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NerfHaven: Tribal Council

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Poll: NerfHaven: Tribal Council (156 member(s) have cast votes)

NerfHaven: Tribal Council

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Posted 26 March 2004 - 03:12 PM

Why dont you guys like Canada..its not even funny, its the internet.

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#27 sporkboyofjustice



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Posted 26 March 2004 - 03:14 PM

Not too long ago when I joined this board I was quick to catch on to the fact that dumb posts were not tolerated at Nerf Haven. I decided to lay low and silently learn about this hobby. I even spent some time at NHQ and discovered that they have far too many people that would rather discuss what they are currently drinking than having a constructive discussion about nerf and its workings.

For the most part we have a much more mature group here which I enjoy. There are always going to be jerks, it’s just something that you have to deal with but dishonest cheaters are intolerable. My vote goes to X. If you would have asked me a month ago I would have voted for Canada to dump ½ but since then he’s calmed down a bit.
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#28 Oroku Saki

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Posted 26 March 2004 - 05:36 PM

Posted Image

Damn you Tripod, for not letting me link my picture properly.

Anyways, looks like Xcaliber is marked now.

I'm sorry, man, if you are going to post about a gun on eBay that you're selling, just tell us that you are selling the damn gun, instead of pretending that someone else is selling it. Also, if you are trying to sell a gun, claiming an 80' range on an otherwise mediocre gun is going to make people suspicious about what you are trying to sell.

If you do not get banned, I highly recommend that you follow Famine's advice.

That advice also applies to NinjaYoshi and any other dipshit n00b posting for no significant reason. Sometimes taking a vow of silence for a while here will help earn you more respect. These rules of etiquette have been said many, many times around here:

-Read before you fucking post.

I have seen too many n00bs on these forums claiming about a "breakthrough" they made about modding or whatever, but if you look around, the shit that they post about has already been done before. If something is already written about Nerf, odds are virtually all of us has already heard about it or done it ourselves. If it's already been done, we probably don't want to hear about it. Sometimes this can be as bad as the time Big Haul copied the write up about RF20 modding.

-If you do not have anything relevant or important to say, don't post anything at all.

I know I may be starting to rant here. Look, n00bs, no one here wants to hear about your fucking dreams about pointless bullshit that doen't affect us, whether a god-damn, overexposed American fucking Idol contestant is funnier than Mr. Bean (in my opinion, I can care less about both of them), or about how many girls you get to Nerf with you. If you want to post anything like this, take it somewhere else.

After seeing this shit going on, I think we should give the evolution of the NOC a helping hand, and eliminate the n00b dipshits. We have already given these people a chance, and they still blow it.

Edited by Oroku_Saki, 26 March 2004 - 06:18 PM.

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#29 Ironman



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Posted 26 March 2004 - 06:12 PM

Well I just HATE liars and decievers, so I have to so X. -_-

Im with Ompa though I voted for NinjaYoshi. -_-
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#30 rawray7



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Posted 26 March 2004 - 06:22 PM

I did measure it with a tape measure anyways and the results ARE true. I just changed the measurements because no one would believe me which started to get annoying...so I brought down the meaurements to satisfy some people. The point is, what I did...does it really warrant a banning.

i voted XCALIBUR because of his whiny post about how he shouldn't get banned. i didn't even hear the whole story about him lying about results until now. i think its funny that he claims he lowered the "real results" to make it seem realistic. hehe.

Did I plagarize Zero talens rapidfire 20 mod and say it was mine....I did not do that.........

now wait a minute, no one banned him. he was simply "given 9999 days to think about it" that is in no way a banning. in fact XCALIBUR, you'll be lucky if you get such a generous punishment, a little time off, to make sure that you're still interested in nerf when your 37.39 years old, assuming you're 10 now.
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#31 Oroku Saki

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Posted 26 March 2004 - 06:27 PM

Banning, deletion, suspension.....as far as I'm concerned, any of these are used to prevent idiots from posting, and any of them can be used on the individuals we are discussing. When you plan to take administrative action, choose your weapon wisely, Cxwq.
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"Do you like gladiator movies, Johnny?"

#32 neonerfer



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Posted 26 March 2004 - 07:03 PM

The noobs should just take the Sylent Blade approach and make a big announcement about them leaving then return under a blatanly obvious name. I don't think the new one is nearly as bad as the old.
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#33 Oroku Saki

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Posted 26 March 2004 - 07:20 PM

I don't know about that. Observe this possible scenario if the n00bs in question were to do this:

n00b Leaves NH:
"I'm leaving Nerf until Hell Freezes Over"
posted by jackassn00b
-Well, it seems that you guys hate me because I like to post everything going on with my life including sleep, food, masturbation, random shit I watch on TV, the shitty music I listen to, and about the fact that I have no fucking life.

