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Cataclysm - Chicagoland War

Recapping - Largest Chicago war to date!!!

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#76 Merzlin



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Posted 11 April 2010 - 06:05 PM


Edited by Merzlin, 31 March 2011 - 09:06 PM.

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#77 Ryan201821


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Posted 11 April 2010 - 07:00 PM

No, you're not missing anything. Any darts with glue domes won't be allowed.

I made the decision by myself. Darts with glue domes hurt considerably more than darts weighing exactly the same with a felt tip. A hard domed surface compared to a flat, soft surface will always cause more pain and welts. I eliminated barrel tapping as well, which was also apart of the decision for allowing felt tipped darts only.

If you don't like it, I'm sorry. You really didn't do anything to help set up the war, so I don't see how you can complain, or even call yourself a host. I'm not bashing you, I'm just telling you what I think. Kane has helped me more than anyone planning this war. Honestly I wouldn't call Zeke a host either, and Zorn isn't even coming. Just because I associate with certain nerfers (U3), doesn't mean you can go blaming all of us for every little thing, when they had nothing to do with it. I'm fucking tired of it.

There should be no excuse for not having felt tipped darts. McMaster-Carr is located conveniently in Elmhurst, which is 15-20 minutes from the war location.



Anyway, I went by the location today. Looks good. There were a few people there, mostly by the playground, but plenty of space to play. Hopefully this location will work out. Our backup location is McDowell Forest Preserve, in Naperville. If we end up having to switch locations, I can give a few people a ride. There will be other people with vehicles who will be happy to drive you as well.

I also ask everyone to read the rules for all the new gametypes that will be played. Check the round schedule in the first post and click on the links. If you have any questions pertaining to the rules, post here or on the ning.

Hope to see you there.

Good day.
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#78 Merzlin



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Posted 11 April 2010 - 08:58 PM


Edited by Merzlin, 31 March 2011 - 09:06 PM.

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#79 KaneTheMediocre


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Posted 11 April 2010 - 11:56 PM

I'm a definite. One question though does anybody plan to sell stuff at the war?

Zorn I can take you to the train station I'm going to be leaving at lunch any ways, that way ambience327 doesn't have to drive you.

I'll probably have hoppers for airguns to borrow, which will also be for sale ($10). Much of my arsenal is "for sale" at the right price. I've been wanting to get a bit commercial with them, but I need to figure out what I'm going to ship these things in. Consequently, selling stuff at wars would work well for me. It's certainly not taboo, feel free to pimp your wares if you so choose.

Ryan, you probably should have let Merz know what was going on. My contribution to the war has largely been hanging around Ryan a lot lately, and thus having his ear. However, I don't think that there is any good reason to allow unpadded darts. If you don't have any slugs, I'll give you 30 to start with, and then you can scavenge to maintain. The hopper/HAMP arsenal is going to put a LOT of darts on the ground, so scavenging shouldn't be terribly hard for anyone using a blaster with a sane rate of fire.

Edited by KaneTheMediocre, 12 April 2010 - 12:03 AM.

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#80 Ryan201821


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Posted 12 April 2010 - 01:02 AM

I offered to find a location, post the thread, and set up the schedule. Did you take my offer? No. You obviously took the war into your own hands, decided to set rules without telling anyone, and then telling me I'm not a "co-host" because I "didn't help". Fine, but let it be known that I did offer to help, but you refused.

What the fuck is this noise? You edit your response to something totally different two hours later?

Anyway, you posted a Google Maps page of some park which is predominately open land with some scattered trees. It was an understood between everyone that we needed a location that had a lot of cover, something totally different from what we're used to. I scouted out several locations by physically driving there, taking pictures, and posting my results. Now, I understand you don't have as much flexibility as I do, but Google map pictures don't mean shit to me. If you had some bad ass location in mind, with some decent pictures, I would definitely have been interested.

And how did I refuse to take your help? You didn't do anything. The only help you offered was one post about this park you suggested. but never pursued it any further. You can't pick a location for a nerf war, let alone a large-scaled nerf war, without checking the location out before going. I'll post all 10 damned pages of that thread up here to prove my point. No where in that thread did you make a significant contribution to planning the war.

Granted, I probably should have consulted "the other hosts" about rule changes and other crap. Although, I do feel I'm responsible enough to change the rules of the war after nerfing far longer than any of the active members in the area.

If you want to continue with this, and let me belittle you, than take this to the ning.

We're trying to plan a nerf war to go out, nerf, and have a great time. Mindless drama over stupid things, you felt needed to be posted on NerfHaven, is not what we need.
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#81 Ryan201821


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Posted 16 April 2010 - 11:48 AM

Alright guys, last bump. The war is tomorrow.

