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Best Efest IMR Battery?

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#1 montainz09



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Posted 06 March 2015 - 06:07 PM

I have recently been looking for some nice batteries, and I was told the Efest IMRs are where it's at. I just have a couple of questions on the batteries themselves and the various (lots of) models.
Quick note: I will be running these in a modded strife. I need to keep the stock battery tray. Right now I have some RM2s that I know I will burn out, and will be getting some nice 180s when that happens.

- Plain and simple, is there a "best" Efest IMR that fits a AA battery tray? Voltage is not concern because of the strife's 4 battery tray, but in terms of capacity, amperage, flat top vs not, etc.
- If not what are my best options?
- How many should I be running? Example, its generally suggested you run no more then 3 trustfires. Surely it depends on the motor, so how many for your "general" 180 motor?
- Are the Efest chargers the best? Or is there a cheaper/better for the money alternative?

Thanks for your guys' reply, I appreciate your help. Sorry for any obvious/stupid questions. Also, if any Canadians could recommend a site to buy said batteries, that would be very much appreciated.

Edited by montainz09, 06 March 2015 - 06:08 PM.

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#2 tetsuhau



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Posted 06 March 2015 - 06:28 PM

14500 batteries will fit right in your AA tray and you'll need dummies to fill the rest. I ordered mine off of amazon and eBay. I ordered the Efest charger, they aren't really that expensive and I didn't want to mess around with it. With 3 you'll burn your motors out I believe. Most people don't really go beyond a 2s battery pack in big builds anyway and they're 7.4V so really 2 IMR would do the trick, but if you WANT the extra FPS I wouldn't run more than three, on any motor.
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#3 Lunas



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Posted 06 March 2015 - 07:54 PM

you want the red efest v2 size 14500 they should deliver around 9.8 amps if you can mod to fit 18650 size cells they have batteries that will do 64 amps purple efest

the v1 red efests do around 2 amps so make sure you get v2.

I made my own dummies out of paper and wire and wood glue...
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#4 montainz09



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Posted 06 March 2015 - 09:14 PM

14500 batteries will fit right in your AA tray

you want the red efest v2 size 14500
the v1 red efests do around 2 amps so make sure you get v2.

So these ones then? Cool. Thanks for the replies. After comparing to some others, I now understand that "14500" is the size of the battery, and that unit is universal.
Any difference between flat and button tops?
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#5 tetsuhau



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Posted 06 March 2015 - 09:40 PM

Flat tops will have two negative sides.... You want a button top.
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#6 Azrael0987


    formerly ijackofftomen. Different dude from Azrael.

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Posted 09 March 2015 - 12:46 AM

Don't confuse the poor boy. Flat top batteries just mean that both ends will have a flat connection plate versus a "button" shaped plate on the positive end that we're all used to seeing on batteries. They were made for some applications where the extra few millimeters were conserved for space. They will all be marked on the battery casing which side is positive and negative, you just have to take some care in making sure you check instead of just taking a quick look at the end for the little "button" bump for which end is positive/negative. Both variations of batteries will work fine and perform the same and in most cases its just personal preference or availability.
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#7 ravetrooper



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Posted 09 March 2015 - 11:11 PM

Example, its generally suggested you run no more then 3 trustfires. Surely it depends on the motor, so how many for your "general" 180 motor?

It definitely depends on the motor, but don't call me Shirley!

Are the Efest chargers the best?[/b] Or is there a cheaper/better for the money alternative?

I found one that charges 18650, 14500 and the other size no one talks about. It works great for me, and it was only 6 dollars I think. Here's a similar listing so you know what you're looking for:http://www.ebay.com/itm/Universal-4Slot-Battery-Charger-for-18650-18350-16340-14500-10400-Li-ion-Battery-/281489820448?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item418a19cb20
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Gut the electronics, drill a hole in the shell, and attach a crank to the gear. Bam, crank-action stampede that doesn't require batteries, or even a trigger.

...(also judging by your past posts, I would consider you pretty dang wise elder like in the modding community :lol: )

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