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Aussie Nerf Media

an ACTUAL film...

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#1 taita cakes

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Posted 20 April 2004 - 02:37 AM

some of you may remember my rambling AIM type speak of about one year ago regarding a nerf movie, for which i wrote an all upper case introduction script. my newsest pet project is to create an all australian nerf film, using lame australian nerf guns, and lame australian actors. I have a lot of good ideas in my mind and i tried scripting these but got stuck at one stage, with many possible outcomes.

Below is the link for the introduction to the film, consisting of the main voice over and the start of the film. To save yourself a lot of time deciding whether or not to open it and read the 2 pages, the setting is post apocalyptic australia, the future, and i believe i have actually made it work, a lot of people say its impossible to work nerf into the whole movie with a plot scheme of things but i think i have something here, the name of the movie is unknown, *wink*, no its seriously called Unknown


The main point here is that i have finally discovered the main effect i was requiring [the grainy desaturated effect of saving private ryan] but im still searching for possible script extras and visual effects, and last but not least, a list of recommended programs... Ulead seems to be recommended..... remember these are going to be proper burnt DVD editions...

Edited by taita_cakes, 20 April 2004 - 04:00 AM.

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#2 Jangadance



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Posted 20 April 2004 - 03:31 AM

That tharr link ain't workin'. Unless you MEANT for me to be assailed with pop-unders and "make your homepage ____?" and a page in back that says that the file was not found. I would like to see what you have started with, however. You should use a better www.web1000.com. It has worked great for hosting MY little video project. :)
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"The 'dance goes on..."

#3 taita cakes

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Posted 20 April 2004 - 03:58 AM

bugger that, heres just the plain text, i hate CHMOD shite, evil evil hostultra, there fine for anything else.... :)
the reference to blackburn lake sanctuary is a local park thats very outback ... very bush sort of style, its hard to explain, and it has a set of bmx jumps with one perfect for the opening shot, a little ... damn i forgot what you call them

/| x |\ sort of jump, x being where camera is looking up...

i've decided just to copy and paste the text... enjoy....


Date: [Pause] Unknown
Location: [Pause] Unknown
All that is known is that around the year 2382 AD, all hell broke loose.
**Some Visual Effect [Possibly Title]**
In the years leading up to the literal Apocalypse, the world was enveloped in a harsh drought of natural products. Valuable fossil fuels became scarce and prices for such products skyrocketed. With no petrol, cars were rendered redundant, and for the short period to follow, electric public transports thrived. But soon after, coal supplies too ran out. The remaining coal diminished slowly with the effect of power rationing and limitations.

A hole in the Ozone layer provided heavy UV levels and may have proved the answer for renewable energy sources, but a plan to implement these concepts was slow and was not completed in time. Stores were looted and houses robbed. The government stepped in quickly, imposing a state of martial law. Many were dealt with lashings of hot lead. Those not shot for neglecting curfew times and zones often committed suicide, appalled with the world and its current state. The nights were silent bar the echoes of single gunshots.

For the many years following, the survivors scoured the cities, collecting supplies and fighting with other survivors. Many tried to operate the farms once more but the runs never lasted long, the owners either failed miserably or were murdered by another ambitious person. When the food stocks eventually ran out, the more intelligent dispersed into bush-land and areas densely populated by edible creatures. When the starving mainstream latched onto this idea, such areas became highly disputed. Warriors banded together to form clans and tribes, and the plentiful lands soon became tainted with the blood of another desperate and hungry clan.

Rifles and guns seemed to rule the people for a short amount of time, but a world so used to taking and not creating, was incapable of reproducing such weapons and there munitions. Objects such as swords and wooden instruments like spears were soon to follow. But susceptible to rust and breakage they too became another extinct concept of defense, or attack.

