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Armageddon '04 Planning Thread

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#1 cxwq



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Posted 11 April 2004 - 09:57 PM

Update 6/7

When: Saturday, 6/19 10:00-6:00

Where: Toj's house. Pictures. If you're coming, PM me for the address!

Who: You ...and girls!

The List:
Cxwq + 2
Neo + 3-8
Spoon + 4
Ice Nine
Rawray + 3-4

Conservatively we'll be in the low 20's

  • Nerf guns!
  • Lots of darts
  • Water
  • Lunch
  • Sunscreen
  • Eye protection
  • Good attitude
  • Friends
Don't Bring:
  • Homemades
  • Dangerous darts
  • Incindiary devices
  • Cheaters
So we're having a war - all the cool kids will be there. I'll supply flagging tape and the box of ass darts. You supply everything in the list above.

Make sure your darts are legal or I will throw them away. Legal means the weight has no sharp edges and is completely covered with hot glue. Prohibited weights include, but are not limited to, screws, power loads, thumbtacks, and anything else with a sharp edge or point. If you aren't sure your darts are legal, ask now. Most people will be using darts in the 1/2" to 17/32" size range.

If you want to take home any darts, make sure your darts are marked distinctively with tape, writing on the hot glue, colored hot glue, or something else creative. Expect to lose about half of them. Bring at least 50-100 depending on your playing style. Don't expect someone to have darts for you to use.

A homemade is anything that has a non-nerf (or nerf-like) air supply. Don't bring those. Don't bring 5ks either. Anything with range roughly equivalent to a 5k will be disqualified for safety reasons because it could easily shatter sunglasses at close range.

We're not going to be 3 minutes from Subway so I'd suggest everyone bring their lunch. Having lunch on hand will allow us to take a shorter break and get more action in. Make sure you bring lots of water because it's likely to be pretty hot. Bring some mega SPF sunscreen too. Someone gets burned to a crisp every year.

Rain date... we don't have those here. We'll play rain or shine.

If you do not bring eyewear you will not play. It's really that simple. I don't care if it's sunglasses or goggles or safety glasses, as long as they cover your eyes reasonably well.

I will bring a video camera and will alternate on filming duty with my brother. The camera likes NH shirts.

I'll edit this post with any necessary updates so check back here as the date gets closer.
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#2 Talio


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Posted 11 April 2004 - 10:58 PM

Alright, I've been waiting for this. Here's the deal, my sister lives in Cali, and we were talking about going to San Diego/LA for a trip while I was out there. I then asked her if she would mind me taking a day out for Armageddon when I was out there this summer. She said it was no problem at all. Here's the catch, my other sister is getting married out here on the 18th. So any dates before or including that one are botched for me. The week after could work though. I'm really interested in coming out there if you guys wouldn't mind helping aquire me. Thanks,


Edit: Just talked to my sister. She can't take the next week off either. So the war would have to be in July for me to come. No biggie, if you guys feel like accomidating an out of towner, then I would appreciate it, if not nerf on and have a damn good time doing so.

Edited by Talio, 11 April 2004 - 11:07 PM.

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#3 Spoon



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Posted 12 April 2004 - 12:52 AM

Steph gets back from England on like June 16 so if you want her to come (which would be good since we'll be losing Matt and Jason since they'll be home for the summer), it'll have to be the last two weekends, most likely the last one.

July.......Well if all goes according to plan I'll be shooting a film in July, ruling out the whole month.
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#4 andrew01



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Posted 12 April 2004 - 02:58 AM

I will be in some town just outside of San Francisco for the better part of June. How far of a drive do you guys think it would be to get down to the war?

I was just wondering, I probably won't be able to come anyway, my parents aren't too fond of the whole "let's meet complete strangers to shoot guns at each other" idea.
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#5 Groove


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Posted 12 April 2004 - 05:02 AM

I might be able to do something again this year, any date is fine with me - just need to run it by the folks and buy a plane ticket ASAP (as soon as we find a tenative date).
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#6 Ice Nine

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Posted 12 April 2004 - 08:25 AM

Any date, from the 19th. on. I get out of school on the 17, since I'm in 8th. grade and we get that friday off. I'd bet because I'll be out of school, and this is the largest SoCal nerf war of the year (hopefully), I can get them to let me come with ease.

