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as told by JT

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#1 JT Nerf Girl

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Posted 05 April 2003 - 09:45 PM

I posted this on NerfHQ so I thought I could post it here to, for those who are on this board, but that NerfHQ.

If you care... I do not have a boyfriend, although one would be kind of cool. I don't need one cause no one 'needs' to be with anyone, I don't care what you say. Techinacly(sp?!) I've never really had a boyfriend, that is never really gone out. That's not to say I haven't kissed a guy, cause I have. What else... there's not really a guy I like right now, though a few of my guy friends are pretty cool.

For the most part I can't stand most girls. They're to emotional, they cry at the slightest thing. I don't even get up set if a guy doesn't like me. Sure I'll be bummed for a little while, but I get over it. It is just a guy . Girls don't like to get dirty or anything either, and the whole shopping thing? I don't get it at all. I pretty much hate to shop, I don't like trying on things and stuff. And getting dressed up for everything, I hate dresses, if my mom would let me I'd go to homecoming and prom (well that's not till next year) in jeans and a t-shirt. Another thing, ya know how girls like always go to the bathroom in packs? Um... why? I don't, you don't need three or four other girls to help you pee, at least I don't. Girl are pretty weird I think and I'm the only normal one.

I usually like to hang out with guys more cause they do more stuff (the reason I quite Girl Scouts was because it was boring as hell, Boy Scouts do so much more fun stuff). I'm just more like a guy, emotionaly and a bit mentally, I guess. I've just always got along better with guys, and I flirt with every guy, where I like him or not. Hah, it's just my nature I suppose.

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#2 Ash



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Posted 06 April 2003 - 12:56 AM

Sure, those things are things that people peg girls for doing all the time... good Chick stereotypes and what not... but here's the better female trends that I seem to have found in almost every female on the planet:

One, they are all evil. They want to hurt you, they want to play with your mind and they want to incapacitate you.

Two, They are all fickle. None of them can make up their damn minds on anything.

Three, They are all evil.

Thank you for your time, this has been another profound statement by your favorite asshole, Ash. I'm not terribly sober right now.... sorry.
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#3 Zero Talent

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Posted 06 April 2003 - 03:04 AM

Girls require time and money.

Girls = Time x Money

Time is money.

Time = Money

Money is the root of evil.

Money = Evil^(1/2)


Girls = Time x Money

Girls = (Money) x Money

Girls = (Evil^(1/2)) x (Evil^(1/2))

Girls = (Evil ^(1/2))^2

Girls = Evil

...But anyways...
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#4 JT Nerf Girl

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Posted 06 April 2003 - 12:17 PM

I'm not evil though. I don't mess with good guys, just the jerks, that's always fun... Plus I can pay my own way thank you very much. Do you guys think I'm evil?
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#5 cxwq



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Posted 06 April 2003 - 02:38 PM

Do you guys think I'm evil?

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#6 JT Nerf Girl

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Posted 06 April 2003 - 02:44 PM

Why? What have I done that makes me evil?
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#7 Zero Talent

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Posted 06 April 2003 - 03:16 PM

You were born!!

...Anyhoo, I suppose that it just comes naturally to some girls. In a hopeful delerium, I try to convince myself that not all girls are, deep down, manipulative pixies, but reality has yet to assure me.
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#8 Frenzied fury

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Posted 06 April 2003 - 07:00 PM

But Zero, I thought stupidity was the root of all evil, and money was just what made it a little better. If not, could you explain to me how money is the root of all evil?
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Er... well, y'know. You can't make an omelette without um... destroying a forest. Or something.- Black Mage
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#9 JT Nerf Girl

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Posted 06 April 2003 - 07:23 PM

You were born!!

...Anyhoo, I suppose that it just comes naturally to some girls. In a hopeful delerium, I try to convince myself that not all girls are, deep down, manipulative pixies, but reality has yet to assure me.

Would you rather me get a sex change and become a gay guy? Okay, didn't think so. I'm not really manipulative and I'm so not a pixie. How many pixies do you know that Nerf?
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#10 Mantis



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Posted 06 April 2003 - 07:50 PM

[quote name='JT Nerf Girl' date='Apr 7 2003, 12:23 AM'][quote name='Zero Talent' date='Apr 6 2003, 08:16 PM']You were born!!

