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Minnesota Ex-sof War Recap

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#1 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 25 July 2009 - 09:26 PM

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#2 Ryan201821


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Posted 25 July 2009 - 09:26 PM

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#3 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 25 July 2009 - 09:26 PM

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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
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#4 BustaNinja



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Posted 25 July 2009 - 09:45 PM

That adjective is for pussies

Well, Time for a real recap.

Great war all around. I want to personally apologize to Caffeine. As you said about being banned, you are a pretty cool guy. I honestly enjoyed Nerfing with you, just lay off the head shots ok? I think you pegged me like 3 times, and got almost everyone else.

Team Chicago rocks, and I will hopefully be able to take Ryan up on that offer of a war hosted for me. I am in Chicago almost 3-4 times a year, and could easily make the trip same as you guys.

Everyone else? Awesome.

Sam? Complaining about a start time, then flat out not showing up isn't very cool. But to your credit, you were there the whole time that day.

Scatman Scott (Like Scatman John), you are a great guy, and an amazing Nerfer. And a pervert. But hey, not like I can talk much...

Zach, way to host a war. You made the thread, and people showed up. Cool.

Kyle and Elf (Sorry, your normal name escapes me), always a pleasure to have you, and your crazy rushing and dodging. You make for a welcome addition to any Nerf war.

Kelvin? When you took dart after dart during the 2 team VIP round, you made me laugh. Also, you mod like no ones business, and its great.

And everyone else was awesome. Having wars with all of you are great, and I don't think it would be an understatement to call this the best MN war to date. It certainly was my favorite MN war I've attended.

Thanks again Ryan for the +bow. It was my only working primary and boy... did it work. I look forward to many more hits with it.

Edited by BustaNinja, 26 July 2009 - 01:51 AM.

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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
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#5 elf avec gun

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Posted 25 July 2009 - 10:18 PM

Are you speaking from personal experience Busta?

You guys, I had a blast. I really enjoyed the ball game. And the ctf games were awesome (because my team dominated) I really liked the Saturday location it was pretty great all around open to most game types and styles.
Thanks to the Chicago team for making the trip up, Ryan your car is pretty sub-optimal, Old Scott, you got way too many shots on me...
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#6 tatertotguy



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Posted 26 July 2009 - 09:55 AM

This was an awesome war. I love team powerball. Ryan you need to figure out the paint problem with the powerballs I still have paint pieces everywhere.
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#7 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 26 July 2009 - 10:46 AM

The only trouble with a 2-day war is that I can hardly remember everything that happened. Random thoughts:

Ryan, Scott, Caffine, Zorn, you guys are awesome. I'll be sure to come down to Chicago again sometime in the next few months.


Venom's unilateral ban of the Doomsayer was lame.

Elf's Angel breeched longshot was nice. I am more interested than ever to make one.

I loved the team Chicago round, even if we did lose. You guys are all bastards for ganging up on us.

I had an awful lot of fun on Saturday night, thanks for that. Plus we got a free pitcher of beer from those gangsta chinamen. They were swell guys :D

Edited by Daniel Beaver, 27 July 2009 - 12:17 AM.

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#8 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 26 July 2009 - 11:27 AM

I loves me some man cock.

EDIT: Zorn, I know it was you who posted this. But recall that I have many incriminating pictures of you from Saturday night. I will have my revenge :D


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He was a tired, tired Nerfer.

Edited by Daniel Beaver, 27 July 2009 - 12:34 PM.

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#9 atomatron



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Posted 26 July 2009 - 01:09 PM


..anyways; That was a good war, nerfing at three locations in two days was cool, team powerball was a fun game, defend the core was awesome on both days and except for nearly all of my guns breaking or something I consider Minnesota's first two day nerf war a complete success.

-Dodging some really, really close shots.
-Defend the core on the first day and my team getting ~80 darts in there.
-Using a splitfire, I now know why people like these things, and getting quite a few kills with it.
-Being the decoy VIP in the VIP rounds.
-Showcasing my newest mod.
-Getting to nerf with those out of town folks: Ryan, Scott, Caffeine, Kelvin.
-and Elf.
-I'm glad we didn't go near the playground too much (I kept getting rocks in my shoes last war).
-Velveeta's Hand cannon and the 12 shotgun thing.
-Seeing Lief do pretty well for a first timer.
-That runner playing for a round or two.
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#10 Nerf Bros

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Posted 26 July 2009 - 08:38 PM

