So, the legality of this is not a question. The question is, "How will we make this?"
Let me recap our options.
- Casting
A. Resin
B. Aluminium - 3D Printing
- CNC Lathe/Mill
Options 2 and 3 would allow for easy customization of the design, while option 1 would be more for replicating a copy that somebody has in possession. That being said, if somebody CNC'ed or printed something, they could take a leaf out of Xplorer's book and cast duplicates of it.
... If we have a properly meshed model, sections can be printed. If it was made somewhat modularly, a person could swap out a handle for the TTG, Maverick, or the Recon version (Modulus for the masochists). Or print the longer plunger housing, stock attachment point, etc. Once all the sections are printed, then a negative mold couple be made.
Conversely, if you have the model, you can contract with a CNC machine shop to cut a mold. ...
On the topic of getting a model, I've just downloaded an APK version of "123D Catch", which has the potential to turn my phone into a 3d scanner, and I think that it might just work for our purposes. I'll attach the APK if it doesn't bollocks my phone. I'll try it out and see if I can get my TTG, SSII, and XBow modeled. Who knows, I might send scans to Spectre to forward to Heng (of Xplorer), in addition to posting here, on my blog, and elsewhere!
Edited by Maniacal Coyote, 24 January 2017 - 09:13 PM.