



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Posted 16 April 2003 - 03:37 PM

If you can't make it to SoCal for a YANO, you can't make it to SoCal for filming.

They're coming to take me away, ha ha!
They're coming to take me away, ho ho hee hee ha ha!
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#46 GunnedDown



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Posted 16 April 2003 - 03:39 PM

I think the yano idea is good, but what about those few who can't make it???? Where are the yano's held anyways???

Uhh.. You.. really.. need.. to.. search stuff.. more...


(wow, 19 periods in 8 ellipsis)
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"The occasional hell or damn is ok,
but we do sh*t and F---"

~Webbster, Foam Improvement.

"I got four points... I sackled you"

#47 wtrent10



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Posted 16 April 2003 - 03:50 PM

[QUOTE]i recommend pirating (did i just say that) a supreme video editing program off kazaa or warez [QUOTE]

how do you get a editing program off kazaa??? and what's warez???
"This movie is the cause for all mental retardation. every kid I see walking down the street slamming their hand against their chest and yelling some incoherent sound I'm gonna point at them and yell, 'NO!!!!!!!! YOU WATCHED SKY CAPTAIN!!!!'"


#48 rawray7



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Posted 16 April 2003 - 04:11 PM

i recommend pirating (did i just say that) a supreme video editing program off kazaa or warez

how do you get a editing program off kazaa??? and what's warez???

firstly, can i slap you both? okay, now that is out of the way: you can get an editing program just like you can get anything else off of kazaa. you search for it, then you download it. oh, and taitacakes, i am not going to pirate video editing software, seeing as how i know about five people at my school willing to help with my movie that all have different editing software, all of it premium grade (i.e. final cut pro, etc.)
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#49 Groove


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Posted 16 April 2003 - 04:36 PM

okay...i've been working on it lately, and here's some of the things i've come up with:

So, what are you doing exactly? You lost me. Looks like you scrapped my suggestion and took a few parts from it, and threw some other shit in.

What's the whole, "the man" thing that you're avoiding?

Perhaps instead of capturing this Nerfing prodigy, you might want to have each side try to tempt or persuade him to join each repsected team...in any other case it would be like you're treating the prodigy as an object, not a human.
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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#50 wtrent10



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Posted 16 April 2003 - 05:14 PM

what exactly do you search for to get one with bullet time???
"This movie is the cause for all mental retardation. every kid I see walking down the street slamming their hand against their chest and yelling some incoherent sound I'm gonna point at them and yell, 'NO!!!!!!!! YOU WATCHED SKY CAPTAIN!!!!'"


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