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Poll: If you could pick one quality for your primary to have, what would it be? (57 member(s) have cast votes)

If you could pick one quality for your primary to have, what would it be?

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#1 AirApache



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Posted 08 June 2004 - 10:58 PM

What do you guys like in your primary? What do you think is the most important quality?


Edited by AirApache, 08 June 2004 - 11:01 PM.

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#2 Vintage



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Posted 08 June 2004 - 11:12 PM

Definitely how cool it looks. Sometimes the best way to intimidate your opponent is to convince him your gun is scarier than it really is.

Besides, a cool-looking gun is also a work of art to show off to friends.

Edit: I am now working on an Eagle Eye mod. I don't really care how much range it gets as long as it looks awesome. Range will be a bonus if the mod turns out well.


Edited by Vintage, 08 June 2004 - 11:14 PM.

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#3 CustomSnake202



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Posted 08 June 2004 - 11:33 PM

If your really interested in looks, then just make your most dependable, accurate, and well- rounded gun look good. With me, it is a toss up between rof and range. You want something that will be able to put out four or six shots at a considerable range. That way you can use the gun to chase someone around with an Xbow and also hit opponents at cqb.
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#4 Talio


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Posted 08 June 2004 - 11:56 PM

All of those should factor in minus the bullshit cosmetic stuff. My crossbow is ugly as hell, but I'll outgun your prissy gay boy gun anyday. Looks don't count.

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#5 cxwq



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Posted 09 June 2004 - 12:20 AM

Range: 20%
Accuracy: 35%
ROF: 45%

I'll take a gun that puts a shot anywhere I want it within 50' or so that has a good ROF over a long range gun any day.

Comfort is in a class by itself. I don't think about comfort until it's a problem. If it's a problem, comfort gets veto power every time.

Good poll.
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#6 TimberwolfCY



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Posted 09 June 2004 - 05:36 AM

Talio - you rock.

I would have to say its a toss up between all of them except appearence and rarity. If a gun is effective, than its effective; I would never use a gun because its rare.

I agree with Cx. I like a weapon with decent range, decent accuracy, and good ROF, visa vi the PowerClip. Handling is also important; I would probably use the BlastFire more often, but the trigger pull is horrendous. The exception would be if I am going with a specialized role, such as a loser or machine gunner, etc., in which case I would care a more appropiate weapon.
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#7 Vintage



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Posted 09 June 2004 - 07:45 AM

You have to realize that I live in a neighborhood with no modded guns, thereby making my guns the best. Since I already have the best, the way each gun looks is now more important to me than how far it shoots etc.

Besides, knowing that my gun has the potential for greatness AND awesome looks makes friends run.

Sure Talio, If I was to pack up and head to Armegeddon, I wouldn't care too much about looks, but I still can't stand ugly guns.

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You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone
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#8 Ice Nine

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Posted 09 June 2004 - 08:07 AM

I voted "Null Vote" because I like a lot of those in my guns.

My number one is accuracy, though, along with power. No matter how it looks, no matter how it feels, I love any gun that has distance and accuracy. Like the TTXbow.
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#9 Alexthebeast



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Posted 09 June 2004 - 08:31 AM

All of that are big parts of my opinion on my guns, 'cept for rarity. I voted on looks, because I'm pretty picky about the cosmetic appeal on a gun, even though I rate them all about the same, a little less on range...but...yeah.
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#10 Black Wrath

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Posted 09 June 2004 - 08:36 AM

My primary has all of those qualities. My SM5k looks good, has amazing range, is very comfortable, my bolt gives it a good ROF, it's accurate, and it's rare.

Now, just because of that, I couldn't choose just one option. All of them but rarity weigh heavily on my primary choice. Range and looks are up at the top of my list though... I love customizing blasters, it's like an artform to me! Accuracy is up there aswell.
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#11 thethirteenthour



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Posted 09 June 2004 - 09:26 AM

Accuracy is key. Even though my group nerfs strictly indoors, I use a Tornado. I like knowing I can thread a shot down the center of a stairwell or shoot someone peeping around a corner. And the Tornado just feels and looks awesome, with a range to match. If you're good, it's low RoF just makes you use different tactics than run-and-gun. The Tornado is fun, but fun doesn't exactly fit in the poll.
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#12 Ragornocks



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Posted 09 June 2004 - 10:07 AM

Well...for me, it's whether it's a Crossbow or not.