The future lay in a naturally occurring range of substances. Synthesised from tree sap, snake venom and flour, the new weapon could be deadly if capable of piercing the skin. Painted brightly with ochre according to the level of danger the clans had a new munition, but how to propel such a deadly object. The solution lay in spring and compressed air powers. Previously overlooked objects such as Nerf, a leading toy in its day, became the norm. People often experimented with homemade designs for propelling the new munition, often without success, but never the less intuition soon created a new range of weapons and subsequent warriors.

The following story takes place in a small clan of 10, located in mid coastal Australia. The area in which they managed was rich in wildlife and always sought after, and we follow their struggle to survive.

**Commence Actual Movie**

*Camera is aimed directly at sky, tainted with gum trees*
*Song is either Powderfinger [On my mind or many others] or Fat Boy Slim – Ya Mama*
*The song commences and after a long delay, to bikes ride over the camera [the jump at blackburn lake] not to far apart
*The following several minutes is just footage of the two navigating the border of their area

When the scene finally ends the lead rider brakes heavily and the rear rider almost collides with him
*Shot from ditch, next to a corpses dirty, bloody hand, looking up at pair
Lead: Head back to base, and get several armed members
Rear: What!?
Lead: Just go, quick.

The following is still up in the air, do I have:
 the lead shot by a sly dog of a corpse and the guys return to find nobody there [get it, no body hahahahah]
 - or -
 does he find a nerf bullet in the corpse and commence riding back and have a shot of the lead dropping in, in front of the slowly riding rear rider who he sent away several minutes before
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#4 taita cakes

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Posted 02 May 2004 - 06:38 AM

Okay, 'Scuse the double post but i have to click this here topic over.

I've got a few questions and it would be great if you could reply in a...



... sort of manner

And now, the questions.

I'm soon going to post an internet preview, which will be, say under 15MB im guessing. It wil be a simple low res file with sound, possibly in a .swf format because it gives me more options like preloading. So is there a possibility of getting this file hosted [ im looking at you CX :wacko: ] either by the Nerf community or by a host [i'm a webby and i know how impossible that is]

Im thinking of superimosing a short sort of clicking/thumping cross sound [similar to the PC fire] over all the shots, over all guns accept the big bazooka thing that we fire in one scene [ a taste of whats to come] ... is this right? suggest any other sounds?

Can you really be bothered waiting upwards of a year for the movie...????

Would this boost the NIC if there was something semi-official lookin out there, that we can say we worked towards...

I'm considering making this movie, well, good, so if im going to render this to a high quality and have a plot with some decent sound, is there any point putting this file on the internet, which will be very large. My main consideration would be to burn this to DVD with a couple of special features, [dont ask, but I know what they're going to be] and distribute to several customers, would you pay say $10 to receive a copy, or is it just not worth it.

Do you yankees care???

Should i recruit some aussie lamers from NHQ to help me.... as extras??\

Be honest.
Awaiting your reply.
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#5 Tinkerer



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Posted 09 May 2004 - 09:00 PM

a nerf movie would be great, whether such strict nationalism is called for, well, I personally don't think so, but, then again, it's your movie. Nice opener also, but don't you think that's a little too "cold war era"-ish? But, it's the best thing I've heard of yet.
  • 0
Actuall directions on some products:

On Pudding
"Product will be hot after heating"

On a Sweedish Chainsaw
"Do not try to stop with hands or genitals"
(Was alot of this happening somewhere? MY GOD!!)

#6 Spectre2689



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Posted 09 May 2004 - 09:02 PM

I'd shell out $12 CAD for something like that (Go Canadian Dollar! Go!). If you pull it off, it'll be awesome.
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#7 taita cakes

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Posted 10 May 2004 - 04:47 AM

a post.
two posts.

thanks for some final feedback guys.
the intro needs some reworking i must admit, but its the only way i can sort of make this reasonably decent [plot-wise].
i've also been pm'ing cx a bit, talking about all this, and i must mention any feedback is welcome....

the whole point is that its going to be a long wait, im currently partaking in the most important 2 years of my life. they decide my future and if i screw around to much, hell, ill be working for an IT company and moderating nerf forums...

