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N-203 Grenade Launcher

(Titan / Maverick modification)

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#1 goongala



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Posted 28 July 2009 - 09:59 PM

This has been a project in the making for a long time, several months. After I saw some of the other Titan/Maverick integrations/modifications, I decided I needed one. I wanted it to be an integration, like the Stormbringer. But I also wanted it to be detachable. Searching the Web, I found pictures of the M203 grenade launcher, and then it hit me...

The Idea:
Posted Image

To make a detachable grenade launcher that can be used both on its own, and under the barrel of a rifle, mainly the Recon. I know the Recon is looked down upon here at Nerfhaven, but I like them, and that's all that matters. These are the rough plans.

What I used:
1 Maverick shell, cut up beyond repair
1 Titan
3/4" PVC pipe and various caps
2" PVC (for the barrel shroud)
Various PVC couplers
Massive amounts of Epoxy Putty

Originally I was going to use the green ballistic balls as ammo, but I couldn't get that idea to work. So I went with miniature Titan rockets, commonly referred to as "Mongo" darts here at NerfHaven.

The Complete Weapon:
Posted Image
I call it "Vera"...

A closer view...
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The barrel shroud is merely cosmetic. It's not pretty, I know, but it doesn't have to be in my opinion. I still plan on painting it, when I have time and money to do so.

Here's the attachment point...
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As I said, not pretty. I decided to go with two tactical rail attachments, and I'm glad I did. Using two made the launcher much more stable, it doesn't wobble at all. In order the keep the launcher on, I drilled a small hole in the tactical rail itself and used a small section of a metal coat hanger as a pin to keep it on the rail. That way it won't slide off the front.

Down the barrel...
Posted Image

The outer barrel is cosmetic as I said, but the inner barrel acts like a Titan barrel. The mongo darts go in there like so:
Posted Image

They stick out a little, but that makes it easier to load. For the mongos, I used 1 1/2" foam pipe insulation. I cut some ballistic balls in half and used them as the tip, put some ball bearings in the center for weight, then hot glued and electrical taped everything together. They work fairly well for being the first darts I've ever homemade.
Posted Image

The barrel is also detachable, and later I hope to make a shotgun attachment, like the stormbringer shotgun attachment. Again: I KNOW IT'S NOT PRETTY. I haven't had the time, money, or knowhow to paint it yet. So, as always, enjoy...
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#2 Cmdrmack



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Posted 28 July 2009 - 10:07 PM

Very Nice. A shotgun attachment will be much more useful than this "grenade" attachment, unless you can get it to fire those new Lanard contraptions.

I'm a fan. Now we just have to wait for someone to take this concept and make it prettier.

I assume the Maverick trigger fires the titan?
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QUOTE(Predalien_Ro @ Apr 7 2008, 10:24 PM) View Post

Oompa: FECES!? Who in their right mind would try that shit!?

Bigger Salvo


#3 Echnalaid



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Posted 28 July 2009 - 10:13 PM

Nice work.
FInally a working Reocn grenade launcher.
I love what the M4 Sopmod idea churns out. I have to do this mod.
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#4 DartzDude



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Posted 28 July 2009 - 10:14 PM

That gives me an amazing idea and if you give that a kickass paintjob you will be king!
Nice job!!

Edited by DartzDude, 28 July 2009 - 10:17 PM.

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#5 SonReeceSonJensen



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Posted 28 July 2009 - 10:54 PM

Pretty? Functionally beautiful!

Any use of oversized ammo is a plus in my book, and the modular design is much more innovative than the butt-load of hotglue you could have used.

Question: can you attach this to any blaster with a tac rail? I feel like it could fit on the side of a Vulcan.
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The Difference:
-Guns shoot bullets that kill people
-Blasters shoot darts that tag people

I do not play with guns.

#6 Salmon



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Posted 28 July 2009 - 10:58 PM

That's... ridiculously awesome. Props.

EDIT: And +1 for the Sharpie "paintjob" on the 'nade launcher. If you could manage to make this thing shoot balls 30-45' like bag's F'ingPecan, I would officially <3 you.

Edited by Salmon, 28 July 2009 - 11:02 PM.

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#7 BustaNinja



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Posted 28 July 2009 - 11:08 PM

Fuck what anyone else says. Recons are great, and that design is probably the coolest use of a Maverick and a Titan ever. I love it. I want to make a shotgunned one for my +bow.
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#8 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 12:18 AM

Mav-titans aren't really new, but I suppose you're the first to attach N-strike rail clips to one.

