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Ps-800 And The "slide Angel Breech"

Aka - How to make any gun take LS Clips

28 replies to this topic

#26 rokor



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Posted 30 January 2009 - 08:38 AM

When readng these replies and all the complaints of how there is soooo much dead space(exagerate), I got reminded of one of my old projects I had abandoned. It is very similar to this one, but insted of the dart stopper right behind the dart when it gets dropped in, it's right infront of the plunger. I am not sure if it could work in this application as the lever can only travel a certain distance, but it can be something to experiment with.

Here's a picture I quickly drew up...
Posted Image

Pinkish-dart stopper

EDIT: After watching the video again, I realized that the rear bolt thinger is what loads the dart into the barrel, but if you were to swap out the rear moving bolt to a stationary bolt, and use the barrel to lock in a dart, then that should also drop some dead space.

Edited by rokor, 30 January 2009 - 08:42 AM.

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#27 Split



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Posted 30 January 2009 - 01:07 PM

Thanks everyone.
A couple of things -
Draconis/foamfoot - It has definitely happened to me too. I don't present this as a completely original idea, merely an original, functional modification.

Surrendermonkey - First, welcome to the haven. I appreciate the legibility of your post honestly. We don't always get that from new members. I've had enough hpa/co2 powered projects for my tastes, in my longshot (http://nerfhaven.com...ic=5250&st=1620) really. The brass eagle came in an eBay lot a while back. I keep my projects to myself for the most part though :).

Rokor, I understand what you're getting at, but I don't really appreciate the speculation, especially towards that which I already responded to.
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#28 neonpistols



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Posted 12 February 2009 - 07:28 PM

How do members get Contributor status? I think Split's perfect for the job.

I Agree.
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#29 Heat Signature

Heat Signature


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Posted 01 April 2009 - 02:40 PM

Ugh.. I hate it when I forget to check the date...

Edited by Heat_Signature, 01 April 2009 - 02:43 PM.

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