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NerfHaven: Tribal Council

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Poll: NerfHaven: Tribal Council (156 member(s) have cast votes)

NerfHaven: Tribal Council

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#51 Black Wrath

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 03:35 PM

Spectre, learn to take a fucking joke about your homeland. Make any joke you want about California, I won't start crying.

Thats because everyone else will do it for you, they like to bitch and cry. They would retaliate for you, and even if they did, you'd have something to add.

Throwing hate around isn't cool, don't say its a joke. Hate kills people, if you didn't know... and just generally pisses people off that are on the buttend of a 'joke'.

So stupid.
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

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#52 cxwq



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Posted 27 March 2004 - 04:34 PM

Oh please.

Don't compare a rather amusing pissing contest on a forum to some kind of religious fervor inspired hatred. So dramatic.

Sorry you don't like being on the wrong end of a joke.

I agree with IR, joke about California all you want. Unless you're an insecure little bitch, you should be able to find enjoyment in bashing your own country/state/province/county. At the moment, I think the USA and California are two of the best examples of head-up-ass leadership in the world.
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#53 Zero Talent

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 05:43 PM

Take a lesson from the CBC, guys. The most trustworthy source is the one that will happily bash itself, and anything associated. Hell, Jean Chrétien had a better sense of humour than you guys!


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Posted 27 March 2004 - 06:31 PM

Jokes are funny guys. I live in America, and I find these annoying. This topic is useless, just drop it; people have already been banned.

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#55 Blaster



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Posted 27 March 2004 - 06:33 PM

Seems like it's all happening again. This time, I didn't start anything, yet it all comes back to me. It's quite sad that this happens. Everyone sees the bigger guy say something, and they just tag along for the ride, not caring about what their purpose is. I want you people to think about your nationalist pride you have going on over the internet. It's not worth being a jackass over. There are a few good people on this forum, like Piney, who understands people and takes the time to listen. Jangadance is another understanding person. The rest of you just seem to be assholes all the time. I hate to generalize, but by reading this topic, I can't draw any other conclusions.

Get rid of whoever you want, this is a forum, not a fucking survivor T.V. show. Time to grow up kids, the internet is a fucking grouping of letters in a special sequence, and you make it seem like it means the world to you.

God... Spectre said everything I wanted to say, so I'll leave it at this...

Canada is a real country, don't ever think otherwise.

Sylent Blade, we all hate you. We all hate Canada. Deal with it, baby.

1. Wait a minute, neo do you mean that Black_Wrath is Sylent Blade?
2. I don't hate Canada
3. Wasn't there a topic that started to turn into a "which is better Canada or America topic"? The one about Stephen's return I think it was. Wow you think the argument can't get any more stupid but then you hear it a second time and you realize you were wrong.
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"The voice of the American people has been heard; and, I won't imitate it, out of respect for the retarded."
— Lewis Black (concerning the 04 election results)

#56 Ironman



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Posted 27 March 2004 - 06:37 PM

...which is better Canada or America topic"? The one about Stephen's return I think it was. Wow you think the argument can't get any more stupid but then you hear it a second time and you realize you were wrong.

It was in the Saddom Captured topic.
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#57 Blaster



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Posted 27 March 2004 - 06:42 PM

...which is better Canada or America topic"?  The one about Stephen's return I think it was. Wow you think the argument can't get any more stupid but then you hear it a second time and you realize you were wrong.

It was in the Saddom Captured topic.

Right, either way however the argument is stupid. Just drop it, if your country/state/province/county/wherever the hell else you could possibly be living is made fun of just laugh it off and joke back. If you've got anti- American jokes Spectre just say them, hell a lot of Americans themselves seem to have a lot of Anti- American jokes. In other words get over it, and move on.
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"The voice of the American people has been heard; and, I won't imitate it, out of respect for the retarded."
— Lewis Black (concerning the 04 election results)

#58 Famine



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Posted 27 March 2004 - 07:28 PM

Throwing hate around isn't cool, don't say its a joke. Hate kills people, if you didn't know...

I fucking hate you so much. Anyways, while the "Tribal Council" was very amusing and even gratifying in a vengeful sort of way, I find it kind of sad that such a thing is even neccessary. This latest wave of n00bs and trolls has probably been the worst I've seen in the NIC to date. One has to wonder if some other web-community has dedicated itself to the mass production and training of these people.

