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Aim Hacks

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#1 Grinch



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Posted 01 July 2004 - 11:58 PM

Yeah...lately I've been bored. I have a couple of girls and guys from school that constantly IM me and I want to get rid of them.

Does anybody know any AIM hacks or anything that either boots them off, warns them to 100%, etc.?

I know, I'm evil. <_<
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#2 reversedracula



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 12:11 AM

Get deadaim from www.oldversion.com and an old version of AIM too, if you don't already have deadaim. Set transparency to 100%. You may notice a weird IM noise once in a while, but they'll stop bothering you altogether.
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#3 Zero Talent

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 12:36 AM

Excellent suggestion RD. <_<

Or, you know, switch AIM S/N's.
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#4 Nerfman2222



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 07:13 AM

You can just block them.
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#5 NerfKing



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 07:53 AM

Right click on the screen name you want to block on your buddy list, and at the bottom the list it gives you click block buddy.
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#6 ompa



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 08:24 AM

Download middleman. Such a great program. Then you open the IM window with them, and type /removeme. This actually removes your sn from their buddylist. I've tested it, and it works. Great, great stuff. Also, it allows you to ghost, using the /ghost command. This makes you appear offline on everyone's sn, including your own if you have your own sn on there. The only way you can tell if someone is ghosting is to go to their sn while they're offline and check their profile, because while you're ghosting you can still see the ghosted person's profile. However, it's a great program because of those 2 features.

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#7 UpGraD3



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 09:52 AM

This kid I know has some program where he can kick you offline, anyone know what its called?
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#8 JT Nerf Girl

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 10:37 AM

Also, it allows you to ghost, using the /ghost command. This makes you appear offline on everyone's sn, including your own if you have your own sn on there. The only way you can tell if someone is ghosting is to go to their sn while they're offline and check their profile, because while you're ghosting you can still see the ghosted person's profile.

With the newest version of AIM, you can do that. There is a little 'eye' icon that is open when you're being shown as 'online', and if you click on it to close it, you appear to be offline.
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#9 Grinch



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 01:14 PM

Guys (and girls), I've used the "invisible" option before. To be honest, I'm sick of having them continue to contact me after I've told them to fuck off.

What I want is a program that boots THEM offline. That'll show 'em that I'm not fucking around.
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#10 cxwq



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 02:21 PM

What I want is a program that boots THEM offline. That'll show 'em that I'm not fucking around.

It will show them that you're... a script kiddie?

Oooh, scary.
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#11 neonerfer



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 02:59 PM

Plenty of programs like that at Aim Filez.

They won't know he's a script kiddie, they'll probably thing he's tres l33t.

Then again, you could always just tell them you don't want to talk to them...
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#12 IronRhino



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 05:44 PM

Uh... Why don't you just block them? I've blocked plenty of people I don't want to talk to.
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#13 NinjZ



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 06:09 PM

Yea but im guessing in Grinch's case they make new IMs just to bother him.
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#14 blackfoger



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 06:24 PM

man you guys are mean did you every try being nice and say please dont Im me any more
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#15 Ragornocks



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 07:09 PM

Do what I do: Don't use AIM. Or if someone's bothering you, threaten to stab them in the face twenty-seven times if they don't leave you alone. Between the two, I rarely have to answer to anyone.

Or, give them this link.

No, really...switching IM services or using a new name are your best options. They keep people you don't want having your name, not having your name, thus a clean Internet experiance.

Plus, actually booting people off can result in the termination of your AIM account.

Edited by Ragornocks, 02 July 2004 - 07:12 PM.

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hug the fuck out of 'em, philippe!

#16 Hunter



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 07:21 PM

Do what I do: Don't use AIM. Or if someone's bothering you, threaten to stab them in the face twenty-seven times if they don't leave you alone. Between the two, I rarely have to answer to anyone.

Don't do this, I warn you. One day, one of my friends (let's call him John) logged on to MSN and someone had added him. He accepted. He suddenly remembered this guy was a friend-of-a-friend. But, the guy didn't remember who John was. The guy kept bugging him and bugging him, asking who he was. John was playing with him, making him guess. Then, John told the guy he knew where he lived, he did. The guy was freaked and tried talking big to him to scare him off.
Now, John is not the kind of guy to take this, so he made up a story, saying he was outside his house (he knew the address) and he was gonna shoot him. The guy freaked, and called the cops. The guy had saved a copy of his conversations, not too good for John. Hotmail was contacted and forced to turn over his IP, then his address. The cops fingerprinted John and gave him a warning, a minor offence. That serious. True story, too.
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#17 Ragornocks



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 07:46 PM

...if anyone actually does that, you get a visit from me and a Welsh Corgie. Oh, there'll be another guy there, too...he'll prolly be mad because I took his dog.
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hug the fuck out of 'em, philippe!

#18 Grinch



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 08:35 PM

Well, I don't even use AIM. I use Trillian.

But, when I'm pissed off, and people IM just for the sake of bothering me, I'd like to boot them off.

There use to be a "darkness,darkness,darkness" link that booted people off, but it only works for old versions. So, that doesn't help me.

But actually, yesterday I found a link that crashes your computer. It's okay, but I've heard they make programs that you can just open up a window, type in the percentage, and warn them to that percentage. It'd be fun to warn someone to 99, and threaten to boot them off. :-D
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#19 ompa



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 09:48 PM

In keeping with Rag's old fashioned way of shutting people up, use one of these. A bit on the pricy side, but you can re-create some of Chicago's best times with it! Best of all, nobody will bug you anymore!

Eh, I still think ghosting would work well, or just removing yourself from their buddylist, or calling their parents and tell them that their kid is sexually harassing you (Ok don't do that).

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#20 cxwq



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Posted 02 July 2004 - 10:07 PM


The final word in computer silencing.
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#21 hellsangel



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Posted 03 July 2004 - 11:15 AM

HERF? Pardon my ignorance.
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#22 BoltMasterZero



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Posted 03 July 2004 - 01:42 PM

[quote name='hellsangel' date='Jul 3 2004, 08:15 AM']HERF?  Pardon my ignorance.[/quote]
[quote name='http://liun.hektik.org/hightech/herf/herf_and_emp.html']HERF stands for High Energy Radio Frequency. HERF guns are able to shoot a high power radio signal at an electronic target and put it out of function. The damage can be moderate (e.g. that a system shuts down, but can be restarted) or severe (e.g. the system hardware has been physically damaged). Electronic circuits are more vulnerable to overload that most people would suspect. This mechanism uses HERF guns with big success. In essence, HERF guns are nothing but radio transmitters. They send a concentrated radio signal to the target. The target can be a mainframe inside a business building, an entire network in a building, or as today's planes and cars are stuffed with electronic equipment, the target can even be a moving vehicle with all the inherent dangers for the people who are inside.  [/quote]

It basicly fries computer circuitry.
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