im happy to work on the film for you guys, and i will every chance i get, including making the trailer in the upcoming holidays, but its all too challenging, and im not going to rush any of this. the other main point here is that, all though i may recruit a few guys from school to lend me their guns and voices, and maybe get roughly 30 guys to run around in the local sanctuary, its going to be all up to me when it comes to the editing and final production.

i know a few media nerds and they can help me out here and there, but the majority is going to be all my effort, and thats not going to be quick... i may also require assistance for one bullet-time style effect, that should be easy to pull off but some cgi may be necessary.... and as you can tell, im trying to pull off some very fancy and revolutionary scenes in this movie, so dont expect it to be a normal home-made P.O.S.

12 Canadian Bucks Ehh?
Well, that means 12.33 Aussie Dollars exactly...
A DVD-R These days is about $1-2...
I can score 10000's of all types of proper DVD cases off my brother either free or cheap...
and that leaves shipping... any ideas on pricing for a DVD case sized package from melbourne to canada/america ?

excuse my rambling post, i have a headache... -_-

edit: allright, i stumbled onto the australia post website and checked the shipping rates:
Air Mail [3-10 Business Days] $7.50
Economy Air [2-4 Weeks] $6.50
Sea Mail [2-4 Months ;) ] $5.50

maybe the user should pay the differences between economy and air mail, or then again, i think ill be kind...

Edited by taita_cakes, 10 May 2004 - 06:31 AM.

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#8 Tinkerer



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Posted 11 May 2004 - 03:53 PM

no ideas on pricing, sorry.

Sea Mail [2-4 Months ^_^ ] $5.50

:blink: you might as well try shipping it UPS ground.

are you planning on making this feature-legnth? or how long?

I'm brainstorming a script for a Nerf "road trip" movie where four guys are going all over the continent to try and get to every major nerf war in one summer. (the north american continent)
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Actuall directions on some products:

On Pudding
"Product will be hot after heating"

On a Sweedish Chainsaw
"Do not try to stop with hands or genitals"
(Was alot of this happening somewhere? MY GOD!!)

#9 Formerly Sane

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Posted 11 May 2004 - 06:16 PM

I hope finally someone will actually create a nerf movie. I've seen too many of them die in the idea stage.
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NERF: www.CYCLONENERF.netfirms.com
FLASH: www.thinkhappy.netfirms.com
BAND: www.skwalrock.com

#10 taita cakes

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Posted 11 May 2004 - 06:17 PM

UPS? Im not familiar with shipping ^_^

The road trip movie sounds sweet, it could really work...

Im still deciding on a lot of things about this movie [including length], and im already looking for assistance in script writing, so any thoughts, concepts, ideas, would all be considered and welcome.
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#11 Tinkerer



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Posted 13 May 2004 - 05:06 PM

UPS? Im not familiar with shipping  :lol:

oops, I thought UPS was worldwide.

anyway, mabey you might want the ammunithion called terrists darts in your movie, it could be deadly mabey, here's the link: Da Link
(if you need it)
  • 0
Actuall directions on some products:

On Pudding
"Product will be hot after heating"

On a Sweedish Chainsaw
"Do not try to stop with hands or genitals"
(Was alot of this happening somewhere? MY GOD!!)

#12 UpGraD3



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Posted 13 May 2004 - 05:22 PM

If you are old enough to drive you could get a van or a truck. And have someone in the back with a powerclip (with stock darts) Then the good guys could be on there tail. Then the guy can unload the powerclip on there car and stick to the window and scare the crap out of them. Or you can do this with glass. Like have someone running and a guy shoots a stock dart and it sticks to something right before it hits them.
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#13 taita cakes

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Posted 13 May 2004 - 06:41 PM

apart from some amusing posts by cx :P ... i dont think i'll be using "terrirst" darts anytime soon....

hmmmm, thanks for the posts...