How many pixies do you know that Nerf?[/color][/quote]
Well there is about half of the LCM...but lets not get into that.
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#11 Inlitned1



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Posted 06 April 2003 - 07:50 PM

Has any one else noticed that the only people who say that girls are evil are the ones who cant seem to get any? Just a though.
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#12 cxwq



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Posted 06 April 2003 - 08:50 PM

Has any one else noticed that the only people who say that girls are evil are the ones who cant seem to get any? Just a though.

Uh. No.

I think that most guys who say that girls are evil have dated a lot but just haven't found the right one yet.

I married the first non-evil woman I met.

Since then I'm not entirely certain I've met any other women who fall into the same category.
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#13 One Man Clan

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Posted 06 April 2003 - 09:01 PM

Mantis I think HALF of the LCM is a conservative estimate!


Thanks, I'll be here all weak, try the veal.
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#14 merlinski



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Posted 06 April 2003 - 09:44 PM

Has any one else noticed that the only people who say that girls are evil are the ones who cant seem to get any? Just a though.

I'd like to echo cxwq's "Uh, no."

The guys who think girls are evil are the ones who have had issues with girls in the past (ie complicated and/or unsuccessful relationships).

I agree and disagree with girls being confusing. I mean, most of the stuff that they do is logical enough when you look at it. That doesn't mean that I'd ever do any of it, but from their perspective it makes perfect sense. Now, on the other hand, the way that girls handle relationships completely confuses the hell out of me. I mean, what is the problem with this logical thought: you like someone, they like you, you go out. Makes perfect sense to me, but girls find ways to make it more complicated than it should be.
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#15 cxwq



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Posted 06 April 2003 - 11:08 PM

the way that girls handle relationships completely confuses the hell out of me. I mean, what is the problem with this logical thought: you like someone, they like you, you go out. Makes perfect sense to me, but girls find ways to make it more complicated than it should be.

Yeah, at this point you need to distinguish between "girls" and "women". In HS, dating is more about the whole popularity contest than actually being with someone you like. This affects girls more than guys because girls that age are judged by other girls largely based on who they are dating.

Women on the other hand are hella easier to understand when it comes to relationships. Spend lots of time talking (and listening!) about what you want and what you need and things work themselves out in a sensible manner.

I didn't actually date much until I was in college - something I highly recommend. There were still lots of women who didn't know exactly what they wanted but it was a lot easier to figure things out in the absence of the whole HS social microcosm.
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#16 merlinski



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Posted 07 April 2003 - 08:52 AM

I'm lucky enough to be part of a group of friends who really don't care about popularity at all. It also helps to be one out of an entire class of 40. So I'm exempt from most of the social manuvering crap that occurs at most larger high schools. Unfortunately, being in such a small school means that things get more complicated cause everyone knows each other so well, and that makes relationships... complicated. The solution to one problem only introduces the next. So is life.
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#17 Switchblade



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Posted 07 April 2003 - 09:44 AM

Okay, here's my life: I'm 13, almost 14, and I'm in 8th grade. All of the grades at are school are about 120-140 people. This gives us enough distance from people we don't like (unlike Merlinski), but keeps it from:
"I'm in love with you!"
"Do I know you?".

At this point in time, it doesn't really matter about "relationships". What most people do is just flirt their asses off. Yeah. But I actually like a girl.

Oh yeah, 2 nights ago I told her I liked her. But I'm sick right now, which allows me to be posting. Wonder what it'll be like to go back to school and see her...
Since I'm sure Nerfers have plenty of experience, and are masters, with women, what to do?
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#18 JT Nerf Girl

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Posted 07 April 2003 - 01:48 PM

"In HS, dating is more about the whole popularity contest than actually being with someone you like. This affects girls more than guys because girls that age are judged by other girls largely based on who they are dating..."

Excatly. See, all the guys at my school here who are 'popular' are total jerks, and the girls are bitches, so I'm not in that crowd. I'm popular in my own way, I mean I have a lot of friend and all. I don't *need* a boyfriend, it'd just be nice to have someone close like that I think.

"...I didn't actually date much until I was in college - something I highly recommend..."

I probably won't, just because of the fact that most of the guys around here are jerks. Either than or I'm already friends (and that only) with them now.

