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Spring Toronto War!

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#51 Pearson2



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Posted 10 March 2009 - 08:53 PM

Canadiannerf, if you're not planning on coming, get the fuck out of this thread. You're very annoying, and the sad part is, I think I might know you (I hope not).

Be good to see you again K9. If you show up you and my buddy should team up. His name is Keitan (Prnounced K10).
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Crooked: Did you see that guy who singled a doomsayer?

Pearson: Why would you single a doomsayer? Thats like taking a Ferarri and putting family seating in it.

#52 Applefury



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Posted 15 March 2009 - 07:27 AM

I have checked it up, using google maps you can find directions to Goulding Community Centre. You can also configure it to find out the way using Public Transit.
As of right now it looks like a good turnout, as Angel said at Massacre he would be willing to loan you a gun, but definetly not darts. If anyone can sell my lazy ass friends some stefans that would be great, 100-150 each should work.
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QUOTE(Gamefreak @ Sep 29 2008, 07:03 PM) View Post

Since you're too young to get a hotel, you should look around, maybe check some aim chatrooms.
Theres alot of really friendly, nice people out there, that'd be more than willing to accomodate a young boy.

#53 rokor



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Posted 15 March 2009 - 10:46 AM

I might also need darts. I can pay $6 for 50 of em. I won't be at home untill Friday night and that won't be enough time for some dart making.
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"Sorry rokor...my cousin is gay too...it's okay...we're tolerant"
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#54 Pearson2



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Posted 15 March 2009 - 12:50 PM

Man are darts ever a pain in the ass to build. I'm hoping sometime this week I'll be able to visit mike and make some. Thats really the only deciding factor in me coming. (as of now).

Crooked and I were talking about how cool it would be to make an automatic dart maker. Me thinks this might have to be a work in progress.
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Crooked: Did you see that guy who singled a doomsayer?

Pearson: Why would you single a doomsayer? Thats like taking a Ferarri and putting family seating in it.

#55 Applefury



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Posted 15 March 2009 - 03:38 PM

Well you could have something rigged up on a conveyer belt so the blank moves by, gets a hole drilled with a drill on a timer, moves along weight gets dropped into hole, Glue dumped on dart. Its doable, but complicated.
A Canadian invented the stefan, maybe a Canadian will invent the automatic stefan maker.

Forecast for saturday is 6 degrees and sunny. This is great and I hope to see you all there.

Edited by Applefury, 18 March 2009 - 08:53 AM.

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QUOTE(Gamefreak @ Sep 29 2008, 07:03 PM) View Post

Since you're too young to get a hotel, you should look around, maybe check some aim chatrooms.
Theres alot of really friendly, nice people out there, that'd be more than willing to accomodate a young boy.

#56 Applefury



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Posted 19 March 2009 - 08:29 AM

The war is 2 days from now. It deserves a bump.
If any one is having trouble finding a way to get there than please post. I'm sure you could work something out with someone.
I will describe the field as best as possible.
From the Further side from the community centre to the closest.
Moderately wooded area, Large Playground, open field with picnic tables, moderately wooded area.
We will probably be playing in or around the playground, depending on if there is little kids playing.
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QUOTE(Gamefreak @ Sep 29 2008, 07:03 PM) View Post

Since you're too young to get a hotel, you should look around, maybe check some aim chatrooms.
Theres alot of really friendly, nice people out there, that'd be more than willing to accomodate a young boy.

#57 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 19 March 2009 - 10:31 AM

I just want to make this very clear.
I am not providing darts for anyone.

Now if someone needs a Nerf gun to use, the sooner I know the better.
I don't mind renting them out. That's right I said rent. It would be like stupid cheap though.
I already have enough broken guns/guns that need repair from the Massacre series.
If another were to break and I need to dip into my own pocket even more to repair them I would be like how the french say "le sad".

