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Shingles 3.0

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#1 Shoopy



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Posted 02 June 2012 - 01:48 PM

Great job Louiec3 with the Shingles 1.0. Props to Phoenix for Shingles 2.0. Also, Tearkitty's CAS are great. But, I present to you Shingles 3.0.

Posted Image

My design is 1/2" PVC with a 1/2" endcap at one end and a 1/2" CPVC tee at the other. The tee is attached to the clip with rope and 3/4" PVC rings keeping it in place. The belt is 1/2" PVC tees attached together with some rope and vinyl tubing spacers. Running through the tees are rope to tie to your side. The clip and belt is connected by Velcro.

3 clips make it lighter and more practical
1/2" CPVC tees make it easier to un-cap
Velcro provides a better bond

-Will be up soon-

I want to thank Louiec3 for the design and also Phoenix for the improvements.

Ending Notes:
Shingles are really great for war and a lot quicker to reload with. I'm glad to see them explode on the nerf scene. Every nerfer should make their own and keep improving the design.
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#2 HasreadCoC



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Posted 02 June 2012 - 01:53 PM

There have been a lot of shingles redesigns recently, and seemingly plenty of interest, so it'll be interesting to see if these things -in one form or another- become a new part of the war-standard setup. I'd say hoppers, for example, at this point are pretty war-standard, although people still use RSCBs and turrets.
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#3 Shoopy



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Posted 02 June 2012 - 02:10 PM

so it'll be interesting to see if these things -in one form or another- become a new part of the war-standard setup.

Yeah, I think they'll become pretty common.
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#4 TED


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Posted 02 June 2012 - 03:02 PM

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#5 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 02 June 2012 - 03:06 PM

I already had chickenpox.
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#6 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 02 June 2012 - 04:10 PM

It seems a little presumptuous to just declare that "these are the 3.0 design". That sort of implies that the original design had hand in it. Oh well, have fun during all the downtime you'll spend reloading all these clips.

Edited by Daniel Beaver, 02 June 2012 - 04:11 PM.

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#7 venom213



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Posted 02 June 2012 - 04:54 PM

It seems a little presumptuous to just declare that "these are the 3.0 design". That sort of implies that the original design had hand in it. Oh well, have fun during all the downtime you'll spend reloading all these clips.

If these became as big as some of these guys are making them out to be, I wouldn't be shocked if it became common practice to place freshly made darts directly into a shingle clip. That is one big IF, however.

I'll try out a shingle system eventually, but you have to be pretty naive to believe that these will become as widespread as some of you predict. I don't think anyone has even field tested a shingle system yet. The idea of having a bunch of pre-loaded magazines/clips/barrels on hand is nothing new. Despite all of the Nerfers who use hoppers, RSCBs, and similar clip set-ups, only time will decide if these catch on.
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#8 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 02 June 2012 - 05:51 PM

Ryan used a bunch of pre loaded hoppers the last time we went to a MANO (2010?). They weren't really that useful as they got in the way, preloading was a pain, and really you don't need more than 10 darts at a time anyways.
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#9 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 02 June 2012 - 08:28 PM

I should say: don't get discouraged just because Zorn, Venom and I shit all over your idea. We have rather strong opinions of what is and isn't war-worthy, but we're just voices on the internet. Whether people use these or not is the true measure of their value.
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#10 andtheherois



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Posted 02 June 2012 - 08:32 PM

While I don't think there's any point to calling them 3.0 just for a construction difference, I am curious to see how they'll perform on the field. considering how many NJ/PA wars there are in the next month expect to see these in action soon. I don't see this as being game changing but it may be more convenient for some people than storing darts in their pockets.

Edited by andtheherois, 02 June 2012 - 08:32 PM.

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#11 evilbunnyo



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Posted 02 June 2012 - 08:42 PM

I'm with hero. If you start out shooting others at wars with theese I might try them. It still seems silly to run around with these. I know from the wars in nj with the terrain I have dropped so many speedloaders that this might just have the same effect.
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#12 Ambience 327

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Posted 02 June 2012 - 09:05 PM

You guys are totally missing the best part of these things. Old farts like me won't have to bend over and pick up darts nearly as much!

I sat out the last round at Cata3 because my back was killing me (no longer getting exhausted from a full day of Nerf - thanks Gym membership!), and having access to some of these would let me do a single dart sweep between rounds with my magnet wand, fill them back up, and then do very little ground-scrounging during the rounds. Less bending = more Nerfing for me - at least until I get rid of my paunch and strengthen my back muscles.

I know for a fact these would help me, as I used three of BabyGhandi's jello-shot loaders, and when they were loaded and ready, they really sped up my loading and got be back into action that much quicker. What is most important is a design of shingle that will let you carry a decent amount of foam without hampering movement too much. I like what I am seeing so far, but I am thinking something more along the lines of the elastic-banded loader holders they use in paintball would be more up my ally. (i.e. something softer and more flexible for holding the tubes, so as to decrease weight and increase mobility)

I should say: don't get discouraged just because Zorn, Venom and I shit all over your idea. We have rather strong opinions of what is and isn't war-worthy, but we're just voices on the internet. Whether people use these or not is the true measure of their value.

To add to this, I would say that most Nerfers agree that unmodded Stampedes aren't really "war-worthy", but I have now been to at least two wars where said unmodded Stampedes have contributed significantly to the success of their team in at least a round or two. (The first time for scoring numerous points in a Defend-the-Core round, the second time used dual-wielded with 35-round drum clips in defense of the bucket in a Carpe round.) "War-worth" does not always equal "fun".