"There were still lots of women who didn't know exactly what they wanted but it was a lot easier to figure things out in the absence of the whole HS social microcosm."

I have no idea what I really want. Sure a boyfriend would be cool, but it's not like I'll die with out with, which a lot of girls think that. High school social structure is so screwed. I have no idea what 'group' I'm in. I don't really care though cause I don't want to be popular, it's stupid. Oh, and I like that word, microcosm... heh.
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#19 Switchblade



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Posted 07 April 2003 - 02:23 PM

Did she return the compliment when you said that you liked her?

I actually haven't managed to reach her yet. Okay, I did the dumbass thing: I was on IM, and you see, I actually like 2 girls (oh shiot). I told her one (not her) then when she asked for #2, I said "she's a close friend of yours, so I don't want to make things akward". Then I said I had to get off (I did, my dad was kicking me off, and it was 9:30). This made her rather pissed. So I told her, and signed off.

Yeah, I'm smart. So today is Monday (told her Saturday), and I'm authentically sick. Therefore, I'm at home. She hasn't been on IM lately. So, I haven't been able to communicate. Wow, I'm stupid. When I told one friend it would be akward, she said "It's only as akward as you make it be". I think that's true. But the ideal thing would be for me to have talked it out with her. So don't do what I did kids, I was too dead tired to think!

Women, feel free to heckle me.
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#20 rawray7



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Posted 07 April 2003 - 05:46 PM

Women, feel free to heckle me.

HA! i am going to heckle you anyway. you have just helped to prove my theory: AIM will take over the world. i mean, c'mon switchblade; you hit off a classic 'middle school relationship' (which are the oddest of things anyway) over AIM. you mind as well type "*gentle kiss on the cheek*" to her next time you see her and send her an ether-rose (~~~~~~~@) for her birthday.

i am not saying that i don't use AIM, because I do, and i am online for probably 4 hours everyday; but one thing i have learned over the years is that you really shouldn't say anything personal or important over AIM. now, i could be one of those policemen people and say things like "you know that everything you type in AIM is saved on your computer and the computer of the person you send it to" or "unless you are a hax0r, you really can't be sure of who you are talking to"; both of which are true. but i won't. i am just going to say this: use AIM to talk to people that you don't go to school with, like your grandma on the AOL commercial or one of your fellow nerfers. if you do talk to people you live with on AIM, try to make it talk about things that you aren't afraid to say in person, and preferably topics you have already discussed in person. i hate AIM.
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#21 JT Nerf Girl

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Posted 07 April 2003 - 06:02 PM

i hate AIM.

Doesn't everyone? AIM sucks, but everyone has it..
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#22 superadaquabat



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Posted 07 April 2003 - 09:13 PM

[I]"Of all creatures women be best;
Cuis contrarium verum est"[I]

Middle-English poetry rocks

But anyways, I go to an all guys school so i sapose dating isn't too much of the social ladder. I admit I tell most everything on AOL instant messanger. I wish I didn't, but i hate talking on the phone for some reason and i don't live near anyone to walk to their house. I think growing up at this time sucks. But anyways again, i think girls can be absolutely wonderful or not, just as anyone can. You sterotypical views are wrong jtnerf girl. There are loads of girls not at all like that. Well at least i know a few.
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#23 JT Nerf Girl

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Posted 07 April 2003 - 10:31 PM

You sterotypical views are wrong jtnerf girl. There are loads of girls not at all like that. Well at least i know a few.

They're not steryotypes at my school. I'm saying this based on my school here. Not all of the school is like that I know, but a good bit of it is. It's sad too. I have a lot of friends that aren't jerks or sluts like that. But the thing is there are still a lot at my school. Maybe there aren't so many at you all's schools, but at my little redneck school, there are. Anyways...
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#24 Spoon



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Posted 07 April 2003 - 11:21 PM

Back in the day, when _I_ was in middle school and before AIM even existed, we had to do things the hard way....namely, unbelievably awkward telephone conversations where it took 20 minutes to say goodbye. Ahh those were the days.....that I hated.

Things are so much easier in college. Well, for some people at least. Others just never seem to get out of the whole high school "drama" mentality.
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#25 VACC


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Posted 08 April 2003 - 12:41 PM

Bwowchickbwowbwow. How to get a girl to Spoon, by Spoon.

sorry, my sense of propriety is gone.

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