I've developed a new scene [in my head] ... a chase scene themed to the song that appeared on an Australian commercial the other day, "run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run run run" and so on, so forth.
I think its a song from Braer Rabbit[sp]...
I cant be bothered explaining the scene in too much detail, so i think i might create a low res copy in these upcoming holidays.

Any suggestions or links for a generic nerf gun firing sound?

Oh, and any Aus Nerfers, feel free to PM me....
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#14 Tinkerer



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Posted 15 May 2004 - 10:04 PM

nerf gun sounds, hmmm, you know, you might want to try haggling with cx and whoever else is involved, and use sounds from the various nerf videos found around here, since nerf guns all sound different in different situations. or, here's a thought, take the sounds of real guns, slow them down, reduce the bass to nearly nothing, speed them back up, and return the bass to normal, I did that and it sounded like a powerclip, try it. And just mess with the controlls in the sound recorder, I once took a sound of a saxophone playing, did all kinds of stuff to it, reversed it all, and it sounded so damn freaky I couldn't sleep at all that night.
  • 0
Actuall directions on some products:

On Pudding
"Product will be hot after heating"

On a Sweedish Chainsaw
"Do not try to stop with hands or genitals"
(Was alot of this happening somewhere? MY GOD!!)

#15 taita cakes

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Posted 15 May 2004 - 10:47 PM


Yeah, you know what i'm on about...

But generally it may be a sort of low, sort of beep, sort of pop sound, similar to the sounds used in Nerf Arena Blast. I might reinstall the demo again and rip some of the sounds. I was considering using the same sound for all the guns, is this feesible?

Thanks for replying...

I've got my exams coming up, and once i've done them, home free. I plan to shoo the trailer and one of two low res scenes then....
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#16 N3maN



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Posted 16 May 2004 - 03:33 AM

hey tatia,
because of the fact the we live close to each other, i was thinking about helping out with the movie. i am only in year 10 so i have much more time than you we could be a plus. do you have the current script on comp? if you do e-mail it to me (philla_2@hotmail.com) and i'll see what i can come up with to help. i am liking your ideas so far, and i would be willing to put in a fair bit of effort to help you get it off the ground.
keep up the good work
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#17 taita cakes

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Posted 16 May 2004 - 04:56 AM

N3maN RETURNS! ^_^

I should be in year 10 [i'm only 15] but i skipped a year due to the "nerd program" that people affectionately call it. In other words, im doing my Vce, and Biology 3/4 when i should be back in year 10. Ohhh, the pleasures of going to Box Hill High School.

The script, well, i've added you on msn, but the whole point here is that, i have no time ... any chance im getting im thinking about thinking about it...

To be quite honest, this is a movie built around some particular scenes and songs, and this is not the best formula success, but if i could fill in some basic plot lines and you could workon some particular scenes, it would be grand.

P.S. - I'm a commanding, demanding biatch, in the most masculine possible way :mellow:
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#18 taita cakes

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 05:02 AM

A Current List Of Songs That I'll Probably Be Using:
  • Powderfinger - Pockets
  • Powderfinger - Rockin' Rocks
  • Powderfinger - Since You've Been Gone
  • Powderfinger - Sunsets
  • Fat Boy Slim - Ya Mama [Push the Tempo]
  • Fluke - Zion [POSSIBILITY]
  • Grinspoon - Chemical Heart
  • Placebo - English Summer Rain
  • Rogue Traders vs. INXS - One of My Kind
  • Kylie Minogue - Chocolate
  • Chingy - One Call Away [for a trailer]
As you can see im going for a majorly australian influence here, mainly because that's what i've been listening to lately, and thats what really fits into this film quite well. All thought i quite despise Rage Against The Machine, i will be happy to include the obligatory RATM song.