Now this looks like a small war but a small war that is getting larger which is good.
The way I see it is like this, The sport is growing up here. If you modify Nerf guns and love Nerf wars then come out and show your support. That's why I am coming guns blazing.
I won't be bringing my Doomsayer to this one because it would own everyone in small wars.
I will most likely be rocking a level 1 PAS.
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I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#58 Codename Pending

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Posted 19 March 2009 - 10:35 AM

I wish I could come to this one guys, but I don't think I can afford the trip up there again so soon. I hope everyone has a blast and I will be seeing you all again at Massacre 4!!
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I was the last person alive on my team during my second round at APOC when I hear a young guy on the other team say, "So who's going to tap that?"

#59 Applefury



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Posted 19 March 2009 - 11:31 AM

Where we will be playing is behind the community centre. My friend Albert will be out front in the parking lot. He will have a Big Bad Bow, look for him as he will lead you to the staging area.

Edited by Applefury, 19 March 2009 - 06:04 PM.

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QUOTE(Gamefreak @ Sep 29 2008, 07:03 PM) View Post

Since you're too young to get a hotel, you should look around, maybe check some aim chatrooms.
Theres alot of really friendly, nice people out there, that'd be more than willing to accomodate a young boy.

#60 Dude13



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Posted 19 March 2009 - 06:03 PM

Where we will be playing is behind the community centre. My friend Zander will be out front in the parking lot. He will have a big blast, look for him as he will lead you to the staging area.

I can't wait too meet everyone there, I've been waiting for this war for months. Me and Foof may be bringing his little brother (he is like 11 or so years old). We are hoping to arive around 9:30 in the morning. We will be looking for your friend when we arrive.

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#61 rokor



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Posted 19 March 2009 - 09:17 PM

How's the weather down there? I'm hoping it hasn't rainned in the last little while, because I really don't want to be playing in mud. Other than the fear of horrible conditions, I'm so siked for this.
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"Sorry rokor...my cousin is gay too...it's okay...we're tolerant"
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#62 Applefury



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Posted 20 March 2009 - 08:10 AM

It hasn't rained in the past few weeks, I can assure you. I checked the weather forecast and there isn't any rain predicted, also the high is 6 degrees tommorow, in the morning it will be -2 but at about 11-12 it should be heated up nicely. It is supposed to be cloudy periods so sometimes we will have the suns aid and sometimes not.
On another note: I've actually rethought things and we are going to be warring behind the community centre. There is a large area as well as some pathways that people walk through from time to time.

But, Jonathan and I will we be waiting out front to show people to the staging area.

On a side note: I'm bringing a football, if anyone else is bringing a lunch then you can join me for a quick 20 minute game during lunch break. 2 Hand touch of course, otherwise it's Angel vs everyone.

Edited by Applefury, 20 March 2009 - 09:35 AM.

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QUOTE(Gamefreak @ Sep 29 2008, 07:03 PM) View Post

Since you're too young to get a hotel, you should look around, maybe check some aim chatrooms.
Theres alot of really friendly, nice people out there, that'd be more than willing to accomodate a young boy.

#63 rokor



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Posted 20 March 2009 - 08:26 PM

I came back home at around 8:00, and am still working on a blaster, so no time for dart making. Is there anyone who can supply me with 50 darts, for $6-$7? Quality doesn't have to be great. I hope I can get ecerything done soon!
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"Sorry rokor...my cousin is gay too...it's okay...we're tolerant"
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#64 Foof



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Posted 21 March 2009 - 06:57 AM

I came back home at around 8:00, and am still working on a blaster, so no time for dart making. Is there anyone who can supply me with 50 darts, for $6-$7? Quality doesn't have to be great. I hope I can get ecerything done soon!

Me and Dude13 can supply you.
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#65 Applefury



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Posted 21 March 2009 - 07:47 AM

Rokor, don't forget my Lazy Man's Screwdriver.
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QUOTE(Gamefreak @ Sep 29 2008, 07:03 PM) View Post

Since you're too young to get a hotel, you should look around, maybe check some aim chatrooms.
Theres alot of really friendly, nice people out there, that'd be more than willing to accomodate a young boy.

