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4 Chan, Johnny

:Chano 4: the Johnny Chan Memorial War

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#76 Ryan201821


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Posted 01 October 2010 - 12:35 PM

Barring any last-minute, unforseen circumstances, I will be an eligible target for this war. :D

Is Lake Ellyn confirmed for the location yet? Still says "tentative" on the first page.

Zorn is retarded, so yes. Lake Ellyn is the location. See you tomorrow.
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#77 AcepilotZero



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Posted 01 October 2010 - 05:17 PM

I appears that I will definately not be going.
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Lord of the flywheels.

#78 Carbon



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Posted 01 October 2010 - 07:41 PM

Life happens at the least opportune times....I'm out for tomorrow. Catch you guys next time.

Edited by Carbon, 01 October 2010 - 11:39 PM.

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Hello. I am Indigo of the Rainbow Clan. You Nerfed my father. Prepare to die.

#79 Y-Brik



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Posted 01 October 2010 - 11:20 PM

I'm still in, sans friends.
Oh, and if the U3 could bring 2 spare hunks of clear 1/2" PVC and some wyes for a certain yBrik, that'd be great.
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As I said I have not not alot of testes yet but I will be once I finish the mod.

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#80 Mehku



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Posted 02 October 2010 - 07:48 AM

Yo, Range Eclipse, Evilbob, Klaiviel, and I are going to be a little late, but we will be there.

Edited by Mehku, 02 October 2010 - 07:49 AM.

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#81 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 02 October 2010 - 11:34 AM

Yo, Range Eclipse, Evilbob, Klaiviel, and I are going to be a little late, but we will be there.

Don't worry I'm still sitting at a coffee shop 20 mins from the war site.
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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
Kruger and Dunning (1999)

#82 Buffdaddy


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Posted 02 October 2010 - 10:19 PM

That was a fun war! Obviously there were some issues, but nothing too dampening.

-Meeting a lot of new people/people I've talked to in chat. Also seeing some of the Foam in the Fort guys again.
-Things working better than expected. I for one am used to using glue domes, so seeing the Pastel Punisher (my Doomsayer) and Big Blast still shoot far was nice.
-Measuring dart speeds was more awesome that expected. Zorn, just for the hell of it, you should claim that your Big Blast is shooting Mach 0.27. Yes, I checked :lol:
-Carpe Testiculum games were awesome. Especially enjoyed going all melee the last game.
-I got a bunch of video, so hopefully I can edit it and post it if the quality is decent. Warning; it will go towards the "This is awesome" direction, mainly b/c I'm trying to convince friends on campus that hey, they should ride shotgun to the next war!
-The Sparta shield. Enough said.

-The Popo shut us down! (Don't stop, make it pop...) But seriously, that was a bummer. But at least we dart swept and disassembled fairly quickly.
-The pump handle on my Big Blast breaking. Easy enough to repair, but still just another thing on my to-do list.
-The wind. Really killed any chance of fair games of Defend the Core. Although the shooting match it devolved into turned out just fine.
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#83 KaneTheMediocre


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Posted 02 October 2010 - 10:52 PM

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#84 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 03 October 2010 - 01:45 AM

Fuck driving. Also, PACs are the best gun ever. My insightful comments tomorrow.
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#85 Gettin Nerfd

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Posted 03 October 2010 - 10:25 AM

A big thanks for Ryan, Kane, and Zorn for making the event possible, my second war but it was worth the trip since we Nerf'd in two locations. Felt the "Foam Bowl" at the city park was a great place with lots of strategy. Thanks to everybody who was there do deal with the "Popo" situation, glad everybody kept their heads and did not do anything stupid to escalate the situation. (Happy nobody received a crappy souvenir like a loitering ticket, considering all the foam that was still on field when he arrived.)

+) Acquired a Pac Bow
+) Nerf'd with great competitors and saw my FIF2 buddies again.
+) Despite the wind, tested out the mobstacles in windy conditions.
+) Everybody was positive, did not hear a lot of foul language.
+) Liked the format with game variations (despite the setback of relocation, still played a lot of hours)
+) No major injuries to anybody. (Body welts are not major injuries unless your 9)

-) No considerations for barrel tapping, I felt the effects of this ruling by a disrespectful Nerfer with a high powered blaster.
-) FIF2 mobstacles were on the ground half the time (second location was obvious.)
-) Dart Sweeps: 1st location ( Nerfers went straight back to the community bucket after the round ended instead of grabbing the stefans at their feet.)
-) 200+ of "Punisher" and my personal stock streamline ammo (blue spray paint on back) disappeared at the first location, not upset since I know huge pockets of quicksand and UFO foam abductions are a common occurrence with "Nerf gatherings." (It is simply a wake up call since the aliens must not like stefans, so I believe I am ready to convert away from stock in future wars.)

