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Frozen Foam Part II, Long Island NY [1/2/2016]

The sequel is always better

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#26 xXD3V1LXx



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Posted 31 December 2015 - 04:20 PM

If anyone has any extreme 180s could they bring two
Also I've been working on a minimized demolished do you mind if I throw missles

Edited by xXD3V1LXx, 31 December 2015 - 05:26 PM.

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#27 jboynerf345



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Posted 31 December 2015 - 05:36 PM

If anyone has any extreme 180s could they bring two
Also I've been working on a minimized demolished do you mind if I throw missles


Yes. Yes. Yes. Please bring rockets it will annoy snoop so much :) 

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Snaps. Snaps. Snaps.

#28 xXD3V1LXx



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Posted 31 December 2015 - 07:16 PM

XD OK I will make sure to bring them if u bring some too ill be sure to target him with them 😈
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A quote from Ice Nine
"Use the golden rule: Don't be a dick."


#29 Aeromech



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Posted 01 January 2016 - 07:00 PM

Pre-War Briefing

Tomorrow's weather is looking to be pretty damn beautiful. We're going to be playing on relatively dry ground, at or just above the freezing point. This years field is right next to last year's, and has much more trees and stuff. If we see anybody walking the paths around us, we will stop and hold until they pass. If we are asked to move, we will move to the old field, but even so, I don't think that will be much of an issue. I have some experimental cover that we will be testing out tomorrow that will ameliorate even the most barren of fields. Game types will include the typical deathmatch type games as well as some dope objective games of my own design to change it up. Bring some extra blasters, and plenty of darts. Be a pal and be ready to share some of your loaner or extra blasters. I'm already supplying blasters and darts for my less-nerfy friends, so don't rely on me, I've been building for the last three days. Bring $2 for breakfast/lunch, I'm getting bagels, and juice/coffee and setting up a table at the park, and I found out today that a Taco Bell is within walking distance from the park. Most importantly, bring a positive, sportsman's attitude. There are no winners and no losers, and no scores are kept. Let's have some fun and start off the new year with some cardio and plastic toys.

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This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#30 Aeromech



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Posted 02 January 2016 - 09:26 AM

I am in the black 2015 Hyundai sedan. Park near me. When you turn into the park, make a u turn where it says field 2 and then make a right into field 2 about 100 yards after that u turn. Looks pretty empty but there are some people around, and the play area is surrounded by paths. Be ready to pause the game if people get close.
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This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#31 xXD3V1LXx



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Posted 02 January 2016 - 04:08 PM

My first war and had a great time can't wait to get an actual homemade
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A quote from Ice Nine
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#32 Aeromech



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Posted 02 January 2016 - 09:46 PM

What a great war, guys. Got no sleep the night before but I had a blast, and will definitely be doing that again.



-We got up to 14 people in attendance including at least 4 new faces that were very cool dudes and played well.

-Park area was well covered in trees and it wasn't bitterly cold Like last year. We talked blasters but also picked up the pace when necessary.

-Cops didn't have any problems with us being there.

-Passing the homemades bug onto stock users

-Shots must be called in the winter, because of coats and jackets cushioning the blow. Overall everyone was a good sport, as I hoped for.

-Got to test out three new blasters including my telescoping and PCSR. Valuable information was gained, especially for the latter.

-Watching umbrella-mobstacles fly away to Kansas

-Playing some of my favorite objective game modes including Bomberman Uma Thurman and Defend the Core (even if we messed it up)

-Everyone had food and drink, Devil's mom even brought cookies.

-Watching no less than eight of my blasters with my logo on them brought a manly tear to my eye.

-Getting shot in the forehead from Vans' Demon Rainbow really sucks.

-Everyone cleaned up well and dart/garbage sweeps were thorough.

-Cover was great overall, Lots of trees all around.

Edited by Aeromech, 03 January 2016 - 01:12 AM.

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Watch my shitty videos

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#33 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 03 January 2016 - 01:49 PM

I came to play after another stock class high pressure indoor intense war, with 8 hours of sleep in total of 2 days, sore, grumpy and getting lost on the way because there's no direct map. However this was a pretty awesome war

-It's in LI, and Aeromech arming everyone
-ASIAN MASTER RACE rekting rounds
-Winning 5-0
-Uma thurman objective rounds were new and very fun, I like objectives
-LOTS of cool people

-No police
-Few holds
-Great layout
-My rainbow has a bayonet, and is very scary to everyone now. No need to tell people they're hit unless it's really far away
-Lighting up Chris/Rob/Sam/David  because he didn't raise his hand to call his hits [   ;) ]
-Trying all the cool new fun blasters
-Gettin Aeromech stickers

-I feel bad shooting people near point blank with my Pumped up rainbow
-My ears, If I have full ear pro I can't communicate, If I have them off my ears ring
-My fingers are chaffed and my left glove broke
-I'm all sore
-So much adrenaline and used to 4Bs with FVJs that I can't feel the stock ESLT 10 feet away
-It was freezing and because I was sore my stock kept slipping and hitting my chest
-My camera is so derpy
-So many plus one cancels 
-my shitty darts

-VGR was broken, couldn't use that for the stock rounds

Overall this was a great war, but directions need to be a lot better to get to. I used my location memory to get us there, but it was a really fun war. A lot of new faces, and a lot of strategy because objective rounds. I think I liked the objectives or being out numbered in that Asians VS world 3-15, as the teams were fun and had a lot of communication and teamwork

Demon rainbow is what it's called?  Shhh, don't say anything, I'm saving good surprises for APOC
EDIT :   D A N K   is changed to suboptimal? well than

Edited by Snoop Doggy doge, 03 January 2016 - 01:50 PM.