I know CX is putting as much time as he can into the Karma system despite the fact that there are numerous other things going on in his life that also require his attention right now. But fuck, the sooner the better.
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of Mag-7
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#59 Chrysophylax



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Posted 27 March 2004 - 07:46 PM

1. Wait a minute, neo do you mean that Black_Wrath is Sylent Blade?

No, Neo was just comparing our beloved friend Black_Wrath to the fucker who used to troll the forums, Sylent Blade. It's a common insult to be nicknamed after a troll. Like in that homepage layout poll, Cx used .:Blue Ice:. as one of the choices.
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#60 Oroku Saki

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 09:19 PM

At the moment, I think the USA and California are two of the best examples of head-up-ass leadership in the world.

Even though you guys in California have the Governator (which is an easy target for jokes), he at least seems to do a hell of a lot more compared to Wisconsin's governor. Even after being in office for about a year and a half, I still haven't heard of my governor do anything for our state worth shit.

Cx, this Tribal Council was a great idea to let us be able to help choose who gets the axe. I hope that this will also help send a message to all the other n00bs out there.

Edited by Oroku_Saki, 27 March 2004 - 09:44 PM.

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#61 ompa



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Posted 27 March 2004 - 10:32 PM

Ugh Wisconsin... Don't remind me I live in the wretched state. Our governor is about as competent as a rock, and that's pushing it. Oh yeah, Oroku, I think he raised taxes for something again, although I'm not sure I've given up trying to understand the politics of that idiot. Only reason I don't move is because I like cold weather... no really, I hate any place that gets above 80 consistently. Anyways, is the wave of new people that bad? I'm new here and I don't think I've managed to piss too many people off.

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#62 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 27 March 2004 - 11:19 PM

Throwing hate around isn't cool, don't say its a joke. Hate kills people, if you didn't know...

This latest wave of n00bs and trolls has probably been the worst I've seen in the NIC to date. One has to wonder if some other web-community has dedicated itself to the mass production and training of these people.

Agreed. I remember back in the middle ages of NerfOnline, where we'd maybe get a few n00bs, maybe a troll every now and then, but nothing else really majorly affected the Nerf internet community.

Soon after, with the joining of XForums.net, shortly before the closing, I remember peace, a solitary retreat from all those anti-Nerfers out there.

Then, NO fell, and all hell broke loose... Much was calmed as everyone rushed to NHQ... After that, I took a break from Nerf... Soon after, GunnedDown told me about CXWQ's NerfHaven, came over here and signed up. Took another break, come back here, and find a n00b infestation. Not nice newbies who want to learn more about Nerf and help out, but stupid n00bs...

I should record Nerf's progress over the internet...


I've seen the n00b invasion everywhere... Perhaps a large wave of pre-adolescents are just gaining access to the web? At GameFAQs, where I frequently visit the Diablo II message board, there has been an increase of stupid n00bs who can't find any fucking thing themselves and post a topic on what to do when the answer to the question is three topics down... Anyone else see this?

Edited by MysticFalcon182, 27 March 2004 - 11:24 PM.

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#63 Oroku Saki

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 11:31 PM

I don't have any problem with you, Oompa. You are one of the best newbies to ever join the forums, and I don't think you did anything wrong. I don't hate all newbies. I just hate the ones that repeatedly act stupid, like the n00bs Cx deleted last night. I believe that newbies should have a chance to straighten out and learn, but some have a tendency to not listen to anyone, and continue their adventures in being idiots.

At GameFAQs, where I frequently visit the Diablo II message board, there has been an increase of stupid n00bs who can't find any fucking thing themselves and post a topic on what to do when the answer to the question is three topics down... Anyone else see this?

I see similar shit like that every time I go to work. Stupid AOL users who don't know how to use a god damn search bar at my work's website, people too fucking lazy to read the website, people asking the same question over and over........

Edited by Oroku_Saki, 27 March 2004 - 11:35 PM.

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"Do you like gladiator movies, Johnny?"

#64 cxwq



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Posted 28 March 2004 - 12:51 AM

The problem, as I see it, is the feeling that one is entitled to use community sites on the net. This seems to be particularly common in those who have had net access at home their entire life.

I was a college student when the web was born. The 'net was a small place where people knew each other. If you were an ass on usenet, you didn't have anywhere to hide because it was basically one big forum. As a result, I often lurked on a news group or forum for months or even years before I posted. I lurked on NO for two months and read every single post before I made an account. I lurked on Slashdot for 3 years before I posted there. I was seriously concerned about my reputation on the net and I wanted to be respectful of those who had come before me and made it all possible.

Using this forum is a privilege and people need to learn to treat it as such or they will find themselves in the same position as the people who made this thread necessary. Ompa, you are an example of a typical old-school newb. You don't know everything but that's okay because you have a good attitude and you're willing to work for the knowledge you seek. If every newb did their homework and ran a simple search before posting, I'd just chill here and have fun instead of bitching people out and deleting them.