I will certainly recommend and encourage the Chano series to continue, it is a great event and I enjoyed the company!


P.S. Let Chano be a great example of why you have a backup location so your war day does not end early!

Edited by Gettin Nerf'd, 03 October 2010 - 01:02 PM.

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Has posted some photos of FIF2.

#86 Ice Nine

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Posted 03 October 2010 - 12:41 PM

Good war. Continued the tradition of shitty weather on Chanos.

This gun won the award for most terror-inducing firing noise:

Posted Image
  • Good mod party. Rock mode.
  • Zorn made it!
  • Crossbows are pretty fun. Miiight need a screw on the front tee, maybe.
  • Chronographs are neat.
  • Lunch. "WHAAAAAAT."
  • Defend the core got broken by the wind.
  • That last round had problems. I wish we had played the super rad lap VIP.
  • Mobstacles are fucking awesome. Good design, guys.
  • Danny B and I were on the same team every round I played, except for that one Meatgrinder round at the beginning. He is awesome.
  • Hoppered cornershot. Best.

A big thanks for Ryan, Kane, and Zorn for making the event possible

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#87 cheerios



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Posted 03 October 2010 - 04:57 PM

26 People at the high point of the day, biggest Chicago war to date. Beat that snake!

Super Effeminate war.

+Pacbows owning the field
+Getting one of said pacbows
+Seeing Ryan, Kane, Noodle, Ice9, Zorn, and ambiance again.

- Rent-a-cop dick
- Windy and cold

After the war.
Breaking a piece on my Pacbow, Kane or Ryan PM me please.

Edited by cheerios, 03 October 2010 - 05:07 PM.

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22:46- jakejagan :Ryan, did you hear that Zeke's BBBB made N9 bleed?
22:47- Zorn :BONUS

#88 Snake51886



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Posted 03 October 2010 - 06:13 PM

Cheerios, pics or it didn't happen! :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'd love to see some pics and video from this amazing war! I'll be sure to make the next one!
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#89 BustaNinja



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Posted 03 October 2010 - 08:37 PM

Your guys make sure to blast the NWA song FUCK THE POLICE as you were leaving?
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#90 Noodleownz



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Posted 03 October 2010 - 09:03 PM

This war was a ton of fun.

Edited by Noodleownz, 04 October 2010 - 10:30 PM.

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It's Nerf or Nothin'!

#91 KaneTheMediocre


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Posted 03 October 2010 - 10:27 PM

So now a real recap. We played at the Lake Ellyn location prior to getting booted by the Man, and then relocated as fast as possible to the new, and treeless location. And there was much griping.

+Played with a PAC at a war for the first time. As I suspected, they utterly pwn.
-Getting shut down by the Man... temporarily.
+New mobstacle design was tested in crazy wind, and I think it passed. I'll do a writeup soon, they're MUCH easier to make than the previous ones.
+Gettin Nerf'd brought his own mobstacles, for even more sweet cover
+Getting utterly destroyed by Beaver almost every time we met on the field.
+Using the mobstacles a lot, and getting shot in the forehead many times for it (mostly by beaver).
+Seeing James at Wendy's. That guy is crazy. I wonder if he's related to Superbird?
+- I want to put "We sold 2 PACs" here, but seeing as Cheerios' handle broke, it's more like we sold one, and took $$ from another guy whom we still owe a PAC. Good news is I'm pretty sure we can fix it so it can't happen again, bad news is we have to upgrade all of the PACs so it doesn't happen again.
-Cold and windy
+Klaviel's chrono is hella useful. Really, we should use that for blaster regulation, rather than the typical ad-hoc blaster bans. Case in point, Zeke pumped the crap out of his big blast and got 313 feet per second. +bows are a hair over 200 for reference. Since the relationship between energy and velocity is squared, this corresponds to about double the muzzle energy of a +bow, which IMO is already too much.
-A few games were kind of broken. VIP especially, which is my bad. I was trying to figure out how to do spawns on the small field without giving a blatant wind advantage to either team
+Those games were fun anyways, as people just blasted each other and didn't worry too much about winning or losing.

To gettin NErf'd: We all lost some ammo due to a hasty dart sweep, but it sounds like you lost more than that. Did your dart bag/box/etc get lost in the cleanup?