#66 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 21 March 2009 - 07:54 AM

I just fell out of bed.
Time to get the pre war ritual going.

Shower, shave, eat a newborn and breakfast sandwich. Then pick up a coffee to get that awful taste of breakfast sandwich out of my mouth.

I am still not fully healed from the war less than a week ago.
I will see you guys shortly with a rather vibrant primary.
  • 0
I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#67 rokor



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Posted 21 March 2009 - 08:57 AM

My parents think I'm sick, so they want me to be back early. I also just got up now because they had told me lat night they want me to stay home today. I should be there by 11:00. But no SupaSplat today, haha.
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"Sorry rokor...my cousin is gay too...it's okay...we're tolerant"
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#68 Dude13



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Posted 21 March 2009 - 05:25 PM

Though only 6 people showed up I had a blast


-getting to meet everyone and put faces to (user)names
-getting a shot on Forsaken less than a minute into a round
-seeing how everyone's playstyle varies
-almost dodging every dart that was intended to hit me in the face
-seeing the silliest paintjob ever on forsaken's PAS
-finally getting out and nerfing

-My bbb misfiring more than it shot properly
-getting shot in the forehead by forsaken's SM750 (though that was pretty awesome
-Foof's BBBB's trigger breaking in the second round
-Apple's PAS breaking after the first round

I will most likely be attending more wars in the toronto area (within TTC range) in the future
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#69 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 21 March 2009 - 07:31 PM

Ughh, This first outdoor war of our season kicked my ass whenever I had to run.
Seems like my lungs prefer gymnasium air at the moment. That will have to change.


Kicking ass with a single SM750 all day long.
Hitting Dude13 in the arm from 70 feet? and the dart stuck in his sleeve. (Photo)
Fury yelling out "Damn right"
King of the Hill was really fun.
Losing my patience in standoffs and rushing some for better, some for worse.
Forehead shot on dude13. I was just watching this dart spiral a little bit and bam!
Dirty neck shot on Pearson. "How did you get that mark on your neck honey?" "Just some guy I was playing with."
Have fun explaining that hickey looking welt to the gf.
Rushing up the hill to barrel tap Dude13 then immediately after the barrel tap shooting Rokor. To end that King of the hill round in 54 seconds.
Outsmarting foofs plan in guardian.
Pearson hitting me with the scatter shot almost every time I rushed him. Oh yeah, I took a few face hits too. I always seem to do that when rushing in guardian.
Winning Capture the flag twice. Still cannot believe my size can move that quick.
Everyone being a good sport about calling hits and taking them.
Foof being that sneaky player all day long.
Meeting Foof and dude13. Some new faces in modified Nerf warfare. Welcome to the club!
Rokor shocking me with how powerful his Longshot is. (When it wasn't jamming)
Dude13 also shocking me with how well his BBB was doing. (When it wasn't misfiring)
The official naming of "Dirtstach".
The one time I jumped over this huge bush to take down Fury only to have him shoot me in the mid air.
Shooting at dude13 while he was up on the snow mound. Only to slightly miss him and hit Fury behind him on the other side of the snow mound.

Oh and just one more thing.

During a game of guardian Apple fury and I shot at each other near his flag.
I thought this unique occurrence was near impossible but it happened again.
Our darts collided in the air! Right in the fucking air!
We were standing about 15 feet? away from each other at the time too.
I remember Pearson yelling "Did you get him!?"
I just stood there in awe for a moment.
Fury did not realize it because he was on the move when he shot.
Witnessing those seriously gets to me.
It's kinda like seeing the Skydome for the first time.
Like seeing the royal flush I got 6 years ago.
That shit is just magical.

Onto some photos.

Posted Image

Posted Image

You can't see it in this photo but there was a nice shallow trench down the middle to take cover in.

It was a good war.

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 21 March 2009 - 07:32 PM.