It's got to be able to shoot consistently, accuratly, high FPS, and good range. ROF isn't my highest concern.

These threads seem a bit pointless...it's very hard deciding which comes first.
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#13 sporkboyofjustice



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Posted 09 June 2004 - 10:43 AM

When you are shooting at squirrels like I am then accuracy is key, stupid little squirrels.
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#14 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 09 June 2004 - 10:47 AM

I'm a loser. Gotta be accurasy and range. I'm gonna always carry a side arm with a good ROF though, cause my group plays a indoor speedball scenario. Gotta have a gun to eat shit when it becomes a stand off, and a Great ROF when the stand off's collapce into a high speed almost: every man for himself but try to stick with your team.
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#15 Nerfer16



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Posted 09 June 2004 - 01:53 PM

Here's a vote for accuracy! ROF and range are close behind. I fight indoors most the time, so as long as my shots are accurate and frequent, that's all that matters.
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#16 jon



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Posted 09 June 2004 - 02:37 PM

just as a waring im to lazy to read all the previous post on this topic.

Tho I did choose an acurate wepon, i think the answers should not be one or the other. i just want a gun that performs to a specific calibur. if you think about it most compat is within 30 to 50 feet. I think people sould have a gun that is acurate within or above that range and feels nice and looks it could take someones head off.
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#17 NinjZ



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Posted 09 June 2004 - 02:50 PM

You cant exactly choose one. Range and Acc. go hand in hand. I think everyone cares what their gun looks like, even a little.
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Posted 09 June 2004 - 03:00 PM

ROF and accuracy are the only important ones. Nerf battles take place from 10-20 feet, and rarely do they go above 50. Nerf is different from airsoft and paintball because you have to get rigth in their face to hit. Darts dont go far enough, move at a high enough velocity, or are accurate for them to be efficient at longer ranges.

Dont even bother saying otherwise, there is no argument.

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#19 nosferatu



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Posted 09 June 2004 - 03:14 PM

I'm gonna have to say that ROF and accuracy are the most important things you can get in a gun. I personally like knowing that I donj't have to reload everytime I shoot, but I want a gun that can shoot where I want it to. Range is nice, but not all that important.
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#20 NinjZ



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Posted 09 June 2004 - 03:17 PM

Guess im bothering. When my friends and I battle, It IS usually between 50-150 feet except when we're playing indoors. We all use SM1500s or maxshots, or me with an x-bow.
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#21 Nazgul Lord

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Posted 09 June 2004 - 05:33 PM

I agree with Thirst there. I like ROF with decent range. I dont use long range, accurate guns now that my maxshot broke. Just my rf20 and lnl. ^_^
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Nazgul Lord of the CFM




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Posted 09 June 2004 - 06:40 PM

Ranged battles are for the weak of mind.

It IS usually between 50-150 feet except when we're playing indoors. We all use SM1500s or maxshots, or me with an x-bow.

Uh huh...Your claiming that your xbows and mshots shoot 150 feet accuratly and that you actually use those ranges?

I think Im going to let others comment on that instead.

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#23 NinjZ



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Posted 09 June 2004 - 06:59 PM

I wasnt saying they all went 150'. My x-bow does go 150', flat, and accurate. Ive actually said this many times before. The max shots get about 80ish, same with the 1500s.
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Posted 09 June 2004 - 07:01 PM

My x-bow does go 150', flat

Whereas everyone elses goes around 80-100? What barrel setup did you use, and did you do any other internal mods? Those ranges are not believeable, unless there are special circumstances.

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#25 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 09 June 2004 - 07:05 PM

Well, where I play, in a church, there are two spots where stand-off's take place. One is in a hallway about 75 feet long and the other is a place where people get positioned and have barracades and the only way through is in to a blaze of about 100 darts. I need a strong and accurate gun like my Lamari SM 500 and 1000 to shoot down the long hall. I agree that you also need a gun with a good ROF, but if I had to choise, I'd take the long ranged accurate gun.
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QUOTE(Arcanis @ Apr 8 2005, 05:02 PM)
When I insert a dick, nothing happens.

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