Also, we traditionally do not allow barrel taps because we feel that they are potentially a safety hazard. Although getting shot in the torso at close range hurts (I assume that if you're in a position to barrel tap, you're not going to have trouble avoiding the face), we know exactly how much damage it does in every case. With barrel taps, although it's generally just a tap, in the chaos of battle what is supposed to be a tap can turn into a forceful stab, and potentially cause something much worse than just shooting the person. The theory is, if a blaster isn't safe to be shot at point blank range, it shouldn't be allowed at the war. In the future, I hope to use a Chrono to enforce this to some degree, although point blank shots are always going to hurt.
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I'm Purple

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#92 Y-Brik



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Posted 03 October 2010 - 10:34 PM

Effeminate war!

+Having 2 Stampedes on the field (And do well too! I was glad to be on their team).
+Ring-around-the-treesie (Ended with one of them Stampedes)
+Eliminator with Stampede shield- the greatest in the sub-optimal category
+ Meeting up with my buddies from Cataclysm
+Here's the deal- Wendys was great!
+Used the hell outta my +Bow
+Chronographs are not only neat- they're 133.7!!
+Got 2 legit wyes and clear PVC for less than I expected to pay
+Everyone being cool (Not just because of the weather) about the relocation
+BIGGEST WAR in the region! Woot!

-Gun breakage. Thank God I brought my electric screwdriver
-Cold and windy! Grab the mobstacles!!
-Lost 80% of my darts
-In-game dart failure. Liquid nails does NOT work on stefans, you hear me Sluggy?
-Had to leave early
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As I said I have not not alot of testes yet but I will be once I finish the mod.

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#93 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 03 October 2010 - 11:48 PM

Your guys make sure to blast the NWA song FUCK THE POLICE as you were leaving?

That's straight outta Compton, man.


+ My favorite war of the year
+ A majority of people were using high-powered blasters with hoppers. A level playing field is nice. The U3 brought 6 spare Pump Action Crossbows for general use.
+ Good gametypes, though further tweaking is needed. I like instant respawns, and want to see that mechanic continue.
+ The Defend the Core rounds were hilariously one-sided. A steady wind gave one side a 30ft advantage in range, and as a result the rounds were extremely one-sided.
+ Ice9 and I running around like idiots with the tarp.
+ Dicking around in the Cancer Shack the night before.
+ My SNAP 2 was awesome, almost exactly on par with PACs in terms of power.
+ The mobstacles were great, both the U3's and the Fort Wayne group's. The four foot high mobstacles were perfect, since you could shoot over them.
+ The weather was quite good, sunny and cool. Windy, but whatever.

Thank you, whoever brought that Chronograph. It was very useful to see actual velocity readings for various blasters. Examples:
3B ([k26] and perfect seal): 175fps
SNAP 5 with hopper: 190fps
SNAP 2 with hopper: 200fps
PAC with hopper: 200fps
Ryan's singled +bow: 210 fps
The U3's SM 1500: 250fps
Ice9's Big Blast: 350fps.

Kane: Ice9's Big Blast broke 350 later in the day. You should buy a chrono - I have an idea for next week :))

Edited by Daniel Beaver, 04 October 2010 - 12:13 AM.

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#94 Ambience 327

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Posted 04 October 2010 - 08:19 AM

Time for me to chime in (like anyone cares... :) )

+Getting another chance to play in a war that I didn't have to run! (less work = more fun time for me)

+All of my blasters holding up perfectly all day long.

+Using, and getting kills with, my BuzzBee Pirate Pistol. 15' flat ranges = better than a barrel tap. Style points FTW! (Everyone should carry a weak, 1-shot blaster to use for close encounters...)

+Hanging with my Cataclysm and FIF buddies again.

+Meeting lots of new guys I haven't had the pleasure of shooting before.

+Enjoying a PACbow for several rounds - those things are simply the most fun you can have with foam. Everyone should buy one from Ryan and Kane - NOW!!! :D

+Watching IceNine's 4B put hoppered-darts through a 90 degree elbow turn (so it can shoot around corners). Now THAT is power!

+Instant respawns. Extra walking is better than counting.

+Mobstacles - both varieties were great.

-Getting shut down. (At least he was polite about telling us to bug off. Glad I was there to do the talking since the hosts were all at lunch. Thanks to all the guys who helped with the dart sweep that we started before everyone got back - that made tear-down just that much quicker so we could move to the new location.)