Looks like I'll be spending it on remodding guns and making darts. Hoo-Rah!
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#7 CustomSnake202



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Posted 12 April 2004 - 10:12 AM

I would most likely be able to make it around 5/6. I'm taking a road trip to Cal and I would be around San Diego or Frisco. But I might be able to catch the 12th on the way back. This war has been known by my parents for about three months now and hopefully I'll be able to attend my first nerf war.
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#8 Mantis



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Posted 12 April 2004 - 12:10 PM

Ok guys, me and the Shindig were talking it over and decided we want to continue our pipe dream of going to Apoc. This year we figure we might pull it off.
If it was one of the first two weekends mentioned, we could catch an afternoon flight, get to Cali in the nighttime, then get a Sunday afternoon flight home.
The question is, would one of you fine young gents provide us a couch to sleep on (we only need 1), or are there HoJo's around? Also, could someone pick us up from the airport, since we might get there rather late?

And of course, how many people are we looking at for this year?
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#9 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 12 April 2004 - 12:12 PM

Well, considering I am 18, some of the LCM guys are considering flying out this year.

We do have some date conflicts though. I graduate high school on the 22nd of June, which means the weekends before and after that seem rather dicy for a variety of reasons. The first weekend in June is my prom, which leaves the second weekend, and I'd have to check in on that. Basically, as Talio said, a July date would be awesome, because I think I would then have the time to attend. But, it is not my war, so feel free to pick the date most convenient for you guys out there.

Perhaps I could fly out to an August LANO, but the prospects of attending an Armageddon are really enticing.

**Edit: Mantis and I really should have talked over who was replying to this because we both said basically the same thing. Oh well.**

Edited by The Infinite Shindig, 12 April 2004 - 12:13 PM.

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#10 Talio


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Posted 12 April 2004 - 01:00 PM

There is presumably next year. You'll be well out of school in mid June, and anyone within the marrying age in my family will be depleted, so there won't be a mess of weddings. I don't know, I'd love to come, July would be awesome. But I would most likely be going out in August to see my sister if I wasn't attending Armageddon, so an August Lano would work as Shindig said.

Edited by Talio, 12 April 2004 - 01:02 PM.

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#11 ShatteredDreams



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Posted 12 April 2004 - 01:11 PM

I may be going to Vietnam sometime this summer with a friend, but I am not sure when that is, I'll get back to you with a date. Any time during the summer that seems to coincide with everyone's dates sounds good to me.

On another note, I got those pictures of my house that you ordered Cx. Do you want me to size them down (kills how they look a little bit, but makes them smaller (Ie: 410 Kb - 76 Kb) and send them to you, or would you like them just sent?

If we have 40+ people again though.....we might have to rule out the bbq, and order pizza.
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"Diplomats are just as esential to starting a war, as soldiers are to finishing it."- Will Rogers.

#12 Spoon



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Posted 12 April 2004 - 04:19 PM

I wouldn't worry, I doubt we could get 40 people again even if we were holding everyone's parents hostage. And good thing too, 42 people did NOT work very well. Honestly I'd like Armageddon to hover around 20 people, that seems to be the largest number that can reliably work.
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#13 Mantis



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Posted 12 April 2004 - 04:34 PM

We had 27 at an Apoc once and that worked out rather well. I dont know how the organizing goes out west, but here one of the Horsemen, Chris (famine?), just gets on a picnic table and shouts until we all listen to him, then he makes teams. Maybe you guys actually have a system out there.
Like the other two Jersey boys, an August LANO would be alright, but Armaggedon is the wars of kings in my mind.

Edit: As we were conversing, I think the 12/13 weekend would be best for the Shindig and I.

Edited by Mantis, 12 April 2004 - 04:57 PM.

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#14 andrew01



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Posted 12 April 2004 - 05:53 PM

I get out of school on May 29. Ohh yaa ^_^ . Any date is really good for me. I would just really love to come(if my parents let me)
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#15 rawray7



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Posted 12 April 2004 - 08:20 PM

right now i'll lean toward the 12th or the 19th. i would be more than willing to pick up some of you East Coast guys from LAX or Burbank provided i've got good notice beforehand. as for rooming, i'll ask my mom about, i think it's time someone other than Spoon and Cxwq housed the out-of-staters.
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#16 Mantis



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Posted 12 April 2004 - 08:35 PM

Hell, if we pull this off, I'll toss a pillow and a sheet in my bag and sleep on a bench in the park if nobody has room.
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#17 Ice Nine

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Posted 12 April 2004 - 09:08 PM

Actually, any weekend is fine with me. Or are we changing the dates to July?

And then, Grinch will probably come to. We have been conversing over AIM and phone, and he's coming over to my house, and then my dad's taking me us.