Soandso: I hope that we can part on good terms. I'm sorry that I posted about (insert stupid remark here)

Randomguy: It's great that we got along, but it's time to move on.

everyone else: I'm sorry that I pissed you all off, so I'm leaving you.

Goodbye NH,

n00b comes back:

"Guess what, I'm BACK BIOTCHES!"
posted by jackassn00b2

-Hey, it's been months since I posted, but I'm back. I used to be jackassn00b, but I added in the "2" because I am a born-again person. I promise you that this is the new, improved, cool jackassn00b, which happens to be my evil twin. lol.

First things first, I would like to start a survey: Do you think that George "W" Bush is stupid? I do. Also, who do you think will win the new season of "American Idol"? (I luv that sho)

And then the cycle starts all over again. Some of them learn, but others continue to be stupid regardless of us trying to get them to be good members. I am not interested in seeing stuff like this happen on the forums.

Edited by Oroku_Saki, 26 March 2004 - 11:36 PM.

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"Do you like gladiator movies, Johnny?"

#34 Spectre2689



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Posted 26 March 2004 - 09:39 PM

Now...wait wait...what the fuck is with all the anti-Canadianism here? Why does everybody hate Canada? What has Canada, on the whole, done to you? I don't mean like one random fucktard like 1/2 'n' 1/2 or whatever that other retard's called with the super soakers. I mean as a country, what have we done to you? Nothing. I could blame the whole of America for spitting out retards like NinjaYoshi and Xcalibur, but I don't. I blame them as one person. I have a LOT of anti-American jokes here, but I don't post them, because I have respect. I'm polite. Unlike most Americans, I don't blatantly insult other people because I jumped on the Hate Canada Bandwagon. Think for yourself once in a while.

Anyways, I'm gonna have to vote Xcalibur off the NH island because he's a lying little turd and a hypocrite. Foolish sackbreathed bitchplank.
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Spectre of the CFM

#35 Formerly Sane

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Posted 26 March 2004 - 10:06 PM

Yeah, I don't think Canada should be an option for being "voted off" eiter. Thats a few million people we exclude just because of a couple of people being idiots.

Xcaliber, please extinguish your torch and leave the island.

Edited by Formerly Sane, 26 March 2004 - 10:07 PM.

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#36 cxwq



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Posted 26 March 2004 - 10:11 PM

Now...wait wait...what the fuck is with all the anti-Canadianism here?

We actually changed it to Ontario. Get with the program dude!

The main thing that bugs me about Ontario is the way you guys start those 5-way AIM conversations disguised as threads with an actual topic.

Or maybe it's the way you guys cop that little passive-aggressive attitude whenever someone tells you you're wrong.

Actually, that's just you and Sylent Wrath.

Nevermind, I don't have anything against Ontario.
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#37 Spectre2689



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Posted 26 March 2004 - 10:23 PM

Meh, passive-aggressive is how I work. It's the Canadian way. And, I don't talk in AIM-speak. I don't even use AIM, since it blows whale penis. Usually I try to talk as close to normal as usual. Bah, whatever...
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Spectre of the CFM

#38 cxwq



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Posted 26 March 2004 - 10:32 PM

Meh, passive-aggressive is how I work.  It's the Canadian way.

Oh, then maybe it is Canada I'm after, and not just you two...

As for the AIM thing, I didn't mean the language, just the whole lets create a forum within a thread where us Ontarians can talk about wars, mods, whatever. It has that whole 'take it to IM' aspect about it.

On another note, this whole proceeding is becoming rather silly since Ninja has already created a new user and X has one in the queue. DO YOU THINK YOU FUCKERS CAN TRICK ME?
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#39 hellsangel



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Posted 26 March 2004 - 10:36 PM

Is the voting over for whose getting voted off?
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#40 Zero Talent

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Posted 26 March 2004 - 10:37 PM

Did I plagarize Zero talens rapidfire 20 mod and say it was mine....I did not do that.........

That's true, because it wasn't my mod to begin with!

I jest about Ontario, really. I'm glad to see the forums getting so much use! Were the posts so closely created, however, as to simulate the "AIM experience?" I'm talking <5 minutes here. Anything more, and I'd say it's alright. I'm glad to see Ontario kids pick up and form a clan.

However, I do suggest you guys get IRC; It looks like you could use it in planning wars.

Oh, and the larger issue; Don't say Canada when you mean Ontario. It makes the other nine provinces feel sad.

Edited by Zero Talent, 26 March 2004 - 10:39 PM.

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#41 Nerfer16



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Posted 26 March 2004 - 10:43 PM

I don't know about you, but I think this is a lot of fun! :P Having the members decide who gets banned is a great idea Cx.
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#42 Oroku Saki

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Posted 26 March 2004 - 10:55 PM

I was only poking a little fun at Canada, and I didn't mean any harm. In my opinion, I don't really care where people are from, as long as they stop acting so stupid.