-Getting hit in the face half a dozen times in a single round. Seriously - it's not like I was behind cover. I know my head is huge, and I know I'm short, but AIM DOWN A BIT!!!! :D

-6 hours in a car in a single day SUCKS. (Of course, Tacti-cool had to deal wtih 12 hours - 6 of which he drove, so I count my blessings!)

-Cold, damp, windy days spent running around and hollering aren't the kindest way to treat my voice...

-Losing one of my throwing stars. How do you lose something 6" square and bright yellow? (Thankfully, they only cost about $1.00 each to make.)

Edited by Ambience 327, 04 October 2010 - 08:26 AM.

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Foam in the Fort IV
The fourth exciting Nerf War in Fort Wayne, IN.

#95 Zorns Lemma

Zorns Lemma

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Posted 04 October 2010 - 10:11 AM

+Seeing James at Wendy's. That guy is crazy. I wonder if he's related to Superbird?

Superbird and Vortex have a forgotten brother.

Fun war, thanks to everyone for showing up! Make sure to hate on Glen Ellyn because they wanted to kick us out so they could park for their stupid football game. And then hate on park service for actually kicking us out when the motherfucking police were totally cool with us.

+1 for mobstacles.

I hit a new record of having 4 blasters for this war, but 2 broke so I guess my actual record is still only 3.
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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
Kruger and Dunning (1999)

#96 atomatron



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Posted 04 October 2010 - 11:20 PM

Posted Image

The ride was worth it.

+Building a bow that was the coolest (ONLY true bow) on the field
+New Mobstacles
+using a hopper for most of a war and it was good.
+After using said hopper for most of the day, I appreciated how accurate my LS is
+Hangin' with the doods
+Road trip was pretty ok,
+I'm really glad we've switched to slugs
+Everybody that attended was quality
+Good mix of stuff on the field, I think shields add a lot to how shorter range blasters can be used
+I should have brought my manta

-Sorta crappy weather
-I burned through darts

Edited by atomatron, 04 October 2010 - 11:22 PM.

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Perche Germolgi. [Because it shoots]

Rainbow Clan

#97 Buffdaddy


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Posted 04 October 2010 - 11:39 PM

I threw together some of my glasses cam footage. So we now have video!

Learned some things, too.
-Glasses over glasses doesn't work well.
-Next time I use these, I need to use more "tunnel vision". Looking everywhere and being aware of the field is good for nerfing, not good for filming. Took a bit to find the usable parts.
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#98 Demon Lord

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Posted 04 October 2010 - 11:50 PM

First and formost, I hate my current car, the whole reason that I couldn't be their for most of the war. However:

Good times were had
My thrown together darts really sucked
Sold off some unused blasters
Still have a ton of Melee weapons that I need to get rid of
The new mobstacles are awesome
PACs are awesome
Using said mobstacles as mobile tanks
Overall had a good time for the couple of hours I got to play

EDIT: 28 people (with photo!), largest chicago-area war to date!

Edited by Demon Lord, 04 October 2010 - 11:50 PM.

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QUOTE(VACC @ Mar 7 2011, 09:03 AM) View Post

Don't worry so much about what other people will allow. Throw your own wars and kick your friends' asses until they all want one.

#99 Ryan201821


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Posted 05 October 2010 - 02:46 PM


+Getting to the war on time, although not getting everything done
+War ran smoothly, except for the rent-a-cops
-Fuck the man
+Location change worked out well, and got plenty of nerfing done.
+Fort Wayne crew making it out. Always great to have you guys
+Beaver and Paul, Fuck yeah labia face!
+Newish gametypes and rules. I like touch-spawns a lot.
+New mobstacles performed beautifully and were easy taking apart/putting together.
+Extra mobstacles from Getting Nerf'd. Bonus!
+PACbows dominated, as they should.
+Largest Chicago war ever! Suck a fat one Snake!
+Everyone there was cool.
+Klaiviel for bringing the chrono. That was awesome.
-The OP's (and supposed war host) train schedule. Fail.
-Hyde Park vs. Crown Vic = Fail. How are they even allowed to call those roads down there?
+Decent weather, no rain at least.
+Superbird's Father (James) is crazy as fuck.
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#100 Mehku



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Posted 15 October 2010 - 01:13 AM

I fail at responding in a decent time frame.

Since pretty much everything else was mentioned already, I just wanted to thank the U3 for hosting this war. I had a good time.

...and Clan A.D.D. was brought into existence during the car ride to the original war site. muahah. ahah. ahahaha.

Edited by Mehku, 15 October 2010 - 01:14 AM.

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