Good war, strange thread...
Elder half first:
-Good location but a little too busy. Will be great in cooler seasons.
-Lots of awesome nerfers
-Lots of Effeminate weapons
-Ryan, you need suckier weapons. Raping us all with your +bow is getting old...
-Zorn, your Doomslayer isn't too powerful, it just doesn't match your play style. Your blitzing/ninja play style yields better to BBBs, BBBBs and 2ks/1500s.
-Violet Lighting= sexiest weapon in MN?
-LS preformed great, but needs a lot of work to be perfect. The catch doesn't hold well and the RSCB jams, things I can and will fix easily.
-BBBB's PTEG breech needs work. It's getting a paint job and I'll fix the breech.
-The one time I actually compensate for the wind I hit Tators at like ~50 feet. Made me happy.
-Actually hit people.
I vote we let someone else host wars, because Zach is going the way of Obama, he sets things up nicely and is good, but his late arrivals and lack of executive decision power gets old. We should have stayed where we were, but you'all went to an untested location and ended up in a park filled with druggies. Staying where we were would have been a lot better.
I know one war in august should be hosted by the Northwest side crew. We're also going to probe another park in golden valley, it's really accessible and should be a lot of fun.
My little bro will post later.
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#11 elf avec gun

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Posted 26 July 2009 - 10:10 PM

I would like to know from the out of state crew if having a two day war makes it more worth making the trip up here.
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"It's hard to imagine a more specific subset of nerd than our community. One day we shall be studied by a single sociologist whom the other sociologists will mock incessantly." ~VACC

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#12 venom213



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Posted 26 July 2009 - 10:58 PM

I vote we let someone else host wars, because Zach is going the way of Obama, he sets things up nicely and is good, but his late arrivals and lack of executive decision power gets old. We should have stayed where we were, but you'all went to an untested location and ended up in a park filled with druggies. Staying where we were would have been a lot better.
I know one war in august should be hosted by the Northwest side crew. We're also going to probe another park in golden valley, it's really accessible and should be a lot of fun.
My little bro will post later.

While I am completely for other people (who are qualified) to host wars, there are some things that allow the wars to work better. Having the wars IN the twin cities themselves is almost always best, unless the venue is truly worth the drive to. Why haven't I ever hosted a war here in the South Suburbs? Because it's too far away from everyone. The same is with locations in the North Suburbs. Don't give me shit for showing up late once, like....ever. I wasn't even the latest person, and I don't think we would've started even if I had been there earlier, nor did I say you couldn't start without me. Trying to get to the park was stressful to say the least, and I didn't show up late because I was being a lazy douche. It wasn't MY fault that we couldn't play at Treasure Island. Sam has been hosting wars for much longer than me, so I trusted that the park would be decent. It was worth a try going there. I think Hilt is going to host one on August 8th.
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#13 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 26 July 2009 - 11:23 PM

I road trip based on projection awesome level and attendance. So 2-day war helps. But I came up for SPANO, so single-day wars are fine too.

Highlights (aka shit I can still remember)
- Climbing that tree during DTC on Friday
- Fixing guns on Friday with a lighter and a stick of hot glue. Ghetto modding ftw
- Speaking of ghetto modding, all the hotel modding I did Thurs and Fri night
- Hitting Chris in the lip ... and then the arm. Sorry about that dude. But to compensate, I don't think I hit you much at all Sat (maybe because you were on my team the whole day...)
- CTF never working out really, due to one of the teams always ending up not paying attention. The rounds on Fri lasted 7 mins maybe and the ones on Sat never broke the 5 mark.
- Fri night powerball was pretty awesome. The second time around people got too tired too fast
- Effeminate pizza
- Some crazy man with a mowhawk dropping off hawaiian punch
- TEAM CHICAGO round. We might have lost, but we won on the awesome meter
- Having all my guns break or get banned by the time powerball came around on Sat
- Using a lightsaber
- Using Ryan's +bow and totally failing to figure out how to aim the thing
- Meeting Eric, Max, Sam, and Leif for the first time
- Seeing the rest of the MN crew again
- Being very impressed with Leif's longshot. I ignored it for most of the day off of the assumption that longshots suck, but you got the first hit on me during TEAM CHICAGO and it was from a good 70+ ft away
- Seeing Paul's 2k/BBB. He posted pictures here but you do not know how awesome this thing is until you see it in person
- Getting 12 of the 27 darts in during assaulting the core. Major props to Kyle for his suggestion on how to load my imitation SM1.5k barrels.
- Losing VIP because Zach was "shooting randomly in the air" and one of those hit me in the head from 100+ ft away. When I was VIP ;_;
- Sleeping Sat night on a pool table and waking up in a corner
- Day 3 nerf was pretty awesome, what with Brandon and rork showing up
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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
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#14 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 27 July 2009 - 12:40 AM

Full Album

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Part of the Chicago vs everyone else deathmatch round. Most of the picture are from that round.