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#34 xXD3V1LXx



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Posted 03 January 2016 - 02:30 PM

Snoop ur rainbow was the shit but hurt like heck also can't wait for the pcsr to come out I'm buying it :D

Edited by xXD3V1LXx, 03 January 2016 - 05:52 PM.

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A quote from Ice Nine
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#35 Alfatrooper



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Posted 04 January 2016 - 11:17 AM

I would like to thank Aeromech for hosting as well as everyone one who attended for helping to make a good war.



-Seeing and talking with everyone

-Using my RBP again

-meeting new NIC nerfers

-being team captain for 5 rounds

-several very good 3/15 rounds with perfect team balance

-efficient lunch and dart sweeps


Possible improvements for next year, I intend for this to be constructive criticism and not me complaining about the day:

-More rounds with more diversity.

-Way less down time. The best wars I have attended have had very low down time and have focused on the fighting. In my opinion if someone shows up late I think they should have to wait a round and not interrupt the flow of the day by joining in that round.

-Less transition between rounds. For the stock rounds, if people use clips, don't make everyone wait for you to reload. As a group we need initiative to keep going with not everyone ready. There was enough attendance for this to happen.

-More time playing the rounds, I like longer style objective rounds 15 min+ if no one is waiting. It works out better for round tempo and reduces the amount of down time. 

-I think it is too difficult to defend against bomber man. It is the reverse of one flag defense CTF. It is way to easy for a well executed push to break the defense as soon as the round starts. 

-Asian teams have to go. The best wars are when there are balanced teams throughout the day. Asian teams got rid of the balance and made it not very fun. 

-5/0 is not a preferable game type for me, but I know Aeromech really likes it.


Overall it was a good day and a definite improvement from last year. I do think it could get better and I know people have different options about what the ideal war is. I know from personal experience that being a host is a difficult and conflicting job and I think Aeromech did a good job of balancing the many variables.


6.5/10 would nerf again.


See you guys next time,


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 See you on the field, Alfatrooper                                                                                             My YouTube

#36 C-A 99

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Posted 04 January 2016 - 12:39 PM

5/0 was just strange. I need to get the cosmetic changes to my Sceptor in place, because it would've been perfect for it. If the /0 part was changed to require an away-from-action spawn, I think it would play better, otherwise I should just rush people with an absolver or something.


Bomberman is interesting enough that I'd like to play it again. However, I'd change the mechanics to make it easier for the defending team to muck up the bomb. The way it currently works, the bomberman could be all alone but if you miss the bomb hit, you lose the entire opportunity.


Having a larger playing area would be nice, but that's the only con for this war. We had a lot of moments where we needed more room for teams to push each other around.

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#37 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 05 January 2016 - 12:15 PM

I would like to thank Aeromech for hosting as well as everyone one who attended for helping to make a good war.



Possible improvements for next year, I intend for this to be constructive criticism and not me complaining about the day:

-More rounds with more diversity.

-Way less down time. The best wars I have attended have had very low down time and have focused on the fighting. In my opinion if someone shows up late I think they should have to wait a round and not interrupt the flow of the day 

-More time playing the rounds, I like longer style objective rounds 15 min+ if no one is waiting. It works out better for round tempo and reduces the amount of down time. 

-I think it is too difficult to defend against bomber man. It is the reverse of one flag defense CTF. It is way to easy for a well executed push to break the defense as soon as the round starts. 

-Asian teams have to go. The best wars are when there are balanced teams throughout the day. Asian teams got rid of the balance and made it not very fun. 

-5/0 is not a preferable game type for me, but I know Aeromech really likes it.


Overall it was a good day and a definite improvement from last year. I do think it could get better and I know people have different options about what the ideal war is. I know from personal experience that being a host is a difficult and conflicting job and I think Aeromech did a good job of balancing the many variables.


Lmao no Asian team, #AMR, you had enough people, none of you communicated so it kinda got you rekt. I remember splitting people off and having discussion with plans and callouts on the AMR side. Van plans worked well

I think Bomberman was fine, you just had to do it right. For offense, you can push, which we did, but we also defended the longest for 8 minutes. It's all about strategy and key defense. We had a 180 line covered from the bomb, and tried to push forward to have a reserve line to give cover if anyone on the front dies and use callouts. There was also Rob and Sam just harassing you guys after. 
I think if the bomberman drops the bomb, it would be cool since the defenders have a chance to destroy it, and there is extra importance on protecting the bomberman and the bomb

I do agree on the rounds, I do like longer ones and objective since they force strategy and have more components, but there does have to end up being diversity (everyone doesn't want to play 3/15 all day or one game exclusive) So it's nice to change it up. Downtime can be annoying  but some people needed it. I could barely walk after the round because adrenaline stopped and asthma kicked in, so I needed to sit down and breathe (sucks to my asthmar lol) and the down time can be used for some people to sweep in a cycle. 

Playing area being larger would have been nice too, but didn't matter too much to me. I could go across half the map so I was happy. I still like asian team, I wanted a round of only AMR against everyone but maybe that would have been too much, as the 3/15 with Jon had worked really well in our favor since he covered my flank and helped me out countless times. 


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