Edited by Ambience 327, 02 June 2012 - 09:10 PM.

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#13 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 02 June 2012 - 09:59 PM

Something I had great success with, and could be expanded using this "shingle" idea, was to split up the hopper like the old RSCBs with a ball valve in the middle and a tightened piece of pipe.

I'm thinking of a 10-dart main hopper, ball valve, and then only 2 10-dart loaders. The idea is you can fill up the loaders at any time while firing, keeping one on the blaster and one attached to your belt, then open the ball valve to reload, and swap active and refill loaders.

Here's a video of what I'm talking about
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#14 HasreadCoC



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Posted 03 June 2012 - 08:19 AM

Something I had great success with, and could be expanded using this "shingle" idea, was to split up the hopper like the old RSCBs with a ball valve in the middle and a tightened piece of pipe.

I'm thinking of a 10-dart main hopper, ball valve, and then only 2 10-dart loaders. The idea is you can fill up the loaders at any time while firing, keeping one on the blaster and one attached to your belt, then open the ball valve to reload, and swap active and refill loaders.

Here's a video of what I'm talking about

I used that exact same design at the Ohio Revolutionary war, minus the fact that I had to use opaque PVC. I found that I ended up chopping up darts. I'd imagine clear PVC helps this, but it still seems like it could be a problem. Also, even with a length of PVC attached to the valve for extra torque, it was still annoyingly difficult to open, and was bending the whole hopper around.
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#15 Shoopy



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Posted 03 June 2012 - 08:39 AM

Well, I guess I added 3.0 for no reason.

But, I still think these will become pretty common in wars. Probably not my design but a lighter, better and quicker version.

Shingles are in their developing stages. People will still improve them. For example, take homemades. They were great when the Snapbow came out. Nerfers could of stopped there with the advancement of homemades, but they didn't. They are still becoming better today. I hope the Shingles go down the same path of continuous advancement.

I will be war testing these at PA/NJ wars soon. Apoc will be the true test.

Zorn: That's sort of the method I've been using during testing with these. I have a clear hopper clip with a ball valve at the end. I take off my clip and put it into the other end of the valve. When you twist the handle, all the darts fall in. It's the easiest I've found.

Though I do LOVE the "dart's in your pockets" method, I'm going to try to improve the design to use at a few wars.

I'm very trigger happy and I think these are helpful. I run out of darts in my clip quickly. I also do a lot of rushing so a quick reload is always helpful.

PA/NJ wars are VERY fast pased so I think these will help a lot. Like I said before, maybe not this design but a better one.

I don't think people should poop on the idea if they haven't made themselves a few to use at a war.

Edited by Shoopy, 03 June 2012 - 08:44 AM.

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#16 taerKitty



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Posted 03 June 2012 - 02:12 PM

I don't think people should poop on the idea if they haven't made themselves a few to use at a war.

Then you have this site mistaken for some other kinder, gentler, warm-n-fuzzy site. This site is where you post to dickwave, to troll, and to show off your best-of-breed. And, if your best-of-breed isn't enough to sell the skeptics on sight alone, they'll never bother to give it a try and stick with their preconceived notions.

I *am* sold on this idea, because I spray-n-pray. (Or, as one admin said, "You don't Nerf well, you paintball poorly" in regards to HAMP users' tendency for saturation-fire.) Some Nerfers can run (and possibly rule) a whole round with just a pocketful of ammo. These ain't for them.

One thing I like about having lots of ready-to-use ammo is that I don't have to forage for darts. Foraging is fun in a MacGyver mindset, to pull your ass out of a bad situation based on luck, guts, and skill. However, it can lead to sub-optimal performance, such as when you find that some other Nerfer's dart corkscrews like mad out of your blaster. This way, I can be sure I'm firing darts that are tuned to my barrel/blaster recipe.

Lastly, while this isn't a 'theory' thread because we've built the kit, it's still an 'in theory, these will help' until they're tested as-is. Yes, Zorn used pre-filled mini-mags, but I'm not aware shingles for full-sized hopper magaiznes of any being war-tested. NIC-cred, if deserved, will come in two forms:

- "Yes, I used it at BAWLS (Big-Assed War @ Lake Stevens) 2.1 and it rocked!"

- "Day-um, I faced JoeNerfer with these, and he was eviscerating us!"

The latter will confer more +rep. Every creator thinks their baby is the prettiest.

Back on-topic. Our next war here in the Seattle area is 2012-06-30. I'll definitely be making a bunch of my CAS (Cheap-Assed Shingles) and fielding them there, and I'll post (prolly a new thread, so as not to trigger a NecroBan) my findings.

Edited by taerKitty, 03 June 2012 - 03:52 PM.

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#17 Shoopy



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Posted 03 June 2012 - 07:28 PM

One thing I like about having lots of ready-to-use ammo is that I don't have to forage for darts.

Exactly. It's more of a convenience, not a game changer.

EDIT: Hey Zorn, I made myself one of those clips you were talking about. I like it better than my shingle. I'll be testing them both and just a regular chopper and seeing which one I like most. Here it is:

Posted Image

Edited by Shoopy, 03 June 2012 - 08:36 PM.

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You know you all want to crouch like a tiger...

PA POWER Clan Is that all ya got?

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