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Ryan faces of against Venom and MercenaryXero

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MercenaryXero's awesome SNAP

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Venom and MercenaryXero

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Flaming Hilt trying to sneak up on Ryan

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Edited by Daniel Beaver, 04 August 2009 - 01:18 AM.

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#15 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 27 July 2009 - 12:44 AM

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Hilt's damn manta was worked pretty well. I got into a few one-on-one duels with him, which were a lot of fun.

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I was running after Ryan a lot taking pictures, so I got a lot of him sprinting.

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We played until dark on Friday

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Edited by Daniel Beaver, 03 August 2009 - 03:07 PM.

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#16 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 27 July 2009 - 12:49 AM

Vortexes, prime numbers, lightning, thunder, and rainbows.
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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
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#17 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 27 July 2009 - 01:11 AM

Vortexes, prime numbers, lightning, thunder, and rainbows.

Weird people are interesting.
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#18 BustaNinja



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Posted 27 July 2009 - 09:10 AM

Man, I loved that wildlife round. That was my favorite.

Also gonna echo Zorn about the Longshot. I wrote him off during one round. I jumped into the open, pelvic thrusted a few times and saw Leif fire. I wrote it off, saying it wasn't going to hit me.... I was then out for that round. That is one awesome longshot.

Edited by BustaNinja, 27 July 2009 - 09:36 AM.

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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#19 Zorns Lemma

Zorns Lemma

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Posted 27 July 2009 - 01:12 PM

I loves me some man cock.

-me passed out-

He was a tired, tired Nerfer.

Also, as of the point at which I got on the pool table, I had slept 4 hours in the past 60.
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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
Kruger and Dunning (1999)

#20 Ryan201821


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Posted 27 July 2009 - 03:51 PM

Great weekend guys. I almost enjoyed the post war shenanigans more then the actual nerfing. And lamesauce on not taking a group photo.

Holy shit, I ran a lot that war. But now that I look back, I didn't nerf hard enough. Everyone kinda lamed out Saturday, but that's expected when you're nerfing hardcore for several hours across two different days. I hereby command everyone to get in better shape for the next two day war.

I thought the two-day war was an Effeminate win. In the future though, it would be better if both of the wars were day wars. Having to go back to the hotel, make more darts, and fix guns, was too much for me. That's probably why everyone died midday on Saturday. But the two-day war was definitely worth it. Coming from 6+ hours away makes the weekend a lot more worthwhile.

Kelvin, great nerfing and chilling with you again. Getting a blaster banned at a war is just awesome. That's how to rep Team Chicago. I was hoping you'd get your contest entry in before the deadline, but oh well. Sucks you won't be nerfing until October, but I guess some people have real lives. Your doomsayer is safe and sound with me.

Chris, I know you're banned but hopefully you still see this. We held a good number of conferences back at the hotel which were very productive. Curing world hunger, getting lost in space-time continuums, waking up and not know whats going on, all fun stuff. Your red foam is beautiful, and I needs to get me some more of that shit. Oh, and you seemed to have left your SS2 in the police car. I'll return it to you when I see you next.

Scatman - Who was this guy anyway? He did catch a nice little fish. It almost came at the ultimate price though. Vortex almost tried to stab you with your own scalpel. Next time someone approaches you talking about vortexes and spaceships, be careful, and don't let him take your scalpel.

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He looks quite constipated.

Scott, fun nerfing with you as always, hope to see you back out on the field soon.

Beaver - Dude, Mohawk=Effeminate win. It was fun nerfing with you as always. I could never seem to hit you though. So instead I just decided to pick you on my team every round. Thanks for reppin' Team Chicago. Also, thanks for Mr. Morgan and hanging out with us Friday and Saturday night. It was funny watching you try to juggle when you were drunk. I have Effeminate plans for that eagle eye, and I just realized I should have bought one of those Longshots. You're welcome down here anytime if you need a place to crash.

Julian - I'm glad you love the +bow. I could tell you liked it after using it exclusively the second day. I got a nice welt on my back when I tried to run back from your base after scoring a powerball. That was a mistake. But, I always have fun shooting you. The best hit of the entire weekend was myself shooting your +bow, bouncing off and hitting someone else. DOUBLE KILL! You better fucking come to Chicago and nerf with us.

Zach - Way to not host an awesome war. The herpsbow worked quite well. That big blast, lethal. Makes me want to mod one to use, but then again why bother. I had fun nerfing with you, as always. The end of Team Chicago was pretty Effeminate, and getting to chase you and Max was a lot of fun, even though I gave up.