Some suggestions and possible 30 second grabs would be great, but i am on a 56k modem so only the best ^_^
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#19 N3maN



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Posted 17 May 2004 - 06:25 AM

The only RATM song i endorse is Guerilla Radio, and that only just. I think it would only really be good for the opening credits or the cloing credits, like you, i am not much of a RATM fan. I am not really sure i like the strict aussie use however. I think it will be good to have a definate aussie twang to it, but i think there are some band, i.e. the prodigy, marlion manson etc. that make music that is PERFECT for a good fight scene. Now we dont necessarily have to like the arstist in priciple i.e. Marlion manson, but we must keep an open mind due to their approprateness to the sort f scence i am thinking of. I mean, when we look at movies like The Matrix, i have to say, the music is by some really bad artists, but it sounds awsome in the movie.
Like i said, i like the aussie twang, but i think we need to think about bending the rules
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#20 taita cakes

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Posted 18 May 2004 - 02:59 AM

Like i said, i like the aussie twang, but i think we need to think about bending the rules

there are no real rules...
i was just saying that i've selected those so far, mainly because thats what i have been listening to and can imagine being used in the movie..

I'm more than open to suggestions. Anybody?
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#21 N3maN



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Posted 18 May 2004 - 06:48 AM

hey tatia,
a little off track,
i was just wondering where you go to school, where and who you nerf with. Because due to the sucky state of nerf in aus, i can find no-one. it is really hard to get frineds into it to because of the fat that there are very few guns available, and most dont take it seriously. what solustions have you come up with to this problem? (i got sick of shooting at my dog :cry: )
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#22 taita cakes

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Posted 18 May 2004 - 06:50 AM

Nets gonna kick me.
Box Hill HIgh.
Not many nerfers

That's better, online again :cry:
Sorry, the internet kicked me literally 15 seconds after i replied....
I go to Box Hill High School, and there are a reasonable amount of people with guns, but only one true nerfer apart from myself.

The guns mainly consist of powerclips and some more powerclips.

One of the twins at school has twin cousins who are around 10 and have roughly 20 guns between them, but they wont hook me up... :cry:

Edited by taita_cakes, 19 May 2004 - 03:12 AM.

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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#23 taita cakes

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Posted 25 May 2004 - 07:26 AM

Hi again guys, just a quick post before i go to bed.

Rough shooting plan:
Once i knock off exams, im going to be all clear to start filming both the trailer and a low resolution scene, so if you've got some suggestions or questions, better get in quick, i've spoken with cx, and hope to upload at least the trailer to the server. So expect some evidence of some effort. Quality wise, until we upgrade the PC, the trailer is just going to be some linear editing in flash and Vegas Video.

New song:
Add this one to the list, im thinking about opening sequence for the placement.
Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out

Your Missions:
- Make some suggestions for whatever songs you could recomend for some fight sequences, i already have more than enough for sentimental and title sequences...
- Could somebody try their hardest to find a 192kbps O.N.O. copy of:
Bud Flanagan & Chesney Allen

Thanks in advance

Goodnight guys, i await your opinions and suggestions, seriously...
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#24 taita cakes

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Posted 03 June 2004 - 05:06 AM

Allright, the new documentation is finished for anyone interested.
I'm going to send it to N3maN next time he's on MSN.

I am still in dire need of:
Bud Flanagan & Chesney Allen

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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#25 taita cakes

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Posted 27 June 2004 - 07:27 AM

Just to let you all know i'm still interested in this movie very much.
I still have plans to complete it when i get the chance, considering my parents are purchasing a work-horse PC that can be used for video editing, any day now.

I sent a bit of documentation [that was no indication of any thought] to N3maN and havn't seen a word in reply since. I would love it if any of you could post any thoughts for songs and scenes, remembering that this is a bit of a rock/surreal soundtrack and a bit of a bush bashing film.

I'm planning to incorperate some Saving Private Ryan aspects into the movie, and i'll post a small over view when i get back from Tasmania. I'm on school holidays right now, and i can't work on the INDB because all the info and tutes the techie prepared for me are still at school. So i guess the script is the main priority.

Kick ass song i must include in this film:
Powderfinger - Pockets

It starts off slow and a bit stoned, and then builds to one of the most powerful rock songs you've heard :)
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

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