Make sure you an ample supply of darts. Worse comes to worst, there will be plenty of darts on the ground to scavenge. Looks like the weather will be pretty nice but, make sure to dress in a couple layers. It will probably be chilly in the morning and we are next to a lake, so it might be a little windy.

Also, parking is limited at the park, but we should be fine since we're getting there at 10. We'll be on the north side of the park, hopefully towards the back and away from people. If we have to change locations for some reason, I'll post here if we do.

See you on the field, bitches.
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#82 Ambience 327

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Posted 16 April 2010 - 12:17 PM

Sounds great. One concern though - if the location changes after we leave in the morning we have no way of knowing. (we're heading out at 5:30 a.m., as it will probably take us a bit less than 4 hours to get there) I don't have an internet-capable phone, so I can't check the site for changes after we leave.

If I email my cell# to you, would you be willing to give me a call if the location changes after our departure time?
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#83 Ryan201821


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Posted 16 April 2010 - 02:40 PM

Sounds great. One concern though - if the location changes after we leave in the morning we have no way of knowing. (we're heading out at 5:30 a.m., as it will probably take us a bit less than 4 hours to get there) I don't have an internet-capable phone, so I can't check the site for changes after we leave.

If I email my cell# to you, would you be willing to give me a call if the location changes after our departure time?

That works. Honestly, the only reason we would change the site is if the cops told us to leave. I'm just giving everyone a fair warning, because this is rich town middle america.
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#84 Noodleownz



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Posted 16 April 2010 - 10:26 PM

Ryan, if you haven't already, please check your email. I sent an email to you regarding two important questions about tomorrow. Thank you.
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It's Nerf or Nothin'!

#85 Mehku



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Posted 17 April 2010 - 01:25 PM

Damn, I envy you all right now. -_-
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#86 Noodleownz



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Posted 17 April 2010 - 06:37 PM

Alright, I guess I'll be the first one to post my pros/cons!

+ Having none of my blasters break
+ Meeting some cool people
+ Being a "Captain" for a round
+ Not having to worry about an insufficient amount of darts
+ Nitefinder Tree
+ Batman
+ Sold my RFDG and got an AT2K turret

+/-Getting shot by Will's SNAP/Hamp all the time.
+/- Losing the breech to my PAS after being rushed. Demon Lord found it a few hours later.

- Feet hurt
- My darts were way too long compared to others
- Cheerios having to leave at lunch time

Thanks again to Kane and Ryan for hosting a very fun war.

Edited by Noodleownz, 17 April 2010 - 07:14 PM.

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It's Nerf or Nothin'!

#87 cheerios



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Posted 17 April 2010 - 07:35 PM

Well, guess it's my turn.

Meeting alot of new people.
Only my PAS stock breaking.
Getting a RFSG from noodle.
Using Icenine's rear loading 3k.
Hit Demon lord 8 times in VIP.
Demon lord shooting a dart at me and me catching it in my mouth. -_-
Everyone waiting one more round till lunch so I could nerf as long as possible.

Leaving early.
To many hamps on the field.
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22:46- jakejagan :Ryan, did you hear that Zeke's BBBB made N9 bleed?
22:47- Zorn :BONUS

#88 Ice Nine

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Posted 17 April 2010 - 09:24 PM

I'd like to apologize for my novocaine blood today. The only time I felt anything was when Ryan HAMPed my legs from three feet away and I got mad shotgun blasted. I've been sick all week (if you heard me talk at all it was pretty apparent) and I was completely ruined from it.

Seriously though, that was a fun war.

- VIP game worked pretty well. That shield was ridiculous cool, Ambience. Props.
- HAMPs are fun times, except for reloading. There is nothing worse than reloading.
- Maximizing. I love the Maximizer. It needs fixing badly.
- Mad dart retention. We left with at least eighty-five percent of the darts that we brought. Which was almost three thousand darts.

Posted Image

- Speaking of sweeping, we found a toad. Bonus.

Posted Image

- My Big Blast never works within a one-mile radius of Ryan. Thankfully, Zorn's Big Blast still does! That is a fun gun.
- Carpe Testiculum was a quality game. I think the teams needed a bit of balancing sometimes.
- Batman was pretty legit. Glad to see the neighborhood turning out.
- Twenty-two people! Pretty good, I do think.
- A ton of cool new people I hadn't met. Sorry for being exhausted and/or dead.
- That free-for-all deathmatch round was a'ight. The World War II metaphor got overstretched, I think.
- Meatgrinder rounds were a good way to warm up. Also, they were a good way to go through way too much ammo very quickly.
- It was nice seeing a lot of hopper clips getting put into action. Thems fun times.
- Jason McNumbers couldn't make it, which was a shame. At least his Supa' HAMP did.
- I've averaged like three hours of sleep per night for the past week so I'm not super functional at the moment and I can't remember more but I'll try again later. Fun war, fun war.
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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#89 atomatron



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Posted 17 April 2010 - 11:52 PM

Dibs on the toad.

