Nerf Irc Room
Posted 30 May 2009 - 12:20 AM
Posted 07 July 2009 - 11:52 AM
The downside is that this sometimes also catches other members, so if you get auto-kicked or are continuously unable to join the chat, PM me or post here and I'll go about figuring out how to set an exception.
Kruger and Dunning (1999)
Posted 17 July 2009 - 10:55 AM
So allow me to repeat. If I find out you've been trolling other IRC boards and causing trouble, you will be banned permanently from this web forum.
Posted 28 July 2009 - 10:04 PM
Posted 29 August 2009 - 11:18 PM
Issue resolved.
Posted 29 August 2009 - 11:23 PM
Posted 29 August 2009 - 11:26 PM
Yo dog. Why'd you steal my nick? I'm totally a jock. Did I mention you're a spaz. Lol. Good look. Shame you couldn't convince anyone.
Ah, nice one split. I'm a total dumbass. should have seen that coming.
Edited by Vengeful Waffle, 29 August 2009 - 11:28 PM.
Posted 29 August 2009 - 11:28 PM
Edited by Homestarune, 29 August 2009 - 11:33 PM.
Posted 29 August 2009 - 11:31 PM
Great job to all those who participated.
The great Waffle fooling of '09. Very well orchestrated.
Posted 05 September 2009 - 02:00 AM
Ryan- Could you weigh the balls for extra oomph? Maybe cut one ball open (like a slit) and spread it so you could get some weights in there?
Posted 06 September 2009 - 10:39 PM
Posted 06 September 2009 - 11:09 PM
I think it only lasts about 4 hours. Happened to me once.Yeah, so the same thing happened to me. I popped in and posted a link because I wanted feedback on the thread, and Chanserv banned me. Could someone with op please undo this? If not, how long is the ban time?
Posted 06 September 2009 - 11:26 PM
I think it only lasts about 4 hours. Happened to me once.Yeah, so the same thing happened to me. I popped in and posted a link because I wanted feedback on the thread, and Chanserv banned me. Could someone with op please undo this? If not, how long is the ban time?
Yeah what TantumBull said can some one with an op unban me?My ban has been on for a few days.
Ryan- Could you weigh the balls for extra oomph? Maybe cut one ball open (like a slit) and spread it so you could get some weights in there?
Posted 07 September 2009 - 08:47 PM
Sorry I interrupted your conversation about the fictional girl you have in your room.
Edited by Blacksunshine, 07 September 2009 - 08:56 PM.
Posted 07 September 2009 - 09:21 PM
Posted 07 September 2009 - 09:35 PM
Never mind. I'm not arguing with some dumb kid.You were banned for a few reasons. First off, you joined as "Blacksunshine420" and then flooded the channel with pointless drivel. This isn't Twitter, we do not care what you are doing/thinking at any given time. After that, I subtly tried to tell you to stop. Even if I was too subtle you still should have known better. Then you started flaming. You're gone for a week. I'm not going to tolerate that level of post quality.
Edited by Blacksunshine, 07 September 2009 - 11:52 PM.
Posted 07 September 2009 - 09:41 PM
Posted 08 September 2009 - 08:30 AM
1. No unwanted advertizing or solicitation of other forums, Chatrooms or webpages. (this includes NSFW images)
If someone asks you for the information you are welcome to post it ONCE.(unless its NSFW)
Mass PMing of chat members for such activities will be treated with hostility.
Any "Bot Like" activity like posting links when entering or having a link or incredibly
large exit message will also be treated as a blatant disregard of the rules.
2. No spamming.
However clever it may seem to you at the time, posting the same word or sentence over and over again
will annoy the mods and result in punishment.
3 No scrolling.
Asking if anyone is there every 15minutes until someone answers you is considered scrolling
among other things. Many users have highspeed connections that allow them to be online 24/7
reading back through the days activities is much easier to do if you do not have to wade through pages
and pages of some asshat begging for attention.
4 (new rule) Any suspicious scripts that allow you to bypass being kicked or devoiced will result in
an immediate ban of you, your ISP or possibly your entire Continent depending on the extent of
said scripts.
The mods will devoice you for first and minor violations. If devoiced you can PM the mod and ask them how long or why you were devoiced, you can leave and come back in a few hours or you can patiently read what is going on in the chat until your voice is given back. Anyone who uses any sort of script or rejoin macro to bypass punishment will be kick/banned.
I do not feel these rules are too strict. All punisments can be argued or overturned by begging or bribery.
Posted 08 September 2009 - 10:03 AM
Posted 08 September 2009 - 12:23 PM
Continuations of discussions and/or arguments from the chatroom, however, will get a quick lock put on it and a humorous badword filter applied. Verständlich?
Posted 11 September 2009 - 10:19 PM
Posted 12 September 2009 - 12:23 AM
(Unofficial) Wii thread
Damn it Foamfoot. Why is it that you kill every good topic with a retarded response a few days late.
Posted 07 October 2009 - 03:42 PM
Posted 07 October 2009 - 04:10 PM is what I put in.I asked this on the IRC before but never got an answer, I downloaded Pidgin and I tryed to get in the nerf IRC. I put the name as #nerfchat and copy and pasted the address, it also askes for a password, what is it? Or is it not needed and I am just failing in another way?
There is no password. Are you sure you are connecting to the darkmyst server? There could be a similary named channel on any other IRC network.
Posted 22 October 2009 - 06:45 PM
Edited by thedecimator, 22 October 2009 - 06:47 PM.
then it smashed when it hit the pavement
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