I may be able to convince Bobert to come.

Well, I guess this deserves a w00t. Yes, defiantely a w00t.
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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

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#18 Grinch



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Posted 12 April 2004 - 11:06 PM

Yup. I really want to come to Armageddon. I have a feeling my 'rents will be more OK with it because it's closer to summer time. Hopefully, I can get a ride with Ice. It's okay on his side, but I've yet to convince my parents.

Spanky lives about 10-20 minutes from my house. I need to convince him to come.
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#19 cxwq



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Posted 12 April 2004 - 11:53 PM

Spanky told me last time that he'll come for the next war so you can tell him I'm cashin' in my chips.

I can house and/or transport out-of-towners with a degree of comfort inversely proportional to the number of people involved.

Assuming it's on June 12th, who is screwed other than Talio?

...hopefully he can make it for the Aug YANO.

Any Horsemen with funding for a little west coast action this year?

Groove? Sandman? You guys have been known to end up in SoCal during the summer months. Let's make this the All-Star Armageddon for the history books!
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#20 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 13 April 2004 - 03:44 AM

Assuming it's on June 12th, who is screwed other than Talio?

I'll look through the exam schedule at our school to see if it's clear. If all seems well, Mantis and I will present the idea to our parents and go from there.

On a side note, is the August YANO usually earlier or later in the month?

Edited by The Infinite Shindig, 13 April 2004 - 03:49 AM.

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Shindig of the Lawn Chair Mafia

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#21 Spoon



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Posted 13 April 2004 - 11:05 AM

If it was on the 12th Steph would be screwed, and since it's the summer Matt and Jason won't be here either, so my crew would consist of my brother, Hubbard and...well...me.

As for August YANOs, I start school again in late August but that doesn't really matter. I'll be moving into my apartment probably in early August but really any weekend at this point (I stress the "at this point") would be ok.
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#22 Talio


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Posted 13 April 2004 - 12:52 PM

I think I'm going to be out there the second week of august, so that would probably be best. Apoc is normally on the first week. Damn I'll be sore on the third week. Anyway, that can be pushed back, but as of now those are my plans.
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#23 ShortShit



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Posted 13 April 2004 - 02:15 PM

Anytime in June is fine for me, the only thing is where is "toj's" house in relation to Santa Monica, and is it like some massive farm forrestland-o-goodness or just a house? :-) (I'de assume its more than just a house if Kevin wants to go there) I appologize if its allready be stated in past threads, but I havn't been keeping up so well on the forums. Excuse my ignorance.

Edit: I didn't want to wait for a reply. Now Irvine is about 60 miles from my house, which has always been just far enough, couple hours to get there. I plugged in Oceanside into mapquest and its 100miles from my house, and i dunno if I can be driving 5 hours for a nerf war ya know? I hope im mistaken!

Edited by ShortShit, 13 April 2004 - 02:23 PM.

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#24 ShatteredDreams



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Posted 13 April 2004 - 02:39 PM

Anytime in June is fine for me, the only thing is where is "toj's" house in relation to Santa Monica, and is it like some massive farm forrestland-o-goodness or just a house? :-) (I'de assume its more than just a house if Kevin wants to go there) I appologize if its allready be stated in past threads, but I havn't been keeping up so well on the forums. Excuse my ignorance.

Edit: I didn't want to wait for a reply. Now Irvine is about 60 miles from my house, which has always been just far enough, couple hours to get there. I plugged in Oceanside into mapquest and its 100miles from my house, and i dunno if I can be driving 5 hours for a nerf war ya know? I hope im mistaken!

Well, the war at my house was just a possibility that Steve accidently started. The house...it's basically surrounded by a grove, a mountain, a stream, a small pond, and some marshes down by the stream. There's also a water tower, where they recently cut out about 500 square feet of orange trees with a small "slope/cliff/thing" on one end.

We can always go to the normal area, but since some people wanted to try new locations, and Steve brought it up...things happen y'know?

Also, I just sent the pictures to Cx, some of them are "blech", and some are bad, because the sun was setting right where I needed the pics, but it still gives a decent overview of most of the area...

*Edit* - Holy SHIT this is annoying...I've only sent half the pictures, and it has taken me nine tries now, each time resulting in a computer lockdown and then shut down....sheesh.

Edited by ShatteredDreams, 13 April 2004 - 02:46 PM.

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#25 Mantis



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Posted 13 April 2004 - 06:14 PM

It would take you 5 hours to drive 100 miles??!? Dear goodness man, how do you ever get anywhere?!
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