I wish I had been able make it to this.
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Perche Germolgi. [Because it shoots]

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#90 bobbo



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Posted 18 April 2010 - 02:12 AM

My friends and I had tons of fun.
Nice location with medium amount of cover.
All my guns worked well.
None of them broke (thanks to Noodle for the BBBB trigger).

A bit windy at times.
My hand getting cut on my gun.

Overall a great war
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#91 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 18 April 2010 - 07:47 AM

- My Big Blast never works within a one-mile radius of Ryan. Thankfully, Zorn's Big Blast still does! That is a fun gun.

Fuck you. I hope your caregivers get HIV/AIDS and die, leaving you alone and homeless, and having your local organization be too poor to help you out so you will regret not doing philanthropy while you had the chance. Or something.

Edited by Zorn's Lemma, 18 April 2010 - 07:49 AM.

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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
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#92 Ryan201821


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Posted 18 April 2010 - 06:41 PM

Super fun war. Thanks to everyone who came out.

  • Decent location, somewhere the cops haven't bothered us yet.
  • Only one deathmatch, and it was the worst round by far. I apologize for that.
  • Lots of new faces, and some random local kids joining
  • Ambience is a cool dude. Too bad he's having a baby soon.
  • HAMPs, nuff said. Now you all have a reason to make one.
  • Reloading clips for half the war
  • Monolith making it's debut
  • Carpe testiculum is still an awesome gametype
  • Failing to bring something for DTC. Oh well.
  • Making 3,000 darts, and having an ammo bucket in the middle each round
  • Meat grinder is a great warmup at the begining and after lunch.
  • People not showing due to sand in vagina
  • Kane helping me as war host, and for inventing the HAMP.
  • 90% dart recovery, bonus
  • Hooray for hopper clips. Honestly I don't see why you'd ban one.

To many hamps on the field.

We had at least five of them. You could have asked to borrow one definitely.

Fuck you. I hope your caregivers get HIV/AIDS and die, leaving you alone and homeless, and having your local organization be too poor to help you out so you will regret not doing philanthropy while you had the chance. Or something.

Wipe the puss, man. You were at a freakin' dance marathon. He had the right to use it.


We should have something in May, either hosted by myself or Kane.

If you guys aren't on the Ning, send me an email with your email address to I can add you.

Edited by Ryan201821, 18 April 2010 - 06:46 PM.

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#93 Ambience 327

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Posted 18 April 2010 - 09:25 PM

That was awesome. Many thanks and mad props to Ryan and Kane for making my first NIC event a memorable experience. My two brothers-in-law and I definitely had a blast, and it was well worth the 7 hours on the road (round trip).


- Putting the finishing touches on my arsenal, including the much-loved Super Shield and boffer collection, then getting about 4 hours of sleep before heading out for the war.

- Having the Super Shield play a feature role in the VIP round. Combined with the Half Life Armour it made the VIP really stand out and added a nice touch of fun to the round.

- Batman and Rasta-Boy (two neighborhood kids who showed up for the earlier rounds)

- Batman single-handedly winning the first round of Sieze the Balls in spite of having to leave before the round was over. Dude was so little the darts couldn't find him!

- Meeting lots of great guys. I was quite impressed with how cool everyone was, especially in the realm of taking hits that were called on them when they don't feel them. I hardly heard anyone say "no you didn't!" - and I think those were all walk-ons. (Most of whom were still pretty cool.)

- Seeing the HAMPs in action.

- Falling in love with my 3B/Switchshot combo. Just the right mix of comfort and effectiveness. Of course, it couldn't compete range-wise with many of the blasters present, but it was my own creation and just feels right to me in every way that matters.

- Seeing Ryan's face when he realized he had emptied his entire hopper at me, only to have every single dart bounce harmlessly off of the Super Shield. (And then watching him easily outrun my fat, 32-year-old butt when I charged at him with my boffer!)

- Squaring off against Kane numerous times with my boffer against his. Next time I'm bringing a 30 foot long sword so I have a chance at getting inside your reach before you hit me. :lol:

- Spending a great day with my brothers-in-law doing manly-yet-childish things, and enjoying some fantastic Giordono's pizza on the way home.