Kyle - Man fuck your Manta. you blocked 75% of the shots I put on you. It was fun nerfing side by side during a few rounds. We work pretty well together. Our TPB strategy worked out very well. I hate to say it, but I probably won't be at the war in August. I need a month to get life back together and get ready to go back to school. Hopefully I'll meet you again at some other place and time and we can nerf again. Good luck in Washington.

Max - I'm loving the Snap. You blasters are awesome, and you're really fun to nerf with. For some reason it seemed like we were on opposite teams the entire day. I should start picking you earlier when I'm team captain, because it's not fun being shot with that thing.

Younger Scott - Awesome nerfing man. It was fun talking after the war about various things, you're a cool dude. If you need any help regarding your +bow I'll help as much as I can. Oh, and I love the purple camo shirt.

Derrick - Thanks for bringing the new guns along with you to the war. The hand cannon is pretty humorous. I also love that Maverick you rode up in. That thing is truly a pimp ride. It was fun nerfing with you as always. Hope to see you at many more events.

Nerf Bros - Glad you two could make it out for the first war, and I wish you guys could have made it to Saturday's war. But thanks for at least coming out the first day. I have fun nerfing with you two.

Eric - The only guy who could keep up with me. It probably helps that you are a rooster with them long legs. You're a champ in TPB. Kyle told me later in the day that we couldn't have Ryan and Eric on the same team for Powerball because no one else could catch them. Sometimes I wish I had more of your style of play. Always fun to nerf with you, and sorry I didn't have time for that +bow. Next time I see you, you'll have one.

Lief - Dude, that Longshot was sweet. During the first round I totally underestimated how far it would shoot and got nailed. You're a great nerfer. I hope I see you at many other MN wars.

Sam - Awesome nerfing with you again. I'm glad you made it out for the first day, but wtf happend the second day?

Paul - Your style of play always makes me giggle. Every round I see Paul running straight into a sea of extremely high powered guns without any fear. I don't know how you do it. You must be in a good deal of pain after the war. The SF I sold you worked great. You got a few kills on me with that two shot burst. It seemed like I'd always miss that first one and second one would always get me.

Gage - Besides the fact that you showed up with nothing other than a pistol splat, I think you nerfed pretty well. I thought we worked together well in the multi team matches the first day.

Vortexes, prime numbers, lightning, thunder, and rainbows.

Lulz. Don't forget about spaceships.


All in all, it was a great weekend for nerfing. I'll see you guys in September. I'm out for August.

Also, you motherfuckers better come to Chicago sometime, or I'll just stop showing up to Minnesota.
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#21 Nerf Bros

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Posted 27 July 2009 - 10:01 PM

Started painting my BBBB... looks awesome, but still messy. Someday...
You raise valid points Zach, but in the end, showing up early is part of the host job, isn't it? We can make our 20-40 minute drive on time or early, couldn't you find a way to?
I haven't had a chance to talk to tators, but the only date we could help host a war is the 8th. Anyone interested? We would post/regulate the thread, but tators/gage would do the actual hosting at Basset Creek. Sound good?
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#22 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 27 July 2009 - 10:16 PM

Holy christ, I thought you were joking about that fish 0_0

Lay off on venom, and blame his parents, who are incompetent navigators.

Nerf Bros and tators: I'm up for a northwestern war. I would suggest using one of the fields that we have already played on, but that's up to you.

Edited by Daniel Beaver, 27 July 2009 - 10:18 PM.

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#23 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 28 July 2009 - 01:07 PM

I had a most excellent time at this war. Pretty much every round through both days was a lot of fun. Team Powerball was a blast, but a little much for a late on the second day round. The Civil War pistols round was a good cool-off though. I was pretty much dead after that, and I think I drank a whole pitcher of tang when I got back home.

As far as that doomsayer goes, I thought we were only banning it for that "defend the core" round. I didn't mind the hits from it during the regular rounds, but taking headshots from 15-20 feet away when the objective is to run at the defenders was a little much.

Anyways, I'll probably be out of town for the next couple of weekends, but hopefully you guys have something cool planned for after that.
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#24 BobRedshirt



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Posted 28 July 2009 - 02:11 PM

This was the first war I've been to, and I had a great time. It was cool to meet all of you guys, and you were very welcoming. Hopefully I'll be able to make it to more wars. Also, it was nice to have everyone underestimate my longshot and let me shoot them :P . I didn't realize I actually hit you when you were pelvic thrusting, Julian :lol: .
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#25 LiterSize



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Posted 28 July 2009 - 03:03 PM

Are there any vids, or do we just have to fill in the blanks with the wonders if photos and imagination? Either way guys it looks freaking Effeminate what you did there.
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