NinjaYoshi has graced this forum with 5 goddamn user accounts now that I've had to delete. This boy can not take a fucking hint. I have spent easily 2-300 hours trying to make this the best fucking nerf site ever and this kid thinks it's his god given right to whore it up.


I'm done.

Edit: Yoshi is now up to 6 accounts... He created a new hotmail address for every goddamn one of them.

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#65 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 28 March 2004 - 01:36 AM


*Hides in corner evading a mod*

Oh wait, this isn't GameFAQs anymore...

By the way, CXWQ, are you on the forums alot? It seems like you're everywhere all the time...

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#66 neonerfer



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Posted 28 March 2004 - 11:45 PM

You guys are too much.

Blaster, yes, I believe Black Wrath is Sylent Blade under a different name. Chrysophylax, don't assume too much or try to sound important if you're new, people don't usually like that around here.

I don't hate Canada at all, I like it very much. Some people here take everything far too seriously. I hate my country much more than Canada. I guess my facetiousness is over a few of your heads, you guys need to loosen up a little. We're here to have fun. I'd throw in a Canada joke here, but I'm afraid of getting my head bitten off.

MysticFalcon, CX actually is on the forums alot, amazingly. I think he owns this site or something.

I hope I haven't offended anyone, except for Sylent Blade, he's a dick. Just leave already man, we all loathe you.

Kevin, I fully approve of your tribal council. People wishing to join should have to fill out a short questionnaire, I could help you screen them. The recent epidemics around here have me worried.

Edited by neonerfer, 28 March 2004 - 11:56 PM.

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#67 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 29 March 2004 - 12:01 AM

MysticFalcon, CX actually is on the forums alot, amazingly. I think he owns this site or something.

Look at his member number ^_^

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#68 cxwq



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Posted 29 March 2004 - 12:22 AM

Look at his member number ^_^

Actually, Neo isn't doing to shabby with his member number. NH user 15 should fetch decent cash on eBay some day for someone looking for instant Nerf world cred.

OK, once and for all - the Canada thing was a joke. I was never going to ban any users from Canada except on individual merit. Many of them do bug me, but many Californians bug me too. I just like teasing those Ontario guys more than most because they don't take it too well. As for halfie, I can't really ban him now because he hasn't exactly gotten worse and I didn't do anything about him for the last month, so I'm kinda stuck hoping he'll improve. I think he's showing positive signs though.
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#69 neonerfer



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Posted 29 March 2004 - 12:45 AM

Yes, Canadians, we all secretly love you. However, outwardly showing our affection for any country other than our own would question the power of the Fatherland. THE POWER OF THE FATHERLAND MUST NEVER BE QUESTIONED! Heil Dubya!
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"Do not question that which is. Question that which will never be."

#70 Chrysophylax



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Posted 29 March 2004 - 06:43 AM

SB, I never thought you were too terrible. I was just fucking around with you. See ya if you're leaving though.

That's neonerfer from the Sylent_Blade topic.

And thanks neo, but I know the rules.
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Posted 29 March 2004 - 07:18 AM


1. Notice how SB is alot btter now, and hes contributing to the community, and although you may loathe him, its safe to say hes contributed more than you.
2. Chrystler is new, but he knows the rules, and how things work. before you go and say you dont know much, I think you shuld read their previous posts first.

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#72 Blaster



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Posted 29 March 2004 - 04:31 PM


you believe he is, or you know he is?
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"The voice of the American people has been heard; and, I won't imitate it, out of respect for the retarded."
— Lewis Black (concerning the 04 election results)

#73 cxwq



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Posted 29 March 2004 - 05:43 PM

Oh jeeze, stop it already! About 10 people PM/AIM/ICQ'd me during the first month after SB changed his username to BW. They all guessed who he was. Why? Well because he has the same name, lives in the same city, has the same friends, has the same arsenal, and posts in more-or-less the same way. I don't think he's ever made much of an attempt to keep it secret.
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#74 Spectre2689



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Posted 29 March 2004 - 06:35 PM

This will easily be one of my more useless posts. I'm gonna go piss on my cat in amazement now. But first, I had a couple words. Bitchplank, cockblock, scrotumcrow. I'm done. Carry on.
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#75 IronRhino



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Posted 29 March 2004 - 10:05 PM

Thirst, shut up. SB comes nowhere near Neo in contributions. I'm sorry if you're bitter about who knows what.

I think the problem with n00bs is that the mindset is different. In the beginning, I barely posted here. When I was positive I has something useful to say, then I"d post it. When in doubt, don't post it. Now the mindset seems to be, post no matter what.

Just my two cents.
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