BustaNinja, I think Velveeta has a pair of mav-titans; you should see about zip-tieing one to your +bow for a few rounds.
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#9 BustaNinja



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Posted 29 July 2009 - 12:58 AM

Mav-titans aren't really new, but I suppose you're the first to attach N-strike rail clips to one.

BustaNinja, I think Velveeta has a pair of mav-titans; you should see about zip-tieing one to your +bow for a few rounds.

I know he has the shotgunned one. I really should, just to see how I like it
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#10 Norther of Heaven

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 01:11 AM

Thats awesome, to think some use whats basically this attachment as a single gun, whereas you can strap it onto whatever gun has the rail system that can fit it. Thats kick-ass. Good job for being one of the first that I can recall to get the attachment thing done right.
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#11 white moonlight

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 06:58 AM

That thing is sweet very nice job.

Sure cosmetically it isn't pretty, but who cares about cosmetics when it's got funcionality.

Example. Stock Painted NF vs. This.

Is that the gun, (the recon) you plan on attatching it too during war, (if you war)?

Also if it is are you going to paint the recon as well?

Anyway you should find a way to make a shotgun attatchment for it.

Was it hard to aline the tactical rail clips?

Also did you plug the titans pump?
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#12 spartan062



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Posted 29 July 2009 - 12:23 PM

You could try to make this "breech" loaded like the M-203.
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#13 Eboreg



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Posted 29 July 2009 - 05:14 PM

You know, you're not the first one to name your nerf gun "Vera".
Always bring your sword to battle.

I pity the fool who attempts to use a single-shot blaster against me.

#14 goongala



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Posted 30 July 2009 - 12:13 AM

Cmdrmack: Yes, the Maverick trigger fires the Titan.

SonReeceSonJensen: As long as the tactical rail is long enough for both clips, I don't see why I wouldn't be able to attach it to something else... I suppose I'll see if it fits on any of my other weapons.

white moonlight:

1) The recon I have is nothing special, it's modified, but it only gets 25-30 ft max, and from what I hear that's pathetic. If I go to a war, I'll probably use a modified Longshot with a tactical rail epoxied to the bottom of the barrel section.

2) I probably wont paint the recon. When I say "I plan on painting it later", I mean painting it orange and yellow. Personally, I like that color scheme. And the fact that I want it to comply with federal laws make me want to paint it bright and shiny, so as not to be confused with an actual grenade launcher.

3) Ironically, the tactical rail attachments are not perfectly aligned. It has a slight pull to the right when looking down the barrel. But there's so much epoxy on there now, I'd have to cut the top part of the launcher off and glue it back on to change it.

4) And finally, no, I haven't gotten around to plugging the overpressure valve on the Titan pump. I may do so in the future.

spartan.062: I thought about making it breech loading, but I don't quite have the tools or the technical know-how to do so. It's just as well, if I had made it breech loading it would have had an even longer barrel, and as it stands now the entire setup is getting fairly heavy.

Eboreg: I know I'm not the first one to call my gun "VERA", but Vera is an awesome name...now go play with your rain stick.
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#15 Ironmaiden



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Posted 29 October 2009 - 09:06 PM

oh my lord the name was already used. that is one of thhe coolest things i have seen, and if you can make somthing jsut as good i sugjest you do it.
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#16 VACC


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Posted 30 October 2009 - 07:07 AM

oh my lord the name was already used. that is one of thhe coolest things i have seen, and if you can make somthing jsut as good i sugjest you do it.

Even if we didn't specifically require capitalization, which we do, this topic is 3 months old, and you added nothing in terms of advancing this discussion. Let the Code of Conduct be your compass, so that you may stear clear of the Bermuda Triangle that is our collective administrative fury.
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#17 C-A 99

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Posted 30 October 2009 - 09:50 AM

The real M203 relies on the rifle's magazine for gripping; just FYI if you were going for that. The CS-6 magazines are quite wide though, and don't provide as good of a grip. For that reason, I would've kept the handle on the Mav, which would result in a launcher more like the 25. The GP25 which muzzle loaded (while the M203 is breach loaded, the reason being for easier shell release) and usually attached to AK's. Just some thoughts and while I sound like an anal purist here, it's still a good idea to go for in the name of ergonomics and hell, for inspiration.

Perhaps you could create a kind of shotgun "shell" that holds muiltiple darts? If such a shell could work, it'd probably be useful for close quarters.

Interesting addition though. I'm sure it'd look pretty good when painted but the Sharpie details are pretty nice.
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#18 VACC


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Posted 30 October 2009 - 09:55 AM

I can't believe you need a stronger hint than me explicitly saying this thread is 3 months old. Congrats, you're on my radar.
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