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Nerf Wars in Houston, Texas?

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#1 zack0909



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Posted 27 June 2015 - 01:13 PM

me and my friend are really looking to attend some wars this summer. I remember there were some but the stopped. Any info would help

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#2 snakerbot


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Posted 27 June 2015 - 11:08 PM


This has happened before.

JPRoth1980 and I were the ones hosting all the Houston wars. People stopped showing up, so we stopped hosting. Last year we had a few people posting threads exactly like this one. My response was to host another war. I went out of my way to research locations, find a spot that seemed like it would work for the new people, and drove all the way across the entire fucking city on a holiday I could have been spending with my family. You know what happened? NO ONE FUCKING SHOWED UP. Not even the people who asked for the war and specifically said they would definitely be there. So I'm done hosting. By all means, host a war yourself. I'll be there. But I'm not expending any effort planning.

Sorry for the rant, and sorry if I discourage you, but that's what happened.
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#3 vaan



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Posted 27 June 2015 - 11:33 PM

I'm in when/if people start hosting wars down here. Up by me in Humble, I can think of a place or two to host a war. If theres enough interest from people in Houston, I'd be willing to do pair with someone, and do some of the leg work myself.
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#4 NerfSurgeon



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Posted 01 July 2015 - 10:26 PM

I'm also interested in getting together for a little shoot around or something larger. I can pitch in to help make it happen too. How many people do you think we need for something like this? 6-8 minimum? I think getting together on the average weekend, probably not a holiday, or later after work would be solid.
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#5 Langley


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Posted 02 July 2015 - 09:01 AM

...and drove all the way across the entire fucking city on a holiday I could have been spending with my family.

There's your problem.

I'm also interested in getting together for a little shoot around or something larger. I can pitch in to help make it happen too. How many people do you think we need for something like this? 6-8 minimum? I think getting together on the average weekend, probably not a holiday, or later after work would be solid.

That's the way to do it. 6 is a good number, but you can play with 4 if everyone's blasters are pretty balanced. Any odd number under 8 is going to be too big of a difference numerically, so be willing to sit out a couple of rounds and take pictures if that comes up. Good luck with you war and don't forget to post it in the 2016 Nerf War Schedule when you get a date nailed down.
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You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

#6 ilikefish58



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Posted 02 July 2015 - 08:10 PM

I'm in when/if people start hosting wars down here. Up by me in Humble, I can think of a place or two to host a war. If theres enough interest from people in Houston, I'd be willing to do pair with someone, and do some of the leg work myself.

We used to war at Humble City Park (Hilton C Shott). It is about 5 minutes from my parent's house. We used the area with all the trees in the back corner where bystanders rarely got in the way. It's a good location.

I'm also interested in getting together for a little shoot around or something larger. I can pitch in to help make it happen too. How many people do you think we need for something like this? 6-8 minimum? I think getting together on the average weekend, probably not a holiday, or later after work would be solid.

Near the end, we typically had 6ish, but we've warred with as few as 3 before. What ends up happening is a lot of free-for-all deathmatch for any number of people less than 6.

Depending on the timing, I'd be a maybe on attending. I'm about 4 hours north of Houston, but my wife and I are willing to come down and war if the timing is right.
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Posted 22 November 2015 - 11:15 PM

Is there a lack of interest in the foam flinging department in the Houston community? I am surprised by the lack of participation as described. Keeping it low in party size sounds like the best option(4+), depending on game type. Also think there should be a quarterly schedule (meaning 1 war in a 3 month timeframe) and recruiting a party before the war. 

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#8 ilikefish58



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Posted 23 November 2015 - 08:31 AM

Is there a lack of interest in the foam flinging department in the Houston community? I am surprised by the lack of participation as described. Keeping it low in party size sounds like the best option(4+), depending on game type. Also think there should be a quarterly schedule (meaning 1 war in a 3 month timeframe) and recruiting a party before the war. 


If you can organize that, more power to you.  For the record, my wife and I will be in town the weekend after thanksgiving and the weekend after Christmas, if anyone wants to do one this year.

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#9 snakerbot


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Posted 24 November 2015 - 08:47 PM

My story from the second post in this thread was from the Saturday after thanksgiving last year.  My opinion is the same as it was before.  If you host a war, I'll be there, but I won't be the one to plan it.

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