When: Saturday, 6/19 10:00-6:00
Where: Toj's house. Pictures. If you're coming, PM me for the address!
Who: You ...and girls!
The List:
Cxwq + 2
Neo + 3-8
Spoon + 4
Ice Nine
Rawray + 3-4
Conservatively we'll be in the low 20's
- Nerf guns!
- Lots of darts
- Water
- Lunch
- Sunscreen
- Eye protection
- Good attitude
- Friends
- Homemades
- Dangerous darts
- Incindiary devices
- Cheaters
Make sure your darts are legal or I will throw them away. Legal means the weight has no sharp edges and is completely covered with hot glue. Prohibited weights include, but are not limited to, screws, power loads, thumbtacks, and anything else with a sharp edge or point. If you aren't sure your darts are legal, ask now. Most people will be using darts in the 1/2" to 17/32" size range.
If you want to take home any darts, make sure your darts are marked distinctively with tape, writing on the hot glue, colored hot glue, or something else creative. Expect to lose about half of them. Bring at least 50-100 depending on your playing style. Don't expect someone to have darts for you to use.
A homemade is anything that has a non-nerf (or nerf-like) air supply. Don't bring those. Don't bring 5ks either. Anything with range roughly equivalent to a 5k will be disqualified for safety reasons because it could easily shatter sunglasses at close range.
We're not going to be 3 minutes from Subway so I'd suggest everyone bring their lunch. Having lunch on hand will allow us to take a shorter break and get more action in. Make sure you bring lots of water because it's likely to be pretty hot. Bring some mega SPF sunscreen too. Someone gets burned to a crisp every year.
Rain date... we don't have those here. We'll play rain or shine.
If you do not bring eyewear you will not play. It's really that simple. I don't care if it's sunglasses or goggles or safety glasses, as long as they cover your eyes reasonably well.
I will bring a video camera and will alternate on filming duty with my brother. The camera likes NH shirts.
I'll edit this post with any necessary updates so check back here as the date gets closer.