By the way, I voted for kicking NinjaYoshi, because of his repeated stupidity. I have some tolerance for stupid posts, but I feel he crossed the line for posting his idiotic survey.

Xcaliber is also stupid for being deceptive in selling his guns, but when I was voting at the time, NinjaYoshi was pissing me off more.

Edited by Oroku_Saki, 26 March 2004 - 11:01 PM.

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"Do you like gladiator movies, Johnny?"

#43 Ice Nine

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Posted 26 March 2004 - 11:07 PM

On another note, this whole proceeding is becoming rather silly since Ninja has already created a new user and X has one in the queue. DO YOU THINK YOU FUCKERS CAN TRICK ME?

Wow. Let's see, won't his be, like, another Blue Ice/Buckbogey thing?

<XCALIBER the Second Posts in own topic>
wowza, i dids thats and gots the smaed results. doesnt every1 do that?!1!!one??!
<People say he's the same person>
i swears i'm not. y does every1 think im xcalibre?
its wierd.
<After getting a custom title saying "Liar">
okay im really xcaliber.
Repeat as many times as necissary, with Ninja and other various fucktards.
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#44 Black Wrath

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Posted 26 March 2004 - 11:15 PM

Seems like it's all happening again. This time, I didn't start anything, yet it all comes back to me. It's quite sad that this happens. Everyone sees the bigger guy say something, and they just tag along for the ride, not caring about what their purpose is. I want you people to think about your nationalist pride you have going on over the internet. It's not worth being a jackass over. There are a few good people on this forum, like Piney, who understands people and takes the time to listen. Jangadance is another understanding person. The rest of you just seem to be assholes all the time. I hate to generalize, but by reading this topic, I can't draw any other conclusions.

Get rid of whoever you want, this is a forum, not a fucking survivor T.V. show. Time to grow up kids, the internet is a fucking grouping of letters in a special sequence, and you make it seem like it means the world to you.

God... Spectre said everything I wanted to say, so I'll leave it at this...

Canada is a real country, don't ever think otherwise.
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

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#45 cxwq



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Posted 26 March 2004 - 11:34 PM


I extinguished the torches of NinjaYoshi, Mystic_Ninja, XCALIBUR, and CtrlAltDel. I'll leave it to our viewers to guess who the 2nd and 4th users are.

Ontario appears to have been spared for the moment.
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#46 taita cakes

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 04:16 AM

heh, i dont actually mind Canada, its there just the scapegoat for most westerners and the butt of all jokes [South Park: "Follow the only road"] and i know theres been some good nerfers out of Canada, but the fucktard to contributor ratio is way to high, death to canadians :P
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#47 N3maN



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Posted 27 March 2004 - 04:57 AM

I'm surprised that I am not on this list of hated noobs!!!
This is a real confidence booster, I thought i was really LOATHED!!! (Not that i am complaining)

Edited by N3maN, 27 March 2004 - 04:59 AM.

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#48 neonerfer



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Posted 27 March 2004 - 01:48 PM

Seems like it's all happening again. This time, I didn't start anything, yet it all comes back to me. It's quite sad that this happens. Everyone sees the bigger guy say something, and they just tag along for the ride, not caring about what their purpose is. I want you people to think about your nationalist pride you have going on over the internet. It's not worth being a jackass over. There are a few good people on this forum, like Piney, who understands people and takes the time to listen. Jangadance is another understanding person. The rest of you just seem to be assholes all the time. I hate to generalize, but by reading this topic, I can't draw any other conclusions.

Get rid of whoever you want, this is a forum, not a fucking survivor T.V. show. Time to grow up kids, the internet is a fucking grouping of letters in a special sequence, and you make it seem like it means the world to you.

God... Spectre said everything I wanted to say, so I'll leave it at this...

Canada is a real country, don't ever think otherwise.

Sylent Blade, we all hate you. We all hate Canada. Deal with it, baby.

I'm surprised that I am not on this list of hated noobs!!!  This is a real confidence booster, I thought i was really LOATHED!!! (Not that i am complaining)

No, sorry, we all hate you too.

Edited by neonerfer, 27 March 2004 - 01:54 PM.

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"Do not question that which is. Question that which will never be."

#49 Spectre2689



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Posted 27 March 2004 - 02:35 PM

We all hate Canada. Deal with it, baby.

And I hate America, but you don't see me running around and waving burning U.S. flags, do you? But if I did...you would have to deal with it. There's Canadians on the forum, man. Deal with it.
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Spectre of the CFM

#50 IronRhino



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Posted 27 March 2004 - 03:08 PM

Spectre, learn to take a fucking joke about your homeland. Make any joke you want about California, I won't start crying.
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