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I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#70 rokor



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Posted 21 March 2009 - 07:48 PM

As there were too many pros to list, and not enought cons to list, I guess I can't really have a list, haha. I found out what the problem was with my LS, the front part of the barrel(1/2PETG or 9/16 brass) shifted forward making the rear bolt assembly not line up with the half pipe peice.

And thanks for that $8 Angel, I'm perfecting my dart catching technique right now.
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"Sorry rokor...my cousin is gay too...it's okay...we're tolerant"
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#71 slowguitarman



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Posted 21 March 2009 - 07:54 PM

You could totally make a freaking igloo out of that snow.

Anyway, it looks and sounds like you guys had a good time. I wish I could have witnessed that mid-air dart collision. Sounds very magical.
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Your dreams were tight like a baby

SGM's Shred Shop -Mod Service

NerfHaven's resident drama queen.

#72 Applefury



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Posted 21 March 2009 - 08:07 PM

This was the first war I ever hosted, also it was my first outdoor war. I had a great time!

- Seeing people I knew from before and meeting new people.
- The weather was slightly chilly but nice at the same time. I was comfortable in just a sweater.
- The slightly chilly weather reducing ranges and making games faster paced, better in my opinion ( I hate taking long shots )
- The venue actually being good, It was sorta like our own private spot. Perfect for small wars.
- Everyone doing really well with no matter what gun they had.
- Inventing a new game on the spot.(King Of The Hill) Telling everyone that angel and I had been planning it for months.
- In guardian foof trying to run all the way around the park and getting the captain only to be seen by angel going over a fence then angel taking his team and rushing Pearson and I to hell.
- Me seeing Angel running towards me jumping of a bush, my eyes lighting up with terror and just firing the PAS instinctively.
- Getting Angel many times with his own gun.
- Rokor: " Is it only me left? ..........Tap "
- Rokor shooting a 750 straight up into the air after a bet with angel and then catching it (In his mouth) twice, winning him a total of 8$
- Angel offering up 10$ for Rokor to catch it in his mouth with Angel firing the 750 straight at him.
- Rokor realizing his mistake at the last second and jumping out of the way.
- "DAMN RIGHT!" = Catch Phrase
- Since the game was so low velocity, people were doding darts right and left.
- Rokor's Longshot is really nice, I didn't get to see it work at Massacre.

The darts colliding in mid air, wish we couldve caught that on film. Man that's amazing I remember I heard the dart hit something and I was like sweet I got him. Then he Pearson asks Angel if he got me and him explaining what happened. It was a one a billion chance.

@SGM: Yeah, its there all year cause thats where they put all the snow from the ice rink and the zamboni.

Edited by Applefury, 21 March 2009 - 08:08 PM.

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QUOTE(Gamefreak @ Sep 29 2008, 07:03 PM) View Post

Since you're too young to get a hotel, you should look around, maybe check some aim chatrooms.
Theres alot of really friendly, nice people out there, that'd be more than willing to accomodate a young boy.

#73 rokor



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Posted 21 March 2009 - 08:18 PM

One thing I forgot! I left the mini techtatrget/NF at the park... did anyone happen to pick it up?

EDIT: Thanks foof and dude13 for the gun, but unfortunetly I won't be able to mod it if I don't have it, haha.

Edited by rokor, 21 March 2009 - 08:19 PM.

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"Sorry rokor...my cousin is gay too...it's okay...we're tolerant"
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#74 Applefury



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Posted 21 March 2009 - 09:06 PM

I didn't see it on around the table when I left. Check your back pocket.
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QUOTE(Gamefreak @ Sep 29 2008, 07:03 PM) View Post

Since you're too young to get a hotel, you should look around, maybe check some aim chatrooms.
Theres alot of really friendly, nice people out there, that'd be more than willing to accomodate a young boy.

#75 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 21 March 2009 - 09:19 PM

One thing I forgot! I left the mini techtatrget/NF at the park... did anyone happen to pick it up?

Oh shit, I remember last seeing that thing behind the park bench.
  • 0
I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

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