- Just the one really - my Berserker's drum & rotation mech failing as I loaded it for the first round. I need to get that fixed ASAP! It would have been a much more useful blaster if it was working right!

Ambience is a cool dude. Too bad he's having a baby soon.

Thanks, but my wife might disagree with you there. :D

I really need to find a good location nearby to host something so I can get some more Nerfy fun sometime soon. Hopefully you and some of your crew can make it if I do!

- VIP game worked pretty well. That shield was ridiculous cool, Ambience. Props.

Thanks. I was glad that I took the time to make it, as I thought it really added a lot to the VIP round, and the whole day in general.

Pics are up. A few are shown below, the rest can be found in my photobucket.

Too many people coming & going to get everyone in the group photo, but these were the folks present at the end of the day:

Posted Image

Here's Ryan toward the end of the day. He was obviously worn out from running away from me every time the Superman Shield drained his HAMP's hopper clip dry... :lol:

Posted Image

Captain novocaine blood himself. It would have been annoying, if he wasn't willing to believe you every time you called a hit, despite the fact that he couldn't feel it unless you were right on top of him!

Posted Image

The unholy alliance emerges. They were eventually surrounded and put out of their misery, but they were quite dangerous until that point!

Posted Image
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Foam in the Fort IV
The fourth exciting Nerf War in Fort Wayne, IN.

#94 Demon Lord

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Posted 18 April 2010 - 10:05 PM


+ Loads of new people
+ Ammo easy to come by on the field
+ HAMP vs HAMP = dart rain!
+ Seeing a point blank shot being caught by Cheerio in his teeth. I'd call that a block.
+/- VIP a fun but tweaking needed game type
- Not playing Defend the Core
+ Carpe Testiculum round 1 completely dominating
+ Round 2 of CT stealing a teams bucket while that same team stole another teams bucket
- Not playing territories
+ Monolith making its debut with the cry of "I need a fire team!"
+ Having a massive dart recovery
+/- Jumpins weren't so bad.
+/- Heat seeking darts, especially the one that dived bombed Ice Nine and hit him square in the back
+ Seeing Ryan drop his gun and run from a shield carrying Ambience327 more than once

Can't wait to to this again with more game types.

Edited by Demon Lord, 18 April 2010 - 10:10 PM.

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QUOTE(VACC @ Mar 7 2011, 09:03 AM) View Post

Don't worry so much about what other people will allow. Throw your own wars and kick your friends' asses until they all want one.

#95 Ryan201821


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Posted 18 April 2010 - 10:31 PM

Man, I forgot to mention how awesome the shields were, particularly Ambience's. It's the perfect defense for hopper HAMPs and is hilarious when you pump a full clip into someone only to get every shot blocked.

Thanks for the pics Matt; if you could put these up on the ning that would be great.

Edited by Ryan201821, 18 April 2010 - 10:33 PM.

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#96 Ambience 327

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Posted 19 April 2010 - 06:24 AM

+ Monolith making its debut with the cry of "I need a fire team!"

That thing wasn't a gun. It was a support weapon!

Here's a tip, if your Nerf Blaster needs a crew of four, it is both wrong, and ridiculously fun. :lol:

+ Seeing Ryan drop his gun and run from a shield carrying Ambience327 more than once

I knew I wasn't the only one enjoying those moments. Pure awesomeness. Now I need to get rid of about 50 pounds so the next time I can actually catch him to tag him out with my boffer...

Man, I forgot to mention how awesome the shields were, particularly Ambience's. It's the perfect defense for hopper HAMPs and is hilarious when you pump a full clip into someone only to get every shot blocked.

While they may have been the perfect defense for the HAMPs, the HAMPs were also the perfect foil for the shields. They were the only thing on the field that could spray a nicely-spread pattern of multiple shots that were hard to catch all of. Basically, HAMPs + shields = exciting war due to the paper/rock/scissors aspect of the things.

A quick note to anyone who plans to build a shield that complies with rules similar to the ones given for this war - do your geometry homework and figure out how large you can make a round shield. You are going to get a better blocking area out of a circle than pretty much any other shape. Remember, "pi times radius-squared". My shield was basically 20 inches across, which when combined with the blocking surface of the longest boffers I brought gave a total shield amount of just under the allowed 3 squre feet.

Thanks for the pics Matt; if you could put these up on the ning that would be great.

I'll work on that sometime this morning/afternoon. Gotta get ready for work now.

EDIT: Pics have been added to the Ning. Album name is "Cataclysm".

Edited by Ambience 327, 19 April 2010 - 09:22 AM.

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Foam in the Fort IV
The fourth exciting Nerf War